BirthRight (13 page)

Read BirthRight Online

Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #wolves shapeshifters hunting, #wolf mates, #pack life, #patron, #wolves shifting

“We’re not finished and you know it. I am
going to fuck you hard without a condom. Then I’m going to fill up
this greedy pussy with my seed, which should put you to sleep.
There will be no more mating calls, damn it. This ends now.” He
leaned near her face. “Got that?” Her eyes narrowed. For a moment
he thought she’d balk. But the curl of her lips as she returned his
stare sent blood rushing to his rod.

“Yeah,” she said in a low breathy tone.

“Get on your knees.” He leaned back to give
her room to comply. He didn’t miss the way her body shuddered when
she moved.

He palmed her ass, slapped
one cheek and then the other before squeezing them again. “Nice,
firm.” He bent and kissed the places he’d just smacked.
watched her soft ass wiggle slightly as she moved. He tapped her
thighs. “Open wider.”

She spread her knees further apart.

He was pleased at
sopping wet she was for him before he’d even touched her.
“Beautiful,” he whispered before he tongued her opening and lapped
her juices. Their combined flavors exploded on his tongue. His
beast stirred as he held her tight and fucked her with his tongue.
He couldn’t seem to get enough.

Her scent grew stronger.

His beast rose to the forefront, growling,
urging him to bite her, to take her. Lost in his lust, he rose and
thrust into her warmth. Instead of screaming, she sighed and pushed
back against him.

His beast pushed for him to take her hard.
He pulled out and slammed into her again, mindless with pleasure.
She was so fucking tight, so hot, and felt so good squeezing him.
He grabbed her waist with both hands, holding her body still as he
bucked into her. His pounding became a blur as he struggled to
reach his pinnacle.

“Yes,” she screamed. “More.”

With those words he lost
control and couldn’t hold onto his restraint any longer.
drove into her, brutally pounding her pussy. Her moans set him
aflame. He held her breast as he fucked her hard from the rear,
slamming into her as her body stiffened. She screamed out his name,
shattering on his cock as loud breathy moans escaped her

Feeling on the brink of his release, he
jerked hard into her and gave one last thrust as his world exploded
in total bliss. His body shuddered and convulsed. Spurt after spurt
of his semen filled her warm cavern as she tightened her muscles,
milking him as though to draw the last dregs of his cum inside

She fell forward to the bed. “Okay, I call
uncle. That should do it,” she said in a hoarse whisper.

He pulled out and winced at the amount of
fluid that flowed down her leg and onto the bed. Rolling to the
side he lay next to her.

As much as he wished otherwise, this human
had taken everything he and his wolf gave her. She was still a
mystery, only now delightful as well. He couldn’t remember ever
being this sated. His wolf purred in satisfaction.

He sniffed. Her scent was changing. A smug
measure of pride at meeting her needs filled him. She rolled over
to face him.

“I need to take a shower and change these
sheets,” she whispered.

He yawned, unconcerned. “Let your sons do
it. That way they’ll know you’re alright.”

She gasped and sat straight up in the bed.
“Oh my God. Tyrone and Tyrese. I forgot…” Her head swiveled from
side to side as though they were in the room. “They probably
heard.” She dropped her face into her hand. “Never, and I do mean
never, have they…” She threw her legs off the bed and ran into the

Of course her sons had heard her screams of
pleasure and demands to Silas to fuck her. There was no doubt the
wolves below had heard, since her bedroom window was open. Idly, he
wondered where she got the energy to run to the bathroom, he didn’t
want to move. The shower turned on and he glanced at the clock.
With slow measured strides, he followed her. He had time for a



Chapter 11


Silas and his small group parked outside the
tall adobe walls of the Mexican wolves’ compound. He’d received a
report that these wolves kept human breeders and used them to swell
their ranks. He’d requested a meeting with the pack leader and had
been denied.

That was unacceptable.

So far they’d talked to three wolves before
receiving correct instructions to the compound.

“Any ideas how to get inside and find the
women,” Tyrone asked. He and Tyrese had been assigned to his
security detail. Ever since Silas had bedded their mom, things had
been tense in the condo. All three of them agreed this break was
necessary, and since the mating call had dissipated, Jayden assured
him of his ability to keep Jasmine safe.

From what Silas could tell, Callum spent as
much time with Jasmine as possible. The teen wolf idolized her.

Silas hadn’t seen or spoken to Jasmine since
he’d shut down her mating call. Things had been busy, and he didn’t
want her or her sons to think that the sex meant more than it

“I’ll call him again and ask for another
meeting.” Silas was too far to grab hold of any of the wolves
behind the walls. He pulled out his cell and waited for someone to
answer the phone. Once they did, he grabbed hold of the other
person’s wolf.

“Open the gate. Don’t allow anything to stop
you. Do it now.”

He ignored the startled looks from the
twins, Theron, his Alpha for Texas, and Buck, another wolf from the
Texas pack.

No one spoke as they waited.

The blistering sun created oven-like
temperatures inside their jeeps despite the air conditioning. Sweat
ran down their bodies unchecked, but they remained quiet and
resolute. After ten or more minutes, a side door they hadn’t
noticed before, opened a crack. Silas threw out a barrier in front
of him to protect against surprises, stepped out and headed for the

The twins ran ahead to enter first. They
sniffed the air and sent him a report through their mental

Ambush. There are about twenty wolves
hiding inside.”

Just twenty?”
Silas smiled through
the link.
“They could have made it interesting.”
He tapped
Tyrone on the shoulder.
“Wait for my mark,”
he said through
their links. Now that he was closer, Silas eyed the inner walls of
the complex. There were an additional twenty wolves inside, making
a total of forty plus or minus wolves.

