Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (99 page)

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Authors: Timothy Snyder

Tags: #History, #General, #Biography & Autobiography, #European History, #Europe; Eastern - History - 1918-1945, #Political, #Holocaust; Jewish (1939-1945), #World War; 1939-1945 - Atrocities, #Europe, #Eastern, #Soviet Union - History - 1917-1936, #Germany, #Soviet Union, #Genocide - Europe; Eastern - History - 20th century, #Russia & the Former Soviet Union, #Holocaust, #Massacres, #Genocide, #Military, #Europe; Eastern, #World War II, #Hitler; Adolf, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Massacres - Europe; Eastern - History - 20th century, #World War; 1939-1945, #20th Century, #Germany - History - 1933-1945, #Stalin; Joseph

Dowbor, Janina

Dubček, Aleksandr

Dulles, Allen

Duranty, Walter

Dzierżyński, Feliks

East Germany (German Democratic Republic)

Eberl, Irmfried

Edelman, Marek

Ehrenburg, Ilya

Eichmann, Adolf


Jews and

Political enemies and


Eizenshtayn, Sofia


Engels, Friedrich


Entente Powers


ethnic cleansing of

Final Solution in

German-Soviet war (1941-1945) and

Great Terror of 1937 and 1938 in

Soviet occupation and annexation of

Ethnic cleansing

of Germans

in Latvia

in Lithuania

in Poland

in Soviet Union

Stalin, Joseph and

Etinger, Yakov

European Union

Everything Flows

Evian Conference (1938)

The Family Mashber
(Der Nister)

Fascism, fascists

Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)

Fefer, Itzik

Field, Noel and Hermann

Final Solution

in Belarus

children and

death factories and

deportation and

enslavement and

in Estonia

“euthanasia” program and

final version of

German-Soviet war (1941-1945) and

Hitler, Adolf and

in Hungary

Hunger Plan and

Jews, elimination of and

Large Action (1942) and

in Latvia

Lublin plan of

Madagascar plan of

Nazi justification for

partisan warfare and

Poland and


in Romania

Soviet plan of

Stalin, Joseph and

in Ukraine

Wehrmacht and

women and


First World War

Fischer, Ludwig

Fiterson, Sima

Five-Year Plan

Flak, Jadwiga

Flak, Marian

Flossenberg concentration camp

For a Just Cause

Four-Year Plan Authority


Czechoslovakia, annexation of and

First World War and

German invasion of

Jewish deportation from

Poland, German invasion of and

Second World War and

Versailles Treaty (1919) and

Franco, Francisco

Frank, Hans

Franz, Kurt

Free Masons

French Revolution

Frenkel, Paweł

Furet, François

Gandhi, Mohandas

Garden of Eden



Gęborski, Czesław

Geibel, Paul

Geller, Eliezer

General Commissariat White Ruthenia

See also

General Government

Generalplan Ost

Gerassimova, Rosa

German Democratic Republic (East Germany)

German Empire

defeat of

German Jews


Holocaust and

murder of

German Order Police


deportation of

ethnic cleansing of

First World War and

Soviet famines and

superiority of

German-Soviet war (1941-1945)

Belarus and

Civilians and

Final Solution and

Generalplan Ost and

Hitler, Adolf and

Hunger Plan and

Japan and

Jewish resistance and

Leningrad, seige of and

“lightning victory” in

Moscow, Soviet Union and

National Socialism and

Operation Bagration and

partisan warfare and

Polish resistance and

Red Army and

Soviet power and

Soviet prisoners of war and

Stalin, Joseph and

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and

Wehrmacht and


Anschluss and

Austria, annexation of by

British problem and

concentration camps in

Czechoslovakia, annexation of by

economy of

First World War and

gas chambers in

Great Terror of 1937 and 1938 and

Japanese alliance with

Jews, murder of in

killing fields in

Poland, invasion of by

Poland, occupation of by

Rapallo, Treaty of and

socialism in

Soviet alliance with

Soviet occupation of

Soviet Union, encirclement of and

Soviet war (1941-1945) with

starvation campaign of 1941 and

starvation zones in

Treaty on Borders and Friendship (1939) and



Łódź, Poland

death factories and

Lublin, Poland

Minsk, Belarus

Polish Jews in

Riga, Latvia

Slutsk, Belarus

Warsaw, Poland

Glińska, Irena, Janina and Serafina

Globocnik, Odilo

Goebbels, Joseph

Goglidze, S. A.

