Bound to Remember, a Paranormal Romance (Book 1 of the Spellbound Series) (13 page)


What is wrong?” Zelma asked as she appeared from thin air again in the doorway of the room.


Nothing,” we all said at the same time.


If I were to believe that, I would be a fool. Annabelle, what is going on?” Zelma looked directly at Annie, who let out a long sigh.


I showed Toni a vision of Hades.” Zelma’s eyes widened and a frightened look replaced the smile she had worn upon entering the room.


You took her to the Underworld?” Zelma inquired as her voice trembled.


I didn’t take her anywhere; I showed her a vision,” Annie yelled, annoyed. Zelma was not angry with Annie, but she seemed terrified about something.


Let’s go see the daybreak so you all can get some rest,” Zelma suggested. We all went into the front yard, then faced east as the brilliance of the sun came into view. I looked at Ben as he took my hand, and felt his fear of the sun when he closed his eyes.


The warm sun beamed on Ben’s face, and he began to smile with joy. He let my hand go and turned around in the light. I thought,
this must be the first time in two centuries that he’s felt the sun.


It works!” Ben exclaimed as the sun shone over his entire body. I walked over to Annie and gave her a big hug.


Thank you,” I whispered.


Stop it, Toni; you knew I would help; that’s why you called me!” Annie said as she hugged me back. “You were the only friend who never judged me or my gift of magic, and for that I am forever grateful.”


Annie.” I wanted to cry, but Ben’s happiness still consumed me.


If you will not accept Antonia’s gratitude, please accept mine,” Ben said as he extended his hand to Annie. We both looked at Ben in disbelief as Annie cautiously took his hand into hers and shook it. I smiled at my friends finally finding some common ground.


Y-you’re welcome, Benjamin,” Annie said.


You all should get some rest,” Zelma suggested.


Yes, as much as it is nice to be in the sun, I still need my rest,” Ben said.


I smiled as I let out a yawn; it was my bedtime too. We followed Ben inside the house and went upstairs. Annie disappeared into a room at the end of the hallway, and Ben was undressed and in bed when I entered our bedroom. I looked for my bag in the dark room, grabbed my toothbrush, and headed to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I decided to go to Annie’s room while I dressed. I walked down the hallway and heard voices coming through the door as I knocked.


Just a minute,” Annie said, before she answered the door with a smile.


Did I interrupt you?” I smiled back at Annie.


No, no, come in.” Annie opened the door wider for me.


I heard you talking to someone.” I looked around her room before I sat on the edge of her bed.


Did you?” she asked with doubt in her tone.


Yes, but . . .”


Annie closed her laptop and sat beside me on the bed. “I was chatting with this guy that I talk to from time to time.” She winked.


A guy? Tell me more.” I was excited for Annie, since she NEVER talked about any guy.


Well, he fascinates me,” Annie confessed as she revered.


Really! So are you dating?” I asked. I was truly happy for Annie.


No, we are just uh -- working -- together. I’m going to see him tonight, after you guys leave.” She beamed but her eyes shifted a little like she was lying about them dating. Maybe she didn’t want to say anything until they were serious.


Can I sleep in here with you? I have too much sexual tension with Ben.”


Sure, you know I always have an extra pillow. Do you want a sleep spell?” In college, Annie would cast a sleep spell on me the night before any of my big exams.


You haven’t done that since college. Okay,” I said, excitedly, knowing the amount of rest I would receive from the spell.


Close your eyes and lie down,” she instructed.


Thank you, Annie,” I said before obediently lying on the bed.


You’re welcome.” I felt Annie’s warm hand touch my head. “Peace of mind, dreams be sweet, now allow my friend to sleep, sleep, and sleep!” I was asleep before the last “sleep” was out of her mouth.


My mind took me to a place that I had been to before, with the same putrid smell and black haze. The room was empty, so I walked out of the shadow and over to the desk. I saw the book that Hades had been writing in earlier, closed on top of his desk. As I stood in front of the desk, I felt a presence behind me.


I knew you would come back.” I turned to find Hades standing behind me, with an evil but sexy smile on his face. I should have run, but I didn’t. Instead, I stood frozen, looking up at the very tall man, being seduced by his eyes. I wanted him. His long fingers caressed the side of my face. Screams of horror echoed from outside his office, and my knees went weak as a familiar voice echoed loud and clear.


Antonia! NO!” It was the voice of my father. He was here! I turned to run toward the door to find him.


When Hades grabbed my shoulder, I screamed in terror. He pulled me closer to him and I felt cold rush over me as I heard, “Awake, awake in the time of need.” I opened my eyes to find myself in Ben’s arms as Annie and Zelma stared at me.


What happened? I could feel your fear,” Ben told me when I was awake.


I went to sleep and had a terrible dream,” I replied.


What did you dream of, dear?” Zelma asked.


Hades. I was fine until I heard my father scream my name,” I said as Zelma’s wrinkled face went pale. I felt Ben’s arms wrap around me tighter.


