Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (76 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller


“Oh yes…fuck yes…give me that big dick! Yeah just like that…ugh yes…I love the way you fuck me…yes…YES!” Brittney (Whitney?) screams as I fuck her from behind. I keep a hold of her hips and pound into her wishing she’d stopping talking. Her voice is high and shrill, she makes Fran Drescher sound appealing. Sweat drips from my brow landing on the small of her back where a tramp stamp of something that was surely meant to be sexy (that isn’t) stares back at me. I close my eyes and focus. Two minutes later I find my release. Finally! I brought this chick home at 3:30 a.m. and it’s past 5:00 a.m. now…too much work or actually, too many dicks before mine.

“Thanks. You want me to call you a cab?” I ask pulling the condom off and dropping it on the floor. I’ll remember to pick it up.

“I’ll just sleep a while and call one when I wake up,” she says in a voice that should be sweet but is grinding on my nerves.

“No slumber party tonight, Brittney,” I say handing her dress to her.

“It’s Whitney,” she huffs. Well there you go. Good reason not to want to sleep in my bed. “And I’m tired. I’ll leave later.”

“Yeah, not gonna happen. You need to go.” I hear Johnny screaming and hope that freaks her the fuck out.

“What’s that?” she asks like it’s a sound never heard by human ears before.

“A baby,” I say with a questioning tone.


“Kind of.”

“Kind of?”

Fuck I don’t have the energy for this and Johnny’s still wailing. Kid always has a boob in his mouth by now. I feel concern creeping up my spine. I grab sweats off the floor and pull them up my hips quickly.

“You need to go. Now,” I command darkly. She rolls her eyes and pulls her dress over her head and slides her fuck me heels on. I open the door to my room to see a half naked Kellerman struggling with Johnny down the hall.

“Wow. He’s next,” Whitney purrs from beside me ogling Kellerman’s back as he descends the stairs. This chick has a death wish. O’Sullivan and Cal come out of their rooms at the same time as I’m leading the trash down the hallway.

“What’s wrong with the baby?” Cal asks pulling a T-shirt over his head.

“Is this some kind of hot playground for women or something?” Whitney asks eye fucking my roommates. I push my hand into the small of her back a little more firmly causing her to stumble forward. “Hey,” she protests.

“Move faster,” I bark.

“Are you always an asshole after you come?” she seethes starting down the stairs.

“Nope, only after I have to fake it,” I snark. She gasps and moves quicker. Johnny is screaming like a banshee at this point and I see Kellerman pulling frozen milk out. Something’s wrong. Kellerman’s calm as he starts to heat a pot of water on the stove with one hand, the baby cradled in the other.

As the guys and I hit the bottom stair I point Whitney toward the front door and walk away from the clinger. Fuck I hope she gets a clue.

“What’s goin’ on? Where’s Kid?” I ask Kellerman as O’Sullivan takes Johnny trying to calm him down with shushing and bouncing (not working).

“Kid got sick last night. She doesn’t want Johnny to get sick so I’m on duty. As you can hear he’s not happy,” Kellerman says in a chuckle. Johnny is the biggest tit man in the house. If he’s too far away from a pair he lets you know about it, otherwise the kid’s silent and happy all the time or sleeping. “Your random doesn’t seem to know your rules.” Kellerman indicates with his chin over my shoulder.

I turn to see her standing there with a hand on her hip waiting. For what, I don’t know.

“Your phone dead?” I ask curtly.

“No,” she huffs.

“Your brain dead?” I ask with a small amount of threat in my voice. My patience is gone, my nephew needs attention and Kid’s sick…bitch needs to go. Cal takes Johnny to try his hand at calming the screams.

“I’m not a hooker you can just throw outta here like trash,” she spouts louder than I’m comfortable with.

“Coulda fooled me,” I say taking steps toward her. “Get the fuck outta my house before I remove you myself. You were willin’ to let me fuck you after I said two words to you last night. Not the way to get a guy to want you to stick around. You’ve served your purpose…now go.”

I’ll never understand women like her. Behave like a slut and I’ll treat you like one. Why are you shocked by that? I don’t expect a woman to treat me like anything but the asshole I am. I offer nothing and don’t expect anything in return. Just fucking. Maybe I need to put a sign on my door that stipulates the rules of entry.

“You fucking piece of shit!” she wails at the top of her lungs and swings an arm out to smack me. I step out of her reach easily causing her to stumble in her heels. Her screaming has ramped up Johnny’s hysteria.

“Kav,” O’Sullivan growls in a warning to me to get this shit under control. I haven’t had a crazy like this in years. I’m a little out of practice. She swings at me again and I dodge it again. What the fuck?

“HEY!” Kid screams from the top of the stairs. Oh shit! She’s seething. Whitney stops in her tracks at the sound of a female voice and quirks an eyebrow in her direction. Bad idea. Kid thunders down the stairs and stops only inches from Whitney. Kid’s tall and even in heels Whitney’s at a disadvantage.

“Who the fuck are you?” Whitney scoffs. Kid glances at me and I shrug giving her the go ahead to lay this chick out.

“I’m the person that’s about twenty seconds from beating the shit outta you. Get the fuck outta my house,” Kid seethes quietly trying not to alarm her son that is screaming ten feet away.

“Which one do you belong to? I’m thinkin’ about comin’ back for round two, three and four,” Whitney says condescendingly. Yeah the bitch definitely has a death wish. Kid is completely calm like always, but I can tell she’s on a razor’s edge right now. She’s also sick so I’m a little worried about her having to wipe the floor with this bitch.

“I don’t have the energy for this shit, Kavy,” Kid says still pinning her gaze on Whitney.

“Sorry, Kid,” I say softly.

