Billionaire Alpha Romance: The Proposal (Mature Gentlemen Book 2) (274 page)

Chapter Four:
The Fire that Burns


Years of pent up passion flared, engulfing Margaret and James. The easy way they set one another ablaze was an indication that the torch they held for one another had never lost its flames. James pulled Margaret onto him so that she straddled his thighs. Her dress rode up, revealing creamy thighs, waiting for his touch. His hands caressed her legs, moving upward to cup her bottom, drawing her closer.

Margaret gasped softly when his erection pressed into her groin. Her parted lips gave him the opportunity to plunge his tongue into the warmth of her mouth, and she welcomed him eagerly.

“Bedroom,” James breathed.

“Yes, okay,” Margaret answered but was unwilling to stop kissing him long enough to get up. James chuckled against her lips and stood up, holding her wrapped around him and set off toward a closed door. Pushing it open, he placed her on her feet. With their lips still joined, he found the zipper at the back of her dress and eased it down until the material fell from her shoulders.

Suddenly feeling self-conscious, Margaret pulled away to glance shyly up at him. “I’m not a young girl anymore.”

James tilted his head and frowned. “What does that have to do with now?”

She bit her lower lip. “I mean, I don’t look as good as I did when I was nineteen, and I’m sure you date plenty of younger women.”

James’ brows shot up. “Are you finished?” She nodded yes. “Good, now we can get back to business.” He pulled the zipper all the way down and let her dress fall to the floor, leaving her in sheer red underwear. “You are beautiful,” he whispered, taking in every dip and curve. The hunger in his gaze was evident; making Margaret indeed feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. He hurriedly removed his shirt and moved on to his pants.

Margaret watched intently, amazed at how he had kept himself together. The toned muscles on every inch of his six feet frame rippled with every movement. He certainly didn’t look like a businessman who spent most of his time in an office. She sucked in a breath at the sight of his jutting erection, anticipation coursing through her veins.

“Well, this isn’t fair,” he teased. “You still have underwear on.” He stalked her with a predatory look, making her giggle. She pursed her lips surprised by how young she sounded, by how young she

“Let me even the playing field,” she drawled. Unhooking her bra, she tossed it aside and reached down to remove her panties.

“Let me do the honor,” James said hooking his finger in the waistband and slowly peeling them down her thighs.  Margaret’s breathing accelerated as she stepped out of her underwear. She was now fully exposed and vulnerable, and strangely she didn’t mind. There was a comfortable familiarity with James that she wouldn’t have expected to still be present.

He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed, putting her down gently. She moaned softly as he feathered kisses along her neck, moving downward toward her chest. James took one nipple between his teeth and swirled his tongue over the beaded flesh. Gasping at the pleasure she felt, Margaret arched her back encouragingly. He moved on to lavish her other breast with attention.

Moisture pooled between her thighs. “James, please I can’t wait any longer.”

He looked into her eyes. “Are you- can we-”

Margaret grinned, amused by his embarrassment. “I’m safe right now.”

He grinned and settled between her thighs. His erection pushed at her entrance. He braced himself on his elbows and lifted a hand to trail a finger down her cheek. “I have waited nineteen years for this, Maggie.”

Her eyes widened slightly. He breached her entrance before she could respond. A moan slipped past her lips, and her eyes fluttered closed.

“Keep your eyes open,” he ordered softly. “I want to see you.” By that, he meant he wanted to see every emotion that flickered in her expressive eyes. Margaret’s eyes opened. Their gazes were joined just as their bodies were. James began to move, setting a slow sensuous rhythm. Her legs lifted to wrap around his waist, urging him deeper.

“Oh, James, I’ve missed you.” Way too much than she wanted to admit. His gray eyes seemed to darken the more her tight sheath gripped his length.

“I don’t have to tell you how much I’ve missed you,” he whispered. His actions and the emotions played across his face said enough. “God, I love you, Maggie.”

”Her muscles clenched around him as she reached her peak and shattered into pieces. He maintained his pace until he followed her over the edge, his large body shuddering above her. Margaret’s arms and legs remained wrapped around his shoulders.

James stirred. “I’m too heavy.”


“Maggie, I’m going to crush you.” She moaned and reluctantly released him. He rolled onto his side, pulling her into the crook of his arms.

“That was incredible,” she murmured. “It’s been four long years.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she gave herself a mental kick.

“You haven’t had sex in four years?” James asked incredulously.

She flushed. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing. It’s just… look at you. Are the men in Texas blind?”

