Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series (11 page)

“If you remember, I took a girl to bed on her first night back?”

“Oh, I remember the show you put on, but then I remember hearin’ the bitch talkin’ to her friend the next day, guess what I heard?” he asked.

He obviously knows about Alannah and I, this was beginning to feel like I was being tested
, again.

He probably heard that I never touched the girl apart from to hand her two hundred dollars to keep her mouth shut, and make out I fucked her hard
if anyone asked. It was meant to pay for her fucking silence. Seeing her sprawled across my bed waiting for me while Alannah was in the same building made me angry, and the thought of touching her repulsed me.

Making Alannah hate me that little bit more was so she would keep her
distance from me, which made fuck all difference in the end because it was me who couldn’t keep away from her.

“You never touched the girl, you love Alannah whether you admit it or not, and I don’t think there’s anyone out there I trust more to protect her than yo
u.” he said.

Did he just give us his blessing?

“She’s like a daughter to me, so if you fuck up and hurt her, well, let’s just say
, don’t.”

“I’m not plannin’ on i
t.” I promised him.

“Good, now you’d do well to hold off tellin
’ Michael, I’ll talk to him when things settle down, that’s if the ranks don’t change and I won’t need to.”

He was finally finished, he turned and sat on the stool beside me and closed him
self off.

“What do you mean?”

After gulping the rest of whiskey, he spoke, “Michael’s changin’ the club, but he might not like the final changes.”

He stumbled off the stool and staggered towards his dorm room.

Now Oak, at first I thought it was only Sparky and I were alone in thinking the club was changing and by the way things were heading, it wasn’t for the better. I wondered how many other brothers felt the same as us?

Chapter Nine




The last couple of days have been perfect, not only considering the pure
, unadulterated sex but also the time spent talking, giggling and getting to know Cas, all of him, both body and soul.

With the rain beating against the window of my room and the dark clouds making it seem later in
the evening than it actually is made our private little bubble appear even more secluded.

The only time the outside world got through was when
Cas’s phone went off, I didn’t mind because I knew he would only leave if he really had to.

The last message he received got me worried, apparently everyone was coming
to the cabin a day early, I had enough food and drink for one night but not two.

had assured me they will bring more themselves so I wouldn’t need to leave the cabin.

I was looking forward to seeing the girls again, I barely saw anyone the night I came home from coll
ege and I left the next morning. I was upset they hadn’t been to visit me but when I think about it, I wouldn’t have had it any other way, I have got used to being here and I think if I had the girls around me I wouldn’t have been able to adapt so quickly.

Cas has hinted a couple of times that he was apprehensive about whatever was planned for this weekend, I haven’t questioned him about it hoping he would tell me, but he hasn’t and this time tomorrow, we won’
t get a chance to be alone and I don’t want to be worrying myself over something that might not be that bad.

What’s going to happen on Saturday?” I asked, laying across his chest.

“Destruction and many death
s.” he croaked.

I gasped and propped myself up on my elbow. Since Micky, the overbearing need for th
e club to be okay when they go off on business was beginning to cripple me.

“As long as it isn’t your deat
h.” I whispered, selfishly.

I’ll promise you that now, no one can take me out but you babe.”

I’m not stupid
enough to believe he had a choice in the matter if he was caught in a dangerous situation but he was careful by nature and I have to trust him to know what he’s doing.

“And once that’s over, what will happen to us?” I asked.

I needed to hear again I wasn’t being used just to take all the shit at the club off of his mind and we are worth fighting for.

“I don’t
know, but I can tell ya now, I won’t do anythin’ to jeopardise losin’ you.”

I believe
him and I trust him, he is mine and I am his.

“I love you, I have done all year,
it’s why I hated you so much.” I blurted out.

I wasn’t embarrassed to tell him how I feel, especially as his face lit up as he registered what I said.

“I love you too babe, always have, I just didn’t know it till now.” he said gripping the back of my head and pulling me down to kiss him.

I pulled away and spoke softly but with conviction, “So, if you hurt me again, it will be classed as a crime of passion when I kill yo
u.” I warned him. It didn’t hurt to drive it in again.

