Blayne Edwards (15 page)

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Authors: Caine

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Chloe knew that neither man could ever know what they had just told her about her real needs, desires, and fantasies. Or about why she had wanted a man like the creatures in her dreams.

It wasn’t simply one thing Chloe was looking for in a mate. The half wolf, half human man she longed for was a lesson in duality. As was her entire life and work. The wolves she cared for were her passion. Something that aroused every sense in her. But they were also dangerous.

A man who embodied both of Chloe’s passions at the same time. Luke and Caine. Fear and sex.

The perfect combination.

Chloe winced as Luke’s fingers drove up into her and then dragged out against her tired clit, causing her to gasp. Caine’s grip grew almost painful at a breath from her that most likely sounded to him like one of pleasure. She wanted to make up her mind about the man controlling her reactions and decide that she didn’t want Luke’s hands on her. And she wanted to turn to Caine and tell him that her gasp hadn’t been one of pleasure.

But Chloe hated being the deceptive one even more than she hated being deceived.

* * * * *


Chloe would derive great pleasure from having both of their cocks inside her at one time. The knowledge was clear to Caine as he felt her fingers come back to reach for his firm cock even as his brother’s fingers reached down and probed about in her sex.

The thought of ramming into the hot, slick lips of her cunt while his brother slid his own cock into the tight rosebud of her backside made Caine’s dick ache for either a mouth or sex or tight, female ass to be wrapped around it.

But Chloe wasn’t the bitch he would allow that to happen to.

The thought of allowing Luke inside Chloe’s body was repugnant to Caine. And whether it was his territorial nature or his urge to act as an alpha telling his more possessive nature to take over, he couldn’t be sure.

Caine didn’t even want to consider the possibility that it was the urge of a husband coming out in him again.

Whatever it was, it was coming out in droves. Caine’s jealousy over this woman and his possessiveness of her body and sex and affections seethed from his very skin. He reeked of it. And it caused his skin to redden and grow even hotter to touch. Only he would make love to Chloe. And she would only bear his children, regardless of his brother’s genetic lineage or who she thought had had sex with her that night.

The only thing Caine found stronger than those thoughts and his protective feelings over this woman—this human, feeling, vulnerable woman—was his desire to once again and even more savagely fuck the bitch now stroking his cock.

“Let her go,” Caine pulled Chloe out of his brother’s grasp and heard Luke growl his disapproval of the action. The bitch in his arms seemed weak from what they were doing to her and from her desire and Caine felt her turn and wrap her arms around his neck to hold herself upright.

Had he not known better, Caine would have thought the woman one of the females of his own species as she spun and sank her teeth into his throat before kissing it. Caine felt the pain of her bite at the very moment that he felt her hands tightly grip his ass.

Despite what Caine had warned his brother against doing until he was given permission, he watched Luke move forward again and reach down for Chloe’s ass. Caine pulled her closer to him to try and get her out of his brother’s reach and immediately received the wonderful feeling of his new mate’s hands against his bare skin as she slipped her hand down into his jeans to grip his erection.

“Chloe, wait.”

Caine kept his eyes on his brother as he spoke to the woman in his arms. Her fingers flexed and stopped moving along his shaft, and slowly they disappeared from his cock altogether as she brought them back up to reach around his neck. Luke stared at his brother and never removed his hands from her body. Caine rumbled a threatening alpha growl from his chest that was usually reserved only for times when he was in wolf form.

Chloe’s head came up and she studied his eyes at the sound. Caine continued to stare at his twin, silently communicating his dominant status and his order to his pack mate, but he could feel the woman’s gaze considering him.

He watched Luke grin and then felt Chloe gasp as his twin gripped at her ass again.

“I thought we were going to let her decide, Caine.”

He felt Chloe’s gaze intensify questioningly on him at his brother’s words.

“I think that’s exactly what we should do,” Luke nodded and Caine felt the woman shiver and then flinch under the direction of his twin’s torturous fingers as they thrust forward into her pussy again. “I think the bitch would enjoy having one of us up her ass and the other up her cunt.”

