Read Black Silk Online

Authors: Sharon Page

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

Black Silk (16 page)

He stripped off his clothes, tossing them into a heap on the rug. But he kept his lengths of silk. Hell, he enjoyed her appreciative gasp at the sight of him.

He stretched out on the bed at her feet. The silky sheets caressed his chest and belly as he clasped her ankle and kissed her toes, rewarded by more of her pretty giggles.

Watching her beneath his tousled hair, he tongued her big toe.


“Shouldn’t every husband kiss his wife’s lovely feet?”

“Of course.” Sweet laughter washed over him.

As he suckled her toes one by one, he looped the silk around her ankle. Tied it neatly, the gleaming black a seductive contrast to her pale skin. How naughty it looked around her neatly turned ankle.

“Oh, heaven, what are you doing?” But she squirmed in anticipation.

“Trust me, love.”

“You ask for a lot of trust.”

“And I expect you to give it.”

“No, you have to earn it,” she threw back pertly.

How did she do it—stun him with just a phrase? And with a simple action—she spread her legs so he could fasten her to the bedposts. His cock throbbed, his juices bubbling out and dripping off the swollen head. He had to straddle her waist to begin to tie her wrists.

She arched up and licked his dribbling fluid off his rigid cock.


She grasped his rear and pulled him down to her, sucking him, licking him. Her teeth scraped the head, and he almost cried out in surprise. That had been gentle and deliberate. Damn, she was good at this, his enthusiastic wife.

But he drew back. “Not yet, angel. More fun for you first.” And he bound one wrist and secured it. Then the other.

“Come up here, my lord,” she urged. She looked saucy but also shy and uncertain. “I want to suck you again.”

How could he refuse?

Bracing his hands on the headboard, he lowered and let her feast on his cock.

“You must move up a bit.”

He obeyed.

She licked his ballocks. Opened her lips wide to surround one. He felt them tighten and scurry up. Her tongue swirled, tugging at his long, fine hairs. Slid down toward his anus.

But as he looked down on her, he was rocked by the realization he’d never intended to do this with a wife. He moved back.

Astonished eyes met his. “What’s wrong?”

“Let me pleasure you.”

“What are you going to do?”

He tried to make light. “Being tied up and at my mercy adds spice. And not knowing makes it even more exciting.”

But guilt rose. If she was innocent, if she wasn’t trying to kill him, he should be treating her like a wife.

But Maryanne had been his partner in wild sex in the balloon. She was game for everything.

And he wanted this.

Try it. Why not just try it?

She was considering. Her soft brown brows dipped in the center, and she wriggled on the large bed. “The bonds do make it…thrilling.”

He trailed the ends of the last piece of silk over taut brownish-pink nipples, over the curve of her tummy.

Their child was inside, so tiny, not even giving her a bump yet.

Kneeling between her thighs, he licked and laved her clit. She squealed. Bounced her bottom on the bed and set the canopy shaking—

And climaxed on a scream.

God, yes.

He slid his tongue into her, tasting honey. With finger play to her anus and more suckling, she came again.

“Let me please you,” she whispered, her eyes dazed.

He was on the brink, but instead he stroked his staff with his hand.

“Oooo, that is…arousing to see you touch yourself.”

Laughing, he did more, falling into his familiar rhythm, lost in her sparkling eyes. The pleasure built, his body tightened…

No, he hadn’t meant to—

His cum shot out and splattered onto his hand.


Maryanne blinked, startled to open her eyes to find daylight creeping between the drapes.

She’d slept through supper? And even more shocking, she’d drifted off to sleep while bound to the bed. Dash had thoughtfully untied her, but he’d also left her alone in her bed.

Covering her mouth, she gave a shocked giggle. It certainly proved she trusted him. Or that she was exhausted. Her tummy growled, and it roiled as soon as she recognized hunger.

She breathed in myriad scents—rich bitter chocolate, baked bread, spicy meat. She sat up to see an enormous silver tray on the bedside table, a gleaming silver urn, and an array of covered dishes.

A tray. He’d had a breakfast tray brought up.

And she had missed supper. Her meal would have been thrown out, and the cook must certainly be upset. There was always waste in a great house, but it was unthinkable to simply refuse to go down for dinner.

Had Dash told them she was asleep? Should she explain herself? She was mistress of the house, not the scullery maid.

With a heavy sigh, Maryanne sat up. She wished Dash had come back to her bed. But this was to be their life now—he would sleep in his own bedroom. He would go to town. He would…

She didn’t want to think of him going to his world there—his orgies and brothels and beautiful mistresses. She’d read enough erotic stories to know that men craved variety and novelty in sex, but knowing it did not make it any less painful.

Why did it hurt so much?

