Bound: The Mastered Series (14 page)

“Answer me,” he said in that velvet rasp, sending his warm breath across the nipple he’d wet with his mouth.

“It excites me.” She felt him smile against the lower curve of her breast.

He suckled her nipples long enough to make her squirm and arch up. Then he pushed upright.

Amery watched as he unknotted the embroidered black belt he wore with his gi. When he snapped the ends together, a loud pop echoed.

“I want my mouth on you. I want to lick and suck your pussy until your honey pours down my throat. I don’t want to miss a single, fucking drop.” Ronin dragged his middle finger up her slit and popped the digit into his mouth. “Mmm. But with the way you wiggle . . .” He snapped the belt together again. “I’d better make sure you can’t get away from me.” He pushed the bottom of the cushion up so it raised her pelvis. Then he placed her heels on the edge of the chair, which in turn spread her knees wide. “Such a pretty, wet cunt.”

Whenever Ronin said such blatantly sexual things, she blushed from the roots of her hair to her toenails. He looped his belt beneath the underside of the chair and brought the ends up to tie a knot directly over her belly button.

With the cushion lodged under her butt, her midsection secured, and her arms immobilized, Amery was completely at his mercy.

“Every part of you is mine to touch.” He put his mouth on the inside of her knee and sucked. “Mine to taste.” He swept his fingers alongside the edge of his belt tying her to the chair. “Mine to tease.”

When he settled himself on the end of the chaise, Amery knew why he’d pushed up the cushion; it put her pussy at his mouth level. A wave of want nearly swamped her.

“You’re always speaking of balance. Let’s see if you can keep your balance when I’m doing this.” He licked her from the opening of her pussy to her clit.

She tried to arch up to meet his mouth, but if she moved her lower half, her heels slid off the chair.

His mean little chuckle was unnecessary.

“Did you think of me today, Amery?”


“When you thought of me did you imagine my tongue licking you from the inside out? Like this?” He burrowed his tongue into her channel.

She released a long moan.

When he came up for air, he eased back and nibbled the inside of her thighs until her legs quivered. His hands skated up the tops of her legs, pausing to squeeze her hips, and up farther yet to span her rib cage. “Breathe. If you pass out I might get a swelled head that I made you come so hard you lost consciousness.”

Amery sucked in a deep, slow breath.

While she did that Ronin licked her clit. Then softly kissed her intimate flesh. A tender swirl of his tongue followed by gentle sucking. Kissing and exploring her pussy in the same unyielding way as when he first kissed her mouth.

And she got that same dizzying sensation—except it seemed more acute. She didn’t have to push and move to get to that sweet spot where she unraveled; she knew it was coming. The buzz started behind her tailbone and spread upward. Making her belly muscles quiver, her nipples hard. She didn’t stiffen up; she just let Ronin coax her to the detonation point. She hovered on the brink as he lit the match.

The wait for the explosion was sweet torture. But when that first shock wave hit, Amery might’ve actually screamed. Then another one blasted her. And another. And each subsequent pulse built on the last one and the skill of Ronin’s mouth.

After the waves ebbed, she found herself blinking at the dark sky, wondering if she was still being tossed about in that spinning vortex. Her gaze fell on the dark head between her legs.

Their eyes met. Ronin murmured, “Again,” and slipped two fingers in her drenched pussy. Those fingers expertly stroked her to another shuddering orgasm so quickly she did cry out. She’d never been so in tune with every nuance of her body’s response—even with her inability to move. Maybe it was because she couldn’t move and she’d given control of her pleasure to him. She didn’t have to think; just feel.

Her thoughts scattered again when his hands were stroking her belly and a hot mouth brushed her breast. Then she was looking into that sigh-worthy face.

“You’re beautiful,” he said. “Every inch of you.”

“Ronin. Untie me. I want to touch you.”

He brushed a soft kiss across her mouth. “Not this time. This time it’s all about you.”

