Blue Skies (14 page)

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Authors: Adrianne Byrd

Jett couldn’t put to words what her body was doing to him. Didn’t know how it was possible to feel like he’d found a missing part of himself. It didn’t make any sense for such emotions to come from a woman who challenged him as much Sydney Garrett.

But boy was he loving it.

She backed into the room while he directed them toward the bed.

She dropped her purse and pulled at the buttons of his shirt. He helped her-never once breaking their kiss. The moment her hands touched his bare chest, a growl rumbled deep within.

He slid the dress straps from her shoulders and then attacked the tiny infuriating zipper in the back. It took some work but when he heard the small ‘zip’, it was like music to his ears.

When the dress fell from her body, Jett stole a peek at what laid beneath. He was not disappointed.

Black satin hugged her curves and caused his fingers to itch. He wanted to take his time but he was impatient as well. Decisions. Decisions.

Sydney peeled Jett’s shirt from his body and felt a sharp hungry pang at the sight of his rich caramel skin. She abandoned his lips to take a light nibble of his muscled shoulder and relished the sweet taste of him.

Finally, she bumped up against the bed and fell back onto its soft bedding. Jett smiled and then crawled on top of her. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this.”

“What-talk me to death?” Sydney rolled and took the top position.

He chuckled; but when she reached back and unsnapped her bra, all humor vanished. Her full, luscious breasts sat proud and high on her chest and Jett’s hands reached as though he’d found the meaning of life.

They filled his hands perfectly. He squeezed and fell in love with their softness. His mouth watered and he couldn’t wait any longer to taste them.

Sydney melted when Jett’s mouth settle around a hard nipple. At his gentle suckle, she thrust her head back and squirmed against his erection.

She moaned.

He groaned.

She squirmed again and dug her fingers into his strong back. Jett sucked in a startled breath and scraped his teeth across her sensitive nipple. Her eyes widened in reaction and thought she would come unglued from the exquisite pleasure.

“Oh, I see how you like,” Jett chuckled and then raked his teeth again across her soft flesh. “You like things a little rough.”

A wicked laugh tumbled from Sydney’s lips. “I don’t like anything ‘little’.”

Their eyes locked and the temperature in the room climbed another ten degrees. In one smooth movement, Jett swung her back onto the bed and pinned her wrists above her head with one hand.

“Challenge accepted,” he growled and then branded her with his hot mouth. He loved the way she whimpered and writhed beneath him as his free hand returned to her breast. This time he was rough, rolling and pinching at her nipple. She bucked against him.

“You like that, baby?”

“More,” she rasped.

Lust surged through his body as he thrust his tongue deep into her awaiting mouth. His hand abandoned her breast to rake off her panties.

Sydney freed one hand from his grip and raged a semi-war to relieve him of his pants. It was awkward work, just using his one hand and her one hand, but they managed to get the job done.

She shifted her weight and tried to roll him over, but he would have none of that and the two wrestled for control.

Jett won by standing from the bed, but pulling her legs up with him and slinging them over opposite shoulders.

Sydney thrust her hands over her head and gripped the bed’s sheets. She blinked when she realized she was upside down. However, her amazement gave way to mind-bending pleasure when the heat of his mouth warmed her other set of lips.

She twisted and quivered; his mouth was too intense and his tongue unrelenting. Moaning and whimpering, she tried to crawl away, but she was lost in a sensual abyss. She cried out and then had trouble sustaining air in her lungs.

Jett released her legs and helped her do a back flip onto the bed. If she thought to have a temporary reprieve, she was sadly mistaken. She pulled herself up on all fours; but he reappeared and pinned her back down to the bed.

She fought him, wanting desperately to do something for or to him, but there was no escaping his grip this time. She bucked at his rough handling, her romp wiggling against his iron-hard erection.

She loved every moment of it: the struggle for dominance, even though she was on the losing end—or was she?

