Boys in Blue 03 - Dangerous Distraction (6 page)

Cizonemuscled for White. White had a sealed juvie record with ties to assault and battery. Beyond that, misdemeanours and a lot of scared girlfriends littered his personal profile. Nothing pointed directly at White for the murders, but the history along with the affiliation to Cizone , Dwayne’s body, and the surveillance on Nate’s two busts didn’t look innocent.

Johnny’s final words had sent a chill of dread down David’s spine,

Cizone’s sweatin
’ ’cause White’s last two deals got fucked. Thinks I had something to do with that shit. Thinks I’m in with the cops, man.
said Dwayne’s sister would have to wait since White had a dude in mind for the next time.”

After this many years on the job, David didn’t question his instincts. They were pinging like frozen piss on a pipe to get his ass over to Nate’s, pronto. He’d already been belting up in the car when the second morgue he’d called cemented Johnny’s story. Castration stood out as a cause of death. It had been an easy find.

David jerked the wheel hard to the left, clipping the empty plastic garbage can, and skidding to a halt in Nate’s drive. He pulled through the carport and swung the Buick around the back of the house keeping it hidden from the street. If Cizone planned a visit, hopefully he wasn’t in position yet.

Nate’s cheerfully lit house glowed anticlimactically through the drizzle. Nate had no idea that a murdering arms dealer had him in his sights.


“Practicing for Indy?” Nate said. Standing on the back stoop with his arms folded across his chest, he sent David a wry smile.


“Get in the fucking house!” David snarled.


Nate took several steps backwards and to the side of the door letting David pass through. David latched them inside.


“Lock every window and door. Shut your blinds and curtains. Turn off every inside light.” David charged ahead, room by room, doing exactly what he commanded.


“What the hell?” Nate yelled after him.


David stalled inside the living room. Curtains billowed gently through the open glass sliders. “How long has that been open?” he choked.


Nate bumped into him from behind. “All night.”


David swivelled, grabbed Nate’s shoulders. “Goddamn it, Nate. You’re going to get yourself killed.” A gruff hitch caught his last word, stealing any further argument he’d offer.


“David, what’s wrong?”


God, he’d used his name. David got hard just hearing the concern roughened words, seeing the tender curiosity in Nate’s gaze. “Jasper White is coming after you. I won’t let him have you.”

Though his eyes flicked over David’s shoulder, a playful smile tipped Nate’s lips. “Oh, yeah? Jasper’s a hottie , huh?”
“Don’t fuck with me,” David said. He dropped his hands and stepped away. Before he could change his mind and clasp Nate to his chest, David crossed to the sliders and locked them before pulling the curtains closed against the night. “I came out tonight,” he said quietly as he turned, searched for more to secure.

, came out?” Nate asked.


“Yeah.”David met his gaze, waiting but not sure what he waited for.


“Good for you,” he said, softly.


“That’s it?”


“Did you want an award?” Nate walked down the hallway.


Still in the living room, David dropped his chin to his chest. “A kiss would work,” he muttered. He heard Nate call out that they were locked in and safe.


“What did you say?” Nate asked, coming back into the room.


“I thought it would matter to you.”


Nate blew out a breath and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what you’re asking from me. A gay man’s tour guide, I’m not.”


David strengthened his resolve. He had to see it through—see if Nate would take the chance on him. God, he hoped so. “I’m in love with you.”


“Possible,” Nate hedged. “Or in love with the idea of me and tangled up in the adrenaline of coming out. You’ll regret it the minute the sun comes up tomorrow. I don’t want to be your regret.”


“I came out to the department. You don’t think that counts for something?”

“I think it means you saw a means to an end. I
you thought it through. Coming out could cost you your friends, your career. Is sex with me worth that?” Nate asked. “Did you think telling people you’re gay would get you in my bed?”

The words sounded harsh, hit like static in David’s ears. He wanted Nate. He wanted a future with him. More than sex, because David was pretty sure Nate wanted him bad enough to give in if David persisted. It was the honesty David wanted. The freedom to hold Nate’s hand in public or tell him over the phone he loved him while working a case. He wanted to come home to him and breathe in his scent from the crook of his neck when they held each other after a long day.

