Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (69 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

Kid: Okay. I love you. Keep safe.

Kellerman: I love you too. Don’t shoot anyone unless you have to.

I stalk back into my office hating Cassie more with each step. I get on the conference call and pretend to engage while fantasizing about my year on an island with Kid and the baby. The guys will never let that happen, but damn if it isn’t a good fantasy.


I have officially had enough of hospitals. If I never have to see one again it’ll be too soon. It’s late afternoon and after Cooper’s pyrotechnics us guys are breathing easier for the first time in months. We all figured Pedowski was behind the threats against Kid after that note last night. We should have seen it sooner, but we’ve been distracted with this Yates shit and the Chicago mess. Cooper just won major brownie points with us.

Buzz, buzz.

Kellerman: Something’s up. Cassie came back from the meeting and is acting stranger than normal.

Kavanagh: Like how?

Kellerman: Too excited. She’s in her office talking on the phone a lot. Can’t hear what she’s talking about, but she looks REALLY happy. You think she made us?

Kavanagh: No clue. How could she have?

Kellerman: I’m afraid she’s had someone watching me. What if that’s who they were meeting with? Fuck if I’m made we got serious problems brewing.

Kavanagh: Don’t freak out. Just act normal and see what she does. If she’s trying to build the “battered wife” story she’ll start picking fights with you and fast. DON’T take that bait!!

Kellerman: I’m good. I won’t crack. Not now.

Kavanagh: You see the news?

Kellerman: Yeah. Kid’s whereabouts accounted for?

Kavanagh: LOL yeah she was with us asleep when it went down. If I didn’t know that I’d have thought she did it too. She was raging! That scene today was compliments of Jack Cooper.

Kellerman: Never thought I’d say this…I’m starting to like that guy.

Kavanagh: Me too. He’s trying to fix everything for Kid. He was here this morning before going commando and told Kid that he thinks your shit will be ironed out soon. Kid’s not buying it though.

Kellerman: Me neither. Until Cassie’s behind bars and me and the baby are back in KC, I’m not buying shit.

Kavanagh: Agreed. I’m gonna go grab Kid and make her eat some dinner. She’s gained some weight back, no more concentration camp Kid.

Kellerman: Good. I don’t want to be impaled by hip bones when I get home.

Kavanagh: No shit. Nothing worse than fucking a twig.

Kellerman: That’s your sister and my girlfriend you’re talking about.

Kavanagh: And?

Kellerman: You have no shame.

Kavanagh: Can’t wait for you to get home so I can get laid on a more regular basis. I’m running on fumes!

Kellerman: Don’t give me that shit. You know the last time I got laid?

Kavanagh: Point taken. How have you stayed away from Crazy all these months?

Kellerman: Easy. I wouldn’t touch her with your dick!

Kavanagh: Thanks for that. You definitely upgraded with Kid.

Kellerman: Tell me something I don’t know.

Kavanagh: I have a mole on my left nut.

Kellerman: LOL Sick fuck!

Kavanagh: Let me know what happens with CRAZY.

Kellerman: Will do. Kiss Kid for me.

Kavanagh: On it. Later.

Kellerman: Later.

I walk into Butch’s room to find Kid having a full blown conversation with him (he’s out cold, so it’s a one-sided conversation). I stand at the door and listen to her babble away at him. Everything she does is filled with so much love. Even the way her hand is laying on his is loving and affectionate. She’s talking about baseball; you’d think she was reciting a love poem by the tone of her voice. When you see her for the first time it’s her beauty that stops you in your tracks, it’s unparalleled (trust me I’ve tried to find anything close to her). Then she hits you with the wit and humor, she’s constant entertainment. Then she unarms you with her fierceness, her loyalty and commitment to the things she loves is beyond compare. But the thing that ties you to Kid and never lets you go is her love. She loves in the way that all great artists try to capture yet never succeed. She’s the embodiment of unconditional love, not the emotion, the state of being. I am forever in awe of her.

“Take a picture it’ll last longer,” Kid chides me.

“Can I get some naked ones?” I question brows raised.

“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” she snarks. “You’ve seen me naked enough to have my image permanently etched in your brain, pervert.”

“Etched in the front of my pants by my dick.”

“You ever wonder why you can’t get a girlfriend?”

“Nope,” I reply popping my

“It’s because you’re disgusting. And a pervert. And you stare at me too much. Every chick you bring home thinks I’m yours. Not really the way to find something permanent,” she informs me.

“You are my something permanent, Kid. Don’t want what you and Kellerman have. I’m good like this and you know it.” She rolls her eyes and stands up from her chair next to Butch.

“I know you’re good. Maybe you could try two rolls in the hay before you send ’em packin’?” she suggests as we walk back to the waiting room.

“Why the fuck are we talkin’ about this? You worried about my dick all of a sudden?” She punches my arm, hard.

“I’m just talkin’, jerk. A baby’s comin’ home. Shit’s gonna change.” She flops down at the table in the waiting room patting the seat next to hers. I gladly take the invitation.

“I know. I can take the kid to the park and lure in unsuspecting women. It’ll be great!” I exclaim. I already have it planned out.

“You’re not takin’ the baby to catch women. That is now a house rule,” she dictates.

