Blessed Beginnings (Hunter's Ridge Book 4) (29 page)

"Oh… oh…" She moaned as his tongue gave a lick to her left nipple and then another and another, until her pretty pink bud was glistening. Opening his lips, he drew it into his mouth and suckled. "Ahhh," she cried, arching her back, her hands going to his shoulders.

"Beautiful," he said, moving to wet, lick, and suckle her right nipple. When she began to writhe beneath him, he added a hand, allowing it to slip down her flat stomach. Running his fingers through her golden curls—which would soon be removed—they found the heat and wetness of her sex. She was dripping, her cream allowing his fingers to slide between her lips, spreading them open. The moment he touched her clitoris, she bucked up, her hands gripping the sheets.


"Shh, I've got you, my love," Samuel said, lifting his mouth from her breast. "This is your clitty, little one. Does it feel good when I stroke your sweet clitty?"

"Ye-yes," she cried, the word drawn out as he slid two fingers across the pulsating bundle of nerves.

Her cry of anguish when he removed his fingers had him smiling around the nipple he was suckling. She was ready to become his.

Lifting his head, he kissed her lips. "I'm going to take you now. It will hurt but just this first time, I promise." Realizing that his warning that she would feel pain had her attempting to pull her legs together, he shook his head. "No, open your legs, sweetie." When she didn't, he looked up to meet her eyes. "I promise you will feel pleasure, Franny. Now, obey me. Open your legs for Papa."

Her legs slowly opened and he smiled. "That's my good girl." Kneeling between them, he kept his hands on her thighs to keep her open as he moved forward. When his cock was kissing her entrance, he moved again to lean over her, his hands supporting his weight.

"Keep your eyes on mine, Franny." Her eyes met his, filled with uncertainty and yet also filled with desire. "That's my girl, my beautiful bride." He began to push inside, keeping a smile on his face though he wanted to grit his teeth as he forced himself to go slowly. She gasped as his girth began to stretch her as he filled her for the first time.

"Papa, I… you're too big!"

"No, sweetheart, I'm not. You are the perfect size for me. Just relax, little one. Remember, I've got you and I love you." He could feel the barrier of her hymen and knew that this was the moment he would cause her pain. "I love you," he said again, and thrust his hips forward.

Her eyes widened and she gave a short cry, which he instantly took into his own body as his mouth covered hers. He could feel her trembling, her hands moving to attempt to push him away, and yet he continued to move further into her incredible warmth, to claim her as his, to prove that he was hers. Once he was fully seated, his balls nestled against her core, he released her mouth, giving her a smile.

"That's all the pain there will be," he said softly. "The rest will be pleasure, I promise." He made sure he kept that promise as he moved slowly, pulling back a bit before moving forward until her body relaxed, her hands releasing the sheets to reach for his arms. He bent to kiss, suckle and gently nibble on her nipples until he felt her hips began to move with him, to meet him for each stroke. Only then did he begin to take longer and deeper thrusts. Resting on one forearm, he moved his hand to stroke her clit, loving the sound of her cry of pleasure and the way she bucked against him. It was time to learn how her body responded, to know when she was close to her peak and to either tease her again and again, or to allow her to explode. Tonight there would be no teasing, there would only be the pleasure he had promised.

"I want you to come for me, Franny. Let your body go. Enjoy every touch, every stroke, every thrust." He'd punctuated his words with his fingers and his cock until she arched and screamed, her body convulsing around his shaft, gripping it, her muscles rippling as he groaned with the intensity of her reaction. Her head tossed on the pillow, her golden curls spread around her, her breasts heaving. "That was beautiful, absolutely beautiful," he said. Her eyes met his, surprise and wonder shining in their blue depths. When she reached a hand up, he leaned forward and felt her fingers run through his hair.

"I-I didn't know. Oh, I just didn't know."

"You will learn. I have so very much to teach you." She kept her hand in his hair as he began to thrust again, no longer able to hold back. Her soft cries and gasps were music to his soul as he took her for the first time. When he came, it was with his own cry and his own shudders as jet after jet of his seed emptied into her tight sheath. Not wanting to squash her, he rolled to his back, bringing her with him.

