Bitter Black Kiss (10 page)

Read Bitter Black Kiss Online

Authors: Michelle Clay

“I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.” She offered a wry smile.

“I know it’s not my place to say it, but maybe you should just accept what you are. You can’t change it, might as well embrace it.” He knew what he was talking about. He’d suffered through the same thing many years ago.

“Have you done it yet?”

“Changed?” He decided to tell the truth, or at least a close version of it. “Yes.”

Her jaw was set at an odd angle. “What was it like?”

The first few times, until he learned to let it just encompass him, the change hurt like hell. “It can be frightening at first. I think it would be easier if you were around someone who has the same affliction.”

“How many times have you changed?”

“A few." That was a safe answer.

"You shouldn't take BST, Brody. That stuff can seriously screw you up."

He’d forgotten about that tidbit. Damn it, this woman flustered and confused him so much. "Right, yeah. I was just curious. I don't plan on doing it again."

“So, what are you going to do?”

He frowned, lost. “During the full moon?”

Nicole nodded.

He’d considered attending the Wild Hunt, have a night of debauchery, but he figured it would be unwise. The current leader was itching for him to join. His presence would be taken as an agreement to become part of the pack.

“I suppose I could restrain myself until the next morning.” The idea posed a multitude of mouthwatering possibilities if she’d agree to detain herself with him. “You know, just in case I’m unable to control myself.”

“That’s what I do. Restrain myself.” They approached her red Mazda. “I send Molly away and lock myself in my bedroom.”

Brody envisioned her tethered to the bed. The image made him salivate. She might run away screaming if she knew he had a raging hard-on. Ideas like this just made him want her more. “You take an ungodly amount of wolfsbane then what? You just wait it out?”

“I don’t like the urges I get. I can’t live that way.”

“Maybe you just need someone to show you— to help you through it.” He grasped her hand and pulled her toward him. She didn’t resist. Her free hand lay against his chest. Her chin tilted up, and her eyes were full of curiosity. His lips were mere inches from hers. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, almost expecting her to turn away. She didn’t.

Nicole’s eyes fluttered shut, and her body melted against his. He brought a hand to her lower back. The other found its way to her ponytail and set her hair free. It fell around her shoulders and tickled his skin. One of Nicole’s hands found its way beneath his shirt. Fingertips fluttered against his stomach then across his chest. Their tongues danced together, and he deepened the kiss. The hand on her back fell lower to cup her ass.

Brody walked her backward, toward the backend of the car. He hadn't made out in the backseat of a car in ages, but damn…

The door opened though he didn't recall which of them did it. Nicole lay back on the seat, her eyes half open, watching his every move. One of her running shoes lay in the sand outside while the other had been kicked to the floorboard.

He sank into the seat with a low, sexy growl. Damn, this blonde bombshell… he had to have her.

Nicole’s knees parted, allowing him to get intimately close. Her legs twined around his waist then drew him to her center. Teeth scraped against his bottom lip, and he captured her soft sound of pleasure.

“Ah, fuck Nicole.” Which was exactly what he planned to do.

Lust scorched every last nerve in his body. His cock pressed against her, and there was no doubt in his mind that she was aware of his intentions. She didn’t tell him no.

He dropped his mouth to her neck, grazing her flesh with his teeth. It brought another pleasant sound from deep in her throat. If she kept making those sexy noises, she was going to drive him over the edge.

Her fists clenched against his shirt. Nicole’s fingernails skimmed beneath the fabric to touch the smooth skin of his back. His name escaped her lips as a breathy exhalation. He not only wanted to make her moan, but also wanted to hear her scream his name.

His hands were everywhere at once and still he couldn’t touch enough of her. He had to taste her, feel her, see her naked. There wasn't enough room in this compact car!

The rational side of his brain was fast departing. All he could think about was burying himself deep within her.

“Let’s go back to my place, Nicole.” His lips moved against her skin, his tongue licking the salty sweetness. His fingers skimmed her waistband then dipped lower to touch her through the whisper-soft cotton.

