Read Bound By Blood: (The Betrayed Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Victoria Renteria

Tags: #The Betrayed Series, #Book Two

Bound By Blood: (The Betrayed Series Book 2) (36 page)

As we approach the guard and take our places, music sounds from somewhere in the distance. Pressure builds behind my eyes as I stand at attention, listening to “Amazing Grace” play on the bagpipes. The transport slowly wheels out the casket, an American flag draped elegantly across the glossy wood. As the casket comes into view, every service member slowly salutes our fallen brother. My heart surges with pride at the honor my brother is receiving, the love and respect he’s being given for his sacrifice.

Each and every service member remains rigidly poised, saluting Noah and his heroic actions as his casket comes to a stop before us. Inhaling several deep breaths, I steel my nerves for what’s about to come. The order is given, and we slowly lower our hands, marching up to him. Pivoting, we face the casket and offer another slow salute, honoring my brother once more. A wave of heat pelts me as my chest constricts, making it difficult to breathe. I drag in a breath as we lower our salutes and slowly hoist our brother into the air.

With the final order given, we turn and slowly march our friend into the back of the C130 that will take him home to his final resting place. The cadence of our boots is soothing to my ears as we march across the tarmac and into the back of the plane. When Noah’s body is secure, we salute him for his honor and sacrifice one final time before the guard is dismissed. It’s bittersweet; I’m not just losing one brother today, I’m losing two.

Brighton’s accompanying Noah home on his final journey until we all convene at his funeral, then we will return to Korea together as a unit . . . as a family, but missing an integral piece of our hearts. I step off the back of the transport and look to Kylee, who is embracing Brighton. Striding over to them, I hear her whispering in hushed tones.

“Please, Brighton, for me. Reassure her, tell her I’m okay.” Brighton stares at her for a moment before reluctantly nodding. Swiftly, she places a kiss on his cheek before pulling away. Coming up beside them, I clap Brighton on the shoulder. Raising his somber gaze to mine, he gives me a sad smile.

“Be safe. We’ll see you in a few days.”

He nods, slapping me on the shoulder before turning to enter the plane and relieving the temporary guard. We watch in silence as two of our brothers leave, one of them taking a piece of us with him forever. The ride back to the apartment is filled with a somber stillness, an emptiness that engulfs us, encapsulating us in its tight embrace. Entering the lobby, Kylee trails behind me as we move quietly to the elevator. The moment the doors slide close, the painful tightness in my chest returns.

The heartache is so strong, it threatens to split me open for all to see. Blowing out a breath, I squeeze my eyes shut, resting my head on the back of the elevator. Her scent surrounds me as she encompasses me in her embrace. Soundlessly, she slips her arms around my waist, resting her head on my chest. Tears sting the corners of my eyes as I squeeze them tighter. Desperation infiltrates me as I frantically try to hold all of my emotions at bay.

Swallowing, my arms sweep around her slender frame, dragging her closer. The need to have her next to me has only grown as the days have passed. I’m not sure how I’ll survive when I have to go back to work. And it will happen. Duty always calls; I swore an oath to my country, one that I must uphold. But the thought of leaving her alone or unprotected does vile things to my insides.

The elevator dings, announcing our arrival. We exit, making our way down the hall. Stopping in front of my door, I fish the keys out of my pocket and unlock it. Kylee nervously fidgets, shifting from one foot to the other. Peering out of the corner of my eye, I catch her glancing at her door.

“If you think for one moment that you’re leaving my side . . . you’re wrong,” I growl.

She heaves a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to be alone.”

“You and I . . . we’re stuck together like fucking glue from now on.”

“Good, because I really don’t want to be alone.” The sadness in her voice urges me to make a move, beckoning me to replace it with something sweeter. Threading my hands into her long, wavy hair, I bring her closer until our lips are but a breath apart.

“You will never be alone again,” I breathe out before crushing my lips to hers.

The kiss is soft and gentle, a slow build up, a reacquainting of old friends. Rubbing up against my torso, she molds her body to me as she sighs, melting into the embrace. With her lips softly parted as an open invitation, my tongue glides in, tangling with hers. Her essence explodes on my taste buds, giving subtle hints of mint and cherries. Taking control, she thrusts her tongue savagely into my mouth, turning the soft, mellow kiss into a raging fire of lust. Reluctantly, I pull back so that our lips are barely touching.

