Blood Destiny (20 page)

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Authors: Tessa Dawn

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Dark Fantasy, #Romance

Silivasi, an air of dignity and purpose that clung to him like a cloud of mist in a rain forest. He walked like a prince, with his broad shoulders pulled back and his head held high. And there was something else, too. Something radiating in his unfathomably beautiful eyes, deep forest green with golden irises, an awareness of dark mysteries, a promise of hidden secrets...a quiet but complete command of the world around him.

Nachari swept his perfectly manicured raven-black hair out of his face and turned to greet his brothers, the eldest first.

"It is with great respect that I greet a fellow descendant of Jadon, an Ancient Master Warrior, my eldest and most honored brother, Marquis." He placed both hands on Marquis's broad shoulders and stared respectfully into his eyes.

Jocelyn was certain that this was the first time she had ever seen Marquis truly smile with abandon, and his face lit up the room, his smile beguiling enough to stop a woman's heart. "I greet you, my brother, fellow descendant of Jadon and Master Wizard." The words almost caught in his throat, his pride so apparent. He gripped Nachari's shoulders, and the two stared at each other for a long time before they embraced fully.

Jocelyn was surprised by the obvious warmth between them.

He greeted Nathaniel next with the same formality, using all of his titles and expressing his admiration. Nathaniel responded in kind and waited patiently while Nachari and Kagen completed the same ritual of welcome. Once all of the 187

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greetings were exchanged, Nathaniel gestured toward Jocelyn.

"Nachari, I would like you to meet my destiny." He reached for her arm and gently turned over her wrist, revealing the odd conglomeration of spheres and lines that marked her as his. "A daughter of Cassiopeia, Jocelyn Levi."

Nachari looked suddenly surprised—as if he hadn't heard the news, but then he flashed the most breathtaking smile Jocelyn had ever seen. "Greetings, sister." He said it humbly.

"It is an honor to meet you."

Jocelyn was spellbound. She tried to return the smile and say her own hello, but her words came out as no more than a series of muttered sounds. Embarrassed, she looked away.

Nathaniel snapped his head to the side, glanced down, and eyed her suspiciously—snarling a soft, almost inaudible growl of warning.

She looked up at him, amazed: Nathaniel was a breathing reincarnation of an ancient Greek god. Only taller, darker, and far more handsome. Surely, he wasn't jealous of his little brother. To her surprise, the thought made her smile.

Nathaniel sat back down, took her hand possessively in his own, and leaned back against the thick cushions of the sofa, while Nachari casually sank into a large black armchair directly across from the two of them, his feet going instinctively up onto the matching ottoman.

Nathaniel's eyes lit up. "So tell us, Nachari, how long will you be staying?"

Nachari leaned forward, his green eyes suddenly becoming a rich, dark emerald. "I think that will depend on what is 188

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happening." He paused, scrutinizing Jocelyn as if wondering how much he could say in front of her. Apparently, deciding that she was family, he spoke candidly. "I talked with Kagen this morning; he informed me of your reunion with the Nistor brothers last night." He cleared his throat, uncomfortably. "Of what happened with Dalia."

His eyebrows creased and his mouth curved down in a deep frown. The golden irises of his enchanting eyes suddenly flashed a feral red before returning back to their haunting waves in a pond becoming still again after a subtle disturbance. His anger was so peacefully contained—yet so clearly intense—that it took Jocelyn's breath away, sending a stark, uneasy feeling deep into her gut.

"I intend to pay my respects to my twin—" His voice broke off, and he had to take a moment to collect himself before continuing. "To visit the burial grounds and speak with our Sovereign before I return to the University, but I will stay as long as I'm needed." He eyed each of his brothers carefully.

"I can tell you this much; I will not leave Dark Moon Vale until Valentine Nistor no longer walks this earth."

Marquis stirred in his seat and brought his hands together, fingertips touching in the shape of a temple, as he contemplated Nachari's words. "I, too, have made a choice that these crimes will not remain unpunished. Perhaps we can speak with Napolean together."

Kagen nodded in agreement and then turned to Marquis.

"With or without Napolean's permission, it is our right to seek vengeance. I do not intend to wait around while the Nistors head south for the winter with the birds."


