BLAMELESS: MC Biker Romance (Black Thorns, #3) (12 page)

“What way?” I gasp out on a strained breath. He’s so close. So warm. It’s overwhelming.

“In your element.”

Before I can say anything, he moves away abruptly.

I look over my shoulder at him and he smiles. “Told you, darlin’. You’re safe with me. In

I can tell by the way he says it, that he means sexually.

“Now…” he says, walking back to the counter. “What’s my next step here, huh?”

Chapter 14



We been holed up in this safe house of Dealer’s for two days.

The place is real small.


Cuz of

Jesus Christ. The sexual tension rolling off her is so fucking intense. It’s been doing a number on me. I ain’t used to holding back. It’s always played out the same way in the past. I get my prey in my sights and then I pounce. But not with Sarah.

It’s cuz I don’t like the fear she’s got going on.

Could see it in her eyes our first night here in the kitchen when I tested the waters with her. She put me at a distance. Kept pushing me away.

The thing is, I know she wants me to touch her. Hell, she wants me to fuck her.

But there’s a lot of stuff in her head holding her back.

I didn’t come here with her to fuck her. Weren’t nothing to do with that. Just wanted to protect her, to
she were gonna be safe. I didn’t wanna stop being ‘round her neither.

But being stuck in this house, alone with her? Fuck, I ain’t never wanted nobody as bad as I want her. I been chain smoking out on the porch like a maniac just to get some space from her the last two days. Just to get some damn relief.

And it ain’t just her body I want neither.

Hell, no. I want way more than that from her.

I don’t understand it. I just
a quick fuck ain’t gonna be enough for me with her. There’s something ‘bout Sarah that’s just pulling me in. She’s hypnotizing me. Possessing me. Can’t shake it and I don’t wanna. I wanna run with it. Wanna explore it. Explore
and see where it ends up.

But she’s stopping me.


I lay my head down on the pillow of my makeshift bed on the living room couch.

The second I do, I hear it.

Sarah screaming.

I bolt upright and scramble off the couch.

I snatch my gun off the coffee table, cock it, and sprint outta the room and down the small corridor to the one bedroom in this tiny place.

“No! Stop! I don’t want this! Stop, Eddie!”

I reach the door to the bedroom and don’t waste no time being gentle ‘bout it. I smash my boot into it.

It rips open and smacks loudly against the wall.

Sarah screams.

As I step into the room, I see her sitting up in bed, her eyes wide. On me. On my gun aimed her way.


She were just having a nightmare. Nobody’s here.

“Sorry,” I tell her as I quickly flip the safety back on and lower my gun.

“Zeb,” she breathes, slapping her hand to her heart and struggling to catch her breath.

I walk over to the bed and perch on the edge.

“Didn’t mean to scare you. Heard you screaming.”

I place my gun down on her bedside table.

A small smile spreads over her face. “You came. To protect me.”

“‘Course, darlin’. It’s why I’m here, yeah?”

She frowns. “Is it?”


She shifts her weight in the bed and clutches the covers more tightly to her chest. Dunno why, cuz she ain’t naked underneath. I can see she’s wearing a white tank top. “Why
you here with me, Zeb?”

Fuck, what a question. The one question I dunno how to answer. “I….”

She don’t like my hesitation and she snaps at me, “Pity? Is that why you’re here? Because you found me in the bathroom in a state? Poor, helpless Sarah, right? Or, is it that you feel guilty about the nasty things you said to me up at the clubhouse and you feel like doing this will cure you of that?”


She cuts me off. “I don’t want your pity. And I don’t want your guilt. You have nothing to feel guilty about. You were right. We aren’t together. You had every right to fool around with those girls. You still do. It’s not your fault that I’m a stupidly emotional and clingy person after getting sexual with a guy.” She runs her fingers through her hair. “I was stupid to think that what we did meant something more than just an orgasm and a good time. But I can’t be anything else. It’s the way I am and you’re…you’re not that way. You like fooling around with many women, not being tied to just one.” Her eyes lock with mine. “You’re free like that.”

Jesus Christ. Her words bore into the heart of me. The next thing I know, I’m climbing onto the bed and straddling her over the covers.

She gasps, her eyes wide. “Zeb?” she ekes out, nervously.

“Free? I ain’t
, Sarah. Ain’t felt that way for a long time. ‘Til
. ‘Til I knew you. When you’re ‘round, you got this way of pulling me outta all the bad. All the dark. Those women you talkin’ ‘bout? Just distractions, darlin’. But
…you do something to me. It confuses the fuck outta me, but I can’t shake it. Can’t shake
. So, that’s why I’m here. I’m here, cuz I wanna be. Wanna be with

She don’t say nothing. She just stares at me.

And then she lets go of the covers.

That’s when I realize why she were covering up. Her tank top’s so thin that I can see her nipples, hard and pushing against the material. She’s turned on.

I reach for the bottom of her top.

Her hands cover mine and she tells me in an anxious rush, “Zeb. I…I’m scared. I…I’m not…”

“Not what, Sarah?”

“Not…experienced. Not like those women you usually…go with. I don’t know how to—”

“Know all that ‘bout you already. Like that ‘bout you, darlin’.”

“But, I—”

“Shh,” I whisper, leaning down and kissing her hands that are now gripping mine real tight. “Close your eyes.”

She hesitates.

“Sarah. You believed me when I told you you’re safe with me, yeah?”

She nods, biting those full lips of hers.

“Then close your eyes for me.”

She does as I ask, scrunching ‘em up tightly.

“Good girl. Now release your death grip on me. Okay, darlin’?”

She slowly releases me.