Whimpering, she presses her breasts into my chest. An involuntary groan slips into the air between us, making her giggle. Resting my forehead on hers, my voice is winded as I taunt, “Goddess, we have to get inside now. It’s been a while, and you’re about to have me embarrass myself in the hall like some horny teenager.”

Her soft, melodious laughter soothes the broken edges of my heart. Shoving the door open with my foot, I drag her inside, releasing her into the apartment while I lock up. All of the moisture evaporates from my mouth as I turn, catching sight of my Goddess. Before me, she is displayed in all of her naked beauty. Gone is the silhouette hugging dress that clung to every dip and curve. She’s laid out before me like an offering to her God.

My eyes take a slow perusal of her olive skin, drinking in the natural beauty of my woman. Long slender legs, tone and taught, connect perfectly to subtly flared hips. Her petite midriff stretches into a long torso with small, etched lines of definition, begging for the flat of my tongue to run across it. Small, ample breasts, pert and waiting for the sting of my teeth to graze them. My eyes continue their heated trek along her skin, noticing a subtle shift in her stance. She slightly covers herself as if she’s unsure of what to do or whether she wants me to see her like this.

The corner of my eye twitches in irritation, not for her but for what she’s suffered. This self-doubt is something she shouldn’t have. Closing the distance, I take her face in my hands and stare deeply into her rich brown eyes.

“What is it, Goddess? What made you uncomfortable?” Her eyes dart away like she’s afraid to say anything.

“Look at me, Goddess.” She blows out a hesitant breath before shooting her gaze back to mine. Smiling, I place a kiss on the tip of her nose. “That’s better. Now tell me, what is it that you’re afraid of? I can see it in your eyes.”

She shifts uncomfortably, and I’m terrified she won’t open up to me when she finally speaks. “M-My body isn’t the same. There are scars everywhere; I can barely stand to look in the mirror. So, I’ll understand if y-you don’t want to . . . to touch me.”

The heart in my chest splits, cracking wide open at the pain in her voice. Swallowing hard several times, I clear my throat, trying to rid my voice of the hurt and excruciating pain I feel for my Goddess. “You are perfect. There is nothing that would keep me from touching you. These scars, they’re a reminder that our past is real and only makes us stronger. You are more beautiful now than the first time I laid eyes on you.”

A small sob passes her lips as tears flow freely from her eyes.

Using my thumbs, I wipe them away when she says, “Alex, I need you.” Quick breaths heave in and out of my lungs as an unsettling feeling comes over me.

Can I do this? I don’t want to hurt her. She’s been through so much. The last thing she needs is me pushing her before she’s ready. Reaching up, she places her petite hand over mine.

“Are you sure?”

Instead of responding, she leans in, slanting her lips over mine, her tongue thrusting its way into my mouth ferociously. The carnal desire that sweeps over me nearly knocks me off my feet.

“Why are you . . . wearing so many clothes?” she breathes out between passionate kisses. Grasping onto my Dress Blue jacket, she desperately shoves at it, trying to push it off my shoulders. Chuckling, I step back, putting some distance between us.

The wild, wanton glow of her heated gaze rakes over me, dousing the already burning flames inside of me. Quickly shucking my jacket and pants, I place them on the back of the chair. Making quick work of the shirt and tie, I lay them with the remains of my uniform. Now down to just my boxer briefs, I smirk as her gaze soaks in every square inch of my body. Suddenly, I have an intense urge to flex and show her all of my muscles. Grinning, I jut my hips forward, thrusting my cock in her direction.

Her eyes light up as the tip of her tiny pink tongue darts out, wetting her lips. Groaning, I eat up the distance with quick strides, sweeping her into my arms. Bounding up the stairs as swiftly as I can, I place her in the center of the bed. Her eyes follow my hands as I slowly remove my briefs, discarding them without a care. Like a lion stalking its prey, I stride over to the bed. Grabbing her leg, I start placing open-mouthed kisses along her ankle all the way up to her inner thigh.

Small moans leave her as her back arches, her body writhing from the pleasure. The sounds are pure agony and bliss all at the same time. Her core glistens, slick with the evidence of her arousal. With one long swipe of my tongue from back to front, my tongue glides through her folds, drinking in her essence.

“Fuuuuck, Goddess. I missed your taste so much,” I rumble against her clit.