“You’re so fuc
kin’ hot when you’re threatenin’ to kill me.” he smirked, “Go to sleep, it’s gonna get busy tomorrow and I haven’t let you sleep much lately.” he chuckled.

That was true, I snuggled against his chest wondering if I would ever get enough of his body? He loves me! I fell asleep with a smile, thinking of how our future was going to play out, I can’t wait to find out.


It was disappointing when I woke alone this morning, although once I was dressed and d
ownstairs I understood why, brothers and their old ladies had begun arriving. I spotted Billy first, he was roped in to carry in extra supplies my new guests had brought with them, he grinned at my arrival and carried on out to help as another truck pulled up. With most of the old ladies here I was made redundant in the kitchen, they knew how to feed their men and I was glad I didn’t have to keep them all fed myself. With everyone settling down and making themselves at home, I answered the door to another guest and found the bitch Danni I saw on top of Cas last year standing before me.

“Oh hell n
o.” I said, feeling the anger at her blatant cheek of turning up here.


Sparky drooled out my name in warning
coming up behind me. How is this fair? She’s not an old lady!

“She is not staying her
e.” I said, pronouncing my words very carefully.

I flicked my wrist to shut the door in her face but Sparky quickly put his foot in the way to stop it, he stepped in front of me and pulled her through the gap between us and th
e wall behind him.

“Go and get lost, and whatever you do, stay out of her fuckin’ wa
y.” he told her.

Once she ran along in her ridiculously high, cheap heels, Sparky turned on me
and shoved me outside.

gonna have to squash that jealous shit tonight Barbs, Michael is all over Cas at the moment and tonight your both gonna be under his eye.” he said, making sure I was listening.

I wasn’t worried about tonight, I knew what I had to do.

“My uncle knows I can hold a grudge, it wouldn’t have surprised him to see me angry at her still.” I pointed out.

“True, but shits goin’
down and none of us need a cat fight thrown in the mix.”

I punched him on the arm.

“You know I don’t cat fight.” I hissed.

“Well I know no
w.” he said, rubbing his arm, “C’mon, you can get me a beer.” he grinned, cheekily.

Throughout the afternoon everyone busied themselves around the cabin, it wasn’t until the night was drawing in that Oak turned up, I didn’t realise how much I missed him until I
saw him saunter into the kitchen. I jumped into his open arms and hugged him tight, as he did I.

“Sorry I haven’t been to visit ki

“That’s okay, you’
re here now.” I smiled up at him, “You okay, you don’t look so good.” I asked, noting his drawn in features.

“I’m good darlin’, just gettin’ too old for this shi
t.” he replied.

I grabbed him his usual
bottle of whiskey and a glass as he made himself comfortable at the table. I sat catching up with him until Michael and Aunt Kitty arrived.

She sought me out as she came into the kitchen, bustling out of her jacket and dumping her bag on the side, she bee lined for me and
I was once again embraced in a bone crushing cuddle.

“Hello sweetie, you okay?” she asked, in her soft, angelic voice.

“I’m fine.” I assured her.

“I would have come sooner but I couldn’t get a ride her
e.” she apologized.

She’s never held a driving licence so unless Michael drove her here or allowed one the prospects to bring her, there was no chance of her visiting.

“Have you been eating properly? You look like you’ve lost weight.” she said, giving me the once over.

“Yes Aunt Kitt
y.” I said, rolling my eyes.

Nope, not good enough, I’ll go fix you some dinner.” she murmured, walking away.

As everyone was now here, Michael got everyone’s attention in the living room.

“Welcome my brothers and family, I hope you’ve all settled in, your time here is very temporary, tomorrow night we have big plans against our enemy and while we’re away the rest of you will be safe here. So, unleash tonight because I need you on top fuckin’ form tomorrow.” he cheered.

I left them hooting and howling and found myself sitting on the kitchen counter top watching the old
ladies shuffling around like old mother hens. It was a good job the kitchen was a substantial size because the men filed in too, every space became filled with bodies. 

