Read Bodywork Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Marie Harte, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #contemporary erotic romance

Bodywork (12 page)

“You’re going to do more than that.” She dragged his head down and
plastered their mouths together. A rough mating of lips and tongues and teeth that alerted every cell in
r body to wake the hell up.
Right n

He groaned and yanked
her against him, grinding into her body with a massive hard-on. Then he pulled away. “Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… I want to…
” He licked his lips, and she smiled.

“Yeah, fuck. That’s what I want. You have a condom?”

“A condom?” His voice rose. “You want to fuck


He opened and closed his mouth several times, like a fish gasping for water.

The idea made her grin. “Scared?”

“Oh hell. I’m an idiot for hesitating, aren’t I?”

“I don’t know.” She pulled him
by his shirt. “I could be a stalker. Some psychotic woman who gets her kicks scalding men with hot coffee.”

He groaned. “I am so sorry for that.”

“So make it up to me.”

He nodded fiercely
, and his quick turnaround s
. “You bet.”

Before she could rethink her impulse, question the condom issue again, or wonder about the incredible turn her life had taken—hello, sex with an almost stranger on a whim in his office—he kissed her again.

This time, he took charge. Shelby forgot her own name. She could only moan into his mouth as he devoured her will to do anything but submit. She’d never in her life felt so hot and bothered by a man. She ached to feel him inside her. Though she knew it was crazy, she couldn’t help it.

She wrapped a leg around his and tried to ride that hard ridge pressing between her legs.

His lips left her mouth to trail over her cheek to her ear. “I’m gonna fuck you hard, Shelby. Right after I suck those pretty tits.”

Not breasts.

His dirty talk turned her into a heaping mass of lust, as if she wasn’t needy already.

“Yeah.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say. Her hands went to her shirt and his covered them.

Together, they whipped her shirt over her head. In seconds, her bra followed. She took
and then his lips were around her nipple, pulling and sucking loud, embarrassing groans of need from her.

He grunted and continued to use those magical hands to ease her jeans open and
push them
down her legs. She hadn’t realized she’d lost her sandals until she felt her jeans over her ankles, followed by her panties.

A l
arge, blunt finger parted her legs and delved between her slick thighs
, rubbing through her cream

He left her breasts and stared at her.
“Christ. You’re wet for me.”

Why had she thought his eyes were green? They appeared black, his pupils large and wide and focused on her. He didn’t give her time to answer before shoving
the whole of his
finger inside her
while he kissed her again

The sensation of fulfillment made her gasp, and his tongue intruded. Taking and tasting and plunging in time with his finger
inside her
. She had a hard time believing any of this to be real. Excitement blazed through her, her orgasm rising like the shriek
that built
at the base of her throat.

He left her mouth and murmured against her neck, “Come for me, baby. I want to feel you soak my fingers.”

Finger? He only had one—
He added another, stretching her wider. It burned and soothed that need for more. His mouth surround
her nipple again, and he
her as he fucked her with his fingers.

She came apart without warning. One moment reveling in his touch, the next going off like a rocket.

“Yeah, clamp around me. That’s good.” His voice sounded gravelly, and as she grew aware of her surroundings once more, she realized she’d been lowered onto his desk.
She lay flat against it, her ass hanging over the edge, perfectly positioned for him.

He pulled back from her, and she saw a thick, hard cock jutting out at her.

She couldn’t look away as he hurriedly removed a condom from his wallet. He ripped it open and rolled it down an impressive length.

Then he looked down at her, his face draw, his eyes blazing with need. “Open your legs,” he growled and leaned over her.

She did without question and cried out his name when he
slammed inside her. He fucked her hard, ruthlessly
and kissed her while he hammered home. Though thick, he fit without problem, gliding through her slick walls in a race to the finish she hadn’t intended to join.

He reared back
, and each time,
his pelvis grazed her sensitized clit. God, he felt so big inside her.

“Yes, oh fuck. I’m coming.
” Shane gritted his teeth as he plowed her harder then stilled.

he damage had been done. His jerky movements rushed another climax out of her, and she squeezed his orgasm while she experienced her own a second time.

She loosed her
grip on h
forearms and stared up
more than
satisfied male.

“You okay?” he asked and brushed her hair from her face.

The tender action sparked something inside her, something gentle and warm and affectionate, putting waste to her idea to be spontaneous and physical without emotional entanglement.

“Yeah. Thanks.” She felt suddenly awkward and would have darted for the door if she hadn’t been stuffed full of his

“Shelby…” He kissed her again and shocked her by moving. Small, short thrusts that he shouldn’t have been making. Rick had never been up for more than one go, and not after an explosive orgasm like Shane appeared to have felt.


