Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) (7 page)

Chapter 5


I know I should not be doing this. I know I should be going back home to be with the kids but the idea of a little boat ride on this gorgeous morning is too much to pass up. And let’s face it, hanging out with Jude is more than a little fun.

Dashing off to the bathroom after breakfast, I made a call to Becky to let her know what I would be doing and she said the kids were doing great. I heard them playing in the background so I think this is okay for me to be doing.

I do feel kind of selfish for taking this time away from them with all the time I already take away from them with work. Then I look over at the completely hot man in the driver’s seat and that pretty much flies out the window.

I left my car in the Denny’s parking lot and am riding with him to the marina on some big lake about forty-five minutes away. I watch him change the radio station then his hand moves toward me instead of the steering wheel and he takes my hand and holds our hands on the little leather armrest that’s between us.

“Your car is really nice,” I say because I don’t know what else to say. I kind of hate being trapped in a car with people. It’s one of my little quirks. You just never know what to say.

“Thank you,” he says then lifts our clasped hands and kisses the side of mine. I nearly yank my hand to get his mouth to touch mine instead of just my hand.

I realize I’m holding my breath as he looks at me from behind his dark sunglasses and a half smile is on his lips. Letting out the breath, I say, “So, how much farther is this lake?”

“Your voice went kind of high there, Mercy,” he says with a little chuckle. “Am I making you nervous?”

“No!” I say with the same too high tone.

Of course, I’m nervous. The touch of his lips on the side of my hand made my insides heat and a pulse start in my lower regions. If I don’t watch myself this man will have me naked and writhing in passion underneath him in minutes.

Oh God, why did I have to make that image in my head?

Now I’m aching a little for him to fulfill that little scene my mind created. Imagination can be a truly awful thing.

“Mercy, when was the last time you were kissed?” he asks as he looks at the road.

“I’d rather not talk about that. Just for the record, I do not want to know when you were last kissed, okay?” I say then look out the window and find the glimmer of water filling in the areas between the tall pine trees that grow along the edge of the road. “Is this the lake where you boat is?”

“It is. Have you ever driven a boat?” he asks then gives my hand a squeeze.

“No,” I answer and try not to think of us alone on a boat in the middle of this big lake and what I’ll do if he kisses me out there with no one around.

“Well, you will today. I’ll show you how to do it. It’s fun,” he says then lets my hand go as he pulls into the small marina with quite a few very nice and expensive looking boats pulled into separate stalls.

“You’d trust me with your boat, Jude?” I ask as he pulls to a stop.

“I’ll be right there. Right behind you, making sure you don’t get overwhelmed.” He runs his hand over my arm and up to take my chin in it. “Let me get your door.”

“K,” comes my weak response.

I watch him get out of the car and have to adjust myself as he walks around. He has me nine types of hot and bothered and I don’t know why I agreed to this. It was the worst idea ever.

Alone with him. Him standing behind me as he teaches me to drive his boat. I can almost feel his erection on my ass now and it’s making me uber-uncomfortable. Damn, my vivid imagination!

The door opens and I see I’ve forgotten to take off my seatbelt. He leans in to do it for me and is closer to me than he’s been so far and I’m nearly shaking with how bad I want to grab him and kiss him right now.

So I close my eyes and feel his lips graze my cheek as he moves back across me and takes my hand, lifting me out of the car. “Come on. I can’t wait to get you out on the water.”

Opening my eyes, I follow along until he pulls me up to walk beside him and lets my hand go, running his arm around my waist. “I can’t stay out here very long, Jude. Maybe an hour.”

He stops and gets in front of me, taking both my hands in his as he looks at me, “Why.” He just stands there looking at me, waiting for my answer as to why I can’t stay out on this lake with him for more than an hour.

I’m like a deer in the headlights. I have no idea of what to say to him so I make something up. “Laundry, I have a lot of laundry to do.”

He laughs and moves back around to my side, slipping his arm around me again as he says, “I can help you do it, later on, tonight when I take you home. I’ve never done laundry before but with you, it might be fun.”

