Blood and Politics (102 page)

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Authors: Leonard Zeskind

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Social Science, #Discrimination & Race Relations

Communication to author, audiotapes made by a meeting attendee, March 7, 1987; Piper, “Populist Party Rises from the Ashes”: “Hansen graciously informed . . . he was willing to serve as the party’s stand-in candidate.”

Author, personal observation, June 8, 1987 (as Dickson strolled by with Don Black and
Evelyn Rich, he smiled and waved his hand and said “Shalom Shalom” to author and Mark Alfonso).

Mark Alfonso, “Report on Duke Meeting,” Center for Democratic Renewal, June 8, 1987; author, photos and notes; “More to March Than Meets the Eye,”
The Spotlight
, March 16, 1987 (mentions Shirley’s arrest).

James Yarborough, conversation with author, Marriott Inn, Marietta, Georgia, June 8, 1987.

Robert Morrow, “Nationalist’s Campaign Bid Seen Shaking Democrats,”
The Spotlight
, May 25, 1987, p. 10.

Leonard Zeskind (unsigned), “Watch for Far Right to Try a Larger Strategy in ’88 Elections,”
The Monitor
(August 1987); “Duke Will Run For President,”
46, published by the National Association for the Advancement of White People; David Duke, “Dear Friend,” letter about campaign funds insert in

Paul C. Peterson, “Duke May Run For President, David Duke vs Jesse Jackson,”
45; “Weekly Update,” Center for Democratic Renewal, October 19, 1987.

Democratic National Committee, “Chairman Kirk Disavows Ku Klux Klan President Candidacy: Alerts State Parties,”
Democratic News
, June 9, 1987.

“Populist Party: We Want Hansen! Convention Big Success,”
The Populist Observer
21 (October 1987): 1–7, Marek Lumb, verbal communication to author; Bob Jay, verbal communication to author.

“Weekly Update,” Center for Democratic Renewal, September 8, 1987 (CDR staff and volunteers closely monitored this event).

“Populist Party: We Want Hansen,” October 1987, no. 21, p. 2 (for McIntyre quote); Marek Lumb, “Populist Party Convention September 4–6, 1987, St. Louis Holiday Inn Airport North,” report communicated to author.

“Populist Party: We Want Hansen! Convention Big Success,”
The Populist Observer
; Marek Lumb, verbal communication to author, September 7, 1987.

“Populist Party: We Want Hansen! Convention Big Success”; Tom McIntyre, “To Be or Not to Be? Hansen Mulls Over Populist Party Nomination,”
The Populist Observer
22 (November 1987): 1–2.

Bob Jay, verbal communication to author, September 6, 1987; Marek Lumb, verbal communication to author, September 7, 1987.

“Violent Incidents Continue in Georgia,”
The Monitor
8 (September 1987).

“Far Right Youth Recruitment Serious Long Term Threat,”
The Monitor
8 (September 1987).

Joseph Sobran, “The Use and Abuse of Race,”
National Review
, March 27, 1987.

“Weekly Update,” March 22, 1987 (cites Wallace Warfield as acting director, testimony on February 24, 1987).

“Weekly Update,” February 7, 1987.

16. Crackdown and Indictment at Fort Smith

Sheila Beam, “Affidavit of Sheila Marie Toohey Beam,” signed and notarized December 17, 1987, Harris County, Texas; J. R. Campbell, “Louis and Sheila,”
The Jubilee
, May/June 1994, pp. 12–15; Bill Minutaglio, “Biography of a Hatemonger,”
Dallas Life Magazine
, May 22, 1988.

Sheila Beam, “Affidavit of Sheila Marie Toohey Beam.”

FBI, “Wanted By FBI: Louis Ray Beam,” Identification Order 5D4D, June 17, 1987.

“White Supremacist,” Associated Press, November 24, 1987; “Beam-Chiropractor,” Associated Press, November 25, 1987.

Louis Beam, audiotape number RMR05, Scriptures for America Ministry, recorded at “Meeting of Christian Men,” in Estes Park, Colorado, October 23–25, 1992.

“Beam,” Associated Press, November 19, 1987; “Beam Moved,” Associated Press, November 20, 1987. Beam went on a hunger strike and was transferred to Springfield Federal Penitentiary.

