Bourbon Street Royalty: Jaded Series, Book Two (9 page)

Read Bourbon Street Royalty: Jaded Series, Book Two Online

Authors: Kimmie Easley

Tags: #Dark Romance

“Joyce? Tilly?”

Lucky cringed at the sound of Carrie’s shrill voice. He didn’t want her in the office, so he vaulted to meet her in the hall, but he wasn’t quick enough.

She stood in the doorway. Her cold eyes scanned the room. “Someone called the office. Is it true?”

“Is what true?”

“Don’t play coy, James. It’s not becoming of you. Did Tilly have a heart attack?” She marched across the room, eyeing the strewn about files. He didn’t like the way she acted as if she had some sort of authority in his father’s office, or his house for that matter.

“She’s in the hospital. They’re not sure what it is yet. Who called the office?”

Carrie waved her hand in the air as if to brush him off. “Oh, I don’t remember, but I rushed right over. What happened? Is she ok?”

She casually flipped open a manila folder before Lucky’s hand came crashing down, snapping it shut.

“Like I said, no information yet. Do you usually bust up into other people’s houses without knocking?”

Carrie locked her eyes onto his, her brow twisted. “Your parents and I became close after I came to Gauthier. Well, to be honest,
I came to Gauthier. It’s just the kind of relationship we have, or I guess I should say had. Not that you would know anything about that since you were nowhere around.”

Lucky’s breaths became quick and heavy. His neck muscles tightened as he tried not to let her get the best of him. Truth was she was right. He didn’t know anything about his parents, or her. However, something had his mother upset, and he suspected Carrie would be smack dab in the center of the cluster fuck when he figured it out. Either way, he didn’t like being this close to her. The stench of her stout perfume filled his nose, making him want to vomit. Shit, being in the same state was too fucking close for his taste.

She pointed a lone finger at the desk. “What happened here? You looking for something?”

He widened his stance, fighting the urge to punch a woman. “What fucking business is it of yours?”

She snapped her head back and Lucky smirked, pleased to see her surprised reaction.

You really aren’t the same man I knew in college, are you?” She stared at him, but he refused to acknowledge their past. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. “I was simply trying to help. Your father and I worked together on many projects. I thought I might know where something is, if you would just tell me what you’re looking for, I’m sure I could find it for you.”

“Whatever I do is none of your damn business. Nothing my family does is your concern.”

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, James. Gauthier is a family business, one of which I am deeply involved.”

“Not for long,” he snarled.

Carrie cocked her head to one side, grinning, as she traced her finger along the collar of his shirt. “Don’t be so sure, handsome. I’m here for the long haul, and there’s not much you can do about it. Even if you decide to trash the rags, slap on a five piece Armani, shave that thing off your pretty little face, and prop yourself up in daddy’s executive chair at the head of the board table, you’re not going to be able to get rid of me. Carrie Scott is here to stay. Get used to it, lover.”

He was letting her talk, hoping she would stumble, and he would pick up some useful information. The Carrie he knew wouldn’t be this cocky without good reason, but even he could only take so much.

“Besides, we could have some fun, kind of like the old days,” she said while running her fingers up the back of his head and through his dark tufts of hair.

Her words about their past were like a punch to the balls as he thought about the baby she aborted. Lucky slapped her hand away.

“Not on your fucking life. Get your shit and get out.”

She snickered, which only pissed him off more. “That’s a shame.” She gathered up her purse and walked out the door without another word.

First class bitch.

She was up to something, and it was going to get worse before it got better.




Over the next few hours, Lucky had managed to empty every drawer in the file cabinets and desk. Nothing. Nothing out of the ordinary anyway. He already knew Colby Gauthier didn’t always conduct business on the up and up, especially being partners with Art Flanagan, but there wasn’t anything major in the files. Nothing worth wigging out over.

The massive house was quiet except for a few phone calls. He let the machine pick up. He didn’t have any answers about his mother to give out and Joyce had his cell number.

With his head still spinning, he paced aimlessly throughout the empty rooms. His insides felt as if he might implode. The tension was too much. Lucky bolted out the front door, stopping only to lock it up tight behind him, making a mental note to call a locksmith in the morning.

He jumped on his bike and thundered past the iron gates. He couldn’t get away from the manor fast enough. He drove up and down the side streets of New Orleans. His old stomping grounds, the dive bars and underground clubs. He felt more like himself once he hit the buzz of the Quarter.

Lucky contemplated going by the hospital, but couldn’t handle any more bad news right now. His blood was still boiling as he pictured Carrie’s snide smirk. The thought of her sent bile bobbing in his throat.

He stopped off at Diamond Liquor and picked up a bottle of Jim Beam. He hadn’t drunk hard liquor since the carjacking and seeing that mother with her baby, sobbing in the gas station parking lot.

Now, he didn’t give two shits, feeling like the bottle was the only way he was going to make it through the night. He drove for a while longer before finding himself on N. Rampart Street. He pulled up to the curb and parked on the far corner, hopefully, out of Baby’s line of sight before yanking the bottle out from his saddlebag.

Breaking the seal, Lucky screwed off the cap and took a long, hard swig. The amber liquid met the acid that was searing his throat. He examined the apartment building, aching for a glimpse of Baby Jade. He slunk back into the shadow of a tree when he spotted Ma’Linn. She was lighting candles and burning what looked like a bundle of herbs or sticks, waving them in the air while she shuffled her feet. Her face pointed to the moon. Her lips were moving, chanting.

He had seen his fair share of the hoodoo voodoo shit in New Orleans, and it wasn’t exactly his thing. However, he was still mesmerized watching the old woman. Whatever she was up to, it was obvious that it was important to her. Her face, twisted and pained, appeared to be pleading. He could only guess that it had to do with her son Phillipe. Lucky hated to admit it, but if he had to guess, the man was dead. Probably been dead since the day he went missing.