Nicole’s legs tightened around him. Her back arched and fingers tensed on his shoulders. Her eyes were shut, lips parted and a flush on her cheeks which magnified her beauty.

His fingers found her and slipped against the moist bud of flesh. Nicole gasped as shocked pleasure rolled across her features. Her hips thrust against his hand as he palmed her sex.

“Yes,” she whispered as his fingers slid against her. Her body shook when he slid one inside her. "Please, yes."

Not missing the chance he was given, Brody leaned over her to run his tongue along her clavicle as he slid another finger inside her. Nicole’s body was receptive, more than willing to take him inside.

He moved the sports bra out of the way so he could taste one of her perfect breasts. Her hips rocked against his hand, and her body squirmed as she drew close to orgasm. Without missing a stroke on her delicate little clit, he shoved two fingers deep as they’d go. Nicole cried out as her thighs clamped around him, and she rode his fingers to climax. Before she was able to crest back down, he pulled her up to his mouth and kissed her hard.

“Let’s take this back to my place,” Brody cooed in her ear. She had no idea how badly he wanted her. To illustrate his need, he pushed his hard cock against her. “Let me make love to you, Nicole.”

In a surprise move, her hand fell between them and landed at his waistband. Her fingertips brushed across his hard-on, and she smiled up at him. “My place is closer.”

“You have a roommate,” he said then kissed her on the forehead.

She looked up at him, opened her mouth to say something more, but was interrupted.

A modern rock song broke the silence.

“Don’t answer it,” he said.

She answered without looking at the readout. “Hello?”

Nicole rolled away from him then got to her feet. Just like that, their moment was lost.

A slight breeze picked up and brought salty air and another unmistakable scent. The faint odor of wet dog drifted up the beach, hinting that something furry might head their way. His nostrils flared, but he managed to keep his expression neutral. He scanned the lower end of the beach where they’d stood moments ago. If Stone or more likely Tony, had snuck up on them, there were few places to hide. He cast another glance toward the other end of the beach where the bonfire had been. That stretch of sand had gone dark.

A look of anger and disgust dominated Nicole’s expression.

Brody focused his attention on the tinny voice resonating from the phone. “Slut,” the voice hissed. “Fucking whore.”

He plucked the phone from her fingers and pressed it against his own ear.

“Who is this?” he demanded. The line went dead, and the squeal of tires drew his attention to the end of the street. A dark car pulled away from the curb. The driver performed an illegal U-turn, then sped out of sight.

Nicole looked up at him. She had recognized the caller.

He damned the caller for ruining the moment. “I’ll follow you home.”

“No, I’m okay.” Nicole smiled up at him, her hand still in his. She licked her lips, and he followed the movement with eager eyes.

“There’s no ulterior motive. I just want to make sure you get there safely.”

Emotion swirled in her eyes. “Maybe it’s a good thing we were interrupted. I shouldn’t have allowed that to happen.”

“We could be good for each other, Nicole.”

He’d hated what he was when he’d first learned of his Lycanthropy. To be a child in the throes of puberty and to suffer such a horrible turn of fate had been worse than difficult. He’d never been happy until he’d accepted what he was, what he was capable of and how to control it. He did understand her struggle, but couldn’t admit it without telling her everything else he’d ever said was a lie.

“I like you, Brody. You’re a great guy.” Her smile was somewhat wistful.

“But?” He didn’t want to hear her excuse. Her answer was still a rejection, no matter how gentle.

“I’m not sure we’re such a good idea.” She backed away and put some distance between them.

Regret burned within him. He should have known he was forcing her to move too fast.

Not for the first time tonight, Brody wished he could backtrack and tell her the truth. The whole truth. He’d been wrong to use her for information. The obvious fact that she’d been hurt was compounded by the fact that he didn’t think she even knew anything about her boss’s extracurricular activities. Now that Stone was hanging around more, it would be hard to continue as a DJ and maintain his cover.

