Blue (22 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

“We really need to talk to someone, I do not care if it is the police chief or a sergeant; I don’t even care if it is the lowest person on the system as long as they can do something about a raping, beating, attempted murder, and whatever else he did to her, we need to speak to them.”

“Sir, I’m sorry, but everyone else is out looking for someone who has been missing for several days, and they actually know who took her. Now, if your friend here is part of missing persons, then I suggest going down there yourself. Now, I am supposed to ask everyone this question: Have you seen this girl?” she asked as she held up a picture of the girl noted to be Meganlynn VanDeritie. Johnny was very angry.


“No, we haven’t, sorry for the interruption. Someone thought they saw a little bit of a raping when really it wasn’t; I had her full consent,” Blue said. putting his arms on Meganlynn. “Come, now, Annie.”

“What did you just call me?”

“Oh, just come.” They ran out of the police station and back out into the open road.

“Johnny!” she yelled as they pulled her away.

“Meganlynn!” he yelled back as he ran back the way that they were dragging Meganlynn. Meganlynn tried harder than ever to try and get loose from their grip, but she didn’t have any luck. She screamed and scrambled all over the place and screamed every time they tried to tell her to shut her mouth. Johnny was running toward them, screaming for her and trying to grab her hand to pull her back every chance that he got. Justin finally grabbed her back around the waist and carried her back to the car where they threw her in. Blue jumped in the back seat with her, and Justin drove away.

“Johnny!” Meganlynn yelled one last time.

“Did you kiss him?”

“No,” she answered. She knew that she had forgotten to do something that was really important.

“Good, the spell could still take effect.”

“Yeah, right.” Meganlynn pulled her mp3 player out of her purse and started to listen to it.

They drove for what seemed to be hours and hours, but it was really hours and hours. Meganlynn was placed in the back seat with her notebooks and everything else at her disposal. She did not know where she was going to go or anything like that, but she knew that she was wherever God had wanted her to be. She knew that she was there for a reason. She did not know whether her reason to be there was to beat the living crap out of him or what; she just knew that she was supposed to be there.

“When are we going to be there?” she asked them.

“Well, we are taking a plane out from the Chicago Airport, so you can tell me since we are in Chicago,” Blue answered.

“I guess about five minutes, huh?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” They pulled into the Chicago Airport. Meganlynn thought hard to herself. She knew that she needed to make her move now, or she would never get her chance to be free. She walked into the airport with Blue and Justin holding her hands.

Once they had finally arrived at the security check-point, Meganlynn saw the sign that said “Please remove all metal objects and take off your shoes.” Meganlynn did just that. Other than taking out one of her earrings, she took out her pen from her purse and then wrote the words “help me” on her hands. She did not care if she was going to die or not; she only cared if she was going to get out of the clutches of Blue and Justin or not.

It was finally her turn to go through the machine. The alarm went off, and since Blue and Justin were both in front of her, she was taken aside and checked. The officer read both of her hands.

“Ma’am, please come with me…” he said, trailing off.

“Sir,” she said as she was following him. “If there are two men following us, have them arrested they’re the ones that kidnapped me.”

“Okay,” the security guard said as he turned around.

“Boys,” he said, walking up to them as he gave Meganlynn to another security guard. “You need to come with me.”

“Okay,” Blue said, and they followed the officer until they were in a room separate from Meganlynn. The security guard pulled the door shut and locked behind them. Meganlynn sat down in the room, and then waited for the officer to come in.

The door opened and the officer walked in and sat down. He folded his hands and Meganlynn did the same.

“Now, the only way that you are not in trouble is if you are seriously in trouble.”

“I am, sir.”

“What is going on?”

“Have you heard about the missing person, Meganlynn

“Yes, I believe everyone has. Why are you asking me this?”

“Because I am Meganlynn VanDeritie.”


“We tried to tell the local police department last night but they kept on telling us that we had to have a appointment because the chief wasn’t in at the moment. We told the lady out there that it was an emergency, and she didn’t believe us. Then, she had the nerve to ask us if we knew where I was. I was about to tell her that I was Meganlynn VanDeritie, but Blue and Justin came back and took me back from where I was standing with Johnny.”

“Well, then we can communicate with the local police department.”

“May I call my parents?”

“Yes. Actually, can I call your parents, or Meganlynn’s parents, to see if they can identify you as Meganlynn?”

“Yes, and if you want, you can call Johnny and ask him. They will all tell you that I am Meganlynn VanDeright.”

“I will call the local police department because I have to.”

“Okay.” Meganlynn then sat back and then realized for the time that she had left.

Some time had passed, but not very much, before the local police were in the door. The police were in the doorway of the hallway. They took Blue and Justin after having taken Meganlynn’s fingerprints. They really did not have enough proof, apparently, to have determined that she was actually Meganlynn VanDeritie. She really did not care; she just wanted to have her family and friends back in her life.

“Now, ma’am, you do understand that if your parents cannot recognize you, you will be charged with impersonating a missing person?”