“Oh so you do have manners when it comes to this slut. She yours?” Whitney spits. O’Sullivan and Kellerman are moving toward us and I feel pretty certain this slut is in for a world of hurt. Kid starts laughing throwing all of us off base.

“They’re all mine. Now are you gonna leave or do you want help?” Kid asks in a nice tone, but I hear the threat. Johnny’s quieter now that he can hear his momma. I get the feeling he’s tuning up for an encore though.

“Some creepy five-way orgy shit you’re into huh, bitch? You even know which one that kid came from?” Kid moves before the slut finishes her sentence. She grabs Whitney’s wrist, twists it behind her body and drives the bitch face first into the wall. Pulling up hard, Whitney screams for Kid to stop before she breaks her arm.

“Get me my gun,” Kid orders. I move to her bag on the counter and pull out a gun (there are two in there) and hand it to Kid. Kid presses the barrel of the gun to the back of Whitney’s head and she starts crying. Kid lets Whitney’s arm go but keeps the gun in place. Kid removes the safety and the click makes the crying stop and intent listening begin.

“I’m gonna count to ten and then I’m gonna shoot you if you’re still in this house. One, two, three…” I’ve never seen a woman run in heels faster than that in my life. She could be an athlete if that was a sport. The front door slams and Kid hands me her gun after reengaging the safety.

“Good morning,” Kid coos at Johnny as she scoops him out of Cal’s arms. Johnny beams a huge smile at her before rooting on her chin. Boob time. She walks him over to the couch and assumes the position. We all follow. With Johnny eating away and Kellerman protectively swathing her in his arms, I know she won’t attack me right now.

“Need to be a little choosier in the random department, Kavy,” she says sweetly. I figured an ass chewing was coming…I’ll take this any day.

“No shit. That one was off the fuckin’ charts, Kav,” O’Sullivan chimes in. “Chick I brought home was pretty much like fuckin’ a dead fish. A cute dead fish though.” I snort at that image.

“Sorry guys. She seemed normal. Slutty normal,” I apologize. “You feelin’ better?” I try to change the subject feeling like an ass.

“I feel fine actually. Food poisoning probably. Once I got it out I felt fine.”

“That’s good because your tits are in high demand lately,” Cal says brightly.

“Haven’t they always been?” she questions suggestively.

“Yeah, but he takes it to a whole new level. I never cried because you didn’t have ’em out,” Cal continues the conversation like it’s normal.

“True,” Kid replies gazing lovingly at the baby…who’s fucking huge by the way. He’ll be kicking our asses by the time he’s two.

“Want some toast, Kiddo?” Kellerman murmurs into her hair.

“Yeah, that’s probably good to start with. Maybe some juice instead of coffee.”

“Decaf doesn’t really do it for you anyway,” Kellerman says moving off the couch and into the kitchen. I follow him so I can apologize.

“Sorry about that,” I say tightly. Not really the scene you want around your baby.

“Don’t worry about it. I know how it goes. Plus watchin’ Kid put that chick in her place…fuckin’ hot as hell.”

“I have a man crush on you,” I say and wrap my arms around him in an overly affectionate hug. He bursts out in a deep booming laugh grabbing the attention of the room.

“Break it up you two. The baby doesn’t need to see that shit,” O’Sullivan calls over the back of the couch.

“You’re next,” I threaten releasing Kellerman from my grip. He and I go about making toast and oatmeal for breakfast for everyone. Once we’ve eaten and cleaned up the doorbell rings. I go to answer it fearing it’s Whitney coming back with the cops or something. I open the door and am greeted by Nick Cooper.

“Hey,” I say a little shocked to see him here at the ass crack of dawn. I move to the side to let him in the house.

“Hey. I figured I needed to be here after Finn filled you all in,” he explains moving down the hall to the great room.

“Nicky,” Kid calls sweetly from the kitchen as we enter.

“Hey, Shanny,” he murmurs wrapping her in a tight hug. I’m cool with Cooper but every time he calls her that and touches her it makes my skin crawl. I’m a jealous little girl and I’m okay with that. I look at O’Sullivan and Cal; they feel the same way as I do by the looks on their faces. Kellerman isn’t jealous, he’s possessive, and doesn’t want any other man touching her. He’s fine with us and the rest of the family…he’s used to that. Cooper is too new to get free passage. I don’t want Cooper here because he’s going to try to convince Kid to go to Chicago and dive back into that shit storm. I have to keep my head on because a fight is coming and I plan on winning.


Kavy, Cally and Sully are gearing up for a fight. As soon as Nicky walked in the house their hackles came up. Kel is just pissed. I unfold from Nicky’s embrace and lead him over to the couch. Johnny’s taking his morning nap so he’ll be shielded from any outbursts that are surely to come.

“So they found out about the incident in the bathroom?” I ask in a huff plopping down on the couch. Nicky sits next to me so I angle toward him as Kel pulls me snugly into his body from behind. The boys sit on the sectional behind me so they too can face Nicky.

“Wasn’t expectin’ this, Shanny. Mancini’s crew has held together stronger than we anticipated. The trials should squash that though,” Nicky explains to the group.

“Try to get her outta the subpoena with your super special agency connections,” Kavy says sternly.

“I don’t want her involved either guys. I tried to pull every string I could to get her free of this. It’s not fuckin’ workin’. And Mancini’s crew…I’m still runnin’ down that threat. I’m on the outside of the family now that I’m ‘dead’. It’s trickier.” Nicky says to the group but keeps his eyes on mine. I know what he’s saying. Mancini will come for me again, this time without Nicky to keep me safe.

“It’s a little hard to kill someone and have ’em testify,” Sully chides.

“I’m not sure killin’ her is the play. My concern is they want to influence her testimony,” Nicky warns.

“What the fuck does that mean Cooper?” Kel growls from behind me.

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