Caine could smell Chloe’s excitement growing with every stroke of his brother’s hand and at the words Luke had just uttered. But he could also smell her fear. Her fear of what they wanted to do to her and her fear of what she was considering allowing them to do to her. He hadn’t known this woman for the extent of two days, but still, he knew that if Chloe Evans followed her present urges, she would regret it.

This woman wanted danger. And she wanted sex. Lots of sex. Kinky and perverse at times and downright dirty when the mood struck.

But Chloe was also a woman who could be happy with all of that in one man. The right man. The man who could give her what she wanted without having to watch her go to another in order to be completely satisfied. This woman was a die-hard romantic who wouldn’t admit such a thing if her very life depended on it.

Not to mention the fact that this woman wasn’t simply some bitch Caine could fuck while his twin waited for his turn with her. Or while his twin mounted her at the same time. This woman was very possibly capable of loving and accepting both parts of Caine. Just as Meagan had.

But whether Chloe could be like Meagan and admit what she truly wanted was something Caine couldn’t be sure of yet. Until he was sure, as the alpha of his pack and of his bitch, Caine would make the decisions with regards to whom and how Chloe was fucked. Whether she wanted it that way or not.

Caine shook his head. “It isn’t up to her.”

Chloe’s body stiffened at his statement. And Luke laughed and reached around and up under her sweater to grasp one of her breasts with his free hand. His mouth came up to nip at her ear before he spoke again. “Did you hear that, Chloe?” He chuckled and nibbled at the side of her throat. Caine watched Chloe’s eyes close and felt her arms around his neck tighten. “Caine doesn’t think you’re smart enough to decide what you want.”

“That is not what I said.”

Her eyes had flown open to look at Caine after Luke’s false accusation. Caine felt her grip around his neck loosen as she leaned away from him a little.

“Is that what you think?” she asked, shocking Caine with the recovery she had made from her trancelike state just moments earlier.

Caine shook his head and looked down into her confused and questioning, yet somehow still trusting brown eyes.

“No, Chloe. I know you’re smart as hell. And I know that you can take care of yourself in almost any situation.” Caine paused for a moment and considered the ramifications of his next statement.

“But this isn’t one of those times.”

Caine watched her move backwards to push Luke away from her at the same time she pulled her arms from around Caine’s neck. The two brothers stood side by side and watched the woman strike a stance that neither of them had ever witnessed in real life before.

But they’d both heard tales of what a horny she-wolf in rut looks like.

Chloe looked from one man to the other, her arms folded in front of her, closing herself off for negotiations with either of them were they to decide to argue with whatever was about to spew from that luscious looking mouth of hers.

Her skin was flushed and her pupils dilated, making her dark brown eyes appear almost black as she stared at the men in front of her. Caine almost forgot himself as he fought the urge to reach for his cock as it throbbed its need for the woman in front of him.

Luke didn’t even fight the urge to appear vulgar.

She looked more feral and deadly than they ever had during a hunt. Oftentimes when Caine had stalked and killed with his brothers, on their way home, he had taken the time to glance over at his pack and take pride in the way they looked with their muzzles bloodied and their bellies full.

Chloe Evans was the most beautiful bitch Caine had ever seen as she stood in front of them and readied herself to stalk and take down her own prey.

Caine reached up to rub the teeth marks she had inflicted on his neck. Her sharp inward breath signaling her having made her decision caused his hand to stop moving.

“Lee is fine now,” she stated firmly. “And I’m tired.” Caine tilted his head to watch her decidedly rounded female tush as she turned and made her way to the top of the stairs. “I want to go to bed, gentlemen.” Caine saw her pause. It was quick. As was the look she gave over her shoulder.

Down his side of the hallway.

“And in order to do that, I need for one of you to take me home.”

Caine sat silently in the driver’s seat as he drove Chloe home. She was quiet. A bit evasive with her posture.

But dangerously aroused.

He glanced over as she shifted and laid her head against the window and closed her eyes. They hadn’t spoken since he’d escorted her out of the house and into his truck and the silence was wearing on Caine’s nerves. He wanted her to say something. Anything. But what
the woman say after what had happened?