Maryanne swung her legs around out of bed and slid out to land on the soft carpet. Her robe hung by the bed. Her heart pounded—her belongings had been unpacked, her robe and slippers left for her use by her maid. Even Nan, brought from Marcus’s house, was embarking on a new life. And probably more comfortable with that thought than she was.

Maryanne padded to the long windows and drew open the drapes.

Drifts of pristine snow swirled in fantastic patterns, sculpted by the wind to look like ocean waves. Sunlight sparkled along the crests of the snow, contrasting with vivid blue shadows. Snow dripped from bare branches, and the lawns looked like a garden for ice fairies. The lawns sloped away from the house; from her window she spied a frozen lake and even a maze, with the clipped hedges covered by drifts. The gardens were severely geometric and terribly symmetrical, a constant pattern of round fountains and linear beds—she could tell from the covered shrubs and the mounds of snow.

A regimented garden in a symmetrical house—one of Dash’s ancestors had strongly believed in order. Dash didn’t seem like that. A live-for-the-day libertine, addicted to pleasure and vice, was the way she would describe him.

The last sort of man she expected to be married to.

Her stomach growled, and she turned. She hastened over to the tray and stuffed half a bread bun in her mouth. She gulped it down and swallowed a cup of chocolate.

Was her upset tummy a result of pregnancy sickness or nerves?

She prayed Dash wasn’t the one who had wanted the severe gardens and the orderly world. How would she run such a household?

Today she would find the local midwife.

She refilled her cup of chocolate and then carried it to the window. Sipping it, she touched her fingertips to the cool glass, dazzled again by the brilliant white.

A dark figure emerged from a copse of trees. A gentleman wearing a black coat, black hat, and riding astride a huge black gelding.

Dash. Dash riding along a cleared track. She put her entire hand to the pane as though she could touch him. As though he would know she was there, waiting for him.

Impetuously she put down her chocolate and then opened the window to call out. A blast of wintery air rushed through the fabric of her robe. Her nipples stood up, and she squeaked in shock.


The roar stunned her. The impossible roar of a gunshot.

Dash’s horse reared, stark black against the blue-shadowed white snow.

He fell!


hat in hell had happened?

Levering up on his arms, Dash winced as his head pounded. He blew out a sharp breath to clear the snow off his mouth. Wet flakes clung to his eyelashes and dripped off his nose. He wiped his face clean with his gloved hand.

At least he hadn’t broken his neck, but where was his horse?

Fighting throbbing pain in his chest, he turned to see Beelzebub trying to race through snow. Damn, the beast would break his leg for certain. Dash tried to push to his feet, but pain sucked at him and his head swam, his eyes dazzled by the whirling sea of white.

He had to get Beelzebub. Had to get away.

He fell back into the snow on his side.

Rifle shot.

There could be another.

Lying there, he drew in shaky breaths. The first time he’d been shot at, he’d been six. Careless poacher. His leg had been grazed, his pant leg driven into the raw slash. Damned terrible accident. And there had been the chance an infection would carry him off.

He hadn’t known then that his uncle had been the one to pull the trigger.

His uncle, at least, had been a bad shot.

Had that been the case again? A man on a horse against a field of white snow should not be a difficult target for an experienced marksman. Or had the miss been intentional?

He struggled to his knees. Snow had sunk in his boots, making them lead heavy. He fell forward but caught himself by pressing his hands into the compacted snow.

Was the villain waiting to shoot again, or had he run after his first, bungled attempt?


Maryanne raced toward him from the gallery—she had left the glass-paned door open in her haste. Her fists held up her skirts—she wore nothing other than the traveling dress she’d worn the day before, and the air was sharp and cold. Her hair streamed out behind her like a cape of brown silk.

Her pallor was as white as his lawns, shock and fear written in her wide eyes and tense mouth. Was she frightened he was hurt or stunned he was not?

Then his brain kicked into action. “Get back in the house!” he roared. “Now!”

But she kept running toward him.

“Maryanne, go back to the blasted house!” he shouted as he struggled to his feet.

She stumbled as her slipper-shod feet reached the deeper snow, and she fell forward on a cry. White puffs flew up as she dropped face-first in a drift. In a second, she lifted her head, her eyes, cheeks, and lips iced with fresh white.

Dash bit back a laugh at her frustrated grimace—did he really believe she was being paid to destroy him? Bending low, he waded through the snow toward her. But the tenacious woman got back on her feet as he reached her.

He’d been the perfect target as he’d struggled through the snow. The shooter must have run. And one look at Maryanne’s wide eyes made him realize he had to soothe her, ease fears.

He forced a lighthearted tone. “Maryanne, sweeting, you’re going to freeze.”

“Are you hurt?”

“Knocked about by the fall, but the snow is soft. As you discovered.”

“I was so frightened!” she cried.