When he takes me home?

I have no idea what to say now. He can’t go back to my place. I can’t bring him into the kids’ lives yet. I never can, really. Just the way he drove us over here was a bit hard to take. He drives fast everywhere he goes. Like he’s trying to beat some time limit to get from point A to point B or something.

I’m sure he’s a real dare devil and the children can’t be subjected to that. Not when their parents died in a car wreck. That would be emotionally damaging to them.

Jude Hurst can be no more to me than a little secret side action. And even that will have to be kept in check. There cannot be any sex between us. Not ever. This man could make me fall for him so easily. I have to keep my guard up or I’ll get hurt.

I know I will!

“Here she is,” he says as he gestures to a very badass looking boat.

It’s white with canary yellow striping on it. A little canopy is pushed back I assume so he can drive it faster than the canopy would allow if it was up.

He walks onto the flat deck up front, taking me along with him. There are two little steps down into the main area of the boat. Four seats are in the front and one long seat goes across the entire back of the boat. It’s so long we could both stretch out on it and the canopy could be raised to make shade and a little privacy.

Oh, Lord! I’m already scoping out a place where we could have sex. What’s wrong with me? 

Chapter 6


For reasons I cannot fathom, Mercy seems to be trying to figure out reasons why she can’t hang out with me for much longer. She’s having fun. The smile hasn’t left her face very often at all. It can’t be because she’s bored or doesn’t like what we’re doing.

Maybe she just doesn’t like me.

Nah, that can’t be it!

There has to be something she’s hiding. Something she’s ashamed of.

Maybe she’s a hoarder and doesn’t want me to see her place. Maybe it’s not like that at all, maybe she’s a freaky chick who has a dungeon and likes to play the mistress part in kinky sex games with strange men.

Oh wait, that’s one of my fantasies!

Whatever it is, I will get to the bottom of it, because I’m keeping her all day and into the night. Whether she protests or not, she’s going to hang out with me until she gets past this weird thing she has about going back home all the time.

“Do you have pets, Mercy,” I ask to see if that might be why she wants to get back home so quickly.

She shakes her head, “No. Why? Do you?”

Well, that’s not why. “I have an old hunting dog I inherited from my grandfather who passed away a while back. So no pets huh?” I pull out of the boat slip and back up slow and easy.

She shimmies in the seat next to mine and seems a little nervous. “Where are the life jackets?”

“Look under your seat,” I tell her.

She looks and sees one of the orange life jackets there. “Oh, okay. That does look easy to get to if I need it. Have you ever wrecked a boat before?”

“No, I have not. I’ve been driving boats since I was just a kid. We have a yacht too. There’s a captain for it but he lets us all try our hand at driving it when we want to,” I say as I start to pull away from the marina.

The lake is smooth as glass this morning. The air is warm and the sun feels amazing.

“I don’t suppose you have sunscreen onboard, Jude,” she says,

“No,” I say then wish like hell I did have some.

“See, we can’t stay out long or I’ll get a sunburn. So keep it under an hour,” she says with a smile on her face like she’s found her out.

The first aid kit is in the glove box so I pull it out and toss it to her. “See if there’s some in there. I took Mom and Dad out a few weeks ago and I think Mom might have put some in there.”

She sighs and opens the little kit and pulls out a tube of the thing she thought would get her taken home sooner than I want to let her go. “Yes, there is some.”

“Would you mind putting some on my face? I don’t want to burn either,” I ask her so she has to run her hands all over my face and I’ve been wanting to see how that would feel.

Going slow out of the marina, I let the wheel go and turn in the seat so she can lather me up. She squeezes the tube and a glob if white lands on her palm. Then she rubs her hands together, getting them all white and stands up, coming to me and places her palms on my cheeks.

“The beard usually keeps those covered just fine. But you’ve already greased it so go for it, Mercy,” I say as her hands move over my face. The sensation makes me hard as a rock and I can tell she and I will be very compatible in the sack.

