Bloods Gem (34 page)

Read Bloods Gem Online

Authors: Gloria Conway

Tags: #vampires, #love, #drama, #fantasy, #young adult, #shape shifter, #lust, #vampires bloodlust thriller paranormal romance, #vampires and shapechangers

I guess we need to cool off. I might
change in the middle of making love and try to kill you,” she said,
laughing softly.

I laughed with her. “Yeah, you just might.”
We rolled over on our backs and let our eyes close.

I was expecting to wake up and see her going
through the next phase but it didn't happen. Faith sat at the end
of the bed watching television, laughing. I sat up and put my hand
on her back. She glanced back at me. “Morning sexy man,” she said.
I shot her a confused look and fell back down on the bed.

Your naked!” She said,

I peeked down and quickly covered myself.
“Faith…. Why am I naked my love?” She shrugged. And looked back at
the television again.

Faith White, why am I

Geez! Crabby! Calm down. Last night
we kind of… while we were sleeping. Don’t you remember?”

I shook my head, trying to remember. She
must have done something to trick my mind, I thought.

I don’t remember Love, what did you
do to my head?”

She giggled. “Oh, come on. You already
purposed, what's the harm in me having a little fun?”

No harm in it. It’s just.Would be
nice to remember it so I could feel the affects after. Why would
you erase it? And did we do it here or in our dream?”

She smirked. “Well, I thought you would be
mad that I kind of bit you and all. So I just decided to erase your
memory of it and you would only do it in our dream. You kept saying
something about not yet, almost begging.”

You… bit me? Why?” I stood up and
went to the mirror.

Oh don’t worry, you healed pretty
quick and it was only in our dream.”

I shook my head not understanding her

You’re a strange one,” I said,
staring at her as I went into the bathroom and the door behind me.
Why would she bite me and why cover it up? Makes no sense. She was
acting strange, I thought. But, I was glad she didn’t force the sex
in reality because I still haven't told her the truth about our
love making. I searched my body for any marks. I Didn’t find much
except a little residue on my leg from last nights fun.

Walking back into the room I stood in front
of the television naked. “So, are you going to tell me why you
decided to bite me and cover up the evidence?” I asked, glancing
down at her.

I'm fixing to bite that thing
dangling in front of me, if you don’t move out of my way,” she
said, hissing under her breath.

I tackled her to the bed and held her down.
“Bite it off,” I said, laughing

You think I'm not strong but don’t
under estimate me already,” she said, showing me her

Bring it,” I encouraged.

She suddenly had me pinned down underneath
her. I couldn’t move.

Now, you're going to apologize for
disturbing my show and thinking I'm weak Love,” she said,

I chuckled loudly. I couldn’t believe how
strong and quick she was.

Alright honey. You win. You're right.
I'm sorry for letting my penis ruin your brilliant show and
supposing you're still a weak human. Happy now?” I asked, fake
smile across my face.

She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I
can feel how sorry you are.”

I tossed her beneath me, ripping off her
shirt. “This time I'll be the one remembering,” I said grinning. I
placed us in spirit form and set up the illusion, just as


We peered over the bed scanning the messy

Wow, looks as if a tornado rolled
through here,” Faith said, giggling.

I yawned and extended my arms in the air.
“Yeah, I'll replace the stuff we broke later.”

You're still tired?” She

Uh, after that yea. I guess I am. I
need to drink, you want some?”

I can drink some now?” She asked,

I don’t see why not, do you prefer
blood or water?

Well, it's not like I'm craving it
but I'm thirsty. Let me try water first then I'll try

Alright,” I shrugged.

Wait. I have a question to ask you
first,” she said, her head cocked.

What it is?” I asked

What would happen if I drank your
blood? Or vampires blood?” She asked.

Uh, A strange but good question. No
clue,” I said, wondering myself.

It was just a thought,” she

I'll have to ask about that one
because I would like to know too.”

We tossed on some acceptable clothes to go
down to the kitchen. Walking barefoot through the halls, a few
people stuck their heads out of their rooms hooting and hollering.
We stared down at the floor and picked up our pace.

Entering the kitchen area, Kevin, Cesar and
a few of my other friends were sat down at the table. I opened the
fridge and they started in on us.

Hey we heard you two from down here,
next time keep the howling in check man!” “Yeah man, your high
pitched squealing sounded as if you were being decapitated. Did she
kill you and bring you back or what?”

I pitched some eggs in their direction to
get them to shut up.

Alright guys chill, we get

I grabbed a pitcher of blood and two

Kevin whistled at what Faith was wearing, my
long black t-shirt. Faith went over to him placing her hand on his
head, then released. He began pulling on his tongue. She pranced
back towards me smiling. “wh th F.ak…. Sh……meh.” He tried to
spit and started dry heaving on the floor. We all busted out

She shrugged. “I just gave him something
yummy to smell and eat.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss me. I
poured our drinks and handed her one.

Water first,” she reminded

Oh yeah, sorry babe, forgot.” I
picked up another glass and placed it under the sink, filling it
with water. I handed it to her. She drank it in one gulp and gave
it back to me. “You need more?” She nodded. I filled it back up.
She drank it all again.

Babe, it would be easier for you to
just put your mouth under the water until your satisfied.” I said,
hiding my smile. She agreed and did just as I said. She sat there
for ten minutes drinking. “You want to try the other now babe?” I
asked her. She picked up the glass and smelled it. She shook her
head, giving it back to me.