Water droplets from melted snow ran down her cheeks. Dash put his thumbs to her cheeks and gently wiped them away. Instinct demanded he scoop her into his arms and run for cover, but logic prevailed. If his attacker had wanted him dead, there had been plenty of time for a second shot.

His grooms shouted—one cheered. Someone had caught Beelzebub, and the shout of victory told him his gelding was unhurt.

“Let’s get back inside, love, and warm you.”

She nodded, licking ice crystals off her upper lip with her tongue. “But why would someone shoot at you? I don’t understand—”

“An accident.”

“No, it couldn’t be. Why would someone shoot a rifle across your lawn in the middle of winter? There’s nothing to hunt.”

“A jest then.” Despite the soreness in his hips, back, and neck, Dash caught hold of Maryanne’s waist. He did gather her up into his arms. “I shall carry you across the threshold, dear wife. And we will get you dry clothes.”

“How can you be so cavalier?” she demanded. “You could have been killed.”

“I wasn’t, love. You won’t be rid of me that easy, I promise. I’ve proven in the past that I have more lives than a cat.”

Her brows drew down, her eyes troubled. “I—I don’t want to be rid of you. Is—is that what you think I want?”

“No, sweeting. Of course not. Now, quiet. Let me concentrate as we wade through this snow, or I’ll drop you.”

He hugged her against his wet clothes, his snow-dampened greatcoat swinging around them. Waving back the concerned servants, he carried Maryanne to the open door of the sun-filled and now chilled gallery. Curious maids rushed off at once at the housekeeper’s command that the fire be stoked in the mistress’s bedchamber and hot water be brought up.

“I am capable of walking, you know,” she protested, but she shivered in his arms, and he ignored her to rush to the stairs.

Could a fall in the snow, frigid weather, and fear for him harm their child?


“You should rest. You were the one who fell! I’ll sit on top of you to pin you down if you won’t stay still, or…” Maryanne glowered down at her stubborn husband, who lay on her mussed bed.

“Or?” he prompted.

“Or I’ll tie you to the bedposts!”

“Is that a promise, my love?”

Dash’s devilish grin returned, and she gave a sigh in relief, even as her heart gave that little skip she now knew well. His every smile set her body trembling, her nipples hardening, and an…awareness sizzling through her every nerve.

That she understood. She’d read enough descriptions in her authors’ books. It was lust—intense, fiery, all-consuming lust.

He was nude now, but he had been wearing his black clothes again. For the wedding, he hadn’t worn his usual black. But now he had returned to it, as though he was mourning his life before he’d been forced to wed.

It hurt.

Maryanne turned from her husband. “I should think you would be too sore for games like that.”

“Never, love.”

Her hand trembled as she clutched the handle of the teapot; a tea tray had been brought by a maid, by one of the seemingly dozens who had swarmed in and out of her room. Her attempt to pour him a cup sent a stream of hot tea to the silver tray. “Clumsy!” she muttered.

She blinked back tears—of relief, not out of grief at wasted tea.

When she’d seen him fall from his horse, her heart had stopped. She’d run like a hoyden down the stairs, not caring about her half-buttoned dress or her trailing hem. She’d run to Dash, heedless of snow, cold, and propriety. Even of being shot! She’d thought her heart would burst of the fear before she’d reached him.

Was this love?

Was she in love with Dash, who was both her husband and a stranger? Love, hopeless love, hurt terribly. She knew that from watching her mother.

Maryanne touched her belly below the knotted belt of her robe. No matter what happened, even if Dash broke her heart, she would never resent her baby. She would never call her baby a “folly.” She would never look at her child and see her lost dreams in its face.

“But there’s no better cure for any ill than climax,” Dash teased from behind her.

She almost dropped the teapot. Gaining control, she poured. This time the tea swirled into his cup. “Where did you go last night?”

At once she regretted the words. Wives probably did not ask.

The bed creaked. “I rode to the village.”

“Oh.” On her wedding night. Perhaps he kept a mistress there. Or he was a favorite of the barmaids at the local inn….

“To ask if any dangerous drivers had traveled through yesterday.”

She jerked around, and a splash of scalding tea on her bare wrist reminded her of the cup in her hand. “Blast!” she muttered, and she ran over to stick her arm into the basin of cooling wash water.

He was on his feet. “Are you all right?”

“I’ve burned myself with tea any number of times,” she muttered. “I’m fine.” Gritting her teeth, she let her skin soak. “But I’ve read enough gothic novels to know what you were looking for! Evidence—a description of the driver who ran us off the road. Dash, why is someone trying to hurt you?”

His warm body pressed against her from behind, hard chest against her back, groin against her rear. His arms slid around her waist as she lifted her arm from the wash water and toweled dry.

“I was investigating a peer,” he said. “And some other men involved with white slavery. I suspect someone could be trying to frighten me off.”

She tried to twist in his arms, but they were locked around her middle. “Who?”

