Big Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES Fur BEARS Book 4) (3 page)

Read Big Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES Fur BEARS Book 4) Online

Authors: Natalie Kristen

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Psychics, #Witches & Wizards, #Science Fiction


Zoe shook her head hard, appalled. That wasn't even a word.

But her starved libido didn't care. Her female bits were sick of being ignored.

She didn't blame them. Honestly, she couldn't remember the last time she'd gone on a date, or gotten laid. She was just so consumed with her work. She worked long hours, and when she got home, she just wanted to park herself in front of the TV and decompress. Weekends were for catching up on her sleep and housework.

Her horny female parts were clamoring for some attention. And they wanted the attention of that hot, handsome hunk. If they didn't receive some hot, sweaty action soon, they might just shrivel up and fall off. That was what her grandma used to say anyway.

“I hope he bids for me,” she muttered and licked her lips.

The lights in the hall began to dim and Zoe hurriedly ducked back behind the curtains. She should be getting ready, not standing here ogling an unsuspecting member of the audience.

The hospital director, Mrs Dali Chan, bounded to the front of the stage and grabbed the mic.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all for coming to our fundraising auction,” Dali announced, beaming at the crowd as she strutted across the stage. “I hope you've enjoyed the wonderful food from Rossi Ristorante and Wong's Wok. Many exciting performances have been lined up for you this evening. Everyone has been practicing and rehearsing so hard, so please show them your love and support. Now, let's sit back and enjoy the show!” With that, the petite, dynamic woman declared with a flourish, “Shadow Point's got talent—and heart!”

Cheers, hoots and rapturous applause broke out. The curtains parted to reveal the capable and multi-talented surgical team from Shadow Point Hospital. The good doctors had exchanged their surgical scrubs for colorful can-can dresses and suspenders. Under their suspenders, the male doctors were shirtless. There were a few pot bellies on display, and the crowd whistled and clapped supportively. A few wives were laughing and proudly snapping pictures of their panting, prancing husbands.

Backstage, Zoe clapped and cheered along with the crowd. The doctors were real good sports. They had taken time out from their busy schedules to practice their dance moves and some of them clearly had two left feet but no one cared. They simply kicked up their heels and had a ball.

At the end of the dance, everyone surged to their feet and applauded the dedicated doctors. The doctors were grinning and mopping their brows as they lined up in a row to take a bow. Many of the doctors had never danced on stage in their lives, and they looked visibly relieved to have pulled it off.

The Sheriff's Band was up next. The Sheriff and his deputies played a few old favorites and invited some members of the audience to come up on stage and perform with them. There were dedications and song requests, and many people jumped up and started dancing. The men and women in uniform not only knew how to control a crowd, they certainly knew how to work a crowd as well.

After the final encore, the band took a deep bow and exited the stage. As the curtains fell, Dali Chan strolled back on stage and announced, “We'll take a short break now. But don't go away. After the break, we have the most exciting event of the evening. Yes, the auction! Our lovely doctors, nurses and volunteers are all lined up, ready to be sold—to the highest bidder! Get your checks ready, ladies and gentlemen! You can make your dreams, and the dreams of so many children, come true!”



Zoe stood at the end of the long, giggly line and fidgeted. Gramma and Ne-ma were bouncing excitedly on the balls of their feet at the head of the line. They had volunteered to go first, and get the ball rolling. Beaming down the line at Zoe, they winked and gave her two thumbs up.

Dali was announcing the start of the auction, and Zoe swallowed repeatedly as the curtains began to peel back.

She blinked quickly and winced as the spotlight focused on them. Momentarily blinded, she could only hear the enthusiastic shouts and applause from the audience.

Her eyes darted back and forth, flitting across the blurry sea of faces. As her panicked gaze bounced back and forth, she could feel herself starting to hyperventilate. So many strange faces, all staring up at her. She could feel curious, appraising eyes on her, and she suddenly regretted signing up for this.