“Chloe, are you all right?”

She hummed her answer and Caine fell silent again. He knew that an apology had been in order. And apologizing for what had happened wasn’t going to be the easiest thing for Caine to do. In fact, one of the reasons he hadn’t apologized yet was because he wasn’t sure if he should.

Caine knew he couldn’t condemn his brother or himself for being honest. Or for following their instincts. Even when it had been Caine’s wife Luke had mounted, he had understood his brother’s urges even though he had detested his inability to control them.

Chloe Evans seemed like a woman who could possibly enjoy the things that Caine could do to her in bed, but the woman dozing in the seat beside him didn’t know what he was. How could she know? It was the rare occasion when anyone knew what he was because Caine’s kind were creatures who protected their identities with a ferocity that rivaled the passion of their mating and hunting habits. Even when he and Luke had been younger and acted like whores, they had fought and manipulated their own bodies at times to hide what they were.

Besides, Chloe was a woman of science and logic. Not a woman prone to believe that such a creature in the supposedly fictitious stories she’d read about Caine’s family could really exist. Her flirtation with him had been very coy and seductive when she’d spoken of werewolves and men stealing and molesting women, but Caine knew the truth.

No woman, save for his late wife and his human mother, was ever going to be open minded enough to accept what bizarre mutations of nature Caine and his brothers were. Luke had been right when he’d predicted that Chloe would freak out when Caine’s body underwent the changes it would during the entire sexual act. Both of the brothers had seen the frightened reactions of women countless times before and they had learned it best not to disclose what they truly were until after a bitch had been penetrated. Only once had Caine been able to tell a woman what he was and have her accept him and enjoy what he could do for her. He had been given a once in a lifetime opportunity when he’d found Meagan. And it wasn’t going to happen again.

Mating with Chloe again tonight, whether she wanted to make love to him or not, was the most logical thing for him to do if Caine was to keep his pack and his line alive. Caine had to breed. He had to produce a future alpha for the pack and increase the pack’s numbers. And Chloe was a healthy bitch in heat.

It didn’t get a hell of a lot simpler than that. Not to the animal side of Caine.

He looked at the woman dozing in the seat beside him and thought about what she did for a living. It was partially her fault that Caine’s territory was in jeopardy anyway. He could use that to rationalize impregnating the bitch if all else failed, he supposed.

Of course his very human conscience wasn’t going to buy that one for even a second after he traumatized the woman sleeping next to him.


He looked at her when she spoke. Caine had thought she was sleeping and her voice caused him to jerk even though it had been very small. She was quiet and subdued, but she didn’t sound angry.

“Do you really not believe in those stories?”

Caine flexed his grip on the wheel and turned into the cabin’s driveway. He wanted to tell her the truth about the stories. And he wanted to admit what he was to her. And he wanted to make love to her, instead of merely fucking her, in order to keep his pack alive.

But that wasn’t going to happen. Caine knew as soon as his climax came and he stayed inside her to make sure she conceived, Chloe would know that something was very different about him, at least physically. Were he to tell her beforehand, the woman would most likely be too repulsed by the thought of his being inside her to let him mount her. His chances of siring an alpha would be destroyed. But if he waited to tell her, the moment his cock began to bulge inside her, she would know the truth.

And Caine’s chances of having this woman in his life would be destroyed.

“It just seems to me if anyone would be prone to believe them, it would be you.”

Caine put the car in park and turned off the engine and the lights. He unhooked his seatbelt.

He hoped she hadn’t planned on him bringing her home merely to tuck her in.

“I don’t know if I believe in them or not, Chloe.” He reached for his door handle and stepped out of the car before looking at her. He ached to have her in bed beside him. His cock ached to be inside her again.

“Do you
me to believe in them?” he asked. “Or was that just your way of flirting with a man who writes such things for a living?” Caine took a breath and fought his brother’s voice in his head to pose his next question. “Or do
really believe they’re true?”

She was sleepy. The brown eyes he had seen so huge in excitement when they’d talked on their way to his house were now drifting closed even as he spoke to her. She blinked slowly, taking more time with each blink to reopen her eyes.

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