Read Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males Online

Authors: Kelly Favor,Locklyn Marx

Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males (97 page)

“Dinner can wait,” he said.

Now they were both under the stream of
hot water, and Red’s mouth was pressing against hers, he was taking her in his
strong, capable arms.
She felt
protected and wanted and desired all at once.

His hands ran up her torso, stopping to
play with her hardened nipples, then down to her thighs and hips.
As he continued to kiss her
passionately, one hand grabbed her buttock while the other gently massaged the
inside of her leg, straying towards her hot, wet nether regions.

Their kissing became more intense, the
excitement building as their tongues locked together.
It was as if both of them wanted to
devour each other, to somehow become attached, so close that nothing could ever
fit between them.

Their bodies were touching, as were their
lips, and the hot water pounded against them and the steam got even steamier.

Nicole’s inner thighs were soaked and
Red’s finger delicately caressed her entrance, sending shivers of delight up
her stomach and waves of pleasure through her entire body.

She reached out for his hardness, ready
for him to enter her and make him almost a part of her, if just for a little
He gasped when she touched
his erection, stroked his shaft.

“I want to be inside of you right now,”
he told her.

Nicole turned around and planted her
hands against the slick black tiles of the shower and arched her back,
spreading her legs wide to give him access.

She was so ready for him, so willing and
excited by everything he was doing to her and everything she knew he’d be doing
to her in a moment.

Soon, she felt the head of his cock
pressing at her folds, beginning to slowly penetrate the wet softness of
Each movement sent ripples of
joy and sexual energy through her lower half.
He was so hard and so big, yet she was
completely taking him inside of her with ease.

The waves of her pleasure were intense
and overwhelming.
Combined with the
heat and the steam and the water and his kisses along the back of her
neck—Nicole was truly in bliss.

None of the other stuff mattered right
Red’s business problems, the
surprising news that his company was struggling financially, the fact that
Nicole still needed to tell her parents that her and Red were back together,
his mother’s visit causing upheaval and stress—Nicole couldn’t possibly
have cared less about any of it at that moment.

All she could concentrate on was how she
felt as he entered her, filling her up with his manhood, plunging deeper inside
of her until she almost couldn’t take it anymore.
The sensation of everything just about
to spill over, the passion, the excitement, becoming almost too much…and then
it would ebb just enough that she’d catch her breath, ready to ride the next

Red moved inside of her, he knew exactly
how to thrust, how to slide and hit that exact spot to make her cry out in
His hands cupped her
breasts fully now, and she could feel his pelvis grinding against her, his
strong chest pressed to her back as he slid deeper still into her hole.

She was so slick and dripping wet,
contracting herself so that he fit snugly into her, and every millimeter that
he went in or out was sending shockwaves through both of them.

Nicole turned her head so that he could
kiss her from behind, their tongues tangling as his hand moved down from her
breast, trailing down her abdomen and pressing into her.
There, he instantly found her clitoris
and stroked it masterfully as he continued to pump himself into her.

“I can’t take it,” she whispered.
“I’m going to come, Red.”

“Go on.
I’m going to finish with you,” he told

And then it happened.
She exploded into an orgasm so intense
that she nearly lost control of her entire body.
His hand was rapidly manipulating her
clitoris as he came inside of her.
Everything was going at once and Nicole had never experienced anything
like it.

She cried out over and over again, her
vocalizations echoing and bouncing around the master bathroom.

Red finished, telling her how beautiful
she was the whole time.

He held her close for a long while, the
shower still beating a steady rhythm against their bodies.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe how good that
felt,” she said.
Her voice was a
little strained from what she’d been through.

Red squeezed her tighter in his
magnificent arms and brushed his cheek against her shoulder.
“You are an angel,” he said.
“My angel.”

“I’ll always be for you and you alone,”
she told him.

His hands cupped her breasts again and
somehow she felt stirrings of excitement, amazing to her after the orgasm she’d
just had.
Red began kissing her
shoulders and neck and she lingered in his devotion to her body.

“How can you do that to me?” he
She could feel him
stiffening again inside of her.

“How can you do it to me?” she replied,
moving her hips back, rhythmically hitting his pelvis, taking him all the way
into her once more.

“Oh my god,” he said, and she could hear
the true sound of disbelief in his voice.
“You’re making me hard again already.”

She felt him inside of her—just as
hard as he’d been minutes before.

And then they were locked in yet another
wonderful embrace, and he was doing it to her all over again, and somehow it
was just as amazing and special as it had been the first time.

When they finished once more, the two of
them were exhausted.
Red rinsed off
and then stepped out of the shower—the water had grown cool by now.

“I’ll be out as quickly as I can,” she
told him, feeling rushed after spending so much time doing everything but
Nicole didn’t mind, she
found herself smiling and shaking her head at their adolescent display of lust.

Not to mention the noise that had come
from the master bath.
She could
only hope that with a house this size, his mother had likely not been within
range to hear the two of them in action.

