Billionaire Bartender: A Second Chance Romance (The Buckeye Series) (18 page)

Bill held up his hand and stretched out his fingers. He started at his thumb and counted. “Five.”

“You and Dina?” Oscar asked.

Bill added his other thumb. “Six.”

“Andy? Bob?”

“No. Yes. What was the question?”

“Liz will you go with him?” Oscar slipped a couple of twenties to her. “Get a variety of tacos and don’t forget to Mitch’s chimichangas.” He kissed on the cheek and looped her arm in Bill’s. “Sober him up on the walk.”

Sending Liz away with Bill gave Oscar the few minutes he needed to perform business tasks when he stepped in the bar. He checked the cash in the register, the intake valve on the ice machine, and signed off on the supply invoice for paper products. He was just stepping out of the office to check in with Angela when Bob stepped in.

“Did you follow my advice?” Bob bumped shoulders with Oscar, before scooting past him to the office chair behind the desk.

“I did. Sort of.” Oscar leaned against the open door. “We ran into Julie though.”

“Who won?”

“Liz. She was amazing. Even with Julie right in front of me, I only had eyes Liz.” Oscar closed the door and sat on the side of the desk. Even with the privacy of the closed door, he spoke in hushed tones. “I couldn’t tell her though. Am I doing the right thing? I’ve never hidden anything this big before and I feel wrong to keep hiding it from her. Tell me the truth. Will she forgive me for keeping my other life a secret?”

“Oscar. Liz is different. Money isn’t the issue. Your heart is.”

“I know Bob, but her ex husband. He’s such a wanna be pretentious jackass. I don’t want her to think she’s getting into the same thing with me.”

“She’s not.” Bob gave him a death stare worthy of a high school vice principal. “You’ve shown her who you truly are. Now give her the bonus every woman dreams of.”

“Food’s here,” Angela said, opening the door after a quick rap on it.

“Be right out,” the men answered.

Eating gave Oscar an excuse to sit back and watch Liz. She ate at the counter with Mitch, her eyes glued on him, smiling and listening to every word he said.

Look at her. She loves with blinders on. We didn’t even know her a few weeks ago. Now I can’t imagine her not sitting next to Mitch at the counter. Don’t let this end.

“Could you take over? I have an early class in the morning,” Angela asked.

“No problem. Go on home.” Tipping up the pass through, Oscar exchanged places with Angela and stepped behind the bar. “How about I show you a few bartending tricks? We’ll make drinks for everyone on the house.”

“Huzzah!” Mitch yelled, pumping both fists in the air. “Come over boys! Free drinks!”

The pool table trio, Dale, Jim, and Lee joined Mitch at the counter, while Liz stepped behind it and tied an apron around her waist.

“Let’s start with an easy one,” Oscar said. “A Dark and Stormy. Very fitting for tonight and even Mitch’ll drink it.”

“I’ll drink the one Liz creates and make it strong,” Dale said.

“I’ll try my best.”

“She’ll make it the right way.” Oscar set two glasses down on the counter in front of them. “Open this ginger beer and pour it in.”

Liz followed along with the instructions.

“Hold the jigger like this.” Oscar tipped the metal measuring device between his fingers. “Now add two ounces of rum.”

Liz trembled a bit adding a tad too much rum to the drink.

“That one’s mine.” Mitch claimed the drink in front of Liz, by snatching it up and licking the rim of the glass.

“Dammit!” Dale howled.

“A scoop of ice and we’re done.” Oscar turned from the freezer under the counter and added the scoop to both glasses.

Liz stuck straws in each one and presented her drink to Mitch.

“Not bad.”

“How about a White Russian?” Jim asked.

“Good one and not too hard.” Oscar set out the ingredients, a third vodka, third coffee liqueur, and a third heavy cream. Getting the hang of pouring already, Liz made an identical drink to Oscar’s.

“Any others?” Oscar asked, looking around. The crowd of patrons still sitting out in the bar were too focused on themselves to hear his call for free drinks.

“Thanks for the lesson. I hate to be a downer, but I have to use the little girls room.” Liz excused herself and stepped away down the dark hallway.

“About time,” Mitch said after she left. “I love her, but I have a bone to pick with you mister.” He pointed his index finger at Oscar.

“What? No I haven’t told her.”