“It doesn’t matter, sweet. The peer will not be the one who drove the curricle. He won’t be the one who pulled the trigger today.”

“If you have an enemy, I want to know who it is.”

He nuzzled her neck, and she gasped at the warm touch of his lips. “I’ll protect you—”

“Tell me.” Strangely she needed him to share this with her. She was shaking with the fear he would refuse. Why? She knew to expect that her husband would not want to share much with her. He had not answered her questions in the carriage. They were not a love match like Venetia and Marcus. And Rodesson, her father, had never shared anything with her mother.

“Remember, I have no proof of this, and you must not breathe a word of it. Do you promise?”

She nodded. “Not a word. Ever. It could never be dragged from me.”

“Don’t say that, even in fun, Maryanne. The peer I suspect is Craven.”

“Well that makes perfect sense—the Earl of Craven is a horrible, lecherous rogue! At the salon he was, anyway.” She reached down and clasped her hands over his. “It is very noble of you to be rescuing kidnapped girls.”

“There is more to me than simple lewdness, love. But I’m not feeling very noble now. I want to make love to you. I

His growl sent tremors down her spine. She knew she must remind him of the baby—she knew sex wouldn’t bring harm, but he feared it might, and she didn’t want him to be angry and regretful afterward.

He brought her fingertips to his lips for a kiss. Then he winced as he moved his arm.

“You are still hurt,” she observed. But alive—thank heaven, thank heaven.

He let her hand drop but turned her with a simple but convincing pressure on her shoulders. “Look down,” he murmured.

One glance and she couldn’t drag her gaze away. She could see how rigid and thick and big his cock was.

“It’s hurting me more not to, angel.” Black hair, damp with melted snow, fell over his eyes, and he shoved it back with a harsh thrust of his hand. The head of his cock bobbed.

What did it feel like to have a part that jutted out that way? Was it heavy and cumbersome? Did he treat it with paternal pride and detached amusement, as her courtesan authors claimed men did? Georgiana claimed that once a man was erect, it was the small head that did the thinking.

“I want to make love to you.” His breath came ragged then.

She couldn’t resist reaching out and touching his hard chest. Her hand slid down the sculpted valley between his firm, high pectoral muscles. His dark curls teased her palm. The sensation shot right down to her quim, and she wriggled her hips in response.

“I want to make love to you inside your bottom,” he admitted hoarsely. “That should be safe for the baby, I think.”

Inside her bottom? She blinked. She had not expected that. As the toy had been?

Her bottom actually tingled with anticipation. It had felt terribly good to be penetrated there with the slim toy, but his cock was so much bigger.

“You—you can do that?”

A grin spread across his face. “Yes, sweeting. Your bottom would accommodate me, and when I filled you, you would feel incredibly good.”

“I know.” In the books she edited, women screamed at first at the invasion, but within a few thrusts they were crying out for more.

“You said, ‘I know.’ Now how, sweet wife, would you know that?”

She certainly couldn’t admit the truth, that she’d read several dozen passages of stunning sex where well-endowed men pleasured women from behind.

“It felt good when you…” Courage almost failed. “When you put the toy there. And of course, I’ve seen Rodesson’s pictures. I looked at his books. I wasn’t supposed to, of course.”

She had to distract him. She wrenched her hand from his and scrambled up onto the bed. Tugging at the belt of her robe, she cast off the peach silk.

He was so hard. She marveled at the length of it, the way it curved toward his taut abdomen. Veins, prominent veins shot up the shaft. The heavy head was a blend of purplish red and dusky pink, and his dark nest of hair lush and thick.

His massaging hand rubbed his leaking fluid into the broad head. Such rough ministrations, and he panted harshly as he did it.

Then doubt struck. “You truly don’t think you should rest?”

“Sweetheart.” His laugh was a raw bark. “You do know how to torture me, don’t you? No, this is what I want.”

On her knees, Maryanne gazed at her husband beneath lowered lashes. This mattered. Doing this as he wanted, in a way that would please him. She didn’t want him to go to other women for adventure, she knew it as surely as she knew her heart would beat. She wanted him to herself.

She was determined to keep him for herself.

And all those books she had edited had told her exactly how she could do that.

Daringly she slid her fingers down to her quim. Foolish, shy, embarrassed—she felt all those until her fingers touched her clit and sensation exploded through her. Then all she wanted was sex. Sex and orgasm. “Now what do you want me to do?” she whispered.


A gentleman did not introduce his wife to anal pleasures by leaning her over in front of her vanity and taking her hard from behind.

No, a gentleman didn’t. But Dash did.

“Bend over the table and study yourself in the mirror,” he directed. Her round and generous bottom thrust out as she did. His heart pounded as hard as it had when he’d fallen from Beelzebub. He prowled toward her while she hummed innocently and twirled a curl around her finger.

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