“But . . .”
It’s always about me
. How could she complain about that? She watched as he stripped off his gi. “You don’t plan on fucking me?”

“I plan on fucking you. But even then, it’s still about you.” Ronin balanced on his knees and slowly fed his cock into her. Once his shaft was fully buried, his hands landed on the armrests beside her and he began to move. “Wrap your legs around me up high. That’s it. I want to feel your heels digging into my shoulder blades.”

That changed the angle and she moaned. “That’s so good.”

Ronin kissed her. But it was a different kiss than usual. He kept his eyes open. He teased her lips with his; then he sank his teeth into her bottom lip. Their breath mingling, breathing each other in, staring into each other’s eyes further enclosed them in a bubble where the world outside this one ceased to exist.

He quickened his pace; his thrusts became shallower.

“How long are you going to hold off?”

He nuzzled her neck. “Until I feel this hot cunt clamping down on my cock.”

“Say that again.”

His breath warmed her ear as his hard shaft stroked inside her. “You’re so wet, so hot, so fucking tight I could spend every waking moment slamming my cock into you. Feeling this pussy milking every drop of seed from my dick. Make it happen, Amery. Make me come.”

Amery turned her head and scraped her teeth up and down the tendons straining his neck. “Anything you want from me. Anytime. Anyplace. It’s yours. I’m yours.” She squeezed him with her cunt muscles. “Let go of that control.”

Ronin emitted a growling noise and fucked her harder. Rolling his hips so the chaise bounced with his effort to get inside her as deeply as possible. A dozen nearly brutal strokes later, he stilled as his cock emptied into her.

She felt the burst of heat as he came inside her without a condom for the first time. Each time she bore down on that thick shaft filling her up, a throbbing pulse zipped from her G-spot to her clit.

He buried his face in her neck, panting as she’d never heard from him. Ronin stayed like that a long while before he whispered, “Thank you,” and pushed away from her.

First thing he removed his belt. His fingers and mouth soothed the tiny red lines on her belly. Two quick tugs and he freed her hands. He immediately brought her upright and massaged her forearms to get the blood flowing. He examined her closely, tracing the marks. “Any pain or numbness?”


“You sure?


Ronin continued to sweep his hands everywhere across her body. “Every time I touch you . . . I want more of you. I want you in ways that you can’t even imagine.”

Now that she could touch his face without restriction, she mapped the planes and angles that made him so beautifully masculine. “It’s a rush that a man like you wants me like that.”


“I’m serious, Ronin. I know we agreed that what came before this doesn’t matter. But it does, because I’ve never had this kind of . . . freedom before. I’ve never had any man look at me the way you do. I’ve never had any man want me the way you do.”
I’ve never been obsessed with a man the way I am with you.

“Does that frighten you?”

“Only in that I’ll disappoint you.” When he started to protest she pressed her fingers over his lips. “So promise me you’ll let me be whatever you need.
you need,” she repeated. “Because you’ve given me things I didn’t even know I needed.”

He closed his eyes. His whole body trembled. “I promise” was barely audible as he breathed it through parted lips, but Amery heard it, and that’s all that mattered.


didn’t spend this much time getting ready for prom,” Amery complained.

“This is much bigger than prom,” Emmylou said, unwinding the curling iron from Amery’s hair.

Sasha, the blonde Amery secretly called Marilyn, swept powder over Amery’s face. Maybe she’d lucked out that Sasha made her living as a makeup artist, but to be honest, she was half-afraid to look in the mirror.
What did it mean when Sasha swore Amery would look “glamorous yet natural?”

“I still can’t believe you’re going to this. I’ll bet John Elway is there.”

“If he is he’ll be mobbed. He’s on equal footing with the Messiah in this town,” Amery said.

“As he deserves to be.”

Amery fought the urge to roll her eyes. Emmylou was a jock through and through—sports heroes were the only heroes in her eyes.

“How much longer?”

