Blood War 1: Last Stand of the Legion: Rift (39 page)

They were walking down the stairs to the garage Command Post when he stopped and said to Aijuba

"You know we can't let the troops off the Tarawa try and make a combat assault without supporting them. We have to find a way to get an assault out of these troops. Can they do it Aijuba?"

Aijuba took a long time answering.

"I think they have it in them. We must find a way to convince them that they can do it one more time. One more assault. One last push."

"How? We've pushed them beyond anything we could have asked of them." Dasan said.

"Remember Choem. That patrol still stands as the longest ever completed in the Legion and that was before all of the new technology that has extended the range of the fighters. They did it because they were Legionnaires but they also did it because they knew what the stakes were. They were
clear-cut. The children. We need to make the stakes just as clear this time." Aijuba said.

Dasan just looked at Aijuba
, he knew she was right. He needed to have something more than just words to show them all how important what they were doing was, and what it meant to the whole Confederation. It was hard to focus; it was there right on the edge of his mind, but he couldn't quite find it. He would need to find it if they were going to pull this off. He and Aijuba continued down the stairs. The firing began again on the west side of the building. The aliens were making another push. They rushed back to the command post.











Admiral Tamara Lule sat transfixed as she watched the two fighter forces come together.  There literally was no precedent for such a large fighter-to-fighter fight. Even with the two sides color coded on the display it was hard to determine if either side was winning. The colors were literally too mixed together.

"Tactical display
, switch to a closer view," Tamara ordered.

The tactical display flickered and show
ed a closer view. The red and green triangles were twisting and turning. Others were disappearing in flashes of white light.

"Fighter command. Do you have numbers yet?"

The Legionnaire officer assigned to her CIC was staring at her display. Tamara could see her switch screens for one that shows losses.

"At this point we have only lost twenty. My damage assessment says we got at least a hundred of their fighters with our salvo but more keep coming."

"Very well."

The number really didn't matter
, she could not change her plan now. They were committed and there was no time or ships to change the plan now. It would not be long before the Swift Boats entered the battle space. Tamara stared at the huge situation screen. The battle stretched across the entire front display of the CIC and it still could not show the whole battle.

, the Swift Boats are beginning to engage."

"Show the Swift in a closer view."

The line of Swift Boats was almost on top of the fighters now. They began to fire at the alien fighters as they passed through the gaggle but they did not slow. The Swift Boat line held as they moved through the fighters. They were in the clear now and Tamara could see them begin to fire their torpedoes.

, the Swift Boats have a solution on the carrier they are firing now."

"Very well
," Tamara said.

Tamara had had the Swift Boats loaded with Long Lances. Not as powerful as the missiles and torpedoes the larger vessels carried
, but fired in a salvo by close to forty Swift Boats they were going to do some damage. The Legionnaires and the Swift Boats were keeping the fighters busy. Tamara decided to move up the timeline.

, all vessels increase to flank speed. We're moving right through the gaggle and going for the carrier. Advise all ships to watch their stations. Advise the Legionnaires we're coming through earlier."

"Aye, aye ma'am."

Let's get to it. Tamara wanted that
carrier. It was a symbol of so much of what had happened today. She leaned forward in her command chair as if to increase their closing speed. Tamara could see the change in the destroyers as they went to full power. They began to pull away from the cruisers. Now it begins.

Steiny Man fired but missed the alien fighter. He fought his instinct to turn into a second firing position
and he remembered his own orders. He was rewarded with an alien fighter turning away from another Legionnaire. He was in its six. His torpedoes went green with solutions and he fired one. It was a green streak on the display as it quickly closed the distance. The alien fighter detected it at the last moment and tried to turn into the torpedoes path but it was too late. It disappeared in a flash.

The fight had been one long dogfight. No matter how many times you went through the gaggle
and found another target there was always another. His division was taking casualties but they were giving better than they got. It was a fight that every Legionnaire relished; payback was on everyone’s mind.

"All fighters
, be advised the Admiral has pushed up the time line. Watch for destroyers at any moment."

Man had no more received the message than the Lupus suddenly loomed large in his screen. In fact it took up the whole display. It was making good headway through the gaggle but aliens were beginning to pull off the Legionnaire's and focus on the Lupus. Steiny Man flipped, reversed his heading and dove on a fighter that was firing at the Lupus. He sure hoped those Lupus gun mounts were paying attention to their screens, he would hate to be shot down by friendly fire. He lined up the alien and got a good guns run on it. His screen showed debris flying off the alien fighter, he was closing in for the kill when a scram off the Lupus nailed the fighter. It disappeared in a multicolored flash.

"This is Steiny Man
, all my division break off and give the Lupus clear path to the carrier."

The Lupus was through the gaggle but was attracting a lot of alien fighters as they pulled out of the gaggle and went after the destroy
er. He could see Lalande to the Lupus port side. She too was drawing a lot attention from the alien fighters; both destroyers were firing every defensive weapon they had but there were too many fighters. Steiny Man saw his division begin to emerge from the gaggle to chase the alien fighters.

, then another alien fighter exploded as his Legionnaires found their targets.