She finished showering as quickly as
possible, put on a navy halter-top, white skirt, and a pair of navy and white
striped wedge sandals.
She quickly
towel dried her hair, and finding it still damp, tied it back into a

When Nicole came downstairs, Red and his
mother were in the kitchen, drinking glasses of fresh lemonade made by Chef

“Thirsty?” Red asked.

“I’m okay, thanks,” Nicole said, as
Erica’s gaze followed her movements.

“I’d sure be thirsty if I were you,”
Erica said, smiling a secretive, knowing smile.
She drank deeply from her glass of pink
Pieces of fruit swirled
in the glass.

Nicole decided to ignore the older
woman’s jibes, and instead turned to Red.
“So, where are we eating today?”

“I thought we could go to The Union
League Café,” he said.
“I’ve been
there once or twice in the last year, and it’s pretty incredible.”

Erica shrugged.
“Isn’t it rather dull?”

“What’s that?” he asked, his tone getting
that unnatural sharpness that he seemed to acquire when dealing with his

Nicole fidgeted over by one of the
islands, watching the two of them as if she were a spectator at a tennis match.

“It just seems dull,” his mother said.
“This life you live.
Wining and
dining women, eating out at fancy restaurants, driving in limousines and fancy
Don’t you get bored?”

“Not really,” he said.
“And I don’t wine and dine women.
Just one woman,” he said, his eyes
locking on Nicole’s.
She smiled,
tried to let him know she didn’t care that his mother made those comments.

The truth was, Erica’s constant little
quips were starting to get under her skin a little bit.

Erica grinned knowingly.
“Well, I can see why you’ve stuck with
her,” she said.
“From the sound of
it, she lets you do anything and everything you want to her.
Regardless of the hour of day, the
company you’ve got in your home, or even if she’s in the toilet.
She seems to make sure you can satisfy
your beastly urges at any given moment.”

Nicole’s eyes narrowed and she felt a
chill run up her spine.
“I hope you
got a good earful,” she said, instantly regretting it when she saw the cold
look of triumph cross his mother’s face.

This outburst was exactly what Erica
Jameson had been waiting for—what she’d been slowly digging for all
And now Nicole had
delivered it to her on a silver platter.

“I did get a good earful, as a matter of
fact,” Erica said, placing her glass on the breakfast nook and walking to the
center of the kitchen like she was on stage for act three of Venus in Fur.
“How lovely to come to my son’s home for
a visit and be treated to the carnal grunts and cries of what sounded like two
dogs in heat.”

Red’s face was pale and he looked sick to
his stomach at what she was saying.
“I’m sorry if we offended you,” he said to her.

“I never claimed to be offended,” Erica
replied, putting one hand on her stomach.
“I was just appalled and shaken.
At first I thought someone might have been hurt, so I ran upstairs to
ask if you needed help.
I am a
nurse after all.”

Red and Nicole exchanged glances.
Both of them were embarrassed, and
Nicole suddenly felt like a teenager who’d been caught being naughty under the
stairwell at school.

“I’m sorry you heard that,” Nicole said,
“but it was an honest mistake—an accident.
I don’t think we need to hear a

Erica rolled her eyes.
“Oh, no, of course not.
Far be it for me—a woman in her
fifties—to give advice to her thirty-two year old son and his twenty-two
year old girlfriend.”

“Fiancé,” Red corrected her.

“I misspoke.
I should have said, ‘your twenty-two
year old fiancé who seems to be an expert in and out of the bedroom.’
If she’s managed to keep your roving eye
still for even a minute, she must have the all the wisdom of an aging
prostitute contained in that young body of hers.”

“Get out,” Red said, his voice almost
shaking with rage.

“What did you say?” his mother asked, her
eyes so wide she looked like a cartoon version of herself.

He stared at her with so much controlled
hate that for a brief second, Nicole was afraid of what he might do.

Erica seemed unsure, as if the rules of
the game she was winning had suddenly and mysteriously changed.
She was playing tennis and now Red had
declared it a boxing match.

“My flight back isn’t until the morning,”
she whined.

“I’m going to have a car come and pick
you up,” Red replied, regaining some of his composure.
“It will bring you to a beautiful hotel
suite near the airport.
You can
stay there tonight.”

Erica’s eyes shined brightly, with an
insane alertness that turned Nicole’s stomach.
“What a lovely way for a son to treat
his mother.
First, a loud
pornographic display of his sex life delivered via echo chamber.
And then a swift kick in the rear when
she has the nerve to question his hospitality.”

“You didn’t question my hospitality,” he
“You called my fiancé a
prostitute and that I will never accept.
Now get the hell out of my house before I have you thrown out.”

Erica gave a strange, snakelike grin and
then moved out of the room quickly.

Red stood in the kitchen, not looking
after her, his fists clenched at his sides, chest heaving.
“That woman is a monster.”

“I’m sorry,” Nicole whispered.
“I shouldn’t have taken the bait.”

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