Her hips are begging me to rest my hands on them so I go for it. “Getting a little handsy there, aren’t you?” she asks as she rubs the lotion in.

“I’m holding you steady, Mercy. Geeze, don’t go jumping to conclusions.”

“Right,” she says with a little laugh. “There, you’re all safe now.”

I hold her by her hips and look up at her. “How about a little kiss before I have to let you go?”

She leans down and I ready myself for some much sought after lip action and hope a bit of tongue comes into play. Then her lips touch the tip of my nose and she stands back up. “There you go, player.”


I let her go and find I’m going to have to put in more time if I want to get to the goods with her. She has some restraint, that’s all I have to say.

Taking her seat, she lathers the lotion all over every spot of her skin that’s not covered by clothing. “Get ready to go fast, Mercy,” I say just before I throw the throttle back and let her rip.

“What?” she screams as the engine reeves and the nose of the boat comes up high as we go fast.

I glance over and see her gripping the seat and her lips are pressed together in a hard line as she looks ahead. She seems on the edge of being terrified. So that’s good.

It’s not a good ride if you’re not a little afraid it’s going to all go south in an instant!

I decide a little more intensity is in order and shout, “Hold on tight!”

Her head jerks to look at me. “Tighter than I already am?” she screams as her head shakes back and forth, trying to let me know not to do whatever it is she thinks I’m about to do.

I nod and pull the wheel hard to the right, taking us in a hard circle and watching her knuckles go white as she holds tighter to the seat. It makes me smile like a lunatic as her mouth comes open and she shrieks the entire time.

Easing the speed a bit, I give her the idea I’ll be slowing down now. Then I rev it up and take off in the opposite direction. She sits back, still holding onto the seat as I fly over the water.

Waves from another boat make our boat bounce along on top of them and she looks at me then back in front of her. I think another bounce over the waves is in order. I make another hard turn and go back over the waves, catching air three times.

Her scream is worth it and I laugh as I watch her coming unglued. Man, this shit is fun!

Slowing the boat, I reach over and touch her arm. Her body is shaking and she has goosebumps. I did good!

“Okay, Mercy, your turn to drive,” I say as I pull her from her chair and onto my lap.

“No, I don’t want to drive like that,” she says with chattering teeth. “You scared me half to death, Jude.”

Pushing her ponytail to one side, I kiss the back of her neck. “Aw, I’m sorry.”

I’m not really sorry. I got what I wanted. Her on my lap, shaking like a leaf and needing me to calm her down.

Moving my hands over her shoulders and down her arms, I take her hands in mine and put them on the steering wheel. I rest my chin on her shoulder then turn and kiss her neck as I say, “Just drive it like you would a car. We can go slower now.”

“K,” comes her slightly less shaky voice.

I have her right where I want her. In my lap. Life is good on a Saturday morning on the lake!

Chapter 7


This man is something else!

After nearly killing us both, he’s cooing into my ear as I’m sitting on his lap driving the boat very slowly as he kisses my neck from time to time with his arms wrapped around me.

I didn’t notice all that at first since I was more scared than I think I’ve ever been before. But it feels amazing and I know in my head that I should get the hell off of his lap and stop this from happening but my damn body refuses to move.

Instead, it’s aiding the man with his agenda as I moan a little with every kiss he makes to my neck. It’s like it just happens on its own without me even trying!

His hand moves over my arm then he clicks the key, shutting the engine off. His words are hot on my neck as he mumbles, “I can’t take anymore.”

He’s up and I’m in his arms then he’s walking to the back and lying me on the long bench and laying right beside me, wrapping his body around mine and then he presses his lips to mine.

I know I should struggle to stop him but my arms wrap around him instead as I pull him closer to me. As close as he can get, that’s how I want to feel him. His breath is warm and he tastes like syrup and orange juice, sweet and citrusy and amazing.

I hear the sound of a little motor humming then feel the heat of the sun go away as the canopy moves out to cover us. It’s like my little fantasy only way better.