She shrugged. “I haven’t had time for dating with my business and a pre-teen.”
Or maybe I was waiting for you
; she added silently. “Do you have children, James?”

“No. I never got married, never had kids.”

She turned to look at him. “Why not? I imagine women fall all over you.”

He chuckled. “Thank you for the compliment. I never felt right settling down with anyone but you.”

“I-I see.” Suddenly feeling overwhelmed, Margaret sat up. “I should get home.”

“Hey, did I say something wrong?” James asked, eyeing her with concern.

“Err, no. Of course, not. It’s getting late, and Jessie probably wants to go home.”

He nodded. “The babysitter, right.”

“Don’t ever let Cassy hear you call her that,” she murmured, reaching for her dress.

James’ lips lifted. “Well, she isn’t a baby. Where is her father, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Pulling on her dress, Margaret sighed. “Jacob lives in Huston. Cassy spends every other weekend with him. Although now a day, he’s too busy with his new girlfriend to pick her up most of the time. I don’t want to discuss my ex-husband any further.”

“Okay. Let’s get you home.” James reluctantly followed her to the door. He would have loved to have her spend the night so they could talk more and maybe go a few more rounds in bed.
Take it easy, Sullivan
. He didn’t want to scare her away by going too fast. She probably still hadn’t forgiven him for leaving.

Pulling up in front of Margaret’s place, James turned to her. “Can I see you again?”

“For a date or another round in the bedroom?”

His lips curved. She certainly was more forward than she used to be. “Both would be fine with me.”

She snorted but smiled. “I don’t see why not.” What would it hurt to have fun with James while he was in town? She wanted another go with him in bed that was for sure. She watched him get out of the car and walk around to her door. He held out a hand, and she placed hers in his. Did he feel the same jolt she experienced?

They walked to her front door. She noticed that James never let go of her hand. Warmth spread through her, but it was quickly doused. She had to keep in mind that he wouldn’t be in town much longer. Sadness pricked her heart. She was going to lose him,

James reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she answered quickly. “Thanks for dinner and well, you know.” Her cheeks flamed.

James let out a laugh. “Did you just thank me for sex, Maggie?”

She blushed harder, shutting her eyes. “Oh God, I just did, didn’t I? Forget that part, please.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you are adorable when you blush?”

“For goodness sake, James. I’m almost forty. I can’t be adorable.”

“Like hell, you can’t be.” He leaned forward and captured her lips, giving her a quick hard kiss. “Just like our first date, when I stole a kiss at your front door.”

“Even though I made it clear that I didn’t kiss on the first date.”

He smiled sheepishly. “I never could keep my hands off of you, gorgeous. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven for our second date.

“What? I didn’t-” He kissed her again. “Get inside and lock the door, Maggie.” He turned and walked to his car.

She glared at his back. “Still as arrogant as ever,” she grumbled. A smile hovered on her lips. She was glad he was still very much the man she fell in love with.

Chapter Five:


“You are positively glowing, Maggie.  What have you been up to?”

Margaret smiled at the elderly woman, as she put the books she purchased into a bag. “Thank you, Mrs. Noble. I suppose I have been getting more rest.” She couldn’t tell the inquisitive Mrs. Noble that she had spent the last week in her ex lover's bed, and that was the result of her ‘glowing’ appearance.

“Mhmm. I hear you got yourself a new man.”

Margaret’s mouth nearly dropped open. “W-what? Where ever did you hear such a thing, Mrs. Nobel?”

“The word on the street is that you have been spending quite a lot of time with one of the handsome newcomers in town.” Mrs. Noble’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “I hear he’s rich.”

Margaret resisted the urge to roll her eyes. In the small town, there was always word on the street about someone’s business. “He is just an old friend, Mrs. Nobel, not my new boyfriend.”

“Okay dear,” the older woman responded. She didn’t sound convinced.

Margaret handed her the bag of books with a smile. “Thank you for your business, Mrs. Noble. You take care now, and enjoy your books.”

“Thank you, Maggie darling. I’ll see in a few weeks.”

Margaret let out a breath when she was alone.
Great, the entire town probably knows about James and me
. Not that there was anything to know. Was there? She wasn’t sure what was going between her and James. Deciding not to dwell on it, she pushed the thought aside.              


“Hey boss, are you joining us tonight? We’re all going out for a few drinks.”

James stopped in his tracks and turned to Jerry. “Not tonight, Jerry. I have plans.”

