Blake, Abby - Sweet Captivation [A Bride for Eight Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (10 page)

“I…um…guess so,” he said, hoping that he was misunderstanding Peter’s meaning. Surely he was referring to Bryce’s close shave with two assassins.

“She loves you,” Peter said, throwing Bryce straight back into confusion. Why wasn’t Peter angry? Why were his brothers all grinning at him? And why was Mikayla coming around the table to sit on Matt’s knee?

She kissed Matt, glanced around the table, making eye contact with each of her husbands before settling her gaze on him.

“Apparently, seven is not an even number.”

“I–I don’t understand,” Bryce managed to force past a suddenly dry mouth. All of his brothers were watching him, and he had no idea why.

“Turns out,” Peter said, “that eight seems to be the perfect number for Mikayla.”

“What?” Bryce yelped when at least one possible meaning sunk into his brain. Surely they weren’t suggesting…

“Bryce.” Mikayla’s soft voice drew his gaze back to her, and when she had his full attention, she leaned forward and kissed him softly. Not a friend kiss, not a brother-in-law kiss, but the type of kiss he’d seen her offer to every one of her husbands. Bryce fell into the sensual caress, momentarily forgetting their audience, but a couple of very amused chuckles reached his ears and he pulled away. Embarrassment heated his cheeks as he faced his brothers.

“Marry me,” Mikayla said softly. It was more of an order than a request, but Bryce wanted to scream yes from the rooftops. He gazed at every smiling face at the table, wondering if he was dreaming or delusional, but in the end he whispered the word his heart desired.

Mikayla smiled and crawled from Matt’s lap and onto Bryce’s. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. On and on her sensual assault ensnared his heart and stole his reason. He’d loved her since he’d met her, and he couldn’t imagine a future without her, well, not a happy future anyway.

Mikayla finally released him from her magical spell, and he opened his eyes to find all but one of his brother’s gone. Matt still sat beside them, grinning like a loon, his hand already caressing his thick erection through his pants.

“That is so hot,” he said with a wide grin. “I’m starting to understand why Ryan and Ty like to share.”

“I know why Ryan and Ty like to share,” Mikayla said. Still sitting on Bryce’s lap, she rubbed her bottom against Bryce’s rock-hard erection and leaned over to kiss his brother the way she’d just kissed him.

Bryce could feel his eyes crossing from the incredible sensations.

“Mikayla, are you sure?” he managed to ask with his last shred of sanity. He’d dreamed of her for so long it seemed almost too good to be true. Did she really ask him to marry her? She turned and straddled his lap, her arms wrapped loosely around his neck. He glanced over her shoulder and saw Matt’s smile and couldn’t help but return it.

“Of course I’m sure. And my husbands are sure. In fact, it was their idea that you and I get married.”

“Why?” He couldn’t hold back the need to know. He didn’t want to be the eighth husband simply because there were eight brothers. He needed to be loved for the man he was, not the family he was born into.

“Because you’re a good man and you deserve to be happy,” Matt said sincerely. “And you were there for Mikayla when she needed you the most.” Matt rubbed his shoulder where the bullet had torn through him. “And you were there for me, when I needed you the most. And you spent years protecting people at great personal cost.”

“And of course the most important reason of all,” Mikayla said, rubbing her pussy against his hard cock. “I love you, and you love me, and all of your brothers want us to be happy together.”

He kissed her then. Kissed her the way he’d been dreaming, laying claim to her heart the way he needed to. “I love you, Mikayla. I always have.”

She glanced over her shoulder at Matt and smiled before looking back at Bryce.

“We know,” she said quietly. “I tried to love you like a brother-in-law, but they saw through me,” she said as she titled her head to the doorway to indicate the brothers he’d thought had left them alone. It appeared they hadn’t gone very far. “They know that I’d never betray them, but this is what we all want.” She smoothed a hand over his face. “Will you stay with us?”

“Always.” The promise slipped out before he could even analyze it, but it was what he wanted more than anything. After so many years of being alone, he not only had his brothers back but they trusted him with the woman they adored. It was the most precious gift he could ever imagine, and he silently vowed to spend the rest of his life trying to be worthy.

* * * *

Mikayla watched the emotions play across Bryce’s face. For the past few weeks she’d struggled with her attraction to him, and no matter how many times she’d tried to put the emotions back into the brother-in-law category she’d obviously failed. The fact that her husbands had not only noticed but welcomed their brother into her heart and their marriage proved how amazing her men really were.

She glanced sideways to see the rest of her husbands standing in the doorway not even trying to hide their nosy eavesdropping now.

“I think maybe you should take me to your room,” Mikayla said with a laugh. “Otherwise our first time together is going to get a little crowded.” She saw the surprise in his eyes and then the dawning horror. She knew for a fact that he hadn’t been with a woman for at least three months—probably far longer—and living on the base with its paper thin walls and her seven horny husbands couldn’t have been easy.

Bryce looked a little bit panicked, but then he smiled at Matt and seemed to relax. Tears filmed her eyes at how quickly Bryce and Matt had rebuilt their relationship. Matt’s angry reaction after his surgery had quickly simmered down when he learned the circumstances surrounding the woman he’d seen Bryce shoot. Once he’d heard the rest of Bryce’s life he’d not only let go of all his anger but had gone out of his way to make sure his brother stayed with his family from now on.

Mikayla suspected that Matt’s anger may have been based in fear. If Matt’s twin could kill someone in cold blood, as he’d thought, then Matt may have worried for his own sanity. Knowing that his brother was actually a hero rather than the villain, may well have given Matt back something he’d lost. In fact, Matt’s legendary temper had been rather subdued of late.