His tongue twirls expertly with mine and his hands are absolutely everywhere. My tits, my ass, my waist, my hair. He pulls the rubber band off my ponytail and runs one hand through my hair.

I do the same thing with my hands, feeling the softness of his dark hair. I cannot believe I’m doing this. This was not on my agenda today. Not at all. I was going to make sure this didn’t happen. What am I doing?

My body hasn’t felt a man’s touch in over two years and it’s begging for more. I find myself arching up as he moves over me. His hard cock grinds into me and I go even hotter.

He groans as he dry humps me and I moan with how good it feels. I know this is wrong. I know this is all he wants then it will all be over. He’ll move on to his next conquest and I’ll feel more alone than I ever did before.

His fingers move over the front of my shirt, leaving the buttons undone in their fast moving path. Seems he can do many things fast!

Not me, though. I want him to slow way down with me and then I find the woman inside of me who knows what she’s alive for. And it’s not to be this man’s toy.

Pulling my tongue back to my own mouth, I press my lips together and he pulls his head up to see why I’ve done that. “Mercy, don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

Pushing against his wide chest that is so well muscled it should be illegal, I whisper, “I have to.”

“No, you don’t. I’m not trying to have sex with you. Only make out with you. Get to know you and your body and how it reacts to my touch and how mine reacts to yours. Nothing more than that, I swear.” His mouth comes back down on mine and I let him kiss me again.

He said it would be nothing more than kissing and touching. I can handle that. I think.

He continues with the last button on my shirt then I feel his hand pushing my bra up and his palm covers my breast with a nice firm squeeze. My arms tighten around him as I moan with how great it feels.

Soft, gentle squeezes he makes then his thumb runs over the nipple which is more erect than it’s ever been in my entire life and it’s throbbing under his thumb. My stomach is quivering as he starts to grind into me again.

I know I’m going to climax. It’s just a matter of time and that’s going to be so embarrassing. I haven’t had sex in so damn long anything will set me off. So I stop the kiss and bring my hands around in front of me and push at his chest again. “I really can’t be doing this. I feel like I’m leading you on. This can’t go anywhere.”

“And why is that?” he asks then ignores my gentle push for him to get off me and starts kissing my neck.

Oh my, God, that’s even worse!

My body begins to sweat as his lips and tongue run over my neck, as he leaves tiny nips along the trail he’s blazing. “Jude, it just can’t. You’re making things hard for us both.”

“I’m trying, darlin’ you should just be quiet and go with this,” he mumbles as he continues to make me insane with his tortuous neck kisses.

His thumb moves in a rough motion around and around my nipple that’s aching it wants his mouth on it so badly. On its own, my hand runs to the one he has on my breast and presses it harder. He groans and his cock jerks against me then he makes the move.

Our eyes meet as he changes from kissing my neck to sucking my breast. His are intense and dark brown with lust. I think mine are most likely filled with fear and there’s got to be some lust in mine too. Only I’m fighting my desire and he’s completely giving into his.

I arch up as his hot mouth takes my breast and I make a throaty cry as his teeth nip my swollen nipple. “God damn, that feels so fucking good, Jude.”

Did I just say that out loud?

His tongue goes crazy on me. My body starts shaking and I know this man is not going to let up on me. One of his hands moves between us then he starts rubbing in between my legs crazy hard and fast and I can’t take it anymore and climax.

His quick fingers unbutton my shorts and in goes his fast hand. Pushing his fingers through my hot and now very wet folds, he pushes one of those fingers into me and starts wiggling it in some motion that has the orgasm continuing.

I want to tell him to stop as I’m breathing like a race horse and raking my hands across his back like a person trying to dig themselves out of a grave. But all I can do is accept this gift he’s giving me. A perfect and extremely welcome gift.

As he eases his stimulations, my body grows quiet as does my mouth. His mouth leaves my breast and his head raises to look at me. “There, now that you’re relaxed we can enjoy the rest of our date. I plan on keeping you all day long and into the night. Now, what do you say to that, Mercy?”

Only one word comes to mind. “Yes.”

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