Read Blow Your Mind Online

Authors: Eric Pete

Blow Your Mind

Table of Contents
Praise for Eric Pete and His Award-Winning Novels
“One of contemporary fiction’s rising stars.”
—Urban Reviews
“Pete has a knack for describing budding romance.”

Publishers Weekly
“Eric Pete has taken an urban backdrop, melded it with characters you grow to love, and crafted a story in which you feel the action, from beginning to end. He also clearly shows that relationships are held together by an invisible thread of so many things, mainly love, friendship, trust, and hope.” —
Lady Sings the Cruels
“Satisfyingly bittersweet.” —
Publishers Weekly
“A gritty, urban drama with a fast-paced story line.
Lady Sings the Cruels
is appealing with its high dramatics and, at times, hard-edged violence. The ending . . . is bittersweet and arresting. [Pete’s] writing is fluid, honest, and descriptive.” —
“Everything a modern-day novel should be: fast-paced, intoxicating, and mind-blowing.”
—Nancy Gilliam, the African-American Literary and Media Group
“An engaging novel of hard times and second chances. A gritty depiction of prison life, a few sweaty sex scenes, and a cast of well-drawn characters converge in this drama of damaged lives.” —
Kirkus Reviews
Don’t Get It Twisted
“An engaging novel full of vibrant characters, a compelling story line, and lots of emotional impact.”

New York Times
bestselling author Zane
“Eric Pete has done it again! An exciting page-turner that you’ll find impossible to put down.”
—Bestselling author Karen E. Quinones Miller
“An entertaining story that rings with mature truisms about the relationship phenomenon and the blessing of friendship.” —
“Deserves applause for its fabulous writing and refreshing originality.” —Romance Readers at Heart
Gets No Love

Gets No Love
will make people think, it will make people realize that you cannot escape the past, and it will have people remembering the characters and the story line long after the last page.”

New York Times
bestselling author Zane
“Intrigue, scandal, and true-to-life characters . . . a wonderful read.”
—Kimberla Lawson Roby, bestselling author of
The Best-Kept Secret

Gets No Love
demands your attention and refuses to let you put it down until the last page. Passion, friendship, heartbreak, and secrets that will shock you: Eric does it again as he mixes all of these together to form one intense concoction.”
—Dwayne S. Joseph, author of
The Womanizers
“One of the best reads for me in a long time.
Gets No Love
provides intrigue, sensuality, love, fear, hesitation, and joy all rolled into one.”
—Rochelle Ragas, the Sistah Circle Book Club Inc., Dallas, Texas
“Steamy, sexy, and heart-pumping.” —Urban Insider
Lady Sings the Cruels
Don’t Get It Twisted
Gets No Love
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First published by New American Library,
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First Printing, October 2007
Copyright © Eric Pete, 2007
Readers Guide copyright © Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 2007
All rights reserved
Pete, Eric.
Blow your mind/Eric Pete.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-0-451-22215-2
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To my Marsha.
To you, who’ve had more faith in me
than I myself during these times,
I dedicate this book.
Thank you.

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