Her look of surprise at the move had him grinning. When she tried to squirm off, her mouth opened into a pretty little 'O' as his palm cracked down on her right cheek. "I like you right where you are."

"I-I didn't want to squish you," she said, her cheeks flushing as his hand rubbed against the spot he'd swatted.

His laugh rang out, causing her to flush again. "Sweetie, you couldn't squash anything, and certainly not me. Besides, I rather think this will become one of my favorite positions." His hand lifted to swat her left cheek and then rubbed it. Watching her face closely, he couldn't have been more pleased than to see her surprise and then her blush when she realized that this was a sort of spanking that was bringing her pleasure instead of pain. He continued to swat and rub until his cock hardened within her and he once more rolled on top of her, loving her gasp and her giggle as she called out his name in protest.

When he began to fuck her again, her recently swatted bottom pressed into the mattress, her moans continued and her body responded with her cream covering his cock, making his thrusts easier than the first time. He fucked her harder and faster as he slid his hands beneath her, his palms filled with the slightly warm globes of her ass as he lifted her. The change in position was enough to have her eyes widen as his body met hers, her clitty throbbing with each stroke.

"Come with me, Franny," he ordered. "I want you to come and come hard for me." Her facial cheeks were pinker than her nether ones and yet she obeyed when he buried himself to the hilt and said, "Come now!"

It was several minutes before he could move again after pulling from her and rolling to his side. He held her to him, her cheek on his chest, her warm breath wafting across his nipple as she recovered. Her leg lay over one of his, her groin pressed against his hip, her breasts against his side. His fingers played in her hair as his heartbeat gradually slowed. Hearing her breathing deepen, he forced himself to move again.

"No, sweetie, no sleeping yet." She moaned when he began to slide away. "Come on, honey. You need to go potty before we can sleep."

"Nooo," she moaned. Smiling, he ignored her protest, slid from the bed and simply lifted her off the mattress and carried her into the water closet. He hated to keep her from the rest she needed but knew she didn't even know the layout of their room. As he set her down on the potty, she finally awakened, her eyes instantly darting around the room.

"Go away!" she cried, her hands going to cover herself.

"It's okay, sweetheart," he said, moving to the tub and turning on the faucet. He'd seen the blood on her thighs and knew she would appreciate a bath. Once the tub was filling, he turned to her. Her lips were pressed together and he had no doubt that she was attempting to withhold releasing her bladder. She'd learn that there was not a single act nor a single inch of her body that he would not witness or touch. But they were only just beginning their journey.

"You may get into the tub when you are done," he said, moving to the door. Turning back, he added, "Just be careful and don't slip."

"Yes, sir, thank you," she said, her tone going from sharp to soft.

He left her and closed the door, moving to pull the bell cord. How he'd forgotten about the evidence of a woman losing her virginity, he didn't know. Pulling on his dressing gown and moving their discarded clothing to a chair, he was ready when a soft knock sounded on the door. Opening it, he was about to make his request when he realized that Mrs. Harris was way ahead of him. She held fresh linens in her arms and quickly moved to strip and remake the bed. Samuel saw the tray he'd requested lying outside the door. Picking it up and scooping the nightgown from the end of the bed, he returned to the water closet after thanking his housekeeper. She gave him a smile and a nod as she finished freshening the bed.

Stepping into the room, he saw that his bride was seated in the tub. She was scrubbing herself and blushed when she realized he had returned. Samuel placed the nightgown on the washstand and moved a small stool to the side of the bath, placing the tray down.

"I-I didn't mean to yell," Franny said softly, not meeting his eyes.

"I know," Samuel said, shedding his robe. "Slide up, sweetie." His request had her eyes flying to his face.

"You-you are going to…"

"Bathe with my wife," he provided. "Now, slide up so I can get in behind you." She did so slowly, hunching over as if hiding the fact that she was nude. He wanted to chuckle. After all, not only did people did not bathe in their clothing, he'd already seen her in all of her naked glory. Sitting down, he slid his legs out to either side of her, hearing her gasp as their skin met. Not allowing her time to wonder what was going to happen, he reached out, took her by the waist and pulled her back to him.