"Get some motherfuckers. Remember our motto
, no equals."

Steiny Man dove on a
n alien fighter firing his big mini. He badly wanted a crack at something much bigger so he saved his torpedoes.


"Admiral, the destroyers are through the gaggle and have solutions they are firing now."

Tamara saw the streaks on her screen
; there were so many they were hard to count, especially as they came together racing toward the same target.

"Can you get me a visual on that carrier yet?"

"Negative ma'am. I've been in contact with the Lupus and the Lalande and they will network the visuals as soon as they have them."

"Very well."

"Admiral, the cruisers are entering the gaggle."

Cruisers in the midst of a cloud of fighters
- this was going to be a duck shoot for them. Their sole purpose was to protect the battleships from fighters and if they got the chance bombard with the battleships. Their extra armor and defensive systems were designed to provide protection from exactly the type of weapons the alien fighters carried. Tamara watched the cruisers enter the gaggle. There was a noticeable reduction of alien fighters by the time they exited the other side of the swarm of fighters. The New York and Tokyo had taken a toll on the alien fighters. Now the battleships were about to enter the gaggle.

, we have a visual on the carrier from the Lupus."

"Put it on the situation screen."

The huge screen was suddenly filled with the image of the carrier. They had caught the vessel broadside to them. She provided a juicy target. Tamara could see the big carrier’s engines as they began to spin up. She was going to try and get underway but it was too late. Even from as far away as the Lupus was, it still filled the screen. Fighters were swarming from her interior as the Lupus approached. Tamara could see the Long Lances as they neared the carrier. Some exploded before they could strike the huge ship but most found their targets. Explosions began to blossom all along the carriers starboard side. Tamara could see that between the Capella, Bernards and now the Lupus and Lalande the attacks were beginning to take effect. She could see large holes in the side of the ship leaking all sorts of gas and liquids into space. She was hurt.

Now both destroyers
were firing the five-inch main scrams. She could see hits on the carrier. Tamara realized that both destroyers were being protected by Legionnaires as they sped toward the carrier. One flashed past the visual as it chased an alien fighter. There was too much going  on to keep any kind of real situational awareness except that the plan was working.

An explosion suddenly rocked the Pereus

"We just entered the gaggle with the
Rigil Kent and Groombridge. The aliens are concentrating their attacks on the battleships."

Another explosion rocked the battleship. It was too late Tamara
thought if we are to get that carrier. She felt the Pereus increase speed as the Captain fought his ship. It would not be long before they were in range of those twenty-inch scrams and rails.













"On the right! On the right!"

The room erupted in sound as every weapon that could be brought to bear on the aliens fired. Hu and Nani turned back to their murder holes just in time to see a large number of aliens rushing the Alamo in force. Hu fired as quickly as he could target alien after alien, Nani was pouring mini fire through her murder hole. Yet no matter how many they dropped, the aliens continued to pour out of the shuttle. The aliens had finally taken the shuttle and had been staging troops in it for this attack. It put them closer to the Alamo; the distance to cross was small enough that some would make the wall.

They are going to make it to the wall," someone yelled over the radio.

"Yeah, we are not going to stop
them this time, there are too many."

Hu glanced at Nani.

"They're right," Nani said.

"Get the wounded upstairs!"  Sergeant Weening yelled.

Hu turned to see Borges and Kant picking up the wounded that could not move and begin to carry them up the stairs. He started to turn and help when the sergeant said

"Stay on your wall
, we got this. Be prepared to fall back up stairs."

Hu turned back to his murder hole
; they were very close now. He didn't have to aim anymore. The hundred meters from the shuttle to the Alamo was literally covered with alien bodies. You could walk from the Alamo all the way to the shuttle without touching the ground but they still came.

Nani turned to him and grabbed his shoulder and said

"Promise me. Just like Sim. Promise me."

Hu stared at her for a long moment. He did not know if he had the courage to kill her but he knew he did not have the courage to not let her be taken by aliens.

"Of course Nani. I promise. But you got to promise me the same."

"I got you. You know that."

Hu did know that. Nani had his back no matter what. They had proven it to each other time and again. No she would be there.

"Two made the wall down here."

Hu looked down the wall to where the trooper was standing. He was slowly backing away from the wall.

"They're placing explosives! Back away from the wall. Get upstairs."

Hu glanced behind him
; the medics were still moving the wounded up the stairs. It was a difficult job moving wounded troopers in full armor. Hu backed away from the wall until he found a large generator. He took out his rail pistol and put in on top of the generator. He reloaded his rail and made sure his shovel was ready to pull from his leg.

He looked over and Nani was standing beside him doing the same thing. They were not going upstairs until the wounded were all on the second floor.
The sergeant was next to them facing the wall.

"Fighting pairs
," the sergeant said, his voice calm through the noise of the battle.

Legionnaires began to pair themselves off getting ready for the aliens to
breach the wall. Hu saw the two Legionnaires closest to where the aliens were against the wall, toss handfuls of mini mines around their old positions as they moved backward and prepared to make their stand.