Blood Destiny

by Tessa Dawn

Kagen Silivasi was the only one of the handsome brothers whose luxurious hair was clearly a deep, dark brown as opposed to raven-black. His eyes were also a stunning, rich, dark chocolate, and they sparkled with a reflection of silver light like the surface of a crystal lake beneath the moonlight.

Nathaniel tightened his hold on Jocelyn's hand. "Then we're all in agreement."

The brothers all nodded, but before they could begin to talk in earnest, a loud clanging noise resounded from the front entrance, and a strange rustling sound reverberated in the doorway.

Marquis sprang to his feet, but Nachari held out his hand and motioned for him to sit back down. Shaking his head slowly from side to side, Nachari closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed—"Oh yeah, there's someone I want you guys to meet." He rolled his stunning eyes.

All heads, including Jocelyn's, were turned toward the entry-way hall, awaiting the newcomer to round the corner. It seemed to take forever for the guest to walk a mere ten feet, as a series of loud thumping noises, followed by an immediate swishing sound and then another loud thump, announced his impending presence.

It wasn't clear whether Marquis actually gasped or snarled when the young visitor finally turned the corner, but the room fell silent as everyone stared, dumbfounded, at the spectacle before them.

The young boy appeared to be about fourteen or fifteen years old, and he was dressed like a character from an old Count Dracula movie: complete with the long, flowing cape; 190

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the high, stiffened collar; and a silky white shirt tucked neatly into a pair of soft black trousers. Only, it wasn't entirely clear if he was actually trying to dress the role of vampire or magician...perhaps a confused medieval gentleman who had lost his top hat.

As if the clothes themselves were not enough to draw unnecessary attention to the kid, his beautiful tan skin was painted a ghastly white with some kind of makeup, and his eyes were tinted to appear bloodshot and demonic. His right arm was normal, appearing like the limb of a human, but on his left side, there was a contorted black wing, like that of a vampire bat, dragging heavily behind him. Thump. He took a step with his foot. Swish. He dragged the heavy wing behind him. Thump. He took another step....

Exasperated, the young man dropped his duffle bag and stepped...dragged...stepped himself into the living room.

"What's up!" he said, smiling at everyone, while offering an especially pained look of apology to Nachari.

Kagen grunted, unsure how to respond.

Nathaniel simply stared, his eyes open wide in disbelief.

Nachari grimaced, looking down at the ground.

And Jocelyn, despite all of her uneasiness with the situation, had to fight to stifle a laugh.

It was Marquis who finally disgust. "What the hell is that? And why in the world would you bring it home with you?" His gaze shifted immediately to Nachari, his lips turned down in a frown.


Blood Destiny

by Tessa Dawn

Nachari smiled ruefully and gestured toward the young boy. "Jocelyn, brothers, I'd like you to meet Braden Bratianu, the son of Dario and Lily Bratianu."

No one said hello, so Braden waved his one good arm enthusiastically. "Hey, everyone. How's it goin'?"

Marquis snarled a low, drawn-out growl and then all at once snapped at the boy. His teeth came together in a sharp clash of menace—a feral hiss lingering in the air—even as his blue-black eyes began to shift toward red.

Braden jumped back, so startled that he stumbled over his wing and had to use the wall to catch his balance.

"Marquis!" Nachari chastised, giving his brother a harsh, reprimanding stare. Then he turned to look at Braden.

"Braden, what has happened to your left arm?"

Braden looked down at the ground and frowned before shrugging his shoulders. "I got stuck." And then he lifted his chin with pride as he exclaimed, "I was shape-shifting into the form of the bat."

Marquis looked irritated. "What is the matter with you, boy? Do you have some kind of disability?"

"Marquis!" Kagen swung his gaze to Marquis's impassive face, narrowing his eyes in warning.

Nathaniel could not restrain his laughter as he scrutinized the half-boy, half-bat in his living room. He turned to look at Nachari and smiled. "Apparently, he got stuck, Nachari." He raised both eyebrows in a high arc, awaiting Nachari's response.

