Bound By Blood: (The Betrayed Series Book 2) (17 page)

Read Bound By Blood: (The Betrayed Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Victoria Renteria

Tags: #The Betrayed Series, #Book Two



abdomen, tiny shocks constricting, grasping my insides like a snake coiling around its prey. Low, guttural moans pass my lips as I wrap my arms securely around my midsection, as if the action itself could somehow magically stop the pain. Potent ripples of sickness surge through the core of my belly, rising into my throat. Gagging, I bite back the acrid taste as I roll onto the floor. Darkness surrounds me, taking my sight.

Daybreak crests the horizon as minuscule fragments of light shimmer in the distance. Only the barest hint of light shows on the walls. Crawling, my body inches forward at a snail’s pace, each move more agonizing than the last. Shuffling forward on my hands and knees, another spasm hits, halting me in my tracks. Panting, I breathe through my nose to fight the urge to spew the contents of my stomach all over the floor. My chest heaves, rising and falling with each breath.

I want nothing more than to lie down, to curl myself into a little ball. Another surge of nausea works its way into my esophagus just as I reach my destination. Huddled in the cramped corner, my body slumps over the tiny bucket. Despite my best efforts to remain quiet, loud choking noises burst forth with every retch. I have to fight back the urge to sob uncontrollably as I heave in the corner. Bitter liquid rises from my stomach, passing through the tight confines of my throat, hitting the tiny buds of my tongue.

Shuddering, I hunch forward, gagging as the vile liquid is expelled from my body into the foul-smelling bucket. My back curves, pulling against the stitches in my side. Hot, wet tears torment my bloodshot eyes, nipping and stinging as they make their way past my melded lashes. I startle, jumping back faintly when diminutive hands move my hair, etching soothing patterns into the curvature of my neck. As the retching gradually subsides, I slowly sit back on my haunches. Nari leans in, angling my face into a patch of light.

“Kylee, are you all right?” she asks, concern lacing her voice.

Unable to speak for fear of vomiting again, I give a small nod. Her brow furrows as she scrutinizes my face. Placing her hand on my forehead, she lets out a relieved sigh.

“Thank the Lord. I was afraid you’d have a fever. Come, let’s get you to the bed. I want to check your bandages. Make sure infection hasn’t set in. We need to get some water into you. I’m sure you’d like to rinse out your mouth as well.” She grimaces as the last words leave her mouth.

“Can you stand?”

“I-I think so,” I croak. It hurts to speak, the sound irritating my raw throat. With shaky fingers, I try to push myself up to standing. Wobbly legs greet me and almost send me tumbling down to the unyielding floor. At the last possible moment, Nari’s arms clutch my biceps, locking me into place and dragging me to her chest.

Whimpering, I close my eyes as waves of dizziness threaten to eclipse me and send me spiraling into the abyss. Inhaling a few deep breaths through my nose, the dizziness calms. Slowly, I open my eyes. Stumbling back a step, I meet Nari’s watchful gaze. Still cautiously clutching my arm, she unhurriedly guides me to the mattress in the middle of the room. Bright light now streams in through the tiny window, illuminating the small area. The light allows me to see Hye, Are, and Key hovering closely behind us, shuffling along like three mother hens.

Mother hens . . . They’re protective, watchful, and they take care of their own like they’re supposed to do. Tumultuous thoughts stroll through my mind, playing on a continuous reel. I’m not sure what to think. Or what to do, for that matter. She loves me. She hates me.

I’m just so damn confused. My emotions are at war with each other, banging around in my head. Warmth on my cheek clears my muddled thoughts, bringing me back to the present. Nari tilts my chin up. She searches my face for a moment before she probes, “Kylee, are you sure that you’re all right?”

Guilt assails me, tearing me to shreds. How do I tell her that I’m feeling a little better and that I just went on a mental vacation for a few moments? That I have momma issues I need to work out in my head? Yeah, because that’s going to go over well.

Swallowing, I nod once and reply, “Yes, I’m all right.” My voice cracks. The throbbing in my throat worsens each time I speak, the dry, cracked tissue making me sound raspy and old.

Releasing me, she points to the bed. “Go on. Get situated. The girls will help you. I’m going to get the water from the basket in the corner and then I’ll check your bandages.”

Unwilling to do any more damage to my already dry throat, I nod and do as I’m told. Little aches and pains make themselves known throughout my body. Grimacing, I clutch the mattress, bracing myself as my stiff muscles groan in protest.

“Here, drink this.” Nari passes me an open bottle of water.

“Thank you,” I murmer, raising the bottle to my lips. The bottle shakes, slipping from my hand, then plummets to the mattress.

“Here, let me help you.” Are’s gentle smile sweeps through me, instantly putting me at ease. Nodding, I relax slightly, allowing her to give me small sips of water. The cool liquid soothes the fire raging within the confines of my parched throat. Water has never tasted so good. Glorious water.

Closing my eyes, I take a long pull from the bottle. An involuntary moan bubbles up, pushing past my lips. Pink suffuses my cheeks, embarrassment grabbing ahold of me. Laughter erupts around me, propelling my eyes open. Areum, Nari, Kyung, and Hye all observe me, amusement bright in their dark eyes.

“Do not be embarrassed, Kylee. We have all felt that way about water at some point.” Key chuckles.

“Please, call me Kai,” I say, weariness settling deep in my bones. Yawning, I glance around the room, holding the other women’s gazes briefly.

“I’m sorry I woke you,” I whisper. My voice is barely audible to my own ears.

“There is no need for you to apologize. It’s only natural. Your body is clearly stressed,” Are replies.

Tears swell, threatening to spill over the brim. My uncontrollable emotions threaten to wreak havoc yet again. Biting the inside of my cheek to hold the tears at bay, I nod then give a little cough. Nari kneels, placing warm fingers along the edges of the bandages. Sucking in a sharp breath, I clench my fists, waiting for the fiery pain to rip me to shreds.