Eventually the music became louder and louder and the drinks never stopped flowing. My body reacted immediately when
Cas entered the room and took a seat at the table next to Slade. Sparky brought over a bottle of tequila, lemon slices and the salt shaker, I knew he was trying to keep me occupied while everyone was here.

I necked three shots before I felt the
effects start to take over, I was able to relax, everyone I love is here and for tonight I was a part of the club again.

Travlin’ Band’ came on over the speakers, I knew what was coming and so did everyone else because they moved around the edges of the kitchen to make some floor space. Sparky’s grin grew as the song registered through his alcohol fuelled mind, I was given no choice, he took my hand and began spinning me around. We used to dance to this song every time it came on in the club house when were younger. We had no idea how to dance to it, but we shuffled our feet and carried out a lot of dips and twirls. Everyone, even Pope in the corner clapped their hands to the beat, joining in. Lucky the song only lasts a couple of minutes, he twirled me a couple more times and at the end he dipped me so low, I thought he was going to drop me on my ass. It didn’t help that I couldn’t stop giggling.

“Okay, I need more tequila if you’re gonna throw me aroun
d.” I laughed, escaping back to the tequila bottle. I poured another shot for us and then wished I hadn’t turned around.

Two club whore
s strutted into the kitchen, Jilly, I think her name is went and sat on Slade’s lap while the whore I hated most, Danni, went and sat on Cas’s. I told myself to keep my cool, I knew this was a possibility tonight. I forced myself to turn my back on them, necked the shot and poured another.

e.” Sparky growled low into my ear.

“I a
m.” I hissed.

I couldn’t stop my heart from frantically beating, why couldn’t I be in a normal relationship where I don’t have to hide how I feel

After trying somewhat to calm myself
, I joined the conversations around me again, well, that’s until I made eye contact with Cas and the whore on his lap, she gave me the dirtiest smirk I had ever seen. Cas was rapidly beginning to piss me off too, I understood we had to keep up a pretence but for fuck sake, he could at least move her somewhere else. It looked and felt too real, a reminder of last year.

Sparky had never left my side, when he felt me losing control, he asked loudly if I could show him where the fire wood was kept.

None too kindly, he shoved me out of the back door, the fresh, brisk air hit me and calmed me immediately.

“I know what you’re gonna sa
y.” I warned him, before he began giving me a lecture.

d, it saves me fuckin’ repeatin’ myself then.” he said, taking my arm in his strong hand and led me around the cabin.

“If it was any other whore
it would’ve been easier to deal with.” I told him, as we reached the front door.

“I could tell, it was written all over ya face for every brother to se

“Good job you got me out of there the

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, I pulled it out to find a message from Bonnie,
she is coming to visit this Sunday. I can’t wait to see for myself she is okay.

“Bonnie from college is coming to visit this Sunda
y.” I told him, feeling much better.

“The hot one you roomed with?” he asked.

“The one and only.” I squealed excitedly, “Don’t you be scaring her away.” I warned him.

He held his hands up in surrender, the glisten in his eye told me different though.

“C’mon, we going back in or what?”

and I’m not takin’ you back in there, we’ll stay in the lounge from now on.” he said, opening the front door.

We pushed our way through the ha
ll, as we got to the l door I couldn’t help peek through to the kitchen and I wish I hadn’t. Cas wasn’t at the table anymore and nor was that whore.

I was forgiving him for last time because of the circumstances at the time, but tonight is different, he said he wouldn’t jeopardize our relationship again for the club, but with him having disappeared with her, it didn’t look good. I wouldn’t be able to forgive this time and he knew that.

I had to be alone, I can’t keep this pretence up because it hurt too god damn much. I was in a room full of people yet I felt I was the only one here, my vision was crystal clear but I saw no one and their conversations were muffled to my ears.

“I’m going to bed, wake me up before you go in the morning, I wanna make sure I say goodby
e.” I told Sparky, pulling him back so I didn’t get trapped in the room with someone wanting to speak to me.

He studied me before agreeing to wake me up. I escaped to my room and collapsed against the door in the dark.

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