“You’re no fun, you know that. You gonna turn into one of those crazy obsessive moms? Disinfecting everything, calling the pediatrician every time he cries, no cussin’ in a hundred mile radius of his baby ears, makin’ home made organic food you grow yourself, weaving your own cloth diapers, makin’ him take ballet, wearing scary mom jeans and Christmas sweaters?”

“Yup,” she pops her
. “And you’ll take him to ballet and wear tights with him.”

“My dick looks good in tights.”

“Why am I not surprised you know that?”

I shrug. My dick looks good no matter what. Tights would just give onlookers a better view, duh.

“What’re you two talkin’ about?” O’Sullivan asks as he sets down two huge trays of food.

“My dick,” I say grabbing a plate with some kind of meat and potatoes piled high.

“Glad I missed that,” Cal says setting down an equally ridiculous amount of food.

“No shit,” Finn chimes in setting down a tray of drinks.

“No comment,” Karl says carrying in a tray with chick food. I roll my eyes and get back to my food. Thomas takes a seat next to Kid and starts piling up a plate for her. It’s twice as much food as I have.

“She has arms, Thomas. She can make herself a plate,” I scold.

“She’s had a rough few days,” Thomas growls. Okay big guy.

“Thanks, Thomas,” she thanks him sweetly while glaring at me. Fuck shoot me why don’t you. I didn’t know him making her a plate of food was so important.

“Spends all her time takin’ care of people. She could use some of that in return,” Thomas says pinning me with his gaze.

“They take care of me, Thomas. Just not makin’ me a plate of food,” Kid says protectively but sweet at the same time. He nods and turns to his own plate of food. I get it. We take care of Kid in our own ways. I’m her protector. O’Sullivan is her entertainment. Callaghan is her comforter. Thomas is apparently her food preparer. He gives what he can and that’s important to him. I get that. I stepped into his space.

“Sorry, Thomas. No sleep makes me a cranky bitch. Thanks for takin’ care of her,” I say quietly.

“No thanks necessary,” Thomas grumbles with a chin lift. Note to self, don’t get on Thomas’s bad side. We all eat in companionable silence. A family meal is a family meal for us no matter where we are.

After we finish dinner and clean up our mess Kid tells us she’s going to go visit Mia and we should go home. Butch isn’t doing well at trying to come off the ventilator so they’re holding off until tomorrow. She feels comfortable leaving him for the night. Thank God because my body needs a real bed. I’m not keen on the idea of her going to see Mia even if Pedowski is dead. I know I won’t win that fight though. Thomas will keep her safe (and fed).


“Dylan, it’s time to go,” Cassie calls from my office doorway. She’s beaming. Not a healthy pregnant glow, a mischievous light like a serial killer has before they capture their prey. Shudder.

“Yeah,” I mumble. I walk out the door and Cassie sweeps her arm around mine holding my bicep. I’ll have to disinfect that area tonight.

“Oh Cassie you’re just glowing,” beams one of the secretaries as we pass. “You two have got to be the most radiant couple I’ve ever seen. That baby will be a bona fide heartthrob.” I use my super human strength to keep my eyes righted in my skull.

“I can’t wait to get my hands on him,” Cassie lies through her fake teeth.

“Just be careful of Irish twins,” the secretary warns. What the fuck is that?

“I’m sure keeping Dylan at bay will be a task. Maybe the next one will be a girl,” Cassie gleams and wiggles. She’s talking about another baby? Please get me the fuck out of here.

“You two have a good night,” the secretary says rubbing Cassie’s belly. I’ve never done that. I wish I could enjoy the kicks and rolls, but I refuse to enjoy my son through her. No touching.

“Oh we will,” Cassie says in a suggestive tone. I pull my arm from her as soon as we round the corner from onlookers.

“Ugh, I can’t imagine havin’ another baby in less than a year. That’ll be hard on me,” Cassie moans.

“What the fuck are you talkin’ about?” I ask perturbed at the line of thought.

“Irish twins,” she says like that should mean something to me. I raise a brow at her to explain further. “You are so clueless about some things. Irish twins is a term used when someone has two babies in less than a year.”

“Thanks for the vocabulary lesson. And you don’t have to worry about that happenin’.”

“We’re getting married a few weeks after this thing is outta me. It would make sense to end up knocked up again. At least if it was a girl I could enjoy it a bit. This one is useless to me until he can get a job and take care of me,” she says completely serious. Have I mentioned I hate her? I grind my teeth and don’t respond. Eight more weeks and I’ll be through with this. Breathe.

June 4, 2014


Butch has been home a week, at my home. I know, shocker. He’s alone and needed someone to look after him. I hired a nurse to come in during the days and see to him while we’re at work. The guys didn’t care. I think they were happy I wouldn’t have to run around so much in the evenings this way. So our house is full between gunshot victim and nursery.

I cut out of the office early today. I was tired from a shit night’s sleep. I tried to sleep without any of the guys, bad idea. I was awake or semi-conscious all night. I should try a weaning process instead of cold turkey. I’m just nodding off when my BlackBerry rings. I should have turned it off. I don’t recognize the number. Maybe I should just let it roll to voicemail and I can deal with it tomorrow.

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