The wall exploded inward. Chunks of concrete flew inward as the shaped charge turned them into deadly missiles. The two Legionnaires nearest the
breach disappeared  in a flash of fire and shrapnel. Hu did not duck behind the generator; he simply ducked and took the shrapnel on his helmet and shoulder armor. It allowed him to start firing before the debris had landed. Hu caught the first alien through the opening in the wall with a burst with his rail on automatic. It was thrown back its armor covered in blood from the hole he had blown through its chest. He could see rounds coming from the second floor drive the alien it struck down into the deck as the rest of the Legionnaires fired at the aliens from above. Yet still more poured through the opening. Hu knew they could not stay much longer on the first floor or they would be overrun. He glanced at his readout; all of the yellows were on the second floor.

"The stairs go. Everyone upstairs," Weening said. This sergeant was a good one Hu
thought; he was on top of everything.

Hu and Nani began backing toward the stairs firing as the alien continued to pour through the
breach. They made the stairs. Hu shoved Nani up first as he began to back up the stairs. They were the last fighting pair to move up the stairs.

Just then a huge explosion opened another
breach in front of them. Hu was thrown to the floor by the explosion this time, but it was more than that, something was wrong. He tried to move but he couldn't stand. He looked down to see both of his legs were gone below the knee. His suit had clamped down on the wounds before he could bleed out; it was also filling his system with fluids and painkillers. He was dead he knew it. They would be on him in seconds. He picked up his rail and fired at the aliens as they came through the breach. His suits visuals systems were down and he had only his eyes to see through the chaos coming at him. Even through the smoke and dust of the explosions he could see those green lights that all the aliens had on their helmets and weapons that gave away their position. Hu fired and a light disappeared. He caught sight of legs or an arm and he fired at anything  he could see.              

"Goddamn it
, Hu get up," Nani said.

"I can't Nani
, I got no legs. Do it Nani. Do it, you promised."

Nani was suddenly standing over Hu
’s body, her mini spewing thousands of rounds into the aliens who were trying to move through the new breach.

"I lied
," Nani said.

An alien came up from the area of the first
breach. Hu fired his rail into its faceplate. It would not be long now, Hu thought. A series of huge explosions detonated outside of the Alamo. The aliens were moving away from the Alamo, it almost looked like they were firing at something. Then Hu saw the shuttle being torn apart by more explosions.

Who is firing?" Hu said.

"I don't know
," Nani said.

A blast of air from the second
breach suddenly filled the room with dust and debris. Then he saw the Swift Boat landing outside the building, its cannons and minis firing as Legionnaires ran out of the back toward the Alamo.

"Extraction is inbound. Extraction is inbound
," Hu’s suit began to squawk.

"What the fuck.." Hu said.

"Incoming friendlies. Incoming friendlies."

Legionnaires were moving toward the Shuttle firing from the hip while others were moving toward the Alamo. The first
Legionnaires stepped gingerly through the breach, their weapons at the ready. Nani collapsed next to Hu, one arm hung limply at her side as blood poured from her shoulder.

More and more troopers moved through the
breach and began to clear the rest of the first floor while outside another Swift Boat landed with even more reinforcements. Nani moved around until she could sit with Hu's head in her lap. She hinged Hu's helmet back.

alright, we're going to make it," Nani said.

"Nani, my legs."

"Baby, they will grow you new ones. You're going to be all right. ."

Hu thought he was going to pass out until Nani had called him baby.

"Corpsman. Corpsman," Nani began to scream.

Two corpsmen quickly came to them. One bent down and looked at Hu and said

"Hey there private. Everything
’s going to be all right. I'm here now." he said.

The name stenciled on the front of his helmet was Loos.

"Loos, my legs. I don't have any legs."

"Let me check a couple of things
," Loos said.

He hooked up his suit to Hu's and began administering drugs. Hu reached up and grabbed Nani's hand.

"I'm still here, Hu," Nani said.

Loos stared at his readout as it listed Hu's injuries.

"Private, you are being held together by a few nano's and some bailing wire. How many times have you been injured?"

"I don't know
, but she is worse. Take care of her," Hu said.

"My partner got her
, now let me finish my exam."

Loos typed several commands into the display on his chest then looked up at Hu.

"Look, I'm not going to lie to you. You are fucked up but it's nothing that we can't fix. The amputations were as clean as if a surgeon had done them and your suit did an excellent job. It did exactly what it was supposed to. It is going to take a while but you will be fine."

Hu began to smile. He looked up  to see Nani
, her helmet hinged back smiling down at him. Then he felt the stronger painkillers kick in, the sounds of the battle around him began to fade.

"Looks like
you’re going to have pay off on your promise," Hu said.

"You bet your ass there private
," Nani said.

Loos looked over at his partner and said

"What have you got?"

"She is being held together by her suit and some nanos. She is almost as bad as he is."

"Let's get these two onto the Swift Boat now."

Then he turned down and looked at Hu.

"You ready to get out of here private?"

"Fuck'n A."

They loaded Hu and Nani onto the Swift Boat with the other seriously wounded. They were the first of the wounded to reach the Tarawa. 


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