He clapped a hand on the back of his neck and kicked at a patch of sand. “Talk about bad timing…”

She looked up at him with an expectant expression. The slight smile fell away from her lips. “What happened…what we just did… I shouldn’t have allowed that to happen. I’m sorry.”

“Can’t we just start over?”

“You’re a great guy, Brody, but I’m just — I’m just not ready to date anyone right now.” She didn’t meet his gaze. “Plus, it’s a conflict of interest if employees date each other. If we got caught, it would be grounds for dismissal.”

His hopes were dashed. Perhaps he’d read her wrong a few moments ago. He’d been the wrong guy at the right time. It was the story of his life.

Her fingers drew away from his, and she rested her hand on the door handle. “See you at work?”

He nodded then watched her drop into the compact car. The short-shorts rode up and allowed him another mouthwatering view.

“Sorry to run off, but I should apologize to Molly. We had an argument, and I may have said some things I didn’t mean.” She offered a hesitant smile.

“Sure. Tell her hello for me.” Brody turned away, frustrated that she'd blue-balled him. He cast a glance over his shoulder. “If you run on the beach again, be careful. I saw a set of wolf tracks.”

Her face scrunched with concern and a touch of unease. “Are you sure it wasn’t just a dog?”

“Positive. You never know who or what you’ll run into.” He pushed away from her car. “Be safe.”

The Mazda rolled backward just a bit. Nicole poked her head out the window. “Hey, Brody? Thanks for listening.”

Chapter Eight


Nicole pulled to a stop outside Sean’s massive beach house. She shielded her eyes from the afternoon sun and stared at the manicured front. The furniture and potted plants did nothing to lend a personal touch to the façade. The water was a couple hundred feet from the back of the house.

Last night Sean asked her to meet him at a local restaurant and go over the Black Moon opening details. They were also going to decide who they would move over from Bitter Black. They had made some headway and put together a perfect roster.

Unfortunately, the discussion had been interrupted. Someone called his cell phone, and an air of urgency clung to him when he hung up. Afterward, he apologized and had his driver take her home with promises that they’d go over everything today. The main thing she wanted to cover was Brody Dunn. Sean didn’t feel it important to bring him over to the new club. She did. Not only would she spend more time there, but she wanted Brody there as well. Yes, it was for selfish reasons, but she couldn’t imagine the club without him. Bitter Black was established and could thrive with a new DJ.

Nicole studied her reflection in the rearview mirror. She had to face facts. Ever since their encounter the other night, she couldn’t get Brody out of her mind. The things they’d done…and she’d agreed to go home with him! It was so unlike her. If that asshole Aaron hadn’t called and broken the mood, she would have had sex with Brody!

He was gorgeous in a wild, untamed way. His skin was sun-kissed, and his hair had a sexy just rolled out of bed style. The guy’s body was sinewy and muscular and all she had dreamt about last night. Every time he was near, her senses came alive. He brought out urges in her that she hadn’t experienced before. She’d read somewhere that a person’s sexual prowess could be determined by their dance moves. If this was true, sex with Brody must be passionate, wild and energetic.

But what was the point in fantasizing about Brody? She could never have him. If she dated Brody and Sean found out, it might ruin both their careers. She couldn’t do that to him. She would not destroy Brody’s career just because she liked the guy.

Nicole cursed her luck at finding the right guy at the wrong time.

Sean stepped onto the front terrace and waved. “Did you have any trouble finding the place?”

Nicole made her way up the imported stone walkway. How could she miss it? His was the most extravagant home on the beach. The entire front consisted of two-story windows. It looked very modern with its blocky, white shape and clean style. He must have spent a fortune on the vacation home.

He ushered her through a posh foyer, filled with houseplants and demure paintings. She doubted he chose any of it. A decorator must have toiled for hours with the house’s details. He led her to the kitchen, and she couldn’t help but think he looked more relaxed than usual.

Sean had traded his customary suit for a polo shirt and dark, pressed jeans. His socked feet made soft sounds on the kitchen tile.