“Not that. Who the hell did you talk to about my Anasazi beans?”

“Oh,” Oscar gasped, remembering his run in with Casey in Vegas. “I might have told the new chef at the new location about them.”

“Well un tell them. My supplier in Oklahoma is wiped out and won’t ship me any more. I need my beans.”

“My bad.” Oscar shrugged. “Do you think your supplier needs to be bought out?”

“Don’t count on it.”

“How about I go make a phone call.” Oscar stepped out from behind the counter and headed to the back office.
Everyone has a price. I may not be able to buy the bean farm, but I’m pretty sure I can buy the beans off the menu at the restaurant in Vegas.

Liz came out of the ladies room, about the time Oscar stepped out of the office.

“Hey, I should have asked. Can you stay until I lock up?” Oscar put his arm around her and walked her back to the counter. “I can teach you more cocktails and then I’ll drive you home.”

“It’s been a long day. I’ll call a cab.” She eyed the flyer of the taxi company taped to the wall. “Can I use your phone?”

“I should’ve thought of you. I’ll call someone else to take care of the bar.”

“Nonsense. Give me your phone.”

“Use mine,” Mitch said, offering his.

She held her finger up and relayed her information into the automated system of the taxi service. When the ride was booked, she hung up the phone. “Done.”

A short time later lights flashed against the front windows. “I’ll check for you,” Dale said and made his way out the front door. After a few seconds he poked his head back in. “Cab’s out front. Jerry’s driving.”

“Tell him his fare will be right out.” Oscar stepped around the bar and wrapped his arms around Liz’s waist. “Let me send Jerry on his way. I want more time with you tonight.”
Please don’t go.

“Thank you for a perfect first day as a divorced woman. I’ll never forget it.” She waved to Mitch and the guys, then slipped out the door to her cab.

I love you.
His thoughts stayed on the tip of his tongue. He turned, Bob had read his mind. Without speaking, Bob tied an apron around his waist and stepped behind the bar.

“Thanks,” Oscar hustled out the back door to his truck to chase after Liz. If Jerry drove he cab they way he usually did, he’d have time to stop and pick up flowers on the way.

Chapter Thirty Four

She hadn’t looked back when she left out the door to catch her cab, but left the goodbye as it was, a see you soon. On the way home she cursed the indention made by her wedding ring.
So many years wasted. So many nights I could’ve kissed him good night. I let another one slip away from me. What am I doing? Oscar’s perfect. He’s funny, attentive, hard working, a regular Joe. Well . . . he’s sexier than any Joe I know. When am I going to wake up? When is he going to change into the troll that all men are? Don’t let him.

Her ride over, Liz attempted to pay Jerry, the driver. She patted her hips, no pockets, no purse, no money. “I have cash in the house. I’ll be right back.”

“No worries. Oscar’s good for it.” Jerry moved the gearshift from park to drive. “I’ll grab the fare next time I’m in the Buckeye for a drink. Have a good evening.” He waved driving off.

fumbled for her keys, but those too were in the house. “Thanks, Oscar. I survived a whole day without anything. Wonder if I even have any calls on my phone?” she said to herself and the night sky. Walking down the driveway to the guest house, she considered what would’ve happened if she’d let the entire day play out and stayed for Oscar to drive her home.
Yes he’d be following me inside. I’m ready. I love him.
“Do you hear that?” She inhaled the cool night air and twirled, hugging herself. “I love Oscar!”

She turned sharply in the direction of the street.
Is that his truck?
She squinted. A breeze blew past and she could smell him standing next to her. “Oscar? No. It’s not him. I’m wearing his shirt.”

“I love you too,” Oscar said, stepping out of the shadows of a tree in the yard.

The couple entangled in lust. Their desire so strong, they fought to tear apart long enough for her to pull him inside. He slipped his hands up her blouse from behind and unbuttoned it as she opened the screen door.

One twist of the wrist and the inner door was open. A twist of another and her bra was. Inside the doorway, he turned her in his arms and marveled at her bare chest.

“Let me see yours.” She shimmied her shoulders, slipping off her bra and blouse.

He crossed his arms and peeled off his shirt by the hem. It was her first real look at his full chest and he was worth the wait.