“I think,” Bryce said as he lifted her off his lap and stood her between his knees, “that our first time together should be something special.” She didn’t quite know what he meant until Matt lifted her into his arms and headed toward the door. Mikayla glanced back to see Bryce grab his walking cane and follow. His leg had mostly healed, but the extra damage caused by avoiding assassins had left him with what would probably be a lifelong limp. There was a complicated reconstructive surgery, but Bryce had refused to consider it. He didn’t want to be back in a brace, and she suspected he was very tired of being in pain. He also hadn’t explained exactly how his leg had been broken, but considering it was around the same time his status as an undercover cop had been discovered, she suspected it had been a lot more horrifying than the simple, drunken fall he’d suggested that first day. She smiled as she realized that despite the small discomfort of his limp he had no trouble keeping up with Matt.

The rest of her husbands smiled and laughed, even grumbled a little about not getting to watch, but none of them looked unhappy. They had just a little over two more months on this icy planet, and then they’d move to the next one. She couldn’t wait to be somewhere warmer.

Talking of warmer…

Matt put her on her feet and then lifted her dress over her head and laughed quietly at the huge granny panties she wore. She’d begun wearing them to annoy Lachlan, but so far he hadn’t reacted. Matt made short work of removing the oversized, flower-covered material and then pushed them into his pocket.

“I’ll discuss this with Lachlan later,” he said with a huge grin. She laughed in delight and said, “Please do.”

Completely naked, she turned to face the man who would soon be her husband. Bryce seemed a little nervous, and Mikayla decided that maybe she could help him with that. Very deliberately she dropped to her knees in front of him, undid the fastenings on his pants, and wrapped her hand around his hard, thick cock. Bryce groaned as she caressed the hot flesh and nearly lost his balance when she flicked her tongue over his weeping slit. She sucked on the head of his dick softly, tasting his unique flavor, moaning her approval.

Rough hands threaded into her hair and held her still when she tried to take him deeper. “Mikayla, it’s been too long for me” he said with a ragged moan. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to come.” She wrapped her fist around his hard length, pumping his flesh slowly.

“That’s the idea,” she said with a wicked grin and then took him into her mouth again.

* * * *

Holy shit. The woman was amazing, and he was so damned turned on, but he didn’t want to hurt her. Hell, he had seven brothers who would probably pound him into the ground if he even looked like getting too rough. But Matt seemed to understand his dilemma.

His brother took a seat on the bed, caressing Mikayla’s shoulder and neck as she sucked Bryce’s cock.

“You won’t hurt her,” Matt said with absolute confidence as Bryce tried to hold himself really, really still. Kind of hard to do when the woman was doing amazingly wicked things with her tongue. “She likes things a little rough, don’t you, honey?”

Matt snaked a hand around to Mikayla’s breast and squeezed and twisted the nipple. Her small gasp of pain vibrated against Bryce’s cock, and he could no longer hold himself back. With his hands already tangled in her hair, he took over. Holding her still he pushed deep into her throat, moaning desperately as she swallowed around the head. In and out he thrust, struggling to retain his control.

But Mikayla moaned again as Matt did something Bryce couldn’t quite see and then he was lost. In and out, harder, deeper Bryce took her, need boiling in his belly, the need to claim, the need to mark her as his. His orgasm burst from him, his cum painting the back of her throat and he held her there, forcing her to take all of him. She swallowed, caressing his length with her tongue.

Slowly sanity returned, and he pulled his softening dick from her mouth. He dropped to his knees heavily, searching her eyes for disgust at his behavior, but she simply smiled. He caressed her cheek as he tried to understand how he could be so lucky.

“I love you,” he said again.

She pressed a soft kiss to his mouth and then burst into giggles when Matt grabbed her by the waist and lifted her onto the bed. “You’re overdressed,” he said to his brother, and Bryce finally realized that while he’d been getting the most amazing blow job of his life, his brother had stripped off his own clothes.

Scrambling to catch up, Bryce ripped his clothes off, almost losing his balance as he forgot about his leg. Mikayla lay on her back in the middle of the bed, Matt stretched out beside her, his hand drawing lazy circles on her tummy as they waited for Bryce. Bryce quickly crawled onto the bed and pressed against Mikayla’s side.

Already his erection was making a recovery. It had been a long time, but he suspected that his stamina had more to do with the woman he loved than any sort of time frame.

“Honey,” Matt said, “does it hurt you when Ryan and Ty make love to you together?”

She looked surprised by the question but was quick to reassure him that it didn’t. Bryce was still trying to understand why it would hurt when the full meaning of “together” coalesced in his brain. He groaned as his cock pulsed with excitement.

Matt trailed his hand lower, caressing her swollen pussy, spreading the wetness Bryce could see. “It would seem,” Matt said in a conversational tone, “that giving you a blow job turns our girl on. Feel how wet she is.”

Bryce slid his fingers through the slippery, wet flesh of her slit, the silky glide of her arousal making his cock throb even harder just imagining what her pussy would feel like. Mikayla opened her thighs wider, pressing against his fingers impatiently until he slid them inside. She moaned in approval, and he could feel her muscles caressing him as he pushed them in and out, finger fucking her as he watched her face. She was amazingly responsive, and he couldn’t wait to fill her with his cock.

“Please,” she whispered to him and lifted her arms. She welcomed him into her body with a soft sigh and gentle fingers through his hair. He stroked in and out of her slowly, enjoying the gentle rhythm and soothing glide, but need gripped him and she wrapped her legs around his hips. She was on the verge of coming, quivering, gasping, moaning his name when Matt tapped his shoulder.

Surprised but willing to follow Matt’s lead, Bryce moved away, and Matt quickly pushed into her hungry pussy. Over and over he drove into her heat. Bryce could feel his own orgasm rising just from watching his brother fuck the woman they both loved, but then Matt pulled away, too.

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