Nicole stood in the kitchen doorway and watched him select a knife from the butcher block. He placed a tomato on the cutting board and ran the blade through its tender skin. Next, he chopped a green bell pepper. “I’m sorry the meeting got cut short last night.”

The kitchen’s open floor plan was made to entertain. The dark cabinetry and granite countertops looked like they’d been scrubbed ahead of her arrival.

“Have a seat.” He indicated the bar with a nod. “Surprised that I cook?”

“Well, yeah.” She slid onto a stool. “A little.”

“I can,” he warned with a wave of the knife, “but I don’t pretend to do it well. The basics are all I know.”

They moved to the back patio and ate the salad he’d prepared while the steaks grilled. Rare for him and medium rare for her. Their discussion covered a broad range of things. Most of which were safe, generalized topics. But none had to do with his night clubs.

Sean’s cell phone chirped, and he excused himself.

Nicole stretched her legs across one of the empty chairs. From her vantage point, she watched him pace the kitchen. He rounded the center island then stopped to rummage through a drawer. Though the glass door was closed, she could hear the rise and fall of his voice. His tone was not a cheerful one. After a few moments, he slammed the drawer shut and disappeared from view.

She returned her attention to the beach and watched a family of four frolicking at the water’s edge. She and Brody had kissed on the same stretch of sand just a few nights ago. She remembered the feel of his lean, muscular body against hers. A fierce flush flooded her cheeks as she glanced up at the road leading down to it. Had Aaron not called and ruined the moment, she might have allowed Brody to do much, much more. She groaned and pushed herself to her feet. Thoughts like that could get her in trouble.

Nicole took a calm, deep breath then went in search of Sean. She found him in the huge pantry adjacent to the kitchen. He was in front of a wine cabinet, lost in thought. She cleared her throat and brought him back to reality.

“Sorry about that, Angel. What kind of wine do you like?”

What the hell was that? She didn’t know whether to say anything or just ignore it. She didn’t want to offend him, but she thought she’d made it clear that she wasn’t interested in anything personal.

It was much safer to deal with the wine issue. She didn’t drink much wine and didn’t know the difference between decent and better, French or Californian. Besides, it was too early in the day to drink. “I’m not much of a wine drinker. Do we have time to look over the roster I’ve put together?”

Instead of answering, he selected a bottle of white. He led her to the living room. Just like the other rooms, it was too sterile. The house in general had the feel of a luxurious hotel room. It didn’t feel homey or lived in at all. The framed paintings were lovely. The expensive furniture was tasteful and lavish, but nothing was personal —not her style.

Sean deposited the bottle and two glasses onto the coffee table. He crossed the room and popped a disc into the stereo. John Legend’s sensual, smooth voice drifted from hidden speakers.

Nicole sank onto the pristine white couch. Sipping wine and listening to sexy music was not appropriate to discuss business. She reached for her purse, anxious to get things back on track and removed a sheet of paper. “I’ve got a few ideas on who we can transfer over to the new club. I’ve also gone through the new applicants, and I think I have enough people to fill the new positions and cover any empty spots at Bitter Black.”

Sean handed her a glass of wine and watched her sip it. “I asked you here for a different reason.”

Nicole’s smile faltered. Her stomach dropped, and she braced herself for some horrible thing she just knew had to come. She sat the glass aside and scooted to the edge of the couch. “Oh?”

He mimicked her actions and clasped her hands in his. An apologetic expression darkened his smooth features. “I don’t know how to tell you this.”

Nicole launched herself off the couch. “You're firing me, aren't you? Did you find someone with more experience? I guarantee you that I am just as good as they are.”

Laughter rumbled up his throat and tears formed in his eyes.

“If you give me a chance, I—” Her chest constricted, and her eyes stung with the threat of angry tears. “Why are you laughing?”

Sean wiped at his eyes and regained some composure. His hands fell upon her shoulders. In a neatly choreographed move, he turned her to face him. “How in the world did you come to that conclusion?”

“I’m not fired?”

“No, nothing like that.”

