Blood Magic (Dragon Born Alexandria Book 2) (29 page)

“Logan,” she moaned, rubbing against him.

“I can feel everything you feel.”

His voice was husky, his control bursting at the seams. When she sucked in more of his blood, he let out a groan so deep, so primal, that she nearly lost it right then and there. If she didn’t have him right now, she would scream. His hands were already on her waist, unbuttoning her jeans.

Daisy cleared her throat loudly.

Alex looked up, some of the haze lifting. They were lying half-naked on the floor of the garage—when had that happened?—the splintered remains of two sofas sprinkled all around them. Daisy stood off to the side, smirking as she looked down upon them.

“You’ve bonded,” she said.

“What about the vampire ritual?” Alex asked, confused.

“That was it. With a little help from a few drugs.” She held up the candy dish.

“The candies were drugged?”

“For the bonding to work, it was necessary to boost your magic and pump up your adrenaline.” Her gaze swept across the broken furniture. “I didn’t anticipate it would pump it up that much.”

Well, that explained why she’d turned into Psycho Alex. “We’ll replace your furniture,” she promised.

“Forget it. I needed to take that old junk to the dump anyway. But that fight.” She whistled low. “That was worth the price of admission.”

Logan rose smoothly to his feet, his arms still around her. He looked at Daisy. “I don’t know whether to kill you for drugging me, or thank you for making this all possible.” He nuzzled Alex’s hair.

Daisy snickered. “Congratulations. Now, get the hell out of my house and go home before you consummate your union on the floor of my garage.” She handed Alex a covered plate. “Here are some cookies for the road.”

“Are they drugged too?” Alex asked as she slid into the passenger side of Logan’s car. Of the two of them, right now he was the least likely to crash it.

“Only if you consider chocolate a drug.”

“Oh, I do.” Alex inhaled the delicious scents of chocolate and warm, gooey cookie dough. “It’s one of the best ones.”

Logan shook Daisy’s hand—ok, it looked like he’d decided not to kill her—then he sped out of the garage.

* * *

A few hours later, they were lounging on the sofa in Logan’s apartment, watching a cheesy vampire movie while waiting for their dinner to arrive. Logan had ordered Chinese. Maybe it would even arrive before they—ok, mainly Alex—had finished eating through all of Daisy’s cookies.

“That’s not what happens to a vampire when you chop his head off,” she commented, licking a cookie crumb off her fingertip.

“Well, that’s Hollywood for you. They never get anything right.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” She angled her head to get a better look at the vampire hunter’s butt. “They got him right.”

Something crunched. Alex turned to watch Logan toss aside the warped piece of plastic that had been a remote only five seconds ago.

“You broke your remote,” she told him.

“I have three more.”

She fought the smile tugging on her mouth. “Should I get one of them out, so you can break it too?”

“No.” He did not appear amused.

“Oh, come on, Logan. I was just messing with you. Your butt is way more squeezable than his.” She chewed on her lip. “Shall I provide a demonstration?”


“You’re not handling this bond thing all that well, are you?”


“Care to elaborate? In two words or more?” she tacked on quickly.

“Not really.”

Who said assassins didn’t have a sense of humor?

“Emotions are running wild through you, and you’re not even sure they’re all yours. You’re feeling territorial. And vulnerable. And maybe a little scared,” she said.

“How did you know?”

She kissed his cheek. “Because I’m feeling exactly the same thing. I’m sure it will pass. Or we’ll just have to figure out a way to distract ourselves.”

The doorbell interrupted his gaze toward the bedroom—or was that toward the armory closet next door?

“I’ll get it,” Alex said, standing up. Her eyes flickered briefly to the broken remote, then back to his hard face. “You just wait here.” She grabbed her wallet on the way to the door.

The delivery guy’s dour face brightened the instant he saw her. He glanced at the nameplate beside the door, as though he thought he’d come to the wrong apartment.

“Delivery for Slayer?”


His eyes panned down the front of the black shirt she was wearing—and all she was wearing. It was Logan’s. None of her clothes had survived their celebration of their new magical union. But Logan had a whole closet full of identical black shirts. So she’d snatched one. He didn’t seem to mind.

Alex held out her hands to the delivery guy. “The food?”

He blinked.

“Come on, man. I’m famished.”

“Oh, right.” Still gawking, he handed her the bag.

“What’s wrong, buddy? Never seen a woman in a man’s shirt?” She smirked at him.

“I’ve never seen a woman in
man’s shirt.”

“Oh? You come here often?” she asked.

“About once a week for the last two years now.”

“And you’ve never seen a woman here? Not even once?” She could feel Logan stalking up behind her, but she couldn’t help herself. This was too much fun.

“No, only the assassin. He…”

The delivery guy’s eyes grew wide. Logan was standing right behind her now, his body so close that she could feel his pulse thumping against her skin. His hands reached forward, curling around her waist. She didn’t mention that the movement made the bottom of the shirt ride even further up her legs. His aura was possessive enough already.

Ok, so maybe the human delivery guy wasn’t able to sense auras, but he could read the deadly glint in Logan’s eyes clearly enough. He shifted uncomfortably, then scuttled off, forgetting all about the money she owed him. It was a good thing the hallway was only two steps long. She caught him before he could escape into the elevator.

“Here,” she said, shoving some money into his hands. “Keep the change.”

You might need it to pay for the therapy,
her dragon added.

I didn’t say that.

Her dragon smirked.
No, but you were thinking it. The poor man almost peed his pants when Logan shot him his angry eyes. Which aren’t much different than his normal eyes, by the way.