Desperately searching for a familiar, friendly face among the crowd, her eyes lighted abruptly on that handsome, blond stranger. The sight of him seemed to anchor her, and she locked her gaze determinedly on him and refused to let go.

The man was looking down the line and his brilliant blue eyes suddenly cut to her.

As their gazes clashed, Zoe could almost feel the electricity arcing between them. Her entire body tingled, and she couldn't seem to look away. The man held her gaze intently, almost possessively, as he leaned forward.

His eyes moved down her body, taking in her curvy, generous figure. Zoe gulped too loudly. She normally didn't care what anyone thought of her looks. She was comfortable in her own body and she loved her curves. But this time, she found herself hoping that this hot, handsome hunk liked what he saw.

Very slowly and subtly, the corners of his lips curved. He looked up and smiled, really smiled at her, and Zoe's breath hitched. The smile transformed his whole face. His blue eyes crinkled and a dimple danced in his left cheek. He was devastatingly, heart-stoppingly handsome. But behind his good looks, she saw the genuine warmth and kindness in his smile.

“He will bid for me,” she mumbled to herself.

Feeling assured, Zoe nodded and held her head up. She even managed to smile as she listened to Dali explain the rules of the auction to the audience.

“So, in a nutshell, these beautiful, brave people on stage will be their own auctioneers, and they can accept or reject any bid,” Dali was saying, as she strolled to the front of the stage. “They can withdraw themselves from the auction at any time, and they can say no to a bidder's request. We are all here to raise funds for the hospital, and have fun. I have to point out that the Sheriff's deputies are standing at the back of the hall. They won't hesitate to take action against anyone who physically or verbally abuses our staff and volunteers.”

On that note, the hospital director flashed a wide smile at the audience and asked sweetly, “Are there any more questions? Are we all clear on how to conduct the auction and ourselves?”

The audience murmured and Dali glanced at the line of nervous, excited hospital staff and volunteers behind her.

She raised a brow and mouthed,

They nodded and grinned at her.

Dali turned back to the audience and declared, “I won't keep you waiting any longer. I now declare the auction open! First up, Gramma and Ne-ma!”



Nick stared at the straggly line of nervous, fidgeting auctioneers. He thought it was a nice touch to let them conduct their own auctions. It gave them power and control over the auction, and made them feel less objectified. It was for a good cause, and all in good fun.

Nick was sitting with his work mates. Marcus and his mate, Staci, had joined them. The guys were whistling and goading one another to make the first bid.

But Nick already knew who he wanted to bid for. That pretty little nurse standing at the back of the line.

He had been clapping and cheering loudly as the curtains parted when he felt the woman's eyes on him. He turned to her immediately and held her startled, panicked gaze. His bear had reared up and growled. His bear wanted to charge right up the stage and throw that curvy, delicious female over its shoulder. The animal wanted to drag that sweet female back to its bear cave and have its wicked way with her.

But thankfully his human sensibilities and sensitivities prevailed. Nick could see how nervous and tense the woman was, and he wanted to help her. He could scent her fear, and he wanted to take away that fear and apprehension. He wanted her to have fun and enjoy the evening. And he wanted more than anything to see her smile.

So he smiled at her. It wasn't a forced smile at all. The sight of her, the mere presence of her, made his heart happy. Even his bear was happy, but his animal was a territorial, possessive predator. His bear was now determined to have her.

She makes me happy, she's mine,
his bear growled.

No, it's the other way round
, Nick's human brain countered.
want to
make her happy because she's mine.

His bear snorted.
was the only word in that thick, animal skull right now.

Nick finally saw the woman smile shyly back at him. His heart leaped at her smile. She was so pretty, with bright amber eyes and wavy brown hair. She had a luscious, generous figure, and he wanted to grab those ample hips and feel her soft thighs around his waist as she rode him…

Nick sucked in a sharp breath, feeling his body harden painfully. If she saw the desire and hunger in his eyes, she gave no indication at all. Instead, she simply nodded at him before squaring her shoulders and facing the audience confidently.