"God, I feel like such an idiot. I’m going home to drown myself now.” Humiliation coiled in her stomach.

“Maybe we could just restart this conversation? I know we’ve just gotten to know each other, but I think I could care a great deal about you.” He sighed, and his shoulders dropped.

Nicole’s brows scrunched. He 
 he could care about her? What was that supposed to mean? If it was his idea of a come on, the guy might want to rethink his game. “Bad idea. Like I said before, there is kind of someone else.”

“Then I still have a chance. I want us to explore more than a working relationship.”

“I’m just coming out of a bad relationship, Sean.”

“Now you’re just looking for excuses. That was over a year ago.” His hands kneaded her shoulders.

“I’m not ready to date. Aaron messed me up, and it’s hard for me to think about being close to someone again.” She stepped away from him. “I’m sorry if I’ve hurt your feelings.”

His gaze hardened. The icy look melted into another smile that didn’t surface in his eyes. “Not at all. I’ll just have to work harder to win you over.”

“I hope we could maybe be friends and still work together?” It did not escape her that she had said close to the same thing to Brody the night before.

Her words seemed to be what he needed to hear. After a quick peck on the cheek, he said, “Of course.”

The cell phone in his pocket shrilled again, and Nicole took the opportunity to show herself out.




All four of Bitter Black’s V.I.P. areas were full, and there was barely enough room on the dance floor to maneuver. Brody worked the crowd from his usual perch. Tonight he mostly played remixes of popular songs and some floor fillers. He looked good in well-fitted pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

She recalled how he held her. His lips had danced across her skin and left a trail of desire in their wake. And his fingers, oh god, they were magic. He had smelled wonderful—masculine, warm, and a little salty from the ocean. The memory of his lips on hers made her crave another kiss.

Even though she didn’t want to admit it, she’d been thinking about the things Brody said that night. Maybe he was right. Perhaps she should embrace her life. With Hank gone, she didn’t have much choice.

His honey-brown eyes stared back at her. Giddy embarrassment crept into her cheeks. She ducked into the crowd and headed in the opposite direction. Somehow she got turned around and ended up at the DJ booth instead.

Brody’s tanned hand was outstretched, waiting for her to take hold. Lights danced across his shoulders and the hair that hung around his face. The three hoops in each ear sparkled and shined. God, he was so appealing. Her heart might not be ready to date again, but her body had different ideas.

“Hi.” He put on a hard, grinding song. She had to lean close to hear him. Her hands pressed against his chest as she leaned toward him.

Brody looked a bit melancholy as he scanned the crowd.

“What’s up?” She tucked her hair behind her ears.

“What are you doing later?” Brody leaned close. His lips brushed against the curve of her ear and sent a pulse of heat through her. His beautiful eyes were downcast, either peering down her shirt or at the floor.

He didn’t wait for an answer. Brody clasped her hand and pulled her closer. She rested her left hand against his chest and turned her ear toward his mouth.

The strobe lights flashed across him. “Dance with me."

Not for the first time tonight, her pulse pounded between her ears. All she could see, hear and feel was Brody. To stand this close to him was sensory overload. “I don’t dance!”

“My booth, my rules.” He began to move to the beat. The first song gave way to a remix of Usher. His feet and hips moved, enticing her to do the same. He spun her slowly so that she wound up with her back against his chest.

She leaned her head against his shoulder and smiled up at him. His hands were on her hips and his mouth against her ear. His voice was velvety smooth like melted chocolate. “It’s okay to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while.”

There wasn’t much room on the platform to dance, but with his help, her body found the rhythm. Her arms were in the air, and her hips swayed against his hands. Their bodies bounced and moved as one to the beat. She closed her eyes and reveled in the sensations that coursed through her body. His hands swept down her arms and across her ribs to rest on her hips again.

From the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar head of light colored hair. She snapped her gaze around and spotted Sean talking to Molly. Tony looked right at her. A frown warped his face. Mortified that her boss would reprimand her or even worse, Brody, she stepped away from him.

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