Read Big Sky Online

Authors: Kitty Thomas

Tags: #Erotica, #dark erotic fiction, #masterslave, #literary erotica, #kitty thomas, #dominance and submission, #literary fiction, #dark literary fiction, #dark erotica, #BDSM

Big Sky (17 page)

She was finished fighting him. If being his former lover was the only way to stay safe, that’s what she’d do. She’d hide in plain sight.

As soon as they arrived home, he disappeared out to the barns, doing God only knew what. Without a list of chores, she went to the living room and pulled out the box of videos. She watched them until he came back inside hours later. When the door clanged in the kitchen, she hurriedly took out the tape and put the box back where it was, darting to the couch to look through a five-year-old magazine on the coffee table.

With the videos, she’d been studying her role. Could she look at Luke with that same look of desperate longing? Could she convincingly fake it? If she’d been the one he’d met first, could it have been real? If things had happened very differently, of course. There was a lot to find appealing in Luke Granger. He was good-looking, hard-working, had his own business, smart, stable—with those isolated psychological exceptions—sexy, kinky. Yes, if she’d been first, she would have looked at him with that helpless devotion. And she would have meant it.

What she had instead was a twisted shadow, and Veronica found herself jealous of a dead woman.

“What are you thinking about?” Luke asked.

“N-nothing, Sir.”

She didn’t resist when he pulled the dress over her head for the second time that day and took her upstairs to the playroom. When he’d shut the door behind him, he cupped her breasts and stared at them with a mixture of lewdness and anticipation.

“Within a few months, these will have milk.” He rubbed his thumb over one of her nipples, causing it to pucker and harden. He bent to drag his tongue over one of the hardened points then suckled at her breast, massaging and kneading like he had when he’d injected her earlier with the hormones. “Tell me you’re my cow.”

Veronica looked away. It was too demeaning.


“Please don’t call me that.” It was hard enough pretending. To hear the other woman’s name was too hard.

“Trish would have said it. She would have done anything no matter how dirty or degrading just to please me.” He wiped the tear off her cheek. “Say it,” he whispered.

“I’m your cow, Sir.”

“That’s right.” His hand drifted between her leg and she rubbed her clit against him. He moved closer, his mouth at her ear. “When your body starts doing what it’s supposed to do, we’ll milk you every day. You’ll start to get aroused every time your breasts get heavy with milk. You’ll beg me to do it to you like a good little milk maid. And it’ll hurt if I don’t. I might tie you up and let the pressure just build until you beg to be treated like an animal.”

Despite intentionally being called by another woman’s name, despite the humiliation of what he’d made her say and what he said to her, his words and touch were getting to her. No matter how wrong, Luke was the only man who could make her feel like she was on fire and cooling off in a stream at the same time.

He backed her against the couch and ordered her to sit and spread her legs. She did as he requested while he moved back over to the video camera to turn it on. Since the early tapes of Trish, he’d upgraded to digital. Her mind raced at all the pornographic websites on the Internet. The sharing possibilities of her sexual disgrace were limitless.

“Rub your cunt for the camera,” he said, as he lined up the shot. His words could be as calloused as his hands, but the way he looked at her along with the low growl of his voice made her want him anyway.

She didn’t hesitate this time to touch herself, even though he was making a video record of the event. There were already all the videos downstairs. Would someone who watched this one know she was a different woman, or would they just assume they were watching the same girl they’d seen before? If there was already someone who looked so much like her on camera, did this make any difference? She allowed herself to pretend she was the other woman. This could be just another video—one of many and something she got off on.

“I’m going to show this to the guys,” he said, and she knew he wasn’t bluffing. “Look into the lens and tell them how much you want to give them milk. Will especially is looking forward to it.”

Veronica felt the blush travel over her. Not just her neck and face, but her whole body, flushed from humiliation and excitement.

“Say it. I can tell how aroused you are. When they watch this, they’ll know, too. They’ll know what a filthy whore you are.”

She looked at the camera, allowing herself to fall back into the fantasy of being someone else, hiding inside Trish where it was safe. “I want to be your cow. I want you to feed on me.”

“Every day,” he prompted.

“Yes, every day.” She whimpered as she got closer to orgasm.

“Rub those pretty tits for us. You need to prepare them so they’ll be ready when it’s time. Use both hands, sweetheart.”

She didn’t want to take her fingers away from her clit when she was so close, but she did what he asked, rubbing and kneading her breasts, pulling at her nipples and squeezing as if she were trying to milk herself. She jumped when a buzzing vibrator was pushed deep inside her, then Luke stepped out of the way so the camera wouldn’t miss anything the guys might want to see.

His chuckle was condescending as she worked herself over, drawing a deeper blush from her. “Frieda might want some milk, too. Will you let her drink from you?”

The question caught Veronica off guard, but she was so aroused, that the idea of Will’s wife milking her as well sent another surge of lust through her. She wasn’t sure if Luke was bluffing or if it might be possible that Will’s wife could know about any of this, that she might actually take milk from her breast. But she gave Luke the answer she knew would please him. The one Trish would have given.

“Yes, Sir.”

The buzzing stopped and Luke replaced the vibrator with his mouth, lapping at her until she came undone against his tongue.

Later that night, he put her in a chastity belt so she wouldn’t touch herself without him. She went to her room, expecting to be invited into his, but waiting for the invitation.
Remembering her place
, as Luke had called it. The words made her cringe at the same time they excited her. They made her angry while they made her want to surrender.

“Goodnight, Princess,” he said, going to his own room.