At least you’re okay,” Annie said as she rubbed my arm.


I felt disoriented and perplexed. “What time is it?” I asked.


Almost seven,” Annie said.


In the morning?” I asked incredulously. I felt like I’d been sleeping for days.


No, it’s seven in the evening. We have to leave soon,” Ben said as he released me from his arms.


Already?” I shook my head. Zelma walked out of the room with an odd expression on her face. It was as if she’d seen a ghost.




After I’d showered and dressed, Ben came up the stairs. “Hey, are you ready?” he asked as he walked into the bedroom.


Uh, yeah, I still need to put my things in my bag, but I should be ready in a few.”


Great!” He grabbed his bag. I started packing hastily because I wanted to talk to Annie alone before we had to leave.


Are you ready?” I heard Annie say behind me.


Yeah, but I wanted to talk to you.” She heard the pang of anxiety in my voice and looked alarmed.


Of course,” she said, and sat on the bed.


I sat next to her, leaned over, and whispered, “I think I know Hades.”


Annie pulled away from me with a mystified look on her face. “Why?” she asked. I leaned close to whisper again.


In my dream, he said, ‘
I knew you would come back
.’ But he said it like he knew me.”


He probably felt your presence in the vision and said that to scare you,” Annie said in a reassuring voice.


You think so?” I asked.


Yes. Don’t worry, Toni, it was only a dream,” Annie said as she hugged me. She knew how to calm me without magic; I could trust Annie with my life. “Now let’s head off to the airport.”


I zipped my bag shut and we went downstairs. Zelma appeared at the door as Ben took our bags to the car. Tears streamed down her eyes as she wrapped me into a hug.


Antonia, I am so sorry. Your trip has caused more harm than good,” Zelma said as I pulled back to look at her wrinkled face. Her words almost mimicked Kevin’s and made me concerned.


No, Zelma it was good, and you’re right; Annie is very powerful.” I took Zelma’s hands into mine before kissing both of them, but she shook her head.


I failed you, Antonia.” She kissed my hands in return and smiled sadly at me, saying goodbye to me in Greek. I knew what it meant, because my father used to say it every time he left the house. I stared at the old woman as Ben came up to us.


While they said their goodbyes, I got into Annie’s car. I sat in the back as Ben hugged Zelma. Annie slammed her door, breaking my concentration. Ben dashed to the car as Annie turned on the ignition. We drove to the airport in silence. When we arrived, Annie cried as we shared one final embrace.


I love you, Annie!” I squeezed her tightly.


I love you too, Toni, and I promise I’ll visit,” she answered as I released her. I could tell there was something more than just my leaving that troubled Annie, but I had no time to figure it out. I would have to call and coax it out of her. I said goodbye to Utah and the plane took off.












BEN! This is not going to work!” I yelled as I stood in the white bedroom of his house.


Why not?” he asked after flashing into the room.


The closet is missing! Who lived in this room before?” I asked with my arms folded across my chest.


I did, and I am sorry. I never took you for the Imelda Marcos type,” he laughed.


I’m not! I probably own one, maybe two pairs of heels, but that is not the point! Every girl needs her closet space.” I sat on the bed, pouting.


Well, if it helps, you can use my closet. I only use a small part of it,” Ben said as he sat next to me.


You have a closet? I don’t ever remember seeing a closet.” I looked at him with astonishment.


Come on, I will show you.” He took my hand and led me down the hallway to his bedroom. He turned the lights on for me as we passed the bed. In the bathroom, past the large tub, he swung open a door to reveal a bedroom-sized closet.


My mouth dropped in awe. This closet was any woman’s dream. “Why is this closet so big?” I asked in astonishment.


Not sure; the realtor said a good-sized closet was appealing to most people,” Ben mumbled.


Realtor?” I asked, looking at him with a puzzled expression.


I considered selling the house before the stuff happened — with the accident. Good thing I didn’t or we wouldn’t be here,” he smiled.


Yes,” I said in a faint voice that only Ben could hear.


Yes, what?” Ben asked, befuddled.


Yes, I will gladly share this closet with you! My two pairs of heels would look nice here on this shelf,” I tapped the built-in area for shoes.


It would be nice to see you wearing one of those pairs of high heels,” Ben cooed as he walked up from behind and wrapped his arms around me.


What do you mean?” I asked, still admiring the lovely closet.


I guess I am not doing a very good job, but I am trying to ask you out on a date.” I turned around and looked into his intoxicating eyes.


You mean a
date? But you don’t eat!” I exclaimed.


Well, there are other things to do on dates besides eating. We could go dancing or take a long walk. The point is, I want to spend some time with you, outside of this house and in a semi-romantic setting.”


Yes, but when?” I felt his happiness infect me.


I was thinking, since we are off tomorrow …” he smiled.


I guess it only makes sense to go out on a date, since you insisted that I move in with you and share your closet,” I smirked.

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