Bjorn: Teutonic Knights MC (56 page)



For the first time in weeks he had a smile on his face. That buffoon from the Nomads had called and informed him of the new plan. Fuller wasn’t being killed. Hudson had caved. She wasn’t at the hospital either. She was being kept in some tiny little cabin in the middle of nowhere.


Logan was happy. His boss had demanded a resolution and Logan was ready to give it to him. He had hoped that a final fulfillment would allow him to leave. He was tired of doing the same shit. He wanted a happier and more stress free life. He wasn’t sure it’d work. People in his position tended to be tied down for life. But maybe if he made them really happy he could go.


It was time to stop waiting on Hudson to take care of this thorn in both of their sides. She had to go. If Logan wanted his kids to be safe he’d make sure to do that immediately.


He grabbed the bag out of his pocket and laid out a few lines on the table. It was one of those days that he’d needed it. Just a little. It wasn’t a problem.


Then he grabbed some gear he felt he might need and headed out. Logan wasn’t a dumb person. He took the car that no one would recognize. Agent Logan’s car was seen all the time around town. But the one from the garage had only been seen by a select few and he doubted that they would be a problem.


His goal was to just drive up and go to the door. Chances were good that Fuller would open it. She wouldn’t be able to avoid it. He might not like her, but her ethics were strong. When she felt she had a chance to fix a bad situation, she would go for it. Even if it cost her own life.


Nelson wasn’t lying about the distance and Logan was getting annoyed. Fortunately, just as he was ready to give up; the driveway flashed in the distance. He turned and followed it moments later only to end up driving deep into woods. He personally thought woods in the desert were strange, but seemed to make a good hiding spot.


Seeing the cabin, he understood why. It wouldn’t take much to hide that tiny building. Noticing that there were no other cars, Logan pulled up and walked to the door.


“What do you want Logan?” She’d taken a good ten minutes to answer the door.


“To talk with you.”


Melissa seemed to toy with the idea forever when she finally stepped aside and let him in the door. She didn’t have time or energy for games.


“How did you know where I was?” she questioned.


“I’m a federal agent.” He shrugged. “With a little help, I can figure out anything.”


She nodded and wondered why her boss had shown up randomly. What was he hoping to accomplish and why? She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t terrified. She was. The closer Logan got to her, the worse she worried about what he was going to do.


That was pretty much what she’d told the Director earlier. Only she hadn’t said Logan. She had merely told him that she felt like her life was in danger along with anyone else that seemed to be in the way. He’d suggested maybe it was the Nomad Devils and she’d emphatically disagreed with him. He seemed puzzled by her insistence that they weren’t involved, but he hadn’t questioned it.


He did, however, ask her some things about Logan. She wanted to tell all and now that she stood here face to face with him she wished she had. But she had kept it aloof. She wasn’t sure if he was working with Logan or if he was merely curious. So she’d stayed quiet to potentially save her own life.


Yet now she stood in the room, alone, with the man. And she was scared.


Out of nowhere Logan pulled out a gun.


“It’s nothing personal, Fuller. I hope you know that. It’s just that you came at the wrong time. And you made wrong choices. And now I’m in a bad place. My business, livelihood, and family are being threatened.” He waved the gun around as he spoke and it scared her. A lot. “I didn’t want it to come to this. I wanted to transfer you.”


“You still have choices, Logan,” she answered calmly, barely hiding the trembling that she felt inside. “I
transfer. You can leave town. There are options.”


“You think that’s enough?” he yelled as her eyes grew wide with fear. “You already fucked up that idea. You know way too much. You are too close. You are a danger to me and my loved ones. And your little boyfriend is a problem too!”


“It doesn’t have to be that way,” she whispered softly. “You can do what you want to do. Logan you know how this works. Sometimes we get in over our head. We make choices and then we have to deal with what comes from that. But we can always change. We don’t have to keep making the same decisions. What do you want to do Logan?”


“I can’t do any fucking thing I want to do anymore!” he screamed.


Melissa felt her stomach tighten. Her body was trying to go into an anxiety attack. It would send Logan over the edge. Judging from his eyes, he was either on drugs or in the midst of a complete psychotic break. She couldn’t help but wonder how he got this far gone in life. She had to question whether or not he was a good person before all of this.


Fuller was also questioning where the hell the guys were that had promised to keep her safe. Neither of them was around and she was beginning to switch between anger and panic. When she saw them again, there would be hell to pay.


If I see them again…


“Of course you can,” she spoke softly, making sure to take deep breaths to calm her own panic. “What do you want to do Logan?”


“He prefers killing people,” the voice appeared out of nowhere. “Or having others do it for him,” Hudson was behind her. “Isn’t that right Agent Logan?”


Her breath caught in her throat. Did Asher not know what he was doing? Angering a madman is not usually the best way to handle things.


“You know nothing, Hudson!” Logan yelled and waved the gun around. “You sit in that mansion of yours and do whatever the fuck you want regardless of consequence…” she could see the rage flare in his eyes.