“Damn,” she sighed, unable to contain her pleasure. She ran her fingers up his torso to his pecks, swirled her nails in his manly hair, then scratched them back down to the top of his waistband.

He pulled her to him, their heated torsos fought as their chests heaved with arousal. “Are you sure?” He pressed against her, stretching his hands wide across her back.

She wanted nothing more than this moment. This wasn’t just desire on a whim, she’d thought about this passage of time for months, dreamed of his touch, pleasured herself with the thought of him, and lost herself in the fantasy of what was happening right now. She needed to take him for real and for her own.

Assuring him of her readiness, she dropped to her knees and nuzzled her face against his hard trapped member. One hand unbuttoned his jeans, while the other teased between his legs. She cupped his balls, and stroked back behind to his ass. He inhaled and held his breath until she ripped his pants open to free his cock.

“Mmm.” She dragged her lips along his shaft from the base to the tip. “Still perfect,” she purred, wetting her lips with her tongue, she kissed ever so gently the tip of his cock. “Did you miss me?”

“Oh, oh,” he shuddered.

She folded her lips over him and sucked. The first taste fueled her desire, she opened wider and took him in further. She bobbed on his rod, enjoying every nudge on the back of her throat, but she wanted more. She yearned for his touch.

He read her mind and lifted her up into his arms. “Let me.” He maneuvered his hand into her waistband, looking to tickle her wet pussy into a frenzy. He pushed his middle finger into the tender opening in her body.

She fell forward and sucked on his collarbone, lingering with bliss at the final touch that was his own stroking within her body.

He fingered her, working in and out. The faster he fondled, the tighter her pussy pulsed and the harder his cock stiffened.

“Please, please,” she hissed, filling her hand with his cock and pulling. She rocked her pelvis on his fingers, pulled his cock in her hand and pleaded that they become one. “I need you. Now.”

There was no need to ask twice. She ripped herself from him and stepped out of her clothes. He did the same. In seconds, she was backed up to the foot of her bed and sliding up backward to the headboard.

Before he took her, he leaned over her waiting, heaving body and stopped to kiss her inner thigh. This kiss led to another kiss.

She sat up on her elbows and peered down her torso as the man of her dreams slipped his tongue into the sweet folds of her pussy. He licked up and down. When the first flick of his tongue converged on her clit, she flexed her ass tight.

“Did I find a button?” he teased, wiggling his tongue on the right spot.

“Hmm, mmm, oh please,” she begged, holding back, but her juices flowed for him, giving away her excitement. He added a finger to his tease, slipping it in her swollen moistness. She moaned, gasping for breath. He looked between her breasts to her flushed face. She was his. He was going to take her in every way he could.

Manipulating his digits he fingered her, while gently kissing her torso. She surrendered to his seduction, allowing her hands to fall to her sides. The more he probed, the tighter the sheets bunched in her grasp.

“Um . . . Oh,” she moaned on the brink of orgasm.

“Cum for me.” He thumbed her clit faster.

“Right there! Oh—f—f—f.” She lifted her ass off the bed, rising with her orgasm. As it subsided, she relaxed back to the mattress. She rocked her head to the side, woozy with bliss, opened her eyes and remembered the man who was pleasuring her.

“Come here!” she demanded with the crook of a finger. She was ready for seconds.

Chapter Thirty Five

He crawled his body up and over hers. His rock hard rod tapping on her pussy, he held his stance over her. It wasn’t enough for him to take her in lust, he desired to share their lovemaking. He looked down into her eyes, she squinted. Then her lips parted with a small intake of air.

“Take me already.” She dragged her nails up his thighs to his waist and reached around to give his ass a nudge forward.

“You really want this?” he teased, gyrating his pelvis over her.

“Not if you don’t.” She playfully turned her head to the side.

With a gentle caress on the cheek he tilted her focus back to him and slid his cock just inside her offering, wetting the tip with her slickness. She arched her back, adding a high pitch tone. He had read her mind, she wanted to be present with him in this moment.

Flexing his pelvis forward, he inched in for more. She relaxed, caught in his spell, living her fantasy. Her hands went to her full breasts, squeezing them, pulsing with his rocking. He pulled back and out, then forward and in.

“You’re pretty good at this,” she teased, wrapping her legs around his. This forced his thrusts to shorten, keeping his fullness in her tunnel.

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