BLAMELESS: MC Biker Romance (Black Thorns, #3) (32 page)

I’m on her in the next second, fingering her skirt. “Heard you, darlin’.”


it’s all bullshit.”

“Excuse me?” she snaps.

I grab her hips and lift her up, making her scream in surprise. I carry her over to the sink, telling her, “It’s all bullshit, cuz you got it all ass backwards, woman. You think I settled for you? I
for all those
you talkin’ ‘bout.
the hottest woman in existence.”

She scoffs. “Please.”

“You got the sexiest goddamn curves I’ve ever seen. The most stunning eyes I’ve ever had looking back at me.” I put her down on the sink and slide my hand into her thick blonde hair that she’s curled today. “Everything ‘bout you is so damn sexy. The sounds you make when I touch you. Your giggling. The way you move. How sweet, loving and smart you are. The whole package. A real blonde bombshell.”

“Zeb,” she moans as I slide my hands up her silky thighs.

“And now, Sarah, knowing you’re carrying my kid in you.
it in front of me with your belly growing. I dunno how to explain it. It goes way beyond sexy. Beyond any of that. The way I feel ‘bout you, it’s…real intense. It’s more than even love. You’re everything to me, darlin’. Everything I didn’t know I wanted all these wasted years. You and our kid in you…you’re all I see.”

I look up at her as I stroke her thighs up and down. Tears are streaming down her cheeks.

“Thank you,” she chokes out, smiling at me. “That was so amazingly sweet.”

I rise up and kiss her lips. “My little blonde bombshell.”

She giggles at that.

I drop to my knees again and start sliding my hands slowly under and up her skirt. “You wearing panties?”

She bites her lip coyly and shrugs. “I don’t know. Am I?”

My fingers reach her pussy. No panties. So much for taking a breather. How the hell can I do that now, knowing she’s bare
dripping for me, her pussy begging to be devoured by me? I can’t. ‘Course she knows that. Woman knows what turns me on. She knows what pushes me over the edge.

“Well played,” I tell her as I drag my fingers through her wetness.

“I know.”

I slide a finger inside her, sinking deep into her wet heat. I watch her throw her head back as I crook it and stroke her sweet spot. She clenches ‘round me real tight

“Mmm…you’re so fucking sexy when you do that,” I tell her as she starts bucking her hips and riding my finger.

Watching her sitting up on the sink, her legs spread in that short-as-sin skirt, those sexy thigh-high boots, pumping her hips wildly with her head thrown back, her lips parted in pleasure, calls to the wild part of me.

I rip my towel off with my free hand.

She whimpers as I pull my finger outta her pussy.

“Miss me deep inside there, darlin’?”

“Yes!” she cries.

I hold my finger up between us. It’s coated in her juices.

I lick slowly up one side, watching her eyes go wide. She looks for a while and a little smirk comes over her face. She’s giving the dirty look I’m giving her right back to me.

“Want a taste?” I tease her.

She leans forward. Next thing I know, she’s licking up the other side, tasting herself on my finger. I groan and step between her legs, as her strokes get so fucking erotic, it has me right on the goddamn edge.

“Now,” she tells me, pulling back for a second.

She takes it in her mouth and smirks at me as she sucks hard and deep, the way she sucks my cock.

“Fuck,” I choke out, losing my shit.

I give her what we both want. Can’t wait another second.

I thrust inside her.

No slow and gentle this time.

I fuck her hard. Rough, wild and fast. Grabbing her hips, I jerk her forward ‘til her ass is right on the edge of the sink. She cries out as my cock drives deeper inside her.

“Oh God. I love your piercings!” she pants as she wraps her arms ‘round me real tight, pulling me against her.

“Know you do, darlin’. Feel real good rubbing that spot deep inside your sweet pussy, yeah?”

“Yes! Yes, Zeb!”

Her nails dig into my back, making me hiss from the bite of pain. I hold her tight to me, groaning at the feel of her soft tits pressing into my chest.

Jesus. Even being inside her right now ain’t enough. Can’t get enough of her. I never can.
my addiction now. Ain’t no question ‘bout that. And she’s one addiction that I ain’t never gonna shake.

“My girl,” I whisper in her ear.

A little smile plays on her lips.

And then her orgasm hits her. She throws her head back, screaming in pleasure as her pussy clamps down and spasms real violently ‘round me. I let go and come with her, shooting my load deep inside her.

When I finally manage to catch my damn breath, I lift my head off her shoulder and eye her. She’s got that sexy, just-fucked look all over her face. Her hair’s wild. She’s panting and sweating, tryin’ to catch her breath. So cute.

“You good now?”

“Mmm…yes,” she murmurs happily.

I kiss her hair, then move to pull out, but her thighs tighten ‘round me, tryin’ to hold me to her.

“Just a few more minutes, Zeb.”

I shake my head. “We’re gonna be late to see the first house.”

“We still have time.”

We do right now. But if I’m inside her any longer, once ain’t gonna be the end of it. Gonna be at it all day again. Woman knows how to work me up real well. She knows I ain’t never gonna be saying
to her.

“Uh uh. Don’t be greedy,” I tell her as I pull out and snatch my towel up off the tiled floor.

I see her pouting at me as I wrap it back ‘round my waist.

“You get it now, Sarah? How beautiful you really are to me? You always got me losing control. That’s what you do to me.”

She nods. “I get it.” She fixes her skirt and slides off the sink. “How about we make a deal?”

“A deal, huh?”

“Yep. I’ll start seeing my pregnant body the way you do, but you have to do the same and see your hair as being as sexy as I do, rather than as a bad thing.”

“All right.”