“Just your lipstick, sweets, so pucker up.” Sasha started painting her lips with a thin sponge.

“Better make it the kiss-proof kind. The way Ronin looks at her . . . I think he might actually eat her up.”

“Emmylou, you are such a romantic,” Sasha said with a sigh.

“Back atcha, babe,” Emmylou cooed.

Amery looked away as they pawed at each other and kissed noisily. When the grab-ass session continued, she slipped from the barstool and went into her bedroom. She picked up her shoes and her beaded handbag and headed downstairs. She texted Ronin:
R you picking me up in the alley or out front?

Ten seconds later her phone vibrated.

parking out front right now.

She slipped on her shoes and reached the front door the same time Ronin walked in.

He stopped dead. His gaze started at the tips of her toes and wandered up her body, lingering on her hips and breasts before locking on her eyes. “You are absolutely exquisite.”

Amery blushed. “Thank you.”

“But . . .”

Her stomach pitched. “But what?”

“But here’s a warning; I swear to Christ, if we get five minutes alone in a dark corner, I’ll have my hands and my mouth all over you.”

The emphatic way he growled that caused her girl parts to tingle. As much as he kept eyeing her hungrily, she returned the favor. The man could rock a suit. In black, of course, a modern cut worn with a white shirt and a subtly patterned tie. Ronin hadn’t done anything to his hair, like pull it back into a ponytail when he was in the dojo, so the casual messiness of those dark, thick locks and the formality of the suit made her mouth dry and her panties wet. Amery’s lust-filled gaze hooked his. “Same goes, Master Black.”

Chaz exited the bathroom and marched up between them. “The two of you will turn heads at this gala.” His gaze flicked over Ronin from head to loafer. Then he said, “Tom Ford?”


“Sharp. Always an excellent choice. So, did you pick up my gorgeous BFF in a limo, Mr. Class Act?”

“No. I hate having someone else drive me.”

“In charge in all aspects. Gotta respect that. Can I snap a picture of you two to commemorate this occasion?”

Just as she’d been about to say
, Ronin said

Why didn’t he want a picture of them?

Because this isn’t prom, Amery. Don’t act like a North Dakota rube.

Ronin held out his hand. “Let’s hit it.”

Amery air-kissed Chaz. “Don’t wait up, Mom.”

He swatted her butt. “I’m more like your fairy godmother and I’m here to lock up, so you don’t have to worry about coming home at midnight, Cinderella.”

“Thank you.”

As she and Ronin clipped down the sidewalk, the sun’s intensity had faded but retained enough brightness that she needed her shades. She didn’t see his Lexus and for a brief moment she feared he’d ridden his bike. But he stopped beside a sleek black sports car parked at the curb.

“This is yours?”

“Yes. I don’t drive her very often.”

“This is a Corvette?”

“Corvette ZR-1. She can haul serious ass, but I’ll drive with utmost caution tonight, I promise.”

Amery moved in close enough so their chests were touching. “Oh, I don’t know. Might be fun to go fast.”

“There is that . . . thrill,” he said in the silken timbre that caused her pulse to zing. “To see how much she can take when I push her to her limits.”

A funny tickle started low in her belly. “Do you do that a lot?”

“Push boundaries? All. The. Damn. Time. And especially with you.” Ronin tugged her against his body. “Before you slide in and torture me with those legs for the next half hour, gimme this mouth.”

Ronin took her mouth; there was no other way to describe the kiss. He owned her in that moment, his warring tongue stroking and teasing hers. His passion for her was barely contained. On the outside he might look like a sophisticated gentleman, but on the inside Ronin Black was pure sexual beast.

His mouth brushed her ear. “Good thing your friends were at your place. Because if we’d been alone? I would’ve hiked up this dress and fucked you on your desk. And then I would’ve bent you over the back of the couch and fucked you again.”

She trembled. “Ronin.”