I cup her face and brush my lips over hers. I keep it soft for a while. This girl’s different. I gotta work her up slow. Gotta take my time with her and ease her into it.

Her hands come up and slide into my hair. She moans and I deepen the kiss. She opens her mouth for me, inviting me in to claim that sweet mouth of hers.

I pull the covers back and she whimpers and pulls her lips from mine. Her hands leave my hair and come up to cover her body.

I know what she needs.

I get under the covers with her, straddling her hips. And then I pull ‘em up over us.

Her eyes sparkle at me, knowing I get it. She’s real self-conscious ‘bout her scars and it’s one of the main things holding her back. As much as I hate that she’s gotta be that way, cuz she’s so damn beautiful and those scars don’t do shit to take away from that, I gotta do what makes her comfortable here.

“Thank you,” she breathes as I bury my face in her neck.

“Whatever you need, darlin’,” I whisper, kissing my way down the side of her neck, along her collarbone and down to the top of her tits. I nudge her tank top down with my chin and take her left nipple into my mouth, sucking gently. I do the same with the right one and she throws her head back and gasps, “Yes.”

I pull back and fix her top. I don’t try to take it off her, cuz I know that’ll have her shying away again. We’re gonna do this her way.

I hook my fingers in the waistband of the tiny pink shorts she’s wearing and slowly tug ‘em down her legs. I watch her closely, making sure she’s okay. I get ‘em off and toss ‘em off the bed. And then I shed my boxers.

I shift my weight and slide the head of my rock hard cock along the length of her pussy. She’s wet for me, so wet.

She yelps in surprise as it brushes her clit. “Zeb!” she gasps. “Oh my God! What is that?”

I lift the covers so she can look down between us.

Her eyes widen as she takes in the three studs in the head of my cock.

“You like ‘em? They feel good?” I ask, grinning at the shocked look on her face.

She surprises me then when she bites her lip and gives me a sexy little look. “

I ease her thighs apart. “Told you you’re safe with me, Sarah. So, I gotta hear the words from you. Gotta be all
call here. You want this, darlin’?”

She snakes her hands ‘round my neck and I meet her intense gaze. “I…this isn’t just sex to me. I can’t…I can’t do that, Zeb. I…I like you. A lot.”

“I know. Like you a lot too, Sarah.”

She smiles with relief
surprise. Hell, I’m surprised, too. Surprised that I’m in this position right now, agreeing to what I am. Tryin’ something more with a woman than just fucking. She’s telling me she can’t fuck without emotion getting in the way. Already knew that ‘bout her from that first time we fooled ‘round. I don’t wanna fuck her and leave her neither. There’s something more here and even though I got no idea what it really means, I wanna find out. Hell, I need to.

She’s the only woman who’s managed to bring me in outta the cold I been living in for too fucking long.

I lean down and gather her in my arms, holding her close.

And that’s when I realize how far gone I am with her, cuz I’m missing something major here. Jesus Christ. First time for everything.

“Ain’t got no condoms, darlin’.” Dammit!

There ain’t no guy more careful than me when it comes to being safe. I ain’t Ax. Dumbass kept pulling that shit with Rox. He had two fuck ups, cuz he were so careless and let his dick rule his head.

She smiles at me. “I’ve been on the pill for years.”

Normally, some woman telling me that wouldn’t be enough. With the kinda women I usually fuck, it’d be real stupid to trust their word on that.

But with Sarah, I
trust it.

“Are you…clean?” she asks.

“Swear it. Ain’t been with nobody since the last time I got tested and got the all clear.”

She smiles and pulls me down to her, forcing my mouth to hers. Our lips clash in a way they ain’t never before. This time I feel her desperation to have this. To have
. And it’s the biggest turn on ever. Knowing a woman wants me this much, where it’s way beyond the physical. So much more. It takes me over and our kiss becomes frantic. I get it then. I get what this is with her. Healing. This is two people so damaged and scarred by the darkest parts of life, finally finding comfort in one another.

She moans into my mouth as I slide my dick inside her, taking it slow for the first time in my life. She’s so tight. So much innocence surrounding me. I grit my teeth, both cuz the pressure’s almost painful and cuz I’m actually feeling something here. I get what this really means. That somebody so pure is trusting a tainted bastard like me with something as priceless as this. She don’t treat me like I’m bad, like I’m dirty and only good for my dick. Not like the rest of ‘em do. She treats me like a man. Like a

She pulls her mouth from mine and screams as my piercings rub that sweet spot deep inside her. I hold my position now I’m seated balls deep. Jesus. Couldn’t move right now even if I wanted to. Her pussy’s clamping down so hard ‘round me I can barely even breathe.

I slide my hand between her legs and rub her clit with my thumb. She squirms beneath me. Her hands tug at my hair frantically as she moans my name.

She tenses up as I start to move, sliding out barely an inch.

“It’s okay. Just relax. Ain’t gonna take you hard this first time, darlin’. Gonna give it to you how you need. Slow and deep.”

I start thrusting in and out of her, drawing out real slow and plunging back in deep.

“Mmm…yes,” she moans. “Yes, Zeb.”

First time I’ve ever gone slow and it’s outta this world. Can feel her softness gripping my cock, every inch. Amazing. New realms of pleasure right here.

Her arms wrap ‘round me as I bury my face in her tits. Her soft hands massage my back. Woman’s got the perfect touch.

I roll her clit between my fingers, matching the easy pace of my thrusts. The mewls and moans she makes are enough to drive me over the edge. It ain’t rough and hard like I’m used to. It’s something else. Feels way better. Sensual. For once it’s got me feeling everything, every sensation taking hold of me and shooting to my dick.

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