"Oh!" she said, her body stiffening.

"Franny, relax, I've got you." He took the cloth from her hand, soaping it, and then lifted her hair and moved it to lie over her shoulder so that he could wash her back. It didn't take long for her to sigh, and this time when she bent forward, it was to allow him easier access. He bathed her, loving her soft gasps and moans as his hand, covered in the cloth, slid over her breasts.

"Are your nipples sore?" he asked, bending to place a kiss on the side of her neck.

"Um… a little," she admitted. He couldn't have been more pleased when she added, "But I-I liked it when you… um… played with them."

"I liked it as well," Samuel said, nuzzling her neck before moving his mouth to her ear. "In fact, I loved it. You have beautiful breasts, Franny. I can't wait to draw them."


"Yes, I'll love drawing and painting you, over and over again. You will be my model and my muse."

He did not read her silence as objection. It might be a surprise, but should not be shock. After all, she'd seen his drawings in the book. His hand moved down to wash her tummy and then he again whispered softly, "Open your legs."

"There's… blood," she said, the words barely audible.

"It's fine, little one. It's just the proof that you gave the gift of your virginity to me."

She allowed him to wash her, only trembling a bit when he moved the cloth from her thighs to her quim. "Sore?"

"Nooo," she said. "Well, maybe a little."

"And did you like it when I took you? When I played with your clitty?"


He laughed and pulled her harder against him. "What?"

"You shouldn't ask me that! It's-it's not proper!"

"Frances Benedict, you will learn that everything is proper between a man and his wife." Another kiss on her neck and he repeated his question. "So? Did you enjoy making love?"

"Ye-yes, very much," she confessed, her head turning to look back at him. "It was amazing."

"That, my love, is the best answer you could have given." He bent to kiss her lips, pleased when she pressed her mouth harder against his and he could see her nipples hardening into tight little peaks. Yes, the passionate woman he knew was just waiting to be coaxed out was stepping into view. He was indeed a very blessed man.

They shared one slice of cake, and every bite she accepted was from the fork he held to her mouth. A glass of milk followed, and she giggled when he chuckled and mentioned that little girls were not supposed to have mustaches. Instead of washing her upper lip with a cloth, he bent and licked off the milk clinging there. She gasped with pleasure but her eyes were growing heavy.

He washed himself quickly and then stepped from the tub and dried off, slipping back into his dressing gown. His cock was hardening but his wife was growing more exhausted by the minute. Helping her from the tub, he dried her and then slid her nightgown over her head. Drying the ends of her hair that had got wet in the bath, he realized she was truly asleep on her feet as he scooped her up and carried her back into the bedroom.

Slipping her between the fresh sheets, he turned out the lamps, added a log to the fire and then shed his robe. By the time he had moved to her and gathered her to spoon against him, his precious little one, his beautiful bride, was deep in dreamland.






Chapter Nineteen


Franny woke to a feeling of disorientation as she opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was a large expanse of white linens. Heat flushed through her as her mind caught up with her observation and she realized she wasn't in the room she'd been awakening in for her entire life. When she began to turn, she heard, "Wait, don't move, sweetie." Freezing instantly at Samuel's request, she also remembered she was no longer the only person in the room. "Close your eyes, beautiful." His address had her relaxing as her eyes fluttered shut.

"Good girl, just another moment," Samuel continued with his strange request. Though she didn't understand his meaning, having to remain still gave her time to replay the events of the previous evening. She could feel her cheeks heating as the memories of becoming his wife in this very bed played across her mind's eye. Was it normal for her tummy to tingle and a warmth settle between her legs? She almost giggled, wondering if feeling her nipples begin to pucker would be considered as naughty, since they were definitely moving into taut little peaks.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, feeling a bit strange to be addressing the empty expanse of the bed where he'd lain the night before.

"Finishing our Christmas present," he replied, which only caused her curiosity to ratchet higher.

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