“Yes, but I am her, I’m telling you the truth.”

“I believe you, honey,” the female police officer, Officer Gallery, said to her.

“Thank you, but how much longer until I can see my family?”

“When was the last time you saw them?”

“About five days ago.”

“You miss them, don’t you?”

“Very much.”

“Then, where did Blue and Justin take you?”

“To a hotel in Detroit where we waited for prom night to come.”

“What did they do to you on the day of prom?”

“They performed witchcraft on me.” Meganlynn answered annoyed with the thought of it.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, and they did not have my consent.”

“Well, kidnapping, everything.”

“They have done it all to me.”

“You cannot be serious.”

“I am serious. They have done, honestly, everything for the past three years to me.”

“Well, we can get them on that.”


“Yes, now did they threaten you?”

“Yes, Blue and Justin said that if I told anyone then he would kill my relatives, slowly. And then take pictures of them. He would then place me in a room with all of the pictures of my family members around me.”

“Okay, that’s not that weird, is it?” she asked sarcastically.

“Not at all.”


“How long ago did my parents leave?”

“They should be here right about now.” Meganlynn saw her parents walk through the doors of the airport. They ran up to the front desk and saw Johnny come in right behind them with their luggage. They were then sent into the room where Meganlynn was sitting.

“Mom!” she yelled once she was in the room. Her mother grasped on to her and would not let go.

“Meganlynn!” Her mother was crying because she had not seen her daughter, and she had been scared for her daughter’s safety.

“Dad!” Meganlynn shouted, hugging her dad at the same time. He was also crying because he was so happy to see her again and alive.

“Meg,” Johnny said as he walked over to her. He kissed her and let her go back to her parents who were still going through the time where they were extremely excited that they were going to have their daughter back and alive and well.

“I love you,” her mother whispered in her right ear.

“I love you, too,” Meganlynn answered back.

“I love you as well,” her father then said into her left ear.

“I love you, too, Daddy,” she told her father. Meganlynn was now crying also because she was so happy to be back in the arms of her family.

“Can I have her for one second?” Johnny asked her parents.

“Yes, that would be okay.”

“Mr. and Mrs. VanDeritie, I need to speak to you,” said Officer Gallery.

“Well, then I guess it really is okay.”

“Meg, come here.” Johnny took her over to the other side of the room.

“Johnny,” she said, wrapping her arms around him and then kissing him again. He pulled out a little box that was bigger than a ring box but yet smaller than a bracelet box.

“What is this?” she asked him.

“Here, open it. Remember this day, time, hour, because this is one of the most important days of your life.”

“Okay.” She opened the box. Inside the box was a necklace, a ring, a bracelet, and two pairs of earrings. The necklace was gold with diamonds. The charm that came down off the necklace was a golden heart with little diamonds surrounding it. The dangly pair of earrings was made of real diamonds as well. There were small, sapphire hearts in the middle of the circle of diamonds that went around it. Then, the second pair of earrings were big, golden hoops that had a diamond in the middle of each of them. Then the ring was absolutely beautiful with two heart-shaped sapphires and two diamond chips on either side of them. The ring its self was white gold.

The bracelet was the most beautiful thing that anyone could have ever given her. It was a golden charm bracelet that had charms already on it. The hearts on the bracelet interlocked with one another to form the bracelet. Meganlynn then looked back up at him as if to say, “Wow, you got me all of this?”

“I got you the bracelet, and the charms each mean something special. I got you the airplane charm because this is where we found you. I got you the bear and the fawn because of how soft and nice you are to other people and your friends. I got you the dove, angel wings, angel with two hearts, and the Bible because of your religious views, and I knew that you would want those on there. I got you the swan, flowers, and butterfly because of your beauty. I got you the merry-go-round horse, the carriage, and the merry-go-round because of how fun you are to be around. I got you the book, the working desk, and the typewriter because of the writer that you are. I got you the boots, dancers, and the trombone because of your love for music and because you play the trombone. I got you the two hearts charm because of the love that we have for one another. Here.” He then placed it on her wrist. “I will never let you out my sight again.”

Meganlynn, Johnny, and her parents then went into the lobby area. After talking to some more of the officers that were taking care of the case, they were then allowed to leave and go home.

Meganlynn jumped on her old bed with her old pajamas and then laid there after they had gotten home.

Johnny walked into the room where she was laying. He knew that she didn’t have to go to school for the next week.

“You want to watch a movie with your family?”

“Yeah, I would love to as long as you sit with me.”

“No, I think I’m going to sit with your mom.”

“Johnny,” she said as she walked up to him and placed her arms around his waist. She kissed him again.

“Maybe I’m okay with you missing me this much.”

“Very funny, Johnny, very funny.”

“Let’s go watch the movie before your parents get suspicious.”

“Okay.” They went to the living room and watched the movie with her parents as they all cuddled in front of the fireplace, watching the television.


It had been two months since Meganlynn was rescued from the clutches of Blue and Justin. The trial may have been only about two days away, but this day was Meganlynn and Johnny’s graduation day.

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