Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight (12 page)

She could hear murmurs from the other room and she quickly got dressed. Something probably happened. And she knew if they were knocking on their door, it couldn"t be a good thing.

“We have to leave now. Sorry about the timing, but we can"t seem to get a hold of the Pack house and Quin and Jaden are beginning to freak.” Devon said and ran his hands through his hair. “I am worried too.”

Blaine and Dalton nodded and then Dalton stepped forward. “Do you think I should flash you one at a time back to the Pack house?”

“Could you?” Devon asked.

“Well, it would take time because I have to rest in between the times that I can move through space, but I could at least get the Alphas home and go from there.” Dalton said quietly.

Kira wanted to step forward and argue. If they could not get in touch with the Pack house, there had to be something going on and she did not want her newly found mate endangering himself. She closed her eyes willing the spirits to give her a vision of what they should be doing. Nothing.

“We are going to meet in ten minutes in the Alphas room. We will decide then.” Devon said and left the room.

Kira looked at her mates and frowned. She did not like the way things were going.

“Blaine, maybe we should try to use our gifts to see if there is a reason that they can"t communicate. Flashing into a place that we aren"t sure is safe could be dangerous. Not just for Dalton, but also the Alphas.”

Blaine nodded, then said firmly, “Let's get dressed and get to the other room. If we are going to do this, they need to be there, so they can understand firsthand how this works.”

Kira nodded and walked back to gather all of her things. She packed her bag and watched quietly as her mates cleaned up in the bathroom together and then got dressed.

No one spoke the entire time they were getting ready. She had a bad feeling about what was going to happen and she thought her mates felt the same way. It had nothing to do with their powers, something just felt off.

When they were done, they all grabbed Kira"s stuff and went down the hall to the Alphas room. Obviously everyone was there because they could hear a lot of people talking through the door.

Jaden answered the door and smiled grimly at them. “Come on in.” Blaine pushed her through the door and then took all of her bags and piled them in the corner before turning and looking at the Alphas and the rest of the men that were gathered.

“Dalton had a thought about flashing you back to the Pack house, however Kira and I think maybe we should try and see with our sight if there is any danger waiting for us.

Cami and the rest of the New Council that are at the house have protection. I feel like there is something else interfering.” Blaine said and stepped forward and held out his hand to his mates.

Kira and Dalton nodded and went to his side. “We have never tried this so I have no idea what it looks like. People tell me in the past I looked like I was spacing out, but I don"t know what will happen now. Last night when we mated there was a crazy amount of power.” Blaine continued and blushed when he realized he was speaking to an entire room of shifters about his mating with his mates standing right there. Can you say awkward? He thought.

Dalton laughed and put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed while he said, “I think what my mate was trying to say, is that our powers have entwined and we are not quite sure what to expect yet. So you may want to step back.” Kira chuckled and looked at the men who took what Dalton was saying and stepped across the large room so they had all the space they needed. Gods, she hoped they did not spark like they did last night. That was something she wanted to keep intimate. It had been beautiful and it seemed a little wrong to share it with everyone.

Quin stepped forward, nodded and said, “Go ahead. We will wait.” Blaine moved Dalton so he was in the middle. It made sense since he was supposed to be their anchor that he would be touching both of them. Kira nodded and closed her eyes and concentrated on what she wanted to see.

Dalton stood quietly between the two, holding onto their hands and trying to give them strength and peace. He really had no fucking clue what he was doing, but this was his position in the relationship and he was going to do it well.

Blaine and Kira both gasped when they felt each other in their vision. They could see the black shadow surrounding the Pack town. It had not entered it was just swirling and surrounding it. It blocked their vision. It was like someone was clouding what they were trying to see. Neither Blaine nor Kira had ever had anything like this happen when they had a vision.

“Fuck.” Blaine murmured and then felt Kira try to push through the cloud. She was strong and determined, but he did not think they had the ability to do that yet. “Kira, wait.”