“Of course, you do. I hear you’ve been spending time with that hot bookstore owner. I would spend another month in this small town to get a chance with

James gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to introduce his fist to Jerry’s face. “Don’t go near her with your flirting Jerry,” he bit out.

Jerry held up both hands in surrender. “Whoa there boss, I would never mess around your territory. I was merely saying that the lady is very nice to look at. Anyway, see you tomorrow boss. We’ll be wrapping up by then.”

“Later.” James continued to his car. One more day and he could leave the project that had been started in the capable hands of Wimberley’s construction workers. His heart constricted. Could he leave so soon, leave Maggie so soon?
Can I leave her at all
? The thought echoed in his head. His business was in California. He couldn’t stay in Texas too long.

He slowed down when he spotted a young girl walking. She looked familiar. When he neared, he put his window down.


The girl turned. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. James immediately stopped. “Hey, can I give you a ride?”

She hesitated as if wondering if she should take him up on his offer. She made her decision and walked to the car. She settled in the front seat and sniffed. “Hi, Mr. Sullivan. Thanks for the lift.”

“No problem. Are you okay?”

She shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Can I ask why you’ve been crying?”

“It’s no big deal.” She sunk further back in the seat and turned to stare out the window. “Do you like my mom a lot?”

The question caught him off guard. “Sure I do.” As a matter of fact, he more than liked her.

“Enough to take her and me back to California with you? She told me you live in Los Angeles.”

James’ eyebrows shot up. “You want to leave, Texas? What about your friends and your dad?”

Cassy sighed. “I don’t have any friends and my dad has no time for me anymore.”

James was silent for a moment, processing Cassy’s words. “Why don’t you have any friends, Cassy? A pretty nice girl like yourself should have lots of friends.”

“Apparently, I’m some kind of alien because I don’t have a father. Well I do, but everyone makes fun of me because he isn’t around. The older boys all make rude comments about my mom. It’s disgusting. I got into a fight today over it and missed the bus.”

“Making fun of someone because they live with one parent is ridiculous.” He didn’t remember children being so petty when he was in school. Of course, that was eons ago.

Cassy rolled her eyes dramatically. “Welcome to Wimberley.”

You aren’t going to tell my mom about this are, you? Maybe you could talk her into moving to California to live with you. You seem cool. I like you. I would totally live with you.”

James didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t have much experience with children, especially twelve-year-old girls. “Uh, well. I’ll leave it up to you to tell your mom about what’s been happening at school. I suppose-”

Cassy’s cell began to ring. She groaned. “Crap, I forgot to call mom. She’s no doubt freaking out now.” She lifted the phone to her ear. “Hi, mom. I’m fine. I missed the bus.” She rolled her eyes. “Relax mom, don’t like, have a cow.”

James smiled, listening to one side of the conversation.

“I know mom. I’m sorry, I forgot to call.” Cassy glanced at James. “Mr. Sullivan is giving me a ride home. Okay, I’ll see there.” She let out a sigh of annoyance that only teenagers could pull off. “Oh my God, mom just goes postal sometimes.”

“That’s because she loves you.”

“Yeah, I guess. Do you love her?”

James cleared his throat. Cassy was a bold one. “I do, Cassy. I have loved your mom for a long time.”

“Then why did she marry my dad?”

“Because I was an idiot.”

Cassy laughed. “Can I call you James?”


“You don’t look like an idiot, James.”

His lips stretched into a smile. “Thanks, Cassy.”


James wrapped his arms around Margaret, pulling her closer. “I had a talk with Cassy last night,” she said into the silence of his bedroom. “She told me everything about what’s been going on at school. I had no idea. Now I know why she’s been so sulky and distant lately.”

James stroked her bare back and planted a kiss on her forehead. “I’m glad she finally opened up to you.”

“She also told me that she suggested we move to California with you. “I’m sorry James. You know how kids are.”

He stared up at the ceiling. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind having you and Cassy with me at all.”

She lifted her head to frown at him. “Did someone have a tad too much wine with dinner?”

He growled and rolled over, pinning her beneath him. Margaret let out a surprised shriek. “I am perfectly sober, madam. I am sober enough to take you again,” he grazed her lips with his, “And again.”

“You’re insatiable.”

“Only when it comes to you.”

She pushed at his chest, and he rolled back over, taking her with him. She straddled him, her palms on his chest. His hardening length pushed at her thighs. “I can’t get enough of you either,” she confessed.

Grasping her hips, James lifted over his waiting erection. She slid down slowly, taking him in inch by inch. She threw her head back and began to move against him. He reached up to palm her full breasts, massaging lightly.