“And you would’ve said yes. Both times.” His mouth meandered down her throat. “Will you spread your legs for me in the front seat of my Corvette? Let me slide my fingers into your pussy and finger-fuck you until you come?”

Her next shudder was more pronounced. “Yes.”

Ronin made that low rumble in the back of his throat, and it vibrated against her skin. “At some point tonight I will have my hand up your dress and you will come for me. Anything I want, any time I want was a very dangerous promise to make to me, Amery,” he whispered against her jaw, “because you have no idea what I want from you.”

“I don’t care,” she breathed, “it’s yours.”

Someone yelled, “Get a room!”

Amery blinked out of the sexual fog and realized they were still standing on the sidewalk.

He placed one soft kiss on her lips. “I lose my head every time I’m around you.”

But will you ever lose your heart?

Where had
thought come from?

Then he stepped back and opened her car door.

The Corvette practically hugged the ground and she was glad the dress wasn’t any shorter.

Ronin slid behind the wheel and the car made a throaty purr as he started it. He smiled. “Hang on.”

So much for him driving with utmost caution.

After a few minutes of enjoying the ride, she said, “I’m surprised you have a sports car.”

“I don’t seem like the Vette-driving type?”

“You have a nice car, and a nice bike, and an awesome penthouse, but you don’t strike me as the kind of guy who cares about owning expensive toys to impress others.”

“I don’t.” He picked up her hand and kissed it. “But I do like things that go fast, and buying a Ferrari or Lamborghini seemed indulgent.”

Her mouth fell open. He could afford to buy those?

“Kidding. A guy I know got in over his head with this car and I took it off his hands before the bank re-poed it.”

“That explains the purple fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror,” she said.

“Those are mine. Needed to pimp it out a little.”

She laughed.

A few minutes later, Ronin said, “You’re quiet.”

“Nerves. This gala is a big deal to you—”

“The gala isn’t a big deal to me. The fact that you’re going with me is all I care about. And right now if you said let’s blow this off and have an intimate dinner, just the two of us, I’d do it in a fucking heartbeat.”

“You just want to get me out of this dress.”

Ronin flashed her a predatory smile.

They drove through a wooded area. Before she saw the venue where the event was being held, they joined a long line of cars waiting for the valet.

“Will you know very many people?”

“I’ll guess we’ll see.”

Amery watched attendees alighting from cars ahead of them. The women were wearing everything from full-length ball gowns to glitzy cocktail dresses. She tugged on the hem of her dress.

Ronin’s hand stopped the motion. “Don’t.”

“I’m nervous.”

“You’re with me. Doesn’t matter who else is here or what they’re wearing. We’re here to have a good time. And if it sucks, we’ll leave.”


“That said, don’t be surprised if the women glare at you and the men lust after you since you’re stunningly beautiful.” He kissed the inside of her wrist. “And the dress isn’t bad either.”

It was starting to scare her how crazy she was about this man.

Ronin rolled down the window when the valet approached. “Good evening, sir. May I have your name?”

“Ronin Black.”

“Welcome to the Hidden Hills Resort, Mr. Black. I will need to trouble you for a picture ID.”

This event did have tight security.

He pulled out his driver’s license. The valet checked the picture on it against Ronin’s face and then he scanned it to make sure the ID wasn’t a fake.

Really tight security.

The valet smiled. “You’re good to go, Mr. Black. Brian is your assigned valet for the evening.” He handed over two tickets. “This is what will gain you admittance to the event, so take care not to lose them between your car and the front door.”

“Thank you.”

Ronin rolled up the window and muttered, “Jesus.” He looked over at Amery. “I can pull a U-turn. It’s not too late to get out of here.”

“I’ll hold the tickets.” Grinning, she snatched them from his hand and shoved them in her bra. “See? Perfectly safe.”

It took another ten minutes before they reached the valet stand, and Amery was getting antsy, but Ronin stayed calm. She wished his calm demeanor would settle her down. Immediately after he put it in park, both doors were opened. He said, “Stay put, I’ll help you out,” and exited the car.