“Magic.” Kira whispered and opened her eyes and looked around the room shocked.

“What?” Quin demanded and stepped closer.

“Someone is using magic on the Pack town. I can"t see in, but I don"t think they have been able to get inside the boundaries of your Pack yet. They are certainly trying. I think we are going to have to have Dalton flash someone in first, someone who can raise the alarms. Then we will have to slowly return. Until we can find out who or what is happening, leaving the Pack would be dangerous.” Kira said.

“That"s gonna be a little difficult to do. We need to find the rest of the New Council. If we get back there and then can"t leave, it will defeat the purpose. Also, it will leave the Rogues the ability to look without us. We are so close to finding them. I can feel it. I wanted to find you and your mates for a long time. I thought you would be able to help us.” Quin said.

“Oh we can, but you understand that our visions are the same as what they always are.

We will see people, places, and feel things that are going to happen. But we only are allowed to see what the spirits want us to see. Sometimes I go for weeks without seeing something, then in a space of hours have ten visions. It is all in the timing. When the spirits want us to find something.” Kira whispered. She was wondering if the Alphas were expecting more from them than they could actually do.

“I know all that.” Quin said impatiently.

“Dude, back off.” Dalton said and stepped in front of his mate and then felt Blaine do the same. He did not care how worried the man was about his mate and children. He was not going to disrespect his mate.

Quin looked at them in surprise and Jaden stepped forward and put his hand on his shoulder, whispering something into his ear. Quin nodded and closed his eyes and took a deep breath and then said, “I apologize if I offended you and your mate. I was out of line. I understand what the Seer of the Council will do. My father explained that sometimes we have to go on instinct. I was referring to the fact that so far we have been flying blind and have stumbled across the Council members as it is. I would just like to know we are looking in the right direction for once. I also would hope the spirits would be willing to give us a little guidance with the Rogues.”

“I can"t speak for the spirits; however I will tell you everything that I am shown to help.

So, I suggest you decide who needs to be flashed back to Milliken first.” Dalton said and looked at his mates and smiled. “I will be able to do one person every other day, so remember that. I have to have a day in between travel. I can flash someone back and return to rest before the next one.”

Jaden and Quin nodded and turned to the rest of the men that were gathered to make their decision. Neither Blaine nor Kira cared since they knew for the time being they would be here, at least they would be able to get to know one another and their powers.

Dalton would have to rest but he would be here just the same. Kira chuckled to herself, thinking this was the best honeymoon she was going to get, so she had better take advantage of it.

Blaine stepped forward and said, “While you are all deciding, I need to have some time with my mate before he leaves. There are some things we need to discuss.” Jaden laughed and Quin said, “One hour and one of us will be ready.” Blaine nodded and then pulled his mates behind him out the door and to their room.

He had been standing thinking about Dalton taking the risk he was by flashing them all in to the Pack house. He would not have any back up and could possibly be going into a trap. Blaine felt the overwhelming need to mark him. While they had both marked Kira and that alone created their bond, he wanted Dalton to know that he was just as much a part of their mating as Kira or he was.

For the way he reacted last night about the only one not having the sight, Blaine thought maybe his mate felt he was not as important to him as Kira was. That was just not true.

Although the man drove him to distraction daily and he knew that in the future that was not really going to change, he had still fallen in love with him.

He knew his feeling for Kira would grow into love also, he could feel it, but Dalton and he had connected first. They needed to complete the claim for Blaine"s wolf to settle down. He did not like it one bit that his mate would be going somewhere without his protection.

When they got to the room, Blaine shut the door and locked it with determination. “We have an hour, let"s not waste it.” He growled and prowled toward his male mate while Kira smirked and sat down on the chair and watched.

“Make it a good floor show boys, this will be my first, and I hope not my last.” Kira sang quietly while Dalton laughed nervously and turned to Blaine.

“Uh, I guess eating and preparing to travel is out of the question?” He said with a slight waver in his voice.