“Sorry, wait. Just let me…” He continued to push in and out of her, and the motion felt more than pleasant. Arousing and soothing, surprisingly enough. She wanted to come again but couldn’t yet. It was too soon after his rousing command of her body, but apparently not too soon for him. He jerked inside her as he threw his head back and moaned her name.

She watched him, taken with
is beauty, that agonized pleasure that he wore so well.

After some time, he withdrew
and discreetly disposed of the condom
. They dressed in quiet, each gazing at one another, confused, wary, and on Shelby’s part at least, wanting to know when they could do this again.

“It was just sex,” she blurted, alarmed at her need to be with Shane in the future.
Try never. A one-
shot deal, she told herself. Or tried to tell herself.

He finished pulling his shirt over his head
and she missed
his glorious chest
, so smooth and tan
He nodded. “Right. Just sex. O
n my desk.”

“In your office.”

They slowly smiled
at one another

“Pretty hot,” she said.

“Damn hot. Scorching.” He licked his lips and focused on her mouth.

“But tame.” She wished she’d
been more creative with her one-
time only deal. Maybe a handjob
while she watched him, or a daring sixty-nine. But with a condom? S
omething sexier than

sex on his desk
Who was she kidding? Shelby had gone wild for the first time in her life, and she loved it.

“Tame?” Shane seemed to consider her words. “Maybe next time we’ll get creative.”

e silence built between them.

“Next time. Hmm
” Shelby wanted a next time more than she wanted to breathe. But she’d been down that road before. Though Rick had played havoc with her
, today had helped a ton. But another time was a step
closer to a
Yet a shot at Shane’s killer body beckoned. Should she or shouldn’t she?

“Yeah, bad idea,” Shane said with a sigh before she could
actually make a decision
. “
Another time would r
the spontaneity
, I guess. All that excitement about a
wild romp in the office
would fade if we did it again

“True.” Sad but true.

He walked her out of his office, and she noted all his papers scattered to the floor that she’d missed earlier.

He followed her gaze. “I’ll clean that up. But hell,
was worth it.”

She nodded, in total agreement. He said good-bye to her on the first floor and watched her walk out of the building. But he didn’t walk her outside. Instead he went back into the elevator, presumably back to his floor to clean up the mess they’d made.

Shelby walked in a daze back to her car. She’d had sex.
With a man. No planning, not a steady boyfriend, but an orgasmic experience during the day
n his office. She felt like the star in an adult rated movie and broke into laughter.

Holy shit.
She’d had sex with Shane Collins, the hottie with a huge cock. The sexy architect
hadn’t been able to k
eep his hands off her. “I did the architect,” she said aloud
just to hear it.

Part of her wanted to rush to Maggie and share the juicy details, but Shelby wouldn’t. Today had been an important turning point
for her
. She could
have meaningless sex and not attach meaning to every look, wink, or kiss.

why did she feel something more for Shane? Why did she have an urge to see him smile again, or wish he hadn’t b
een so quick to agree with her only-once

The buzz of her cell phone nearly gave her a
heart attack
. “H-hello?”

“Shelby! Where are you? Ron and I have been waiting for ten minutes. Are you coming?”

Oh God. Her mother. Shelby thought about cancelling, but that would a
ttribute more importance to her lovemaking
than it merited.
She scoffed at the term. It was a fuck, nothing more, nothing less.

“I’ll be there soon. Sorry, got to window shopping and lost track of time.”

Her mother huffed and hung up.

Shelby tucked her phone into her purse and sought the nearest rest room, which happened to be in the marketplace. After doing her best to clean herself up
and appear normal
, she met her mother and Ron with a smile.

Nothing like sex in the afternoon to brighten a girl’s day. Now to rid herself of thoughts
seeing Shane again.




Chapter Eight


studied her mother and Ron across
the table
Ron wore jeans and dark
shirt with the logo
He was
perfect foil to her mother’s flamboyancy.
A handsome
man with
dark hair and
Native American ancestry evident in his
reddish brown skin, Ron
would have made any woman proud to hang on his
Unfortunately for her gender, Ron preferred men.

ell me again, sweetie,” he
“You’re not coming to our quarterly gala for what insane reason?
You’re playing cards with Maggie? You’re
dog sitting
Denise’s pooch? Oh wait, I know.
You’re washing your hair
that night, is that it?

“No, Ron
” Shelby
ignored her mother’s titter of laughter.

I’m not coming because
every time I show up
to one of your professional events, you and
Mom try to fix me up with a date.”

“That’s not true,” he denied
then paused to
flirt with the waiter for another slice of lemon.
“He is so cute,” he said under his breath before turning his attention back to her.
“We simply
want to share our lives with you. Is it so wrong that we’re proud of your

“No, but

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