Blood Moon (Howl #2) (29 page)

Read Blood Moon (Howl #2) Online

Authors: Jayme Morse,Jody Morse


Samara was sure that her brother had been sent to do Jason’s dirty work, to help backup Ethan during this attac
k. As she watched as the fight
ensued, though, she gasped.

Seth lunged at Ethan. His paws must have dug deep into Ethan’s skin, scraping him, because he cried out in pain, forgetting
his assault on Luke just enough to allo
w him time to skirt away to safety.

Samara watched as Ethan pinned her brother to the ground. She couldn’t see from where she was standing, but Samara was positive that Ethan was going for his throat; he
was trying to kill her brother.

Even though Samara was sure that she was breaking all sorts of pack codes of honor, she moved quicker than she ever had before, flinging
the force of her body on top of Ethan. She quickly realized that no one was lying when they said
she was strong and powerful; the force of her attack caused Ethan to be thrown
several feet from Seth’s body.

Samara met her brother’s golden eyes. She could see that somewhere, deep inside, her brother was still there. He had saved Luke for her . . . and he knew that she had just
saved his life in return.

As Samara turned around to continue running towards the highway,
a paw scraped against her back and a body
slammed into her
. Ethan had recovered, and he was hovering over her, attempting
to pin her down to the ground.

When she looked into his dark brown eyes, she knew that his mission was cl
ear. He was going to kill her.





Chapter 25




Samara used all the strength in her body to stand up, knocking
Ethan to the ground. She sank her teeth into his neck, her mouth filling
with the metallic taste of his blood.

Out of the corner of her eye, Samara saw th
at Luke had come to her aide. He used t
he strength of his body to nudge
Ethan away from her.
Don’t interfere,
Samara snapped at him.
’m handling it

Luke asked her a question, but she wasn’t paying attention.
His voice sounded like nothing more
than a muffled noise inside her mind.
Samara was seeing red; the only thing that she cared about right now was killing Ethan.
No one messed with her brother – or her mate.

Samara pinned Ethan’s body to the ground. Through his loud growls, Ethan struggled to
get his own teeth around her neck
. His teeth
sunk into her
, and Samara felt
the blood
, but
she didn’t care
. She pressed her two front paws down on his throat an
bit down as hard as she could
, constricting his airways.

Ethan stopped fighting back. All Samara could hear was a gagging sound coming from him as she continued to push down on his throat wit
h all of the force in her body.

his labored gasps for air, Samara knew that she couldn’t let go. She didn’t have a choice. She had to
kill him before he killed her.

As he took his final breath
and his body went limp
, Samara turned to Luke.
s dead. Let’
s go.

Realizing that
Seth was still with them, Samara decided that now wasn’t the time to try to reconcile or talk to her brother. She didn’t even know if she should. After tonight, would he still be a Vyka? She didn’t know, but now wasn’
t the time to ask that either.

Samara still had a mission to do. She still had to
find Jason before he found her.

Glancing across the highway,
she saw him. He must have thought that he was hiding in the bushes, but his nearly black eyes stared back at her, glowing in the reflection of the full moon and
sending a chill down her spine.

It was Jason.

Samara froze for a second
, calculating her next move.

She knew that it wasn’t going to be that hard for a pack of wolves to find Jason, but she didn’t thin
k it was going to be this easy, either.

Images of all of the people who Jason had killed flooded through her mind – Colby’s mate, Meagan; Lilly Phillips; the trick-or-treater who Samara had never seen, but whose blood-stained death spot
on the dark pavement
left her feeling haunted. She thought about the fact that Jason had just bitten Emma, her lifelon
g best friend, to get revenge. Samara also realized that Jason had just turned her int
o a cold-hearted killer herself. Th
e lifeless body that lay feet away from them wasn’t her doing; it was all because of

Feeling the anger build up inside
of her
, Samara stepped out into the highway. As she began to dart across it, Samara heard Luke scream inside her mind.
No! Samara, watch out!

Samara looked up and saw the bright headlights coming at her. She heard the loud screeching of tires against the black pavement and the honking horn as the oncoming car approached her. Unsure of what to do, Samara stood, frozen in place, and howled up at the
blood moon, which
she was certain now
was brighter than any moon that she had ever seen before.

For a moment, the only thing that Samara could think was that she was going to die. Samara thought about her parents, how they would
never know that she was a wolf because she had been too afraid to tell them.
She thought about
her brother, how they would never have the opportunity to really reconcile, even though she had just saved his life from what c
ould have been a painful death.

found her thoughts lingering most on Luke:
her first kiss, her first date, and her first love; the only love that she would ever have in this life
, and the only love that she would ever have really wanted.
Even though she knew that she had been falling for him and, ultimately, she had chosen Luke over Declan, it ha
dn’t become really clear to her
until right now, in the last moments of her life.
I’m going to die now, but I just want you to know . . . I love you, Luke
, Sama
ra told him through mind-speak
. She had said it just in time.

She felt as the SUV pummeled
into her, cracking her bones and knocking her against the cold hard
. Samara closed her eyes, a
llowing everything to go black. Maybe the end wouldn’t be too bad; maybe she would feel no pain if she just accepted
that this was what was going to happen to her.

I love you, too, but a car accident can’t kill you
, Luke told her.

Samara gasped in shock at hearing his voice and cracked one eye open.
She was alive. Glancing down at her body, she realized that she no longer had her white fur. Samara h
ad turned b
ack into human form. She looked
over at Luke, who had just changed into his human form.

What happened to my fur?
Samara asked him through the trembling that had taken over her body. She glanced over at him; h
is face was filled with horror.

It’s probably from the force of the accident . . . or just your shock
, Luke replied.
We have bigger issues to deal with right now.
Luke motioned
to the other side of the road.

heard the sound of a car door opening. She glanced over at the SUV, which had gone off the side of the road but appeared to be
perfectly intact
mara breathed a sigh of relief.
She couldn’t have lived with herself if she had killed not just one but two people tonight.

The driver
of the vehicle
climbed out, placing his mu
d-covered boots on the ground.

When she met the familiar pair of brown eyes that star
ed back at her, Samara gasped.

It was her father . . . and
the look on his face told her that he had just seen everything



Book 3 of the Howl Series, Coming Soon!



Jody Morse and Jayme Morse are sisters that reside in the Poconos. They write young adult paranormal romance and suspense novels. To connect with the authors, please visit:


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