“I know what I need to do with you,” Jett rasped. He had to release her in order to reach for the pillows. When he did, Sydney wasted no time scrambling around so she could finally see her birthday ‘gift’.

And what a
gift it was.

“Oh, my.” Her eyes widened as she greedily reached for him. She slid her hands down the hard, yet silky shaft and cooed in wonderment.

He sucked in a sharp breath and placed his hand on her shoulder to pull her back. However, this time, Sydney got the upper hand when she gave him a deep intimate kiss.

Jett dropped the pillow and reared his head back. It wouldn’t hurt to give up some control, he reasoned. Shortly after, he was unable to think at all. He could only feel...and what he felt was too wonderful for words or to be believed.

A test of stamina ensued and, after a long while, Jett had a sinking suspicion he was just on the verge of losing. So he did what any other man would do: he cheated. In one big burst of strength, he extracted Sydney from her loving worship and plopped her back over onto her stomach and snatched the pillowcases off the pillow.

Faster than the average cowboy could hogtie a calf, Jett strapped Sydney’s arms to the bedpost. When he was done, he sat and watched her lovely rear wiggle and jiggle as she struggled to break free.

“I wasn’t finished,” she whined already beginning to settle down.
“Neither am I,” he promised and then stood from the bed.
“Wait. Where are you going?”
The room filled with his rich laughter. “Don’t worry. I’m not leaving you.”

She listened as his feet padded away and hoped he was a man of his word. Not because she didn’t want the cleaning staff to find her in this position, but because she needed satisfaction to an ache of his making.

At his return, a wicked smile curved his lips.
“Did you miss me?” he asked, climbing back onto the bed.
She wiggled again. “What do you think?”

She sighed and purred at the feel of Jett’s large hands roaming and caressing her upturned tush, her inner thigh, and then finally grazing the V of curls between her legs.

Sydney spread her legs wide, hoping to give him better access to her pulsing bud.

“That’s right. Open up, baby.” He bent forward and kissed the curve of her back. His hand teased her three sensitive spots while her legs slid wider.

“Please,” she begged when she could no longer stand the torture.
“Please what, baby?” He kissed her back again.
“Please I need you,” she panted.
“You do?” He slid a finger deep into her warm, damp heat.

Sydney’s head lifted off the bed as she emitted a long sigh. When Jett’s hand remained still a wild anxiousness took hold of her and she shifted her weight so she could rock her body against his hand.

“That’s right, baby. Show me what you can do.”

That was all the encouragement she needed to find her own frenzied rhythm. As a reward, he slipped in another finger. While his light kisses turned into small bites, Sydney could feel and hear how wet she was and the small kisses he rained across her back had her mind soaring through the clouds.

Her orgasm shook her body like an earthquake and her legs trembled with aftershocks.

“No rest for the weary, my love.” He positioned himself behind her and ripped open the condom packet he’d retrieved from his pants pocket. Quickly, he slid on the latex and he clamped his hands around her waist for support as he entered her with one deep thrust.

Sydney gasped and pulled on her restraints. However, whenever she moved her tight body, Jett’s grip tightened and his toes curled.

was what he’d dreamed of since the first day he’d met her. Now that their bodies were joined together, he became an animal. Desperate and hungry.

“Oh, yes,” she croaked, thrusting back in the same frantic pace he’d set. “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop.”
A light sheen of sweat covered their bodies and caused the already slick silk sheets to stick.
“Are you coming, baby?”

Was she ever! She’d never had sex like this in her life. She’d only dreamed of it and couldn’t believe that it was actually happening.

Sydney’s sharp, soft sighs quickened. Her next orgasm unfurled and slammed into soul while tears of joy rolled down her eyes.

Teeth clenched, Jett was mindless to all but their thunderous rhythm and sparks of fireworks. With one final thrust, lightning flashed behind his eyes and his body exploded like a thunderclap.

Panting, he unwound the pillowcases from the bedpost and then collapsed down beside her. “That was-”

“Incredible,” Sydney slithered close and then curled up beside him.