Why are you telling me this? If you want to tease Logan, learn to talk to him directly. He and I are magically bonded now. Which means you two are bonded too.


Alex shrugged.
You wanted more people to talk to. Or to listen to you. Logan listens well. In fact, he’ll probably let you do all the talking while he occasionally responds with grunts and monosyllabic words.

Good point,
replied her dragon.
You’re brilliant.

Usually, people tell me I’m blunt. Or scary. But I’ll take brilliant too.

“Alex, are you just going to stand out there?” Logan’s voice asked from the door.

“No.” She followed him inside, waiting until he closed the door to add, “I was just chatting with my dragon.”

“And what did she say?”

Tell him about my plan to talk to him.

Your plan? That was
Alex replied.

Details, details.

“She says you shouldn’t scare the delivery guy,” Alex told Logan.

I most certainly did not say anything of the sort! I love to scare delivery guys.

Then learn to talk to him yourself, and you two can scare all the delivery guys you want.

“She didn’t say that, did she?” Logan asked quietly.

“How did you know?”

“When you’re debating something with her, you get a certain look in your eyes.”

Hopefully, not a crazy one. “Ok, I’m the one who said you shouldn’t scare the delivery guy.”

“Why? Do you like him?” The look on Logan’s face could have frozen the fires of hell.

“I like getting my food delivered, which won’t happen if you scare off all the delivery guys.”

He pretended really hard to look contrite, so she decided more teasing was in order.

“Dan did have a nice smile, though,” she said, grinning.

He paused mid-step. “Who is Dan?”

“That’s the delivery guy,” she told him. “His name was right on his jacket.”

Logan spun around to face her, his hands closing roughly around her waist. “I’m going to make you forget all about ‘Dan’.” His words vibrated against the top of her head. A devastating glow pulsed in his green eyes. “In fact, when I’m finished, you won’t even remember his name.”

“Is that a promise?” she asked, gasping as his mouth followed her jawline.

Suddenly, his hands froze on her. “Of all the bad timing,” he growled against her neck.

A faint tap clinked in her ears. “Someone is knocking on your window?”

“Not just someone.”

He released her, then stalked over the glass door that led to the balcony. A cool evening wind blew inside when he slid it open—followed by Marek. Logan gave him a scalding glare.

“You really must stop making a habit of this,” he said.

Marek replied with an easy shrug, then motioned toward the balcony. Eva stepped inside after him, her hair looking vibrantly red and bouncy. Her smile turned apologetic the moment she saw what Alex was wearing. Marek, on the other hand, just snickered.

“Where are your clothes, Alex?”

“I ate them,” Logan told him.

“Is he serious?” Eva asked Marek.

“Maybe.” He took her hand. “You never know with him.”

Alex glanced down the seven floors below them. “How did you get up here?”

“Marek summoned a dragon to fly us up here,” Eva said, smiling at him like he owned the world.

From the rapid exchange of sappy looks between them, they must have made up. Naomi worked miracles. Speaking of which…

“Where is Naomi?” Alex asked.

Logan shot her a look that said she was insane for wanting more party crashers. Then he sat down in front of the television with the bag of Chinese food. She nabbed a box of noodles from the coffee table before he snarfed it all down himself—which he totally could. Ok, maybe not
, but he could certainly eat in an extremely quick and efficient manner befitting an assassin.

“Naomi will be here soon,” Eva said. “She mentioned she was hungry.”

Marek sat down on the sofa opposite Logan and helped himself to a box of rice. “I’m feeling quite peckish myself.”

Logan looked two seconds away from stabbing him with his own chopsticks.

“I’ll order more food.” A smile tickled Alex’s lips. “I’ll bet Dan would be happy to come here again.”

Wood snapped in Logan’s hands. “No doubt.”

She leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. “I’m sure I can find something else to wear before then. You have some really nice bath towels.”

Author's Note

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If you enjoyed
Blood Magic
, I’d really appreciate if you could spread the word. One of the best ways of doing that is by leaving a review wherever you purchased this book. Thank you for your invaluable support!

What's coming next in the series?

Magic Kingdom
, the third book in the
Dragon Born Alexandria
series, will be coming soon. Naomi will be returning in
Fairy Magic
, the first book of
Dragon Born Awakening
Magic Edge
, the fourth book of
Dragon Born Serafina
, is also coming soon.

Books by Ella Summers

Dragon Born Serafina

Mercenary Magic

Magic Games

Magic Nights

Rival Magic

Dragon Born Alexandria

Magic Edge

Blood Magic

Magic Kingdom

Dragon Born Awakening

Fairy Magic

Sorcery and Science










more books
coming soon…

Reading Order: Dragon Born Series

Dragon Born Serafina
Dragon Born Alexandria
series can be read together or independently. There is some crossover between them. I recommend the following reading order:

Mercenary Magic
(Dragon Born Serafina, Book 1)

Magic Edge
(Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 1)

Magic Games
(Dragon Born Serafina, Book 2)

Magic Nights
(Dragon Born Serafina, Book 3)

Blood Magic
(Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 2)

And more books coming soon…

More information about the Dragon Born books

About the Author

Ella Summers has been writing stories for as long as she could read; she's been coming up with tall tales even longer than that. One of her early year masterpieces was a story about a pigtailed princess and her dragon sidekick. Nowadays, she still writes fantasy. She likes books with lots of action, adventure, and romance. When she is not busy writing or spending time with her two young children, she makes the world safe by fighting robots.

Originally from the U.S., Ella currently resides in Switzerland. She is the author of the fantasy adventure series
Sorcery and Science
and the urban fantasy series
Dragon Born.

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