Gold, Artur

Goloshchekin, Filip

Gomułka, Władysław

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gorbman, Ekaterina

Göring, Hermann

Gottberg, Curt von

Gottwald, Klement

Graniewicz, Bazylii

Graniewicz, Kolya

Grass, Günter

Great Britain

anti-Semitism in

concentration camps, liberation of by

Czechoslovakia, annexation of and

First World War and

Jews and

Poland, German invasion of and

Poland and

Second World War and

socialism in

Great Depression

Great Terror of 1937-1938

in Belarus

Belarus and

casualties of

children and

class operations of

end of

family, destruction of and

Germany and

Gulag and

Hitler, Adolf and

Japan and

Jews and

kulak operation of

Latvian operation of

Leningrad and

national operations of

NKVD (Soviet secret police) and

NKVD and

Polish operation of

Politburo (Soviet) and

rationale for

Soviet Poles and

Stalin, Joseph and

torture and

troikas and

Ukraine and



Greiser, Arthur

Grossman, Vasily


See also
Special settlements

Habrowski, Mieczysław

Habsburg monarchy

Halder, Franz

Hanke, Karl

Hecht, Thomas

Hegel, Georg Wihelm Friedrich

Herriot, Édouard

Heydrich, Reinhard

death factories and

Final Solution and

Minsk, Belarus and

Hilberg, Raul

Himmler, Heinrich

Auschwitz and

death factories and

Final Solution and

partisan warfare and

Warsaw Ghetto and


as class struggle

of Holocaust

Marx, Karl and

Marxism and

rewriting of

Soviet Union and

Stalin, Joseph and

Hitler, Adolf

agricultural policy of

anti-Semitism of

assassination attempts on

Belarus and

class terror and

communism and

death of

economic policies of

Final Solution and

Garden of Eden and

German-Soviet war (1941-1945) and

Great Terror of 1937 and 1938 and

Jews, murder of and

Lenin, Vladimir and

National Socialism and

Nazi terror of 1936-1938 and

partisan warfare and

peasant question and

Poland and

purges of

racism of

Reichstag fire (1933) and

rise to power of

Soviet prisoners of war and

Soviet Union, destruction of and

Soviet-German relations and

Stalin, Joseph alliance with

Stalin, Joseph and

Stalin, Joseph, betrayal of by

Höfle, Hermann


anti-Semitism and

Auschwitz and

Belarus and

communism and

death factories and

gassing and

German Jews and

history of

Hitler, Adolf and

Israel and

Jews and

non-Jews and

Soviet history and

Stalin, Joseph and

Ukraine and

See also
Final Solution; Jews

Homage to Catalonia

Home Army (Poland)

Hoover, Herbert

Höss, Rudolf

Hughes, John



Hunger Plan

IG Farben


Innitzer, Theodor



Holocaust and


Czechoslovakia, annexation of and

fascism in

First World War and

Jewish deportation from

Jahntz, Eva

Jakubowicz, Dobiesław

Janion, Marion


espionage missions of

German alliance with

German rapprochement with

German-Soviet war (1941-1945) and

Great Terror of 1937 and 1938 and

Polish cooperation with

Second World War and

Siberia and

Soviet famines and

Soviet neutrality pact with

Soviet Union, encirclement of and

Ukraine and

Jeckeln, Friedrich

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee

Jewish Combat Organization

Jewish community organizations

Jewish Military Union



in Belarus

Britain and

capitalism and

communism and

Einsatzgruppen and

Final Solution and


Great Britain and

Holocaust and



Lublin plan for

Madagascar plan and

National Socialism and

NKVD and

Nuremberg laws of 1935 and

Poland, German invasion of and



Soviet famines and

Soviet Union and

Stalin, Joseph and

United States and

See also
Final Solution; Holocaust

Jones, Gareth


Juriewicz, Janina

Juriewicz, Maria

Kagan, Dobcia

Kaganovich, Lazar

Kamenev, Lev


Kaminskii, Bronislav

Kanał, Izrael

Karpai, Sofia

Karski, Jan

Katyn massacre (1940)

Kaunas, Lithuania


collectivization and

Great Terror of 1937 and 1938 and

Poland, Soviet occupation of and

Soviet famines and

Kaziniets, Isaei

Kennan, George

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Khartsyzsk, Ukraine

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kiev, Ukraine

Kim Il-Sung

Kirov, Sergei

Kołakowski, Leszek

Koch, Erich

Koestler, Arthur

Korczak, Janusz

Korean War

Kosior, Stanisław

Kostrovitskaia, Vera

Koszewicz, Zeferyna

Kozelsk prisoner of war camp

Krause, Franciszek

Kravchenko, Viktor

Kravets, Lev


Krzepicki, Adam

Kube, Wilhelm

Soviet peasants

Kuperhand, Saul

Kurapaty Forest, Belarus

Kurzmann, Martha


Łabędź, Maksymilian

Landau, Ludwik

Lange, Herbert

Lapidus, Israel

Large Action (1942)


ethnic cleansing of

Final Solution in

German mass murder of Jews in

German-Soviet war (1941-1945) and

Great Terror of 1937 and 1938 and

Jews, murder of in

Soviet occupation and annexation of

Latvian Jews

Lejkin, Jakub

Lemkin, Rafał

Lenin, Vladimir

communism and

compromise policy of 1920s and

death of

Hitler, Adolf vs.

Marxism and

nationalism and

Poland and

Soviet peasants and

Leningrad, Soviet Union

Great Terror of 1937 and 1938 and

siege (1941-1944) of


Leplevskii, Izrail

Levi, Primo

Levinson, Hanna

Lichtenberg concentration camp

Life and Fate

Lipski, Feliks


ethnic cleansing of

Final Solution and

German mass murder of Jews in

German-Soviet war (1941-1945) and

Jews, execution of in

Jews, murder of in

Soviet occupation and annexation of

Lithuanian Jews

Litvinov, Maxim

Łódź, Poland

Low Countries

See also
Belgium; Luxembourg; Netherlands

Łowińska, Maria

Lublin, Poland

Lurie, Wanda


Lysenko, Yurii

Machine Tractor Stations


Mahileu, Belarus


Makowski, Jerzy

Makowski, Stanisław

Manchester Guardian



Mao Zedong

Margolius, Rudolf

Marshall Plan

Marx, Karl

history and


Matsuoka, Yōsuke

Mauthausen concentration camp

Mazowiecka, Rawa

Mein Kampf (My Struggle)

Meir, Golda

Meyer, Konrad

Ministry of State Security

Mickiewicz, Adam

Miete, August

Mikhoels, Solomon

Mikołajczyk, Stanisław

Miłosz, Czesław

Minc, Hilary

Ministry of State Security (MGB)

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