Ma’Linn disappeared behind her door, leaving the candles burning and the porch lamp on. In light of his own loss, Lucky hurt for the woman. He took another guzzle from the bottle and didn’t even bother with the cap. He promptly took another.

As he swallowed, the breath caught in his throat. His heart hammered against his chest when he spotted Baby Jade strolling up the walkway. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. She must have just come from the club. Her thick hair was pinned to her head with loose pieces hanging down around her gorgeous face. He wanted to bury his face in her tan, silky neck.

Baby vanished inside, leaving Lucky with nothing but his half-empty bottle. The thought of being so close to her made his body hum. Before he knew what was happening, Lucky was stomping across the street, marching up the lot, and standing right in front of Baby’s door. He could make out her silhouette through the blinds. Knowing she was moving on the other side of the door was driving him insane. He knocked, a little too hard, and waited. He knocked again.

“Baby, open the door,” he said in calm, yet commanding tone.

His pulse raced as he heard the locks clicking. Placing both hands above his head, he gripped the doorframe. He inhaled, holding his breath as the door eased open.

Literally breathtaking.

He wanted to be angry. He wanted to tell her he didn’t need her. To tell her she could go to hell, and take her new fuck with her.

But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was melting on the inside. A fucking puddle.

Now that he stood face to face with her, Baby had completely disarmed him without saying a single word.

“What are you doing here?” Baby folded her arms across her chest.

The liquor made his head fuzzy, and her words sounded like they were coming from far away, but it didn’t stop him from pulling out the bottle and taking another drink. “You gonna invite me in?”

She tilted her head, sizing him up. “You’re drunk.”

“Nope, but well on my way.” Lucky took another swig. “You gonna leave me standing out here all night?”

After a few seconds, Baby stepped to the side, allowing him room to enter.

Standing inside of the tiny room was strange. So much had happened between the two of them in the cramped apartment. Once he was inside, Lucky turned to face Baby, who was staring at him. The confused look on her face tugged at his heartstrings.

“I guess I should be thankful you’re actually alone tonight.” His words were slurred and sloppy.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“You know, your new man. You two make a cute couple. Seriously, the lovey dovey thing looks good on you.”

She tilted her head and pulled her perfect lips into a thin line. She drew in a deep breath. The way her neck moved as she swallowed made him hard.

“Not that anything I do is any of your business, but I’m not dating Drew.”

Her words were like a lifeline, a pardon for his sanity.

“Is that it? You’re here because you think I’m seeing someone else?” she asked.

“I don’t know why the hell I’m here. I tried to stay away. I sat down the road trying to force myself to leave, but I couldn’t. I had to see you.” Lucky’s voice was softer, broken.

“Maybe you should sit down.” She moved closer.

The familiar floral scent from her hair smacked him in the face. He inhaled, trying to breathe in as much of the smell as possible.

“I don’t want to sit,” he whispered. He fought the urge to reach out and take her in his arms.

you want, Lucky?” she asked with her own voice cracking.

His skin tingled with all of the blood rushing to his groin. He knew it was wrong to pull her back into his shitty life, but he couldn’t stop himself. He stretched out his arm and lightly touched the waves falling around her face.

When she didn’t move, he let his fingertips graze her skin. He slid his hand behind her neck, pulling her closer. His gaze locked on her jade green balls of fiery confusion.

“Lucky, we can’t. You just want to do this because you’re drunk.” Her words were barely a whisper.

Mesmerized, he watched her lips move. He shook his head. “Then why have I wanted to do this every single day since…”


“Don’t do that. Not now. It’s us. We’re the only ones here.” He traced her mouth with the pad of his thumb.

She didn’t move his hand, and she didn’t speak. He noticed her round breasts and the way her chest was now moving with every breath. Her lips parted as she struggled for air. It was his breaking point.

Cradling the back of her head in the palm of his hand, Lucky pulled her to him and sealed his lips over hers. He explored her mouth with his tongue, groaning like a drug addict getting a much-needed fix. Baby’s body was rigid at first, but she finally melted into his embrace, hungry for him.

One of his hands found the small of her back, pressing her warm body into his. His other hand gripped her thigh, tugging her leg around his waist. He backed her up to the wall and devoured her mouth with his before moving on to her neck. He traced her thin collarbone with his tongue. It was a part of her body that drove him crazy, delicate and begging to be caressed. She tossed her head back as his hand dipped underneath her sweatshirt. Excited by the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra, the heat from her soft tits seared his hand.

He slipped the shirt over her head and massaged her breast with his mouth, flicking the stiff, pink nipple with his hot tongue. His other hand dipped between her legs causing her to whimper. She shimmied out of her shorts, allowing them to fall before kicking them off with her toe.

He stood back, drinking in the sight of her nearly naked body, his hard on pressing against the seam of his jeans. She was perfection. Even though she was a little thinner, probably from stress, she was the most gorgeous woman on the fucking planet. Just being close to her drove him mad.

He slowly dropped to his knees, leaving her wide-eyed. His face was now level with her black, lacy thong. He hooked his fingers under the sides. With one swift movement, he ripped the threads, tossing the thin fabric to the floor.

Lucky held Baby’s gaze as he opened her legs with both palms. He felt her breathing quicken as his mouth closed in on her cleft. Braced against the wall, he lifted one leg over his shoulder and buried his face in her sex, using his tongue to explore the soft, velvety folds. He tasted her juice on his lips. Craving more, his tongue darted in and out of her while he used his thumb to circle her firm clit.

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