Her eyes slid away from his and she cautiously surveyed the crowd. As the applause grew, her smile grew wider and brighter. Nick could feel his bear clawing impatiently at him. He had to stop staring at her and distract his bear before the ravenous, lustful beast lunged towards the stage and grabbed the poor woman.

Nick shook his head hard and forced his eyes away from the sweet, curvy brunette to concentrate on the action on stage.

Gramma and Ne-ma had already concluded their auction. For nine hundred dollars, they would be casting a happily-ever-after spell for Benedict Wheeler, their friendly neighborhood grocer. People were thumping Benedict on the back and congratulating him as he wrote a check out for the hospital with a wide grin on his face.

The next woman in the line stepped forward. When the bespectacled blonde introduced herself as Dr. Emily Halle and asked for bids, Marcus and Staci jumped up. “One hundred dollars!”

Dr. Halle looked surprised and delighted at the high opening bid. “Fantastic! Thank you! Now, do I hear a hundred and fifty dollars? Come on, people!” Dr. Halle put her hand to her ear and winked at the audience. Boldly, she sashayed down the length of the stage and slapped her rump provocatively. “This, all this, can be yours! Just bid for it! Don't be shy now. Yee-haw!”

There was laughter and cheers. The clever doctor sure knew how to work a crowd.

A hand shot up at the back. “One hundred and fifty!”

Immediately, Staci raised her hand. “Two hundred!” she yelled.

Nick smiled at Marcus and Staci. He could see that they were determined to win the bid for Dr. Emily Halle, and he appreciated what they were doing.

Marcus was his best friend, and he'd known the guy for more than fifteen years now. Nick remembered how Marcus had nearly lost his mind after Staci was captured and tortured by Marcus's old enemy. Marcus and his younger brothers had managed to save her, but Staci had arrived at the hospital more dead than alive. When Dr. Halle realized that medicine alone might not save Staci's life, she had roped in the witches of Shadow Point and asked them to cast a healing spell for Staci.

Marcus and Staci were grateful to all the witches who'd helped with the healing spell but everyone knew that if Dr. Halle hadn't acted so quickly and decisively, Staci might not have pulled through. The good doctor was just doing her job, but Marcus and Staci would never forget what she did for them.

Marcus and Staci were here to support the hospital and Dr. Emily Halle in particular. They wanted to show their deep gratitude and appreciation.

The bids went on, and Nick put in a bid as well. But Staci was determined to win. She kept raising her bids until finally, Dr. Halle announced, “Going once, going twice, and I am sold—to the lovely lady in the green dress!”

After the applause died down, Dr. Halle batted her eyes playfully at Staci and asked, “So, Staci, you've won the bid. For five thousand dollars, what would you have me do for you?”

Staci grinned and beckoned the doctor to their table. “I want you to have a drink with us!”

Dr. Halle blinked repeatedly as she put a hand over her heart. Touched beyond words, the doctor stood on the stage for a moment, unable to speak. Pressing her fingers to her lips, she finally recovered and gushed, “I...oh my God, it will be my pleasure! Thank you! And on behalf of Shadow Point Hospital, thank you very much, Staci and Marcus!”

Dr. Emily Halle stepped off the stage and walked towards their table. All the guys stood up when Dr. Halle came to join them.

Staci hugged Emily and made her sit down beside her as Marcus immediately went to get her a large, frothing mug of beer.

Nick chatted for a bit with Emily, before asking in a casual tone, “Who's that nurse at the back of the line? I don't think I've seen her before.”

“Oh, that's Zoe,” Emily answered. She slanted him a look over the top of her glasses and smiled slyly. “She just joined us a few months back. She's a great nurse. She's warm, caring and capable. And...very single.”

With a cheeky grin, Emily raised her beer mug to him. “Bid for her, Nick. Put in a really generous bid. Do it, for the hospital,” she urged, her eyes twinkling.

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