“I watched my father shot point blank for no reason other than walking down the stairs,” Hudson spoke firmly. “I’d say I’ve had consequences.”


it,” Logan laughed, but it was a hysterical sound and not a funny one. “Let it go! He’s not coming back.”


“But you did.” Hudson continued baiting him.


Melissa stood in silence, afraid and wondering what was going on. Was Asher really using her own dangerous situation to settle old scores?


“Asher this probably isn’t…” she started but her words went ignored.


“Yeah, I did, didn’t I? And you know what, I’ve been paying for that every day of my life. For an accident! A stupid fucking accident!” He screamed maniacally. “Shooting your father was nothing in my life.”


“It was something in mine,” Hudson didn’t flinch. “Why don’t you tell me why you did it?”


Logan laughed again. He stood in the room with both of the people he wanted gone and he was the only one with a weapon. Why not? What the hell were they going to do to him?


“Okay Hudson, let’s get this over and done for once to satisfy your fucking curiosity.” Logan was shifting from one foot to the other. “I was running weapons. I had no choice. And I had strict rules. Don’t get caught. Don’t fuck up.”  He stopped for a moment.


“And apparently kill anyone…”


“You think I wanted to ever kill anyone, you son of a bitch? To wake up knowing that people whisper ‘murder’ behind my back? That I wanted everything that mattered to me held dangling over my head until I did what I was told?”


“The way I see it…”


“As a fucking criminal! I was trapped! I went into this for the same damn reason anyone else does. The same reason
does!” he was yelling and angry. “Your dad…Hell I didn’t even know who the hell he was…”


“Good to know you cared.”.


“He was there. He saw me. If I hadn’t shot him, my fucking kids would have died! Every day my kids’ lives are on the line!”


“You expect me to believe you do this for your kids?”


“No!” Logan laughed again. “I do this for me. Because I did something really stupid and I wanted to save my ass!”


“First honest Fed I’ve ever met.”


“No,” Logan confessed. “If I were honest I’d have admitted I was drunk. I hit that car. I killed that kid. But I didn’t. I agreed to do this. I agreed to start. I didn’t know it’d mean…”


“That kid didn’t die, Logan,” Hudson spoke up.


At that point Melissa wasn’t sure what was going on. She had no clue what kid they meant. Or why Hudson was having this conversation. She just wanted to be on the other end of the gun being flung around the room.


“Of course he did,” Logan shook his head. “They told me that…”


“They lied, Logan,” Hudson walked towards him. “They lied to you. He and his mom were paid a very large amount of money to leave town and never bring this up again. She’s in Florida with her third husband and he’s a pediatric surgeon in Georgia.”


“No,” Logan disagreed, “No…he died. I read the reports. She wanted to come after me. He saved me. He fixed it. No one would know.”


Hudson shook his head. Melissa was confused. “He’s alive Logan. You were wrong,” Hudson inched closer. “But you did murder my father.”


Suddenly a rage of anger flashed in Logan’s face. He looked up at Fuller and focused all of the rage onto her. “He’s
!” he screamed. “He’s lying to protect you!” She saw the gun rise towards her.


Within a fraction of a second, Hudson had reached Logan and knocked him backwards into the floor. The gun fell and Melissa dropped to grab it.


Asher had managed to flip Logan onto his stomach and was holding him with his hands behind his back.


“I’m telling the truth. You were being lied to so that you would be obedient. When that stopped working, they threatened your family and killed your girlfriend. All of it because they made you believe that you had done something wrong. But he’s fine. He’s living a full life with his high school sweetheart and four kids. His life is good. He doesn’t even remember the accident.”


Melissa was still in shock as she sat in the corner, gun in hand, shaking and trying to make sense of the conversation.


“But you,” Hudson continued. “You’ve hurt people. You’ve killed people. You had your own agent kidnapped in the hopes she’d be killed!”


“Apparently I mistook your ability to be hard when needed,” Logan smirked as he mumbled the words.


“You mistook a lot of things Logan,” Hudson spoke. “I’ve been working with the FBI since I was fourteen. They believed me. They knew who you were. All of it. The gun running, the murder. I’ve been working with them to help take down your entire operation. Because they knew about it.”


Melissa watched the sudden awareness settle into Logan’s eyes. He first flashed disbelief, then anger, then hurt and finally resignation.


“You’re a cop?” Logan asked.


Asher spat. “Fuck the police.”


“Brent Logan, you are under arrest,” a strange man walked into the room and surprised Melissa. Following him was Detective Larsen, four cops and the Director of the ATF.


She listened as Logan was read his Miranda rights and watched as they took him out. Larsen checked on both of them and then went to discuss things with his deputies.


“You did very well, Miss Fuller,” the voice stood above her. “I am very impressed.”


“Thank you, sir,” she spoke with regard to the man in charge of her entire career. “I’m surprised to see you here.”


“The ATF typically takes the danger of one of their own very seriously,” he spoke. “Agent Logan was not what we prefer to be.”


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