“You feel amazing, Maggie.”

“So do you,” she moaned. She picked up the pace, riding toward the orgasm she felt approaching. James sat up so he could swirl his tongue around each breast, sending shockwaves shooting through her, down to her core.

Oh, James.”
She let out a cry as the intense yet sweet sensation rolled through her. As if their bodies were in tune, he shouted his release, holding her tightly. He fell back onto the mattress, and she collapsed on top of him. Their ragged breathing filled the room.

“When are you leaving, James?”

He stiffened. “In two days. I can stay longer… if you want.”
I sure as hell want to
, he thought.

“You have your business to run. Don’t let me keep you from it.”

“You’re more than worth it, Maggie. I meant what I said. I wouldn’t mind having you and Cassy come with me.”

She pushed herself up and moved away from him. “We can’t make such a huge decision so fast. We’ve only been sleeping together for one week.”

“Is that all it has been to you, just sex?”

“Of course not, but-”

James sat up. “I’m forty-five years old, Maggie. I have lived long enough to know what I want. I don’t need time to think about being with you. But if you do, that’s not a problem. I’ll give you time. But don’t expect me to just let you go like I did nineteen years ago.”

Margaret gaped at him. “I-I don’t know what to say, James. This is all so much and so

“You love me, don’t you?”

“You know I do.”

“Then why is it so hard for you to decide what you want when it comes to us?”

She ran agitated fingers through her hair. “It’s not just about me or us. I have a daughter, James. Every decision I make will affect her life.”

He sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she said softly. Turning to him, she said. “I’d like you to hold me all night, James.”

Without hesitation, he pulled her into his arms.


Rooted to the spot, Margaret stared up at James. His lips were pursed, and tension radiated off of him in waves.

“Don’t you have anything to say, Margaret? I just told you I’m leaving for the airport in three hours.”

“What do you want me to say, James? I could hardly make up my mind in a day.” She folded her arms and shrugged. “We’ll see each other when you come back to visit or maybe I can visit California sometime.”

James hung his head. Disappointment coursed through his bloodstream. He could taste the bitter taste of bile rising in his throat, as he watched the past repeat itself. He asked the woman he loved to go with him, and she refused. Wiping a hand across his face, he said. “Do you think we can make a long distance relationship work? It’s not what I want, but I guess I have no choice. It was selfish of me to expect you would make the decision to uproot your life with such little notice.”

She nodded, averting her gaze. “I’m sorry, James.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.” He grasped her chin between his fingers, tilting her face up so he could place a kiss on her lips. “I suppose I will be using my jet more often.” He smiled sadly.

Cassy emerged from upstairs. “Are you leaving already, James?”

“I am kiddo. We’ll talk when I call your mom.”

Her shoulders sagged. “Okay,” she grumbled. She’d had a hope of him rescuing her from her life in the small town.

Swallowing hard, James turned and walked to the door. He told himself that things between him and Margaret weren't over just because he was leaving. At least, this time around, he knew he would be seeing her again. But when? He didn’t want there to be any distance between them. His steps slowed on his way to his car. Maybe he should stay in Wimberley a bit longer and give Margaret more time.

Margaret felt numb. It was happening all over again. She was watching the man she loved walk away. Pain laced her every cell, and she fought back tears.

“I can’t believe you’re letting him go, mom,” Cassy said glaring up at her. “If you guys love each other, I don’t know what the big deal is.”She rolled her eyes. “Adults make everything so complicated. Living in California with James would be the most awesome thing ever.” She sighed and plopped down on the couch.

“You really like James, huh?” Margaret asked.

Snorting, Cassy gave her an annoyed look. “Obviously.”

“And I love him. I can’t let him slip away again.” As she said the words, her feet began to move. She ran through the door and down the stone steps. “James, wait! I-”

She came to a halt, seeing that he was already heading toward her. “Maggie, I’ll stay here with you for as long as you need to make a decision. I can’t leave you again.”

She beamed. “I was just about to tell you that I’ll go with you. Cassy seems to have already made up her mind before the both of us, so I guess everything is a go. I can’t let you leave either, James. I love you, and I’m not ruining our second chance. Not many are lucky enough to get second chances. It may take a few weeks for me to get everything sorted with the house, the shop, and Cassy’s school, but we’ll make it work. If you’re-”

She was cut off when he lifted her into his arms and kissed her excitedly. “We’ll make things work. You’ll be happy, Cassy too, I promise. I’ll give you the world, Maggie.”

“I don’t want the world. All I want is you.”

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