“That is way off the menu for the day. We are finishing what we started in the library and then we will go through the rules of what you are allowed to do and not do when you travel in the next few days.” Blaine growled and pulled his mate to him and kissed him roughly.

“Wait a damn minute. You are going to dictate what? I have been doing this for more years than you have been alive and I know how to handle myself.” Dalton pulled back and protested.

“We will get to that, first things first. I am gonna fuck your tight little ass until you scream for mercy and when I am done, you will know who is in charge. We will have rules in our house and I will be the one who administers punishment should you fail to listen. I would love to see your ass bright red and sticking up in the air, begging me to take you.” Blaine whispered as he kissed down his mate"s neck while he slowly undressed him.

“Now, no more talking. Undress me mate.” Blaine ordered and Dalton looked at the man in surprise.

He had never seen this side of him. Yeah, he was obsessive about some things but dominate, that was something else entirely. Oh, it was like a dream come true. He loved it. Blaine would be the master and commander in the bedroom as well as the household. Dalton was sure that he would listen to suggestions, but he was going to be in command. It was the way the man was built. He and Kira both had to accept it.

Dalton nodded and began by pulling his t-shirt over his large chest and arms. Gods the man was stacked. His muscles rippled under his hand. Blaine shivered as Dalton kissed his way down his neck before latching on to first one nipple and then the other. He dropped his head back and groaned. Holy shit, this man had a mouth of gold. He knew what he was doing that was for sure, teasing and nipping until his nipples were beaded into small erect points. Then Blaine moved.

Kneeling in front of Dalton, he began to unbutton the man"s pants. Kira was straining from her seat to get a view and finally huffed, stood and sat in the bed where she could get a front row view. She had always wanted to see her mates together, it was arousing to know they were going to love each other the way they loved her. Some people may not understand it, but she felt that if you were in a ménage relationship, that it would be only right that everyone was intimate.

She smiled when Blaine lowered Dalton"s pants and discovered the man had gone commando. Blaine looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.

“What? We were in a hurry.” Dalton said.

“As long as you understand that this.” Blaine said and grabbed the man"s cock.

“Belongs to us.”

“Duh,” Dalton whispered and then took a deep breath while Blaine stroked him up and down; causing his dick to get even harder if that was possible. It was hard for him to stand still and let him explore his body without doing the same. But he knew that Blaine was in control right now and that is what he needed to remember.

Blaine slowly lowered his head while staring right at Kira, latching onto her eyes and took Dalton"s shaft into his mouth with one swallow.

“Fuck man. That is amazing.” Dalton moaned and Kira almost stood up and clapped.

Blaine was not going to tease and tempt Dalton into being aroused; instead, he was commanding and demanding the man get ready for a ride.

Dalton reached out and grasped his hand in Blaine"s hair to steady himself. The man was like a master of blow jobs. He licked, sucked, and bit at just the right places to get the response he wanted. Dalton was close to shooting his load right down his mate"s throat when he pulled back, looked up at him, and smiled.

“On the bed on your hands and knees.” Blaine commanded and Dalton flung off his jeans and jumped into place. The man could have told him to jump off a building and he would have done it in order to get him to take him the way Dalton wanted.

Blaine stood and finished undressing and then stepped to the side of the bed and opened the drawer that he had put the lube into this morning. He hadn"t wanted the maid service to find anything that would embarrass his mates. Making a show of uncapping the bottle Blaine smiled at Kira whose cheeks had turned a lovely shade of pink. Unless he missed his guess, his little bear was getting hot and bothered by the show. He would take care of her after Dalton left. Soon they would all be home and safe, and then he would not feel the need to make sure that his mates knew how he was beginning to feel about them.

Blaine lifted the bottle and squeezed a fair amount onto two of his fingers. He was gonna make sure his mate knew who was in control. Stepping up to the bed, He used his clean hand to caress his mate"s ass. It was perfect, round and firm. Dalton"s body was gorgeous. He couldn"t wait until he had time to explore every inch.

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