The Southern Poverty Law Center pursued lawsuits against violence by white supremacists, including:
Brown v. Invisible Empire of the KKK
Association of Vietnamese Fishermen v. Knights of the KKK
Beulah Mae Donald v. United Klans
Benahu v. Metzger
Mansfield v. Church of the Creator

T. R. Reid, “2 Neo-Nazis Convicted in Radio Host’s Murder,”
The Washington Post
, November 18, 1987; author interviews with Colorado authorities conducted December 1995.

United States of America vs. Robert Edward Miles, Louis Ray Beam, Jr., Richard Girnt Butler, Richard Joseph Scutari, Bruce Carroll Pierce, Andrew Virgil Barnhill, Ardie McBrearty, David Eden Lane, Lambert Miller, Robert Neil Smalley, Ivan Ray Wade, Richard Wayne Snell, David Michael McGuire
, United States District Court, Western District of Arkansas, Fort Smith Division, Criminal no. 87-20008-01-14.

Farris L. Genide, FBI special agent, “Affidavit,”
In the Matter of the Application of the United States of America for an Order Authorizing the Interception of Wire Communications
, United States District Court, Western District of Michigan, Southern Division, Misc. no. 86-0343, p. 9.

Unlike other commanders, however, Mathews participated personally in everything from bank car robberies to recruiting—exposing him to just the kind of potential informant that toppled him and then the group.

“Sedition, Subversive Activities and Treason to Shipping,”
American Jurisprudence: A Modern Comprehensive Text Statement of American Law
, 2nd ed., vol. 70 (The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Co. and Bancroft Whitney, 1987), p. 13.

Stephen M. Kohn,
American Political Prisoners: Prosecutions Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts
, (Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers, 1994), p. 14.

“Sedition, Subversive Activities and Treason to Shipping,”
American Jurisprudence
2nd ed., vol. 70, p. 12.

Ibid. (on the actual status of these laws the literature seemed to be contradictory).

American Political Prisoners
, pp. 8–21.

The Smith Act is 18 USCS S 2385.

Leo P. Ribuffo,
The Old Christian Right: The Protestant Far Right from the Great Depression to the Cold War
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983), p. 194; John Edgerton,
Speak Now Against the Day: The Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement in the South
(Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1994), p. 503; Kohn,
American Political Prisoners
, p. 21.

Speak Now Against the Day
, pp. 221–22.

Lawrence Reilly,
The Sedition Case
(Metairie, La.: Sons of Liberty, first printing 1953, third printing 1985), p. 31.

The Sedition Case
, p. 42; Justin Raimondo, “Reactionary Radicals, Radical Reactionaries: Tales of a “Seditionist,” The Story of Lawrence Dennis,
, May 2000, pp. 19–22; Ribuffo,
The Old Christian Right
, pp. 198–215.

Albert J. Lima, “The Smith Act: An Inside Look,”
The Guild Practitioner
38, no. 1 (Winter 1981), Lima cites
Dennis v. United States
, 341 US 494, 1951; Mr. Justice Black dissenting,
(accessed September 13, 2000).

Peggy Dennis,
The Autobiography of an American Communist: A Personal View of a Political Life, 1925–1975
(Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill & Co., 1977), pp. 172–215; Al Richmond,
A Long View from the Left
(New York: Dell, 1972), pp. 298–366; Kohn,
American Political Prisoners
, p. 21 (a total of 185 Communist Party and Socialist Workers Party leaders were indicted under the Smith Act).

Bradley T. Winter, “Invidious Prosecution: The History of Seditious Conspiracy—Foreshadowing the Recent Convictions of Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman and His Immigrant Followers,”
Georgetown Immigration Law Journal
10, no. 2, 191.

Katherine Bishop, “U.S. Dusts Off an Old Law,”
The New York Times
, March 27, 1988; Winter, “Invidious Prosecution,” pp. 191–202, 206.

Winter, “Invidious Prosecution,” p. 206.

“Government’s Pre-Trial Memorandum,”
United States of America v. Robert Miles et al.
, United States District Court, Western District of Arkansas, Fort Smith Division, Criminal no. 87-20008, filed February 9, 1988, pp. 13–14.

Imagined Communities

17. Before the Trial Begins

Leonard Zeskind, “Sedition Trial Reveals Inner Workings of Racist Underground,”
The Monitor
11 (April 1988), (includes photo of march with banner); notes and photos sent to author of February 13 march; Cheri Peters, producer,
Sedition USSA-Style
, Video Truth Network, Scriptures for America (includes some footage from the march).