What was that about? She heard him instructing the valet and then he skirted the front end of the car. He offered her his hand. Once they were on the sidewalk, a person with a clipboard approached them. “Good evening and welcome. May I please see your tickets?”

Ronin’s eyes were on Amery’s as he traced the line of her throat from her chin to her cleavage. A devilish smile lit his eyes as his fingers deftly slipped inside her bra cup and fished the tickets out. “Here you go.”

That flustered the girl with the clipboard. “Ah, thanks I just needed to see them. The tickets are actually being taken at the door.”

Ronin kept his hand on the small of Amery’s back and guided her to the main doors. The ticket taker scanned the tickets—as if checking for forgeries?—before smiling and granting them access.

“I think it would be easier to crash a White House party than this one,” Ronin murmured.

“So if we get the standard shitty rubberized banquet chicken, overcooked green beans, and warm cheesecake, I’ll be pissed.”

“That’ll make two of us. For the price of these tickets we should be served Kobe beef and Russian caviar for every course.”

The wide hallway teemed with people. Some of the dresses bordered on spectacular, and Amery wanted a closer peek, but it’d be a faux pas to gawk, so she feigned aloofness.

He slid his arm around her back and settled his hand on her hip. “Would you like a drink?”

“No, I’d like five drinks.”

“How about we start with one?” Ronin steered her out of the room and down the opposite hallway. He nodded to several people but didn’t stop to speak to anyone. A waiter held a tray of champagne.

“Ooh, I’d like some of that.”

He snagged two glasses and handed one to her. “May tonight be full of welcome surprises.”

Amery clinked the crystal flute against his and drank. Okay, that was really good. “This is not Brut champagne.”

“No, but don’t ask me what it is because I’m not a wine connoisseur.” His molten gaze drifted over her. “But looking at you, I know I have the absolute finest taste in women.”

Amery blushed.

“I’d like nothing better than to taste you right now. Suck the champagne from your tongue. Lick it from your lips. Pour it down the center of your body and lap it from between your thighs.”

Her belly swooped.

“I like that all I have to do is look in your eyes and I see what you’re feeling.”

“So you know what I’m feeling right now?” she countered.

Ronin let his knuckles follow the curve of her jaw. “You’re turned on but you don’t want to be. You’re trying hard to fit in, but you outshine them all. And you’re wondering why I’m saying all this now when we’re in public. Maybe someone will overhear. But I don’t give a good goddamn if that happens.”

“Does that drummer in your head always do his own thing?”


She drained her champagne and grabbed another glass before hooking her arm through his. “Let’s mingle. I want to spot some celebrities.”

“Anyone in particular?”

“The only mover and shaker I know in Denver is Alexis Carrington.”

He shook his head. “Fictional TV character. Try again.”

“I was so hoping for a catfight between her and Krystle—a hair-pulling, clothes-ripping, shoe-throwing beat-down.”

“Aren’t you a little young to have grown up watching

“I watched reruns every day after school. My mother, for being a self-professed happy homemaker, wasn’t happy when school dismissed for the day. She let me and my brother watch whatever we wanted. Yes, we did make fun of it, but it was an eye-opener as to how the really rich lived. Not a lot of billionaires in North Dakota.” She laughed. “I wouldn’t know how to act if I ever met a billionaire anyway.”

“I’m sure you’d do just fine. Nothing special about them, trust me.”

They’d almost crossed into the banquet hall when a voice boomed, “Ronin Black.” Then an African-American guy about six foot five and three hundred and fifty pounds blocked their path. “I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Sensei Black. In the flesh. At a party. But here you are.” He offered a formal bow, which Ronin returned. Then he thrust out his hand. “Man, it’s good to see you.”

“Same goes.” Ronin drew her forward. “Tegs Green, meet Amery Hardwick.”

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