But he didn’t care about them, he searched
for the human women. He was about to call off the attack when he
sensed the first human heartbeat. It was moving, downward. Was
there only one? He continued searching. There was another one, also
being moved. He smiled, at least the women were in the same place.
Just as he was about to deal with the wolves, he sensed another
human heartbeat. That made three. Except she was being moved
upward. He wondered at that.

He opened his palm, released a breath, and
then squeezed his fist, sending forth a compulsion to do his

The first wave of power pulsed through the
yard. A cacophony of whelps and whines rose in volume. Silas opened
his hand again and closed his fist slower this time, sending power
outward to control the wolves. He waited a beat and nodded to the

As they strode through the courtyard, he
watched as the wolves lay on their backs exposing their bellies to
him. He nodded and continued unchallenged. These wolves were cannon
fodder and relatively young. Silas sent them into the forest with a
mental push and command not to return until he called for them. No
need to hurt the pups. The ones inside were a different matter. He
was prepared to destroy them to get the answers he sought.

One large black wolf whined and circled him.
Silas shooed the pup with another command. With a long whine, the
pup ran off.

The twins stood on both sides of the door
waiting for his command.

Knock on the door.”

Tyrone’s brow rose, but he knocked.
Footfalls came forward. A small woman opened the door. The
terrified omega tried to greet them, but shook too hard.

“Tell your master, La Patron is here to
speak with him.”

She nodded, bowed and backed away from the
door. The sound of her feet barely made a sound. Seconds later,
Tyrone did a back flip and changed mid-air, landing a few feet away
as four wolves ran out the entry. Two veered toward Tyrese.

Silas stopped Theron from interfering; he’d
seen the twins in action at the compound. But he wanted to see how
they fought other hybrids. Frowning, Silas assumed the wolves from
Pedro’s pack were from the humans, but wasn’t sure.

Snarling, Tyrone leapt forward, backing the
wolves away from Silas and Theron. He then charged the closest
brown wolf, knocking it back, and then whirling on the other wolf,
biting its hindquarters. The wolf fell. Tyrone jumped on the first
wolf, grabbed it by the neck and shook it. The wolf stopped
fighting and lay supine beneath Tyrone’s jaw. The entire time
Tyrone held the wolf in his jaw, he watched the other wolf that lay
heaving on its side.

Tyrese jumped up, barely missing the grey
wolf who charged him. When he dropped, he changed and swiped his
paw across the neck of his challenger, the wolf rolled and lay on
its side. The other wolf turned and leapt at Tyrese. With a snap of
his jaw, he clamped around the wolf’s throat, shook it a couple of
times and then dropped the dead wolf. The fight lasted just a few
minutes, much to Silas’ disgust. Those Mexican wolves had made the
mistake of thinking the twins were weak links.

Silas never traveled with weak wolves.

Another wolf came out through the opened
door and Tyrese growled, waiting for the wolf to clear the porch.
Instead of fighting, the wolf whined. Head down, it trotted to the
wolf lying on the ground and nudged its head. When the wolf didn’t
move, the smaller wolf sat next to it, whining.

Pleased with the fighting prowess of the
young wolves, Silas commanded them to remain alert so they could
proceed with what they’d come to do. Silas released a breath as the
twins howled their victories. He’d need to talk to them about the
appropriateness of such gestures when they were in the middle of a

Silas understood the need to stand your
ground, but when a bigger wolf knocked on your door, a certain
amount of respect and courtesy should be shown. Silas had received

He looked into the dim hall and pushed a
powerful compulsion in his voice. “Pedro, come here.” There were
gasps of surprise. Yelps and whines came from inside. “Come here
now, Pedro.”

The slap of paws on tile filled the air.
Seconds later, a large silver wolf stood in the doorway growling
and baring teeth with hackles raised.

Silas looked at the pack leader and sighed.
“Is today the day you die? So be it, but I did call first to make
an appointment. All I wanted was to talk and you ignored my
request. I have traveled far and will not be denied. So…you tell
me, is today the day you and more of your pack dies?” He looked
over his shoulder. Tyrese and Tyrone were still in wolf form
standing over their kills. Silas sent a wave of power that dropped
the arrogant wolf to his knees.

Eyes wild, the wolf continued to growl and

Silas shrugged and sent a message to his
men. “Change back and move to the side.” The twins phased back and
moved to the opposite side of the porch. The next moment the
thunder of running wolves filled the air. Pedro’s eyes widened as
if he couldn’t believe his ears. Wolves soon flew out the building
to the yard and paced in front of the porch. Their eyes flicked
from Pedro to Silas.

“No Alpha puts their pack at risk the way
you did.” Silas said before he turned to the pack. “Beta, come
forward.” A whine rent the air as another large silver wolf walked
as though being drug against his will.

“You’re not going to work either,” Silas
said, looking over the group. He didn’t have time for pack
politics. “Tyrese, Tyrone,” he spoke through their link. “They took
two women down stairs and one upstairs; find them and bring them
here so I can talk to them,”

The two men stepped over Pedro and walked

“Show me your bellies,” Silas said. All but
three wolves dropped immediately.

Theron, the Alpha of Texas shifted into a
large silver wolf. He leapt and caught the first wolf by the neck,
and turned while holding that wolf, knocking back the other two
wolves who’d come at him from behind. After breaking the neck of
the first wolf, he rushed toward one of the others, separating
them. He picked the smaller wolf and quickly dispatched him. That
left the beta.

The wolves jumped at each other, but Theron
was larger and brought the beta to the ground, and snapped at his
neck. The wolf backed away before Theron had a grip. Snarling, the
Alpha charged again, and this time overpowered the beta, grabbed
him by the neck and snapped it. Theron pranced in front of the pack
and then sat on his haunches near Silas.

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