“I’m worth it,” David corrected. “I’m worth being honest to. I’m worth being happy. I’m worth standing up for, Nate.” Angrily, he walked to where Nate stood. “I’m worth respecting whether or not other people do. Of course I want you! You’re the only guy I ever wanted to risk exposure for, but because you showed me that there’s nothing to fear. I’ve been crippled and you put it all in perspective. You finally gave me a reason to fight.”

David crowded closer. “I’m worth the fight, damn it! Even if you won’t have any part of me, I won’t regret what I did today. I’m
, Nate. Goddamn you, I’m
!” He swallowed past the lump forming in his throat. “And I want you freely with me,” he said, softer. He reached up, stroked Nate’s cheek. “Please.”

“I’m a forever kind of guy, David.” Nate caught his hand, though, and pressed it to his cheek, kissed the heel of David’s hand.


David’s breath tangled in his throat with hope, and fear, and longing, and desperation. “So am I. I just never found the guy I wanted my forever with, until you.”

Nate’s gaze locked on his. David saw the moment understanding dawned on him. “You mean it,” he said, acknowledging the truth out loud. “What happens when things get rough and the questions start flying? What happens when you’re tempted to back down?”

“I admit it’s scary, and I can see where it’ll get difficult, but I’m not hiding. I meant it. I’m out. Hopefully, I’m out with you.”


“I don’t know.” Nate’s voice wavered.


David knew one thing for certain—Nate liked the way he kissed. If he could do nothing else, he’d prove his words with his body and hope Nate didn’t leave him in the rubble of aftermath. It would kill him.


Chapter Four

David’s hand slid from Nate’s cheek to the back of his head, jerking him forward. Their noses bumped. David adjusted, tipping his head oh so slightly to the side before sealing Nate’s lips with his own. The bottom dropped out of Nate’s stomach. His ears roared as pleasure swamped his senses.

Damn his lips!

Nate had two seconds before he quit thinking with his brain and led with his cock. David had no idea what can of worms he’d opened in coming out. He’d need time to adjust, time to take stock of what he wanted, not leap into a long term committed relationship, no matter what David thought he wanted. No matter what Nate hoped David wanted.

It felt real. All of it felt real. David’s firm chest, steely and warm flattened against his. David’s lean hips and thickened cock rolling sharply along his. David’s strong fingers gripping him close no matter how Nate pushed. Real and incredible. Fucking amazing if he chose to believe it. Could he?

With a strangled groan, Nate wedged an arm between them and levered his elbow until they had distance. He shoved David backwards. The sudden release of David’s demanding hold sent them both stumbling. David bumped the armrest on the couch and nearly toppled over. Nate caught himself before hitting the wall.

David looked back at him. His lips were swollen and pink, every muscle in his body held taut as he waited Nate out for a determination. David’s cock rose insistently behind his tented fly. He didn’t move, but held himself upright on the couch arm. His blue eyes smouldered beneath the shaggy hang of his chestnut hair. Dishevelled, hungry, fearful, David’s countenance spoke directly to Nate’s heart.

This look, worn by David, should have been bottled as an aphrodisiac. Fucking sexy as hell and all for Nate. What he knew about David told him the man wouldn’t back out of a decision no matter how difficult the circumstances became. He wouldn’t give up now that he was

So what held Nate back?

He’d been so certain of his own stance, secure in knowing he wanted David Rook but wouldn’t have him. Now that David offered himself without reservation, why did he resist? Hypocrisy slapped him into awareness.

He’d accused David of being afraid to face his identity and take on a meaningful relationship. What if it had been
who’d been afraid? Had he been banking on the expectation that David wouldn’t come to him? There was security in the knowledge that he didn’t have to open his heart up to David and risk the hurt he could cause.

Yet there he was. David was the strong one. David fought himself and Nate for the privilege of being gay and open. David gave himself up to Nate’s rejection and the longer Nate waited, the more resigned those sexy blue eyes got as they glittered with agony.

God, I’m hurting the one man I most want the right to love. What the fuck am I thinking?