Sucking her sensitive bud into my mouth, I give it a little tug, scraping it with my teeth. Kylee writhes, undulating beneath me, each turn of her hips grinding her clit into my face. Palming her ass, I raise her hips, a satisfied grunt leaving me when she spreads her legs wider, welcoming me. Rubbing my tongue up and down slowly, I tease her opening, thrusting it in savagely, applying more pressure each time. Her breath becomes shallow as I glide the first digit inside.

Her hips buck as she cries out in a hoarse whisper, “More, Alex. I need more.”

My already hard cock turns to stone, and it takes all of the self-restraint I have not to throw her down and fuck her right here, to claim what’s mine and regain that connection. Inserting a second then finally a third finger, I watch as she comes undone. Lowering my mouth from her clit down to her center, I drink deeply, consuming her essence, licking the honey from her sex, fueling the carnal desire inside of me. Kissing my way up her body, my mouth latches onto her hard nipple.

Scraping my teeth gently across her nipple, I peer at my Goddess through hooded eyes, taking in her wild, wanton, appearance. Releasing her breast with an obscene plop, I flick it ruthlessly with my tongue, teasing the pert bud. My voice is strained and thick with arousal. It’s a wonder I haven’t come on the fucking sheets all ready.

“A-Alex, p-please stop teasing me,” Kylee whines.

“Tell me what you want, Goddess,” I huskily reply.

“Y-You, all of you.” Her broken reply is more of a breathy pant as her chest rises and falls with exertion. Arching her back, she grinds her core on my rigid cock, desperate for any type of release. With a hand on her hip, I still her movement as I hover above her.

“Tell me if I hurt you. Promise?” My pained whisper echoes throughout the loft.

“Promise,” she whispers, cupping my face with her hand.

Without another thought, I crush my lips to hers, the raging fire within me swelling, threatening to scorch me from the inside out. Our passionate kiss is broken as she gasps, arching her back as I gradually inch my cock inside of her wet heat. Inch by inch, I slowly glide deeper, stilling every few moments to keep from coming unhinged. Tiny whimpers leave Kylee’s body as she undulates below me. Fully seated, I glance down at her, taking in the beauty and tranquil peace that my Goddess has brought to me.

Wiggling her hips, she looks up at me through fused lashes. “Move, Alex. Now.”

“Such a demanding, Goddess.” I tsk. “I should make you pay for being a brat. Tease you, draw it out. But, it’s been so long, I think I’ll answer your demand. Just this once.”

Her nostrils flare as heat flashes in her eyes. Curling her legs around my waist, she opens herself, drawing me in further. Pulling back, my cock drags through her tight walls, creating a delicious agony as we both moan from the sensation. Snapping my hips forward, my shaft bottoms out, hitting her cervix. Kylee’s breath whooshes out all at once, and I’m terrified I’ve hurt her. Not moving a muscle, I peer down at her with wide, frightened eyes.

A smile graces her beautiful lips as she pleads, “Again, Alex. More, please. You don’t need to be gentle. I won’t break.” The tightly woven band around my control snaps as my lustful desires take control.

Pulling out so that only the tip of my cock remains inside of her, I chuckle as Kylee moans, begging for more. Tilting her hips up, she shifts, drawing me in deeper. Our moans mingle together as I pull out and thrust back in to the hilt, the forcefulness increasing with every thrust. Twinges of desire and tiny spikes of carnal energy race along my spine as my cock drags through the tight confines of her core. Angling her hips, she takes me deeper, meeting me thrust for thrust.

Hot, wet heat engulfs me, drawing me in as we move together as one. “Fuck, baby. You feel so good. I missed you so much,” I moan into her hair.

Reaching a hand between us, I circle her tight bud a few times and feel her explode around my cock. Her core clenches, drawing me deeper as she rocks her hips against mine. White-hot desire blasts from the base of my spine, exploding as my cock empties thick streams of come into her. Grasping her hips tightly, I pump madly into her until there is nothing left. Withdrawing slowly, I lean over, grabbing a t-shirt to wipe us both down. Kylee erupts in a fit of laughter so intense tears stream down her face as she frantically tries to suck in breaths.

“What’s so funny?” I ask quizzically.

“You used a t-shirt off the floor.”

“Yeah, so what? It was dirty. Beats getting out of bed and leaving you.”

“Aw, that’s actually kind of sweet in a weird, gross way.” She smiles, curling into my chest.

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