Jett turned onto his side so he could meet her gaze. “
are incredible.”

She smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“One does what one can.”

They laughed and then another round of lovemaking ensued where they tried to take things slow. But it didn’t work out. This time, Jett found himself submissive beneath her.

When Sydney was done, the new lovers snuggled together and sprinkled kisses over one another. In between, they talked about their past, their losses and even shared some hopes and dreams for the future.

Jett held her while he whispered sweet nothings. He couldn’t believe the jewel he’d unearthed. Somehow someway this woman had touched a part of him he’d never known existed. Now that he’d found her, he was going to hold onto her at all cost.

At long last, Sydney’s eyes grew heavy with sleep just as sunlight streamed into the room. Jett Colton was the best birthday gift she could have hoped for and one that she had no intention of ever returning.




Chapter 18

Sydney’s birthday date turned into a birthday weekend extravaganza where the two new lovers rarely ventured outside their hotel suite at The Palm. The bed, the Jacuzzi, the shower-Jett and Sydney made love everywhere and still couldn’t get enough.

When they returned to Nellis Air Base late Sunday night, Weasel caught sight of them sneaking in together and made note she wore the same dress she’d left in Friday night. That was all it took to set tongues wagging.

For the first time in her life, Sydney had acted without thinking of the consequences. At every turn some jerk had a snide remark about her and Jett. She and Jett agreed to deny the charges and claim only to be friends, but no one bought their story. The teasing and snickering grew so bad Sydney feared that even Maj. Maxwell would have to address the issue.

Yet, after three weeks passed, she finally allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief.

Niecy remained silent though her expression seemed permanently pinched with disappointment.

“I want to see you tonight,” Jett whispered behind her as they marched in the back of the line toward their hanger for today’s flight test.

Sydney glanced around in fear that one of their colleagues had overheard him. When it looked as if they were in the clear, she hissed back. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“Let me rephrase that. I
you tonight.”

Sydney fought the smile tugging at her lips. “The answer is still ‘no’.”

“C’mon. I want to try that thing you did with the-”

“Jett!” She stopped and swiveled around to pierce him with a daring glare. Judging by the smile on his face, he mistook her darkening face as embarrassment instead of anger.

“Capt. Garrett and Lt. Colton,” Maj. Maxwell barked. “Do we have a problem?”

Now, Sydney’s face colored with embarrassment. She turned around and refaced her squadron only to discover them in line formation before the hanger and their eyes glued to her and Jett. “Uh, no, sir.” She saluted. “There is no problem, sir.”

“Good.” Maxwell folded his arms. “Then maybe you two
love birds
would like to join the rest of the class?”

Completely humiliated, Sydney saluted again.

“Yes, sir,” she and Jett boomed in unison and raced to fall in line.

Maxwell paced before the small group with his irritation still etched on his face. “Today class, we’re going to begin training in the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber. The B-2 is a low-observable, strategic, long-range, heavy bomber capable of penetrating sophisticated and dense air-defense shields. It is capable of all-altitude attack missions up to 50,000ft, and has the ability to fly to any point in the world within hours.”

Sydney’s eyes roamed over the sleek black plane and could feel the familiar nervous anxiety race through her veins.

“The cockpit accommodates a two-man crew. It is equipped electronic flight instrumentation system (EFIS), which displays flight, engine and sensor data and avionics systems and weapons status. The pilot can choose to activate the appropriate selection of flight and mission equipment for take-off mode, go-to-war mode and landing mode by using a simple three-way switch.”

The entire squadron absorbed every word Maj. Maxwell said about the B-2 stealth plane. The most impressive fact, though it has many, was the plane’s ability to avoid radar detection. Sydney couldn’t wait to get behind the controls of the high supersonic aircraft.

“Okay,” Maj. Maxwell said, ending his speech. “I need for everyone to team up. “Capt. Garrett?”

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