“Yeah. Sounds like a fair deal to me.”

“It means you can’t dye your hair. Just leave it natural and be okay with it.”

“You got it, darlin’.”

She looks surprised. “I thought I’d have to spend a lot more time convincing you.”

“Whatever it takes to make you see how fucking perfect you are. How smoking.”

She comes to me and takes my hands. “Thank you, Zeb.” She squeezes ‘em then and tells me, “I’m so excited about today.”

“Me too.” I let go of her hands and slap her ass. “Now, go get dressed. Ain’t no way in hell you’re going out wearing that. That’s for my eyes only.”

She giggles. “Okay.”

I get in a quick kiss on her forehead, before she takes off outta the bathroom.

Speaking of, I gotta get my ass moving too.

Jesus. Sarah sends me into a goddamn tailspin. I forget what the hell it is I’m supposed to be doing when she’s got her hands or mouth on me.

Chapter 33



“So, what’s up? You sounded edgy on the phone,” I ask Ax, as I slump into one of the chairs opposite his desk.

“You been doing real well lately, Runner, with getting clean again and moving into recovery.”


it’s only been a couple of months since you started on that road.”

“What you getting at, Ax?” Ain’t like him to beat ‘round the bush. He’s usually straight up. Gets right to the point. Annoys
when other people don’t. So, him doing it now means he’s real concerned ‘bout whatever the thing is he’s called me in for.

“Kept you outta club business and just glued to the bike shop, so you ain’t got no stress coming your way. Wanted to keep it that way for at least the next six months.”

Okay, I get it now.

I lean forward and tell him, “Listen, it ain’t ‘bout stress. It’s ‘bout keeping busy, moving forward with my life. ‘Bout focusing on the right stuff, so I ain’t going backwards to all that bullshit. ‘Bout knowing that I
relapse, cuz I got a full life and I’m happy with the way shit is with being clean. You hear me?”

“Yeah, I hear you. But—”

“Just tell me what you gotta. It ain’t gonna screw me up. I’m doing well.

He scrubs his hand over his face and blows out a breath. “You were right ‘bout Ben. Got a hold of the footage finally a couple of weeks back.”

“What?” I bark. “That long and you’re only telling me now?”

“Like I said, I was tryin’ to keep you outta stressful situations.”

“Fine,” I mutter.

“The footage shows him at the frat house. Saw you on camera, too. Couple times you tried to leave and he dragged you back inside, so he could get you more fucked up, I guess. Even saw him talking to Jase and then ride off before you stumbled outside and Jase and some of his muscle messed with you.”

Shit. “Why you telling me all this now?”

“Thought we coulda tracked him by now and brought him in. Wanted to give you some good news, not just more bullshit.”

“It’s okay, Ax. I got my good news already.” I can’t help a big smile spreading over my face as I say, “My girl’s pregnant. Ain’t no better news I can think of than that.”

He grins and shakes his head with disbelief. “Never saw this coming with you. Settling down and all that. Not long ago, knocking up a girl woulda been your worst nightmare.”

“It ain’t like how I’d looked at it in the past…not with Sarah.”

“I know. Went down like that with me and Rox.”

“Guess it’s like what you told me a while back. It’s all ‘bout the

“I’m happy for you, brother.”


“Ain’t so cold now, yeah?”

“Nah. Not with her ‘round me.” I sit forward and tell him, “I wanna find those fuckers, Ax. Sarah ain’t gonna relax ‘til we know they ain’t out there no more. Managed to keep her distracted, organizing her move here and all that, but I know it’s still scaring her. Can’t have my girl scared, Ax. Can’t have her stressed like this when she’s pregnant.”

He nods and I know he gets what I’m really saying when he says, “You’re the best tracker.”


“You gonna kill ‘em? Ben and Torvin?”

“Promised Sarah I weren’t gonna unless they came at us.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Jesus Christ, she’s got you promising that? That’s some power she’s got, huh?
ain’t even got that power over you.”

“Shut it,” I tell him. He’s saying I’m pussy whipped. Whatever. I don’t give a shit. It’s working for me. Besides, he ain’t one to talk with
wife. “Question, Ax. I ain’t gonna kill ‘em and I know you ain’t. You got your whole moral code and all that. You hate killing and that ain’t no secret. So how else we gonna make sure they ain’t gonna be a problem no more?”

“We’re gonna do it the legit way.”

“Legit way? You mean the law? The fucking cops?”

“Club’s been working on something.”

“Like a set up?”

“Yeah. They both got records. Ben’s been protected by the club all the while he’s been with us. And Torvin’s kept way below the radar—with a lot of Jase’s help, no doubt. We get a lock on their location and we just lead the law to ‘em. Club ain’t getting its hands dirty. Won’t lead back to us, cuz we figured out a way to make damn sure that can’t happen.”

“I know ‘bout Ben’s record before he joined the club. That armed robbery he were a part of is gonna make damn sure he’s locked up for good. What ‘bout Torvin? A bit of possession ain’t gonna put him away for long, Ax.”

“Ain’t just that.” I see him grimace and then he tells me, “There were others…after Sarah.”


“While we been tracking him, we came across some women linked to him, thinking they mighta known where he’s at. Three of ‘em got restraining orders against him. And one of ‘em…she’s dead, Runner.”

“What? Dead? He killed her?”

“That’s what the word is, yeah.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Coulda been Sarah, Ax.”

“But it weren’t.”


“Nah, don’t go down that road. Nothing good there. You feel me?”

“Yeah. I know. I feel you.”

“Good.” He leans back in his chair and eyes me intensely. “You told me you ain’t gonna go for the kill and I trust your word on that.”

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