Joe Grego, “The Klan Blitz Through Arkansas,”
White Patriot
76 (this entire issue recounted the various rallies); “Arkansas,” 1988 activity report,
White Patriot
77; “Thom Robb’s Street Action Defense Plan,”
The Thunderbolt

Founded by Gerald L. K. Smith, well known for his anti-Semitism and racism, the Great Passion Play Theme Park outside Eureka Springs, Arkansas, features a sixty-seven-foot tall “Christ of the Ozarks” statue. The park is now under new management.

“Sedition Trial—Sedition Tour,” Oklahoma White Man’s Association newsletter, n.d. Joe Grego and John Clary had helped Thom Robb with the rallies, but later aligned themselves for a short while with Tom Metzger’s White Aryan Resistance.

“Sedition Trial—Sedition Tour.”

Thom Robb, “A Statement to the Media,” April 27, 1987, reproduced in
White Power
, n.d., p. 2.

“Important! Read this Paper! Butler and Miles Indicted!” and “Be Honest,”
White Patriot
, n.d.

“Race: Our Own Television Talkshow,”
WAR ’84
3, no. 5, White Aryan Resistance, ed. Tom Metzger; “Aryan Entertainment,” videotape “No. 304 Ku Klux Klan—P.O.W. Frank Silva,”
8, no. 3.

“Welcome to the White American Resistance Information Network,” SYSOP Alex Foxe, July 15, 1985, printout of computer bulletin board log-on session, includes listings for five other bulletin board phone numbers, three pages of names and addresses of white nationalist organizations, a catalogue of “Race and Reason” videotapes, and a list of cable stations that broadcast that program.

Tom Metzger, “Dear Racial Comrade,” letter, February 22, 1988; “Sedition Trial Reveals Inner Workings of Racist Underground,”
The Monitor
11 (includes photo of Metzger with armband).

“Sedition Law Threatens Free Speech,”
The Thunderbolt
324, ed. and publisher Ed Fields.


Larry Lee, “Request for Acquittal Denied,”
Southwest Times Record
, March 26, 1988.

“Why Bob Mathews Fought to the Death,” “Public Idolized Bob Mathews,” “Bob Was a Very Special Man—We Were Always in Love,” Ed Fields interview with Mrs. Bob Mathews, “Watch for this Arch-Traitor” (about Tom Martinez),
The Thunderbolt
302, “Special Bob Mathews Memorial Edition.”

Thom Robb, “To Those Who Didn’t Understand,”
White Patriot
76, p. 6.

Tom Metzger, recorded phone message, War Hotline; similar ideas are found in Tom Metzger, “Ft. Smith Inquisition,”
WAR ’88
7, no. 2, p. 1.

Richard Butler, “RE: Sedition Alert,” letter sent to Aryan Nations list, December 16, 1986.

Robert Miles,
From the Mountain
, March/April 1987, p. 1.

Dorothy Miles, letter, n.d.

“Sedition—To Be or Not To Be?,”
Aryan Nations Newsletter
, 67.

18. Seditious Conspiracy Goes to Trial

Author, notes, observations and court documents, February 15–19, 1988; J. Michael Martinez and Robert M. Harris, “Graves, Worms and Epitaphs: Confederate Monuments in the Southern Landscape,” eds. J. Michael Martinez, William D. Richardson, and Ron McNinch-Su,
Confederate Symbols in the Contemporary South
(Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000); Patricia L. Faust,
Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War
(New York: Harper & Row, 1986), pp. 22, 278.

Author notes, February 16, 1988; Rodney Bowers, “Jury Seated in Sedition Case,”
Arkansas Gazette
, February 17, 1988; Larry Lee, “All-White Jury to Hear Sedition Case,”
Southwest Times Record
, February 17, 1988.

Larry Lee, “Evidence Leads to Threat of Mistrial,”
Southwest Times Record
, March 11, 1988; Larry Lee, “Government Case Takes It on the Chin,”
Southwest Times Record
March 18, 1988; Larry Lee, “Act II of Sedition Trial to Begin,”
Southwest Times Record
, March 20, 1988: “Government attorneys have been stung by Arnold’s multiple rulings suppressing numerous pieces of evidence.”

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