“Breathe, Kai. I’m only going to look around the edges. I just want to ensure you’re not getting an infection.”

Wincing, my abdomen contracts, tiny tremors darting through the muscle, igniting my blood as skilled hands deftly maneuver the lingerie. The lacerations weren’t deep enough to puncture my vital organs, only enough to cause immense suffering. I often pray for the darkness that I once feared to come and take away the pain and suffering. That moment in time where I can succumb to the blessed numbness leaving this wretched place behind. It’s the only place I can see him. He’s always there waiting for me.

Flexing my fingers, my back arches as the edges of the adhesive are leisurely lifted from my side. Are scoots closer to me, linking her fingers through one of my hands. Gritting my teeth, I force myself to inhale slowly in and out several times as deeply as I can. Nari grimaces as the bandage adheres to my skin, causing her to pull harder. It feels as if a Samurai has run me through with his sword. Stabbing pain radiates from my right side as if all of the blood in my veins has been replaced with sharp pointy needles.

Squeezing Are’s palm, my back arches up off the mattress. Key immediately takes up the position by my head, stroking my hair, while Hye holds my legs, rubbing my ankles. Are smiles, her thumb stroking the back of my hand. “Kai, tell me something about you. Something that makes you happy.”

“What?” I ask, exasperated. My mind is a blur. I can barely focus on anything other than the intense pain emanating from my side.

“Tell me something about yourself. It will help to keep your mind off of the pain,” she says in a soothing voice.

Violet eyes immediately enter my mind. Walking hand in hand through the winding trails at Mt. Umyeonsan. Making love into the wee hours of the night. Lips ghosting across my neck . . . teeth scraping against my nipples. A shiver involuntarily dances across my skin.

“Alex.” His name is expelled on a pained whisper.

Are’s thumb halts its trail along my pinky. Her eyebrows squish together. After a moment, her thumb resumes tracing circles into my skin. Glancing around, she looks to the others as if silently conversing on some topic unbeknownst to me. Finally, her gaze falls to mine as she asks, “Alex?”

I’m silent for a moment, the pain from my side stealing my words and compressing my insides. Nari lifts her gaze, giving me an encouraging smile as she begins to clean my wound. My mouth falls open, a noiseless scream stuck in my throat as liquid reaches the gash in my side. The fiery liquid douses the injury, spreading through my insides like a cancerous leech massacring my insides.

Rasping, I say, “W-What i-is that?”

“It is only water,” Nari replies.

“Come now, tell me of this Alex,” Are says.

“Yes, I am interested in learning as well,” Key’s timid voice drifts close to my ear.

“It is the first we’ve heard of this . . . Alex, yes?” Hye asks. Their words drift in and out of focus, the powerful throbbing in my side making it difficult to pay attention. Are squeezes my hand.

“Um. I-I met him not too long a-after I got here,” I say, panting.

“Where did you meet him?” Are prompts.

“AHHH!” I groan. My body tenses as Nari dabs the wound, cleaning the site. “Sorry,” she apologizes, her voice cracking.

“Continue telling us about Alex, Kai,” Key suggests, smoothing the hair back from my face.

“I know what you’re doing,” I say through clenched teeth.

Chuckling, she responds. “Yes, learning about you.”

“Distracting me is more like it,” I mutter.

“Ah, but would you rather think of the pain or this Alex? Hmmm?” Key’s response stuns me. I hadn’t really thought of it that way. Of course I’d rather think of Alex. Sighing, I try to ignore Nari’s touch and the blazing pain exuding from my side.

“What can I say? He’s amazing. The first time I met him, he stepped in to protect me from this gentleman who’d been harassing me.” I pause, wincing as the muscles in my side tug against the stitches.

“H-He’s one of those men that the moment you see them, they steal the air from your very lungs.”

“He sounds like something out of a storybook. Are you sure you did not make him up?” Hye teases, giving my toe a little squeeze.

Huffing, I respond, “Sometimes I wonder.” It’s true. I have wondered that same thing millions of times, in fact.

A teasing glint replaces the worry in Are’s eyes. Bending over, she leans closer, whispering as if she’s telling me some juicy secret. “So, tell us what does this Alex look like. Is he handsome?”

Handsome? That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one. Mr. Violet Eyes is more than handsome. He’s indescribable, really.

Are’s dazzling smile astounds me, abruptly terminating my thoughts. The lilt in her voice is pleasant as she urges, “That good, huh?”

“Oh, um. Yes,” I reply, mentally chastising myself. Nari replaces the bandage and stands, switching sides with the Are.

“Not again,” I complain.

“We must. Besides, you hadn’t even thought of it the last few moments,” Nari chastises.

I contemplate her words for a moment, drawing my bottom lip into my mouth. The sting from my teeth is a welcome distraction from the tug of the adhesive separating from my skin. Are’s thumb taps the back of my hand, drawing my gaze to hers. Releasing my lip, I exhale and breathe deeply.

“Violet eyes. He has violet eyes. And when he looks at me, it’s like he’s staring into the depths of my soul.”

Nari’s hands stall. The room quiets, time standing still, no one daring to break the spell. It’s as if in that one moment in time everyone and everything in creation knew that we were connected.

Nari clears her throat and smiles. “Violet eyes, huh? That’s uncommon.”

“Yes, I guess so. I’ve never really paid attention before. Alex is enticing, don’t get me wrong, truly tantalizing. But it wasn’t his looks that attracted me to him. Well, they weren’t the only things.” Inwardly, I smile, thinking of our first meeting. Nari applies pressure to my wound. Gasping, my lips part on a wheeze, the pressure in my side building.

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