Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males (201 page)

Read Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males Online

Authors: Kelly Favor,Locklyn Marx

But she didn’t have long to think about it,
because before she knew it, he was on top of her again, kissing her long and

He reached down, slowly inching her pants down,
until she was left in just her panties, which were soaking wet.
Her breasts were crushed against his
chest, and his mouth was still on hers.
He didn’t break the kiss as he dipped his fingers inside her panties,
running them over her slit.

Kenley moaned, and pushed herself into his
hand, feeling his fingers enter her slowly.
She rocked her hips, feeling the orgasm
building inside her.
But just when
it was about to take over, he pulled back, rubbing her clit softly, teasing her.
He kept going for what felt like
forever, rubbing gently, taking her to the edge again and again before pulling

She could still feel him, hard against her, and
she reached down and pulled his zipper down, and he stood up, letting his pants
and boxers fall to the floor.
hand reached out, grabbed his hardness and started stroking him up and

“Please,” she said.
“Please, I want you to fuck me.”

And then he was back on top of her again, his
lips back on her mouth.
The only
thing between them was the sheer silkiness of her panties, and Chad put his
hands on her hips, pulling down the sides of the fabric just a tiny bit.

She moaned again and he traced kisses down her
breasts, down her stomach, pushing her legs open gently.
He grinned up at her.
“I’ll bet you taste amazing,” he
He slid the fabric of her
panties softly to the side, and then his mouth was on her wetness.
His tongue moved over her slit, the
pressure getting harder and deeper until she felt like she was going to explode.

Finally, he stopped, and she raised her legs as
he pulled her panties off.
He got
on top of her and moved until his cock was resting against her, ready to give
her what she’d been begging for.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his body on
He looked into her eyes as he
moved her hair back from her face and kissed her softly.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I really want to be inside of you,” he

“Please,” she said.
She pushed her hips up, and this time,
mercifully, he entered her.

It was instant ecstasy.
She tried to move faster, but he held
her still, moving inside her slowly, the whole time staring into her eyes.

“Does it feel good?” he asked her softly.

“It feels amazing.”

“Kenley,” he whispered.
He was still looking into her eyes,
moving faster and faster now, kissing her hard, then breaking away to look at
Her whole body, every nerve,
every fiber of her being was on fire.

When her orgasm came, it exploded through her,
and Chad came at the same time.
cried out as he filled her up while wave after wave of pleasure reverberated
through her body.

Finally, they were still.
He kissed her again, playing with her
hair as he rolled off her and laid next to her on the couch.
He pulled her close.
“Holy shit,” he said.
“That was unbelievable.”

“It was,” she breathed.
She snuggled into his arms and after a
few minutes, they both fell asleep.


















Kenley woke up the next morning at eight
o’clock, surprised to find that she was still on the couch.
She’d slept soundly, not waking once
during the night, something that was rare for her. Chad was next to her,
breathing softly, his arms wrapped around her body.
Panic swelled up inside her as she
realized what had just happened.
She’d slept with him.
one thing that she had promised herself she would not do, no matter what.
She couldn’t believe it.
Yes, Chad he was hot.
And yes, he’d been nice to her last
night, taking care of her after she’d run into Jeremy.
But one night of niceness shouldn’t have
allowed her to let her hormones take over.

She’d practically begged him to have sex with
Her face heated at the thought
of the things she’d said last night.
They hadn’t even gotten around to eating their food.
She thought of the delivery man who’d
probably ended up waiting outside, finally going away when he realized no one
was going to answer his knock.
squeezed her eyes shut tight, willing herself to be in some kind of nightmare.
But when she opened them, she was still
there, in Chad’s living room.

What a horrible mess.
Okay, she thought, and took a deep
It was time to
She was going home
All she had to do was
make sure she stayed detached today, make sure the press got some pictures, and
then she could collect her money and go home.

She slid out from under Chad’s arm, careful not
to wake him, and then headed for the shower.




When Chad woke up, sun was streaming through
the large floor-to-ceiling windows.
He squinted, then stretched out on the couch lazily, reaching his arms
behind his head.
From the other
side of the apartment, he could here the sound of Kenley showering.

He smiled, remembering the way he’d felt last
night, how amazing it was, how close he and Kenley had been.
He wondered if she was going to stay
longer, if she could just stay here, in his apartment, indefinitely.
No, that was ridiculous.
Of course he couldn’t ask her to just
uproot her life and just move here.
But after last night, there was no way he could let her go home
First things first, he
told himself.
Then breakfast.