“D-did I do something wrong?” She hated the neediness in her voice. Why should she care if he wanted her to sleep in his room? She could be happy to be left alone, to have her privacy and space.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean... c-can’t I sleep with you?”

“Not tonight. I need to update the website, and I want you to go to sleep now. Maybe tomorrow.”

Veronica lay in bed for what felt like hours while sleep eluded her. She wanted him to want her in his bed overnight no matter how wrong that desire was.




Morning came too soon. Veronica was barely awake when Luke rolled her onto her stomach and the needle slid into her hip.


His large, rough hand stroked her back. “Shhh, you’re okay.”

She was still half-asleep when he unlocked and removed the chastity belt. He rolled her back over, immediately going to work on her breasts.

“Finger yourself until you come, slut,” he growled in her ear.

That voice. It awakened everything inside her whether she wanted it to or not.

When she’d started touching herself, his mouth latched around one nipple. In the beginning the idea of being milked had sounded disgusting, perverse, even. And definitely demeaning. But the more orgasms she had while he told her how he was going to make her give him milk, and the more attention he paid to her breasts, the more she wanted to give him what he craved.

When she came, he bit down on her nipple. The pain shot a bolt of need straight between her legs, making her come that much harder. He stopped suckling and helped her out of the bed to get ready. He was true to his word about centering all her pleasure around when he was fondling her breasts. She couldn’t separate orgasms from that part of her anatomy any more.

Before Luke, she hadn’t really liked to have her breasts touched. She didn’t get why so many women became aroused by it or why it felt good to them. Her breasts had just been there—pretty to look at, but that was all. Now it seemed they would become almost essential to her pleasure.

As she stood in front of the closet, Veronica said, “Did you milk her?” She was afraid to say Trish’s name for fear of how he might react. But they both knew who she was talking about.

“No,” he said.

Suddenly the idea was more appealing. It was something different, something that made
different. No matter how much he might pretend, he hadn’t shared this with Trish. Somewhere deep inside, Veronica hoped it would give her a chance to be seen. For her. The thought troubled her and she pushed it quickly away. If she wanted him to see her and be pleased with her, did that mean she didn’t want to escape him anymore? And if she didn’t want to escape him anymore, did that make her broken?

Luke left her to go to work while she showered and dressed. Downstairs, she found the list of chores on the kitchen table. This morning’s breakfast was big. Ham and eggs and biscuits and gravy. Veronica’s stomach flipped as she cooked, worried about how the men would act around her after the party on Saturday.

When breakfast was on the table, she rang the bell and sat down to eat. She was halfway finished by the time they reached the table. The way they leered at her made her wish she hadn’t eaten so fast. Soon she’d be out of things to occupy her attention, and she’d be staring at her empty plate.

“Honey, come pour me some milk,” Will said.

Veronica looked up, startled to find the men giving her knowing looks. Her eyes shot to Luke, questioning.

He nodded at her. “Do it.”

She got up from her chair and took the bottle of milk and poured it into Will’s glass. When she bent, she knew the low-cut dress Luke had picked for her showed too much of her cleavage. It laced up in the front, and even though she’d pulled the laces tight before tying them, her breasts nearly spilled out.

When she set the pitcher on the table, Will pulled her onto his lap and untied the laces, causing her dress to gape open and expose her breasts. Her breath deepened as he stared at her erect nipples.

“Soon when I ask for milk, you’ll offer me your breast like a good girl, won’t you?”

She moaned as he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked, then his hand slid underneath her dress and he stroked between her legs. Veronica squirmed in his lap, aware the others were watching. Jake seemed disinterested—not yet on board with the milking concept.

But Robert just watched her, his gaze intense. “We’re glad you’re so excited about being our cow,” he said. “We all saw the video you made last night.”

Will released her breast and she buried her head against his neck. How could they have seen it so fast? They’d been working since early this morning.

“I emailed it last night,” Luke said.

When Will finished fondling her, he pushed her off his lap. She kept her eyes down as she started to lace her dress back up.

“No,” Luke said. “We want to look at them. You can pretend modesty when we go back to work.”

She blushed but left her dress hanging open. Robert grabbed her wrist before she could make it back to her seat. “What about me?”

He unbuckled and unzipped his pants to reveal an impressive erection. “I want to feel your wet little cunt gripping my cock. You got me all worked up squirming in Will’s arms that way.”

Veronica, looked over at Luke, knowing even before she did it what his response would be. He just raised a brow at her and went back to his breakfast. Well, he wasn’t going to forbid it. He hadn’t strictly ordered it, either.

Robert backed his chair out and pulled up her dress. “Straddle me. Now.” He was almost as frightening as Luke when he got that look in his eyes. But she was glad for it. She hadn’t come before Will had been finished with her. Her need was so strong now, she felt as if she was in heat. A thick, demanding cock was more relief than threat.

She whimpered as she sank down on him. He played with her breasts while she rode him. Fucking Luke’s ranch hand at the breakfast table while the rest of them continued on with their meals was almost too surreal to accept. But she didn’t have much time to think about it before another orgasm ripped through her.

As the last wave of her pleasure crested over her, Robert sucked and bit at her nipples, causing her to shudder violently in his arms.

While he amused himself with her, Will spoke. “I came up with a idea on how to make a milking machine for her. Robert said he can help put it together.”

Robert let go of her nipple. “As long as I can still milk her by hand.”

“Luke, what do you think?” Will asked.

Veronica wanted to hide her face in Robert’s shoulder, but that impulse warred with the need to see Luke’s reaction.

“I don’t see a problem with that,” he said as if it were the most normal thing in the world to talk about.



Chapter Nine

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