Nate launched himself at David, taking him to the couch. The angle bent Nate awkwardly. He wrapped his arms around David and rolled to the floor, briefly knocking the wind out of himself in the process. Momentum carried them too far, smacking David against the legs of the coffee table and stopping them both on their sides. David grunted, a sexy husky sound that rumbled against Nate’s ear and sent shivers down his spine. Nate’s balls tightened with anticipation.

“Is this a yes?” David asked, throwing his leg around Nate’s waist and hooking him closer.


Nate shoved the coffee table and rolled on top. “Didn’t hear the proposal.”


“I suppose you’ll want a ring.” David mused.

Nate leant down, demanding and receiving a kiss from the wisecracking mouth. David kept pace, thrusting his tongue into Nate’s mouth to rub sensually against Nate’s. Like a starving man who’s just discovered culinary excellence, Nate slowed down, savoured the feel of David beneath him.

He pulled back, looking into David’s flushed face. Nate grinned at him. “Hell, yeah. Matching cock rings.”


David laughed, joyously. “Just don’t go flashing your junk at other men to show them you’re taken.”


Nate pretended to give it some thought. David laughed, grappling him and knocked the coffee table over in the process. “Oh, shit! Sorry about that.”


“No worries. I’ve got plenty of wood right here,” he said, his voice turning husky as he rubbed his cock against David’s.

David exhaled sharply, met Nate’s gaze with a hungry one of his own. Fuck if that look didn’t stroke his balls. Nate rested fully against him, held his head in his hands as he plied David’s lips with soft kisses. “I love your mouth,” he murmured between kisses. “I love the way it feels on me. I love the way it moves when we kiss, trembles when I do something you like.”

David groaned. “No one’s ever said that.”

“They’re all idiots.” Nate moved his hands down David’s body, yanked his shirt out of his pants and slid underneath to feel the hard muscles he’d only suspected were there until now. David’s smooth flesh heated his palms and Nate found himself searching out every dip and rise along his packed abdomen. Nate’s stomach knotted when David flexed and squirmed beneath him.

“I love what you’re doing to me,” David whispered under Nate’s lips. “Let me touch you.”


“Not done yet.”


“Don’t have to be,” David answered. He explored Nate’s back with the same thorough drag, until the trapped fabric between them kept him from lifting his shirt higher. “ Gonnahave to buy you a new shirt.”

Nate heard the words but it didn’t register until he heard the thick ripping sound and felt cooler air touch his back. Then a fit of chuckles hit him. He’d tried so hard to keep David away, calling him a playboy who dabbled outside the closet before shutting himself back in again. Yet, confessed and out, David’s enthusiasm humbled Nate with its straightforward quest to pleasure them both.

Nate nuzzled under David’s ear. “Hot move you got there.”


“You liked that, huh?”




“Wasn’t sure, since you laughed.”


Nate rocked his hips into David’s, groaning when their cocks rubbed against each other through layers of clothing. “Any doubt now?”


“None,” David said, roughly. He turned his head to the side, forcing Nate to look at him. David stroked his cheek. “Make love to me.”

Nate’s breath stalled. The liquid need in David’s eyes held more than a request for physical connection. He was asking Nate to love him back. Nate lightly rubbed the sides of their noses together, and tried to convey the depth of his own heart through the answer in his eyes. “With every breath.”

He reached between them, pulling off David’s shirt and the remnants of his own while keeping his eyes locked on him as much as possible. David helped, fumbling with their pants closures.


“Wait,” Nate said, breathlessly. He reached into his back pocket and retrieved a condom. He held it up between them and wiggled his brows. “Can’t forget this.”


David’s slow smile was like a hit to the gut. “You’re going to need a lot more than one.”

“Later,” he answered, hearing the gruffness in his voice. “One dick at a time.” They kicked off their remaining clothing, Nate sliding between David’s legs and their cocks jostling in the chaos of shucking pants, socks, and shoes. He reached over and grasped David’s gorgeous length, sending a visible shudder through him, temporarily stopping David with one shoe to go.

“Fuck, Nate, hurry up!”


Nate let him go, rolled the condom on and spat in his hands. The condom was lubed but it would still sting. He reached between David’s legs.


David’s shoe flew through the air and he hooked a digit at the ankle of his sock. Nate’s moist fingers stroking his hole made his eyes roll back. “Oh, God! Give a guy some warning.”

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