Nachari grunted, ignoring his older brother. "Why were you trying such a thing?" His voice was reasoned...paternal. "You 192

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are far too young, and do not yet possess the knowledge or discipline to shape-shift." It was a simple statement of fact.

Braden shrugged again, wincing. "I dunno. I thought it might be cool to fly in, instead of walk, ya know? Since your family has so many ancient warriors and all." He looked down, clearly dejected.

Jocelyn's heart softened in response to the poor, clearly confused boy.

Kagen stirred. He didn't speak at first; he simply leaned back in his chair with a crooked smile on his face. After a minute or two had passed, he finally asked, "Can't you change back?" His tone was genuine. Curious.

"I've tried," Braden sighed, looking as upset as he was determined. He yanked at the wing several times, clearly trying to get it to fold into a normal resting position so that he could begin the mental process of rearranging the molecules back to fully human form. But the uncooperative limb just kept jerking, flapping wildly, then falling back down awkwardly at his side. The harder he tried to fix it, the more unruly the wing became, until it finally began to jerk and flutter about wildly as if it had a life of its own.

Seeing the boy worked up into an utter frenzy, Marquis lost his patience. "Stop, already!" It was an imperious command, and his voice resounded through the large, open room like a clap of thunder. "I have never witnessed such affliction in all my centuries of living!"

Braden looked mortified...absolutely humiliated.

Clearly desperate to save face, he decided to snarl back at the Ancient Master Warrior. Curling back his lips, he hissed 193

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his fiercest growl at Marquis, forced his canines to sharpen, and glared with such intensity that the centers of his eyes actually glowed a slight red...well, maybe more like a dusty rose, but they at least changed color.

When his left canine elongated to about one-half inch, leaving the right one at about two-centimeters—and still curved—Marquis flicked a hand in extreme annoyance at what he undoubtedly saw as an audacious, disrespectful boy and sent a single crackling bolt of lightning from the tips of his fingers right to the tip of Braden's nose. Stopping it only a hair's length before scorching him.

Braden jerked back in terror, shrieked like a little girl, and fell over onto the floor, his teeth now as stuck in their awkward mis-configuration as his arm.

"Marquis!" Nathaniel glared at the ancient bully with a look of complete disbelief on his face, and then he shot him a sharp look of disdain. "Do you wish to burn down my house, warrior?" Turning to his youngest brother, he pleaded,

"Nachari, do something for the child...please."

Braden looked like someone caught in an awful nightmare as the word, child, registered on his stricken it undoubtedly sank in that a powerful ancient vampire had just called him a child.

Nachari waved his hand, and Braden simply disappeared, floating as a hazy cluster of molecules—rapidly firing translucent waves of quantum energy—suspended in the air.

Speaking a series of Latin words, while weaving a strange pattern with his hands, Nachari made Braden instantly reappear as a fully formed bat with perfectly elongated teeth 194

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and two normal wings: The bat gracefully receded then as he fluidly shifted back into the form of a poorly dressed boy.

Nathaniel did a double-take at his younger brother.

"Wizardry, huh?" He grunted, sounding impressed. "Okay...I'll'd you do that?"

Nachari just smiled.

Braden looked down at the ground, his eyes glossing over with moisture. He was already insulted, and now, he also appeared jealous—as if he had hoped to be the one to impress the Silivasi brothers, not Nachari—as if some well-rehearsed plan had gone terribly wrong.

Jocelyn didn't know whether or not Braden had ever met a true ancient vampire before, but it was painfully obvious that he wanted Kagen's, Marquis's, and Nathaniel's approval more than life itself in that moment. Huffing his hurt feelings, he flipped his cape behind him in true melodramatic fashion and waltzed in long, ridiculous strides across the living room to the only remaining open chair. He spun in a half-circle then—

his cape flapping so hard it whirled all the way around and smacked him back in the face—and then he sat down, almost missing the seat.

Kagen bit his lip, struggling to keep from laughing. "So what's the story?" he asked Nachari.

Marquis shook his head in disgust. " tell."

Nachari cracked his knuckles. " you guys know...I finally finished my senior studies, and in the school of wizardry one has to demonstrate exceptional patience by completing an assigned task before they're accepted into the fellowship of wizards—even though they're already considered 195

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