You serious?” I asked, glancing at
her wondering why it wasn’t grabbing her attention. You know
shifters live on blood and raw meat babe. You're going to need this
soon. You're not like you were.

I know what my body wants,” she said,
staring at me.

Okay, so what does it

You, meat, cheese and water.” I shook
my head wondering if she was joking. “Really?”

She nodded.

Why cheese?” I asked.

I dunno. That’s what I'm

We don’t keep cheese in the castle
babe, just eggs, raw meat, blood, which is scarce. Would you like
me to cut up some of this meat for you?”

No, actually I want some garlic on it
and cooked a little if you don’t mind.” “Cooked?”

Mm hmm.”

Babe your not pregnant or anything
are you?” I asked teasing.

Nope. Just had my period a few weeks

Yeah. Okay, well, whatever you

I took the meat out and grabbed a pan and
some garlic. Cooking it enough for both sides to brown and placed
it on a plate. My friends stared at Faith just. Wondering why she
was eating it this way, since she was now half of what we were. She
cut it and blood seeped out.


We all started laughing.

Your kidding right?” She took the pan
and put the meat back in, cooking it until it was almost black.
“Babe, that’s not going to satisfy you like you think”

Just shut up and let me do my thing

The guys started making fun of me. I shook
my head watching her in disbelief. I waited for her reaction as she
took a bite.

Mmm. this is how I like it,” she
said, chewing it as though it was heaven in her mouth.

I chugged our drinks and gnawed on raw
steak. She sat down holding her stomach. “I'm hurting. I ate too
much,” she said.

You are a strange one my Love,” I
said, watching her. She glanced in my direction. “I can see love in
your eyes you know, when you look at me.”

The guys behind me started chuckling. I
threw an elbow in Cesar's face and promised Howell he was next.
They became silent. I went over and held her, smiling into her
eyes. “It's because you can see right into my soul Love. And I do
love you and you feel it.”

I know. I just love the way you look
at me, it makes me feel so good.” She held onto my shirt, pulling
me closer. She pressed her soft lips onto mine. I swooped her up
into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I took her back
to my room for seconds.

Faith asked me to try to find Chris tonight
as she slept. I told her I’d do what I can to find out what
happened to him.

I phased into spirit form but couldn’t find
his scent or location. He was far away if not dead. I didn’t want
to tell her that. I would tell her that I couldn’t locate him. I
went into her dream. She was running around in the woods. Catching
up to her I picked her up pulling her into the nights sky with me.
We flew across the fields below us.

I wanna try something,” she said,
biting her lip. I raised a brow.

Yes love?” I read her thoughts and
smiled. I started laughing.

Hmm. We can try. That actually
doesn’t sound half bad,” I said, grinning at her. “You have to
catch me first,” she said, off in an instant. I took off after her
trying to keep up.

It frustrated me a little that she was
faster then me in the air, at the same time I was glad it wasn't
one of my friends. Almost catching up to her, she took off her
shirt and it came flying into my face, making it hard to see.

I began shedding mine as I inched closer.
Faith swopped down into the trees and I followed. Leading me to
waterfall, she flew through, into a cave. Many hot water holes were
molded into the cave. The steam rose off the water, filling the
cave with it's haze.

Faith gracefully stood naked in one of the
hot baths. I watched from a distance, admiring her beautiful naked
body. Her long dark hair flowed down the middle of her back to her
waist. She cupped the water in her hand pouring it over her body.
My legs trembled at the sight. Approaching behind her, I gently
kissed her neck. She began humming a song I sang to her, while she
was asleep during the phase. She slowly turned around and stared
into my soul, taking me into hers. Our spirits made love. It was an
awakening of mind and body. Everything seemed so perfect and in
harmony. Her spirit floating freely with mine all night.


I woke with Faiths body laying on top of
mine. I smiled at the thought of last night. I wrapped my arms
around her holding her close to my body. She opened her eyes and
pressed her lips to mine. “I love you,” I whispered in her ear.

I love you,” she replied. She laid
her head back down on my chest. I heard her lightly snoring. I
decided to go roam the castle for awhile until she woke. I went
downstairs and passed by my fathers study. Out of the corner of my
eye I saw a few people gathered in there. I stepped back and popped
my head in.

Whats going on?” I asked.

Father stood up, pointing his finger at
Lenny. Everyone became quite.

Son, come on in. You’ll need to hear
this too,” he announced.

I stood by the door and glanced at him,
trying to read his thoughts. He shook his head glaring in my
direction. I drew closer and shut the door behind me. I looked over
at Lenny wondering what he was doing here. He was one of the
officers out at Blue Cove. They send the dangerous, out of control
vampires and Ill-suen out there if they’ve committed a crime.
Father is head of the council, whom acts as a judge. He decides
along with a few others if the person is found guilty of the crime
they’re accused of. “Daniel, someone helped Adrian escape Blue
Cove. Lenny came to tell us the situation in person. We are sending
out a search to look for him immediately.”

This news was unsettling. No one had ever
escaped Blue Cove before.

How did this happen?” I asked,
glaring at Lenny.

There are a few officers missing. We
haven’t recovered any bodies. But we have questioned the others
thoroughly and did not observe any evidence of suspicion in the

We’re going to need as many
volunteers as possible. We have three groups of trackers ready to
get this search on the road,” Father said, glancing at

I nodded. “Alright, I'll have to go let her
know whats going on right away and I'll be ready to go,” I said,

Don’t worry Son, he wont get near
Faith. We have this place covered.”

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