He headed for the master bathroom and got into
the shower, letting the hot water beat over his skin.
He ignored the hardness between his
legs, doing his best not to think about Kenley, how amazing it had felt to be
inside her.
They had all day, he
realized, smiling to himself.
didn’t have to anywhere -- they could just curl up inside and be with each

He whistled to himself as he dressed in a pair
of jeans and a gray sweater.
he got to the kitchen, Kenley was still in the shower, so he started opening
cabinets, thinking about what to make for breakfast.
Omelettes, he decided, and began pulling
out the ingredients.
He was
chopping tomatoes and peppers on the cutting board when Kenley finally

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said, moving toward
She was fully dressed in a
pair of skinny jeans, a long black cashmere sweater, and black boots.
She smelled amazing, like fresh
strawberries and lilacs.
He moved
in to kiss her, but she immediately pushed past him toward the refrigerator.

She pulled out a carton of juice. “So what are
we going to do today?” Her tone was slightly removed.
Not unfriendly, but just a little bit…
Like she was in a business meeting,
instead of in the kitchen of a man she’d made love to the night before.

“Whatever you want,” Chad said.
He gestured around the kitchen.
“I’m making omelettes.”

you mind if I just take my juice into my room?
I want to make a few phone calls, let my
mom and my sister know I’m okay.”

He nodded, disappointment welling up inside
He’d just assumed that she
would feel the same way he did after the night they’d spent together.
But obviously she didn’t.
Maybe for her it was just about
If that were true, it would
serve him right--– over the years there had been a lot of women he’d used
just for sex.

“And then after I’m done with my phone calls,”
Kenley continued, pouring her juice into a glass, “we should go into Manhattan,
head for all the places where there might be actual paparazzi.
You know, Fifth Avenue, maybe Nobu or
Balthazar or whatever other swanky restaurants famous people hang out at.
You’d know better than me.”

“You sure?” Chad said, trying to keep the
desperation out of his voice.
could just hang out here today if you want.”

“I’m sure,” Kenley said.
“I need to make it up to you for bailing
last night.”

Chad nodded.
“Okay,” he said finally.
“Whatever you want.”




Kenley took her glass of juice into her room,
her heart pounding in her chest.
She set her drink down on her nightstand, then flopped back on the bed
and stared up at the ceiling.
couldn’t stop thinking about the look on Chad’s face when she’d told him that
she wanted to go into Manhattan today.
He’d seemed disappointed.
But why?
Was it possible
that maybe he felt the same way she’d been feeling after last night?
That maybe he’d wanted them to spend the
day together, just hanging out, getting to know each other?
said they could hang out here.
course, when she’d said no, he hadn’t fought her on it.
No, she told herself. He was just trying to be nice.
There was no way last night meant
anything to him other than sex.
there was no way she was going to let herself believe it was anything more than

She reached over and grabbed her cell, then
dialed her sister.
“Hi,” she said
when Melissa answered.
“How’s it

“Mom is freaking out,” Melissa reported, not
bothering with any pleasantries. “She can’t believe you’re dating a famous
baseball player, and she wants to pick you up from the airport tomorrow.”

“No,” Kenley said.
“Tell her no way.”
Her mom showing up at the airport would
be awful.
She’d be barraging Kenley
with questions, asking her where she met Chad, what he was like, if it
was serious.
The ride would get more and more
uncomfortable, until
Kenley would
be forced to either lie to her mother, or tell her the truth.
She wasn’t sure what would be worse.

“You tell her!” Melissa said.
“I’m sick of doing your dirty work.”



“I can’t deal with it.”

“Well, I’m not going to tell her!
So if you don’t tell her, I guess she’s
just going to be there at the airport tomorrow, waiting for you.”

“Not if she doesn’t know my flight number,”
Kenley said.

Melissa was silent on the other end of the

Kenley sat up in bed.
“Melissa,” she said.
“Please tell me that you did not tell
Mom my flight number.”

“I had to!” Melissa whined.
“And you should consider yourself
She was about two seconds
away from driving to New York and pulling you back to Connecticut by your

“Great,” Kenley said, and sighed.

“So how’s it going over there?” Melissa
“That picture of you two
kissing is all over the place, it even got posted on the US Weekly website.”

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