Branded By a Warrior (30 page)

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Authors: Sunny Andrews

“There is no escaping me Elisabeth
” he chuckled as
he leaned down to kiss her neck softly as he ran his strong hands over her tender breasts.

Running her hands up her husband’s
back she sunk her
into his hair as she arched against him and whispered into his ear, “
Likewise Husband, there shall never be a day I’ll ever want to leave your side
.” W
rapping her slim legs around his powerful thighs she felt his hard cock rub against her wet core.


He growled.

ith that,
she felt him enter
her in one long
erotic thrust, tipping her head back she moaned in pleasure as he filled her to the hilt.
God he was amazing. His thick sh
aft stretched her to the limits
as he sank deep. His possessive hands made her skin feel on fire as he teased her into moaning his name.

The new bed creaked under their rhythm, the glowing fireplace cast a shadow across the room as Elisabeth captured Broderick’s mouth again as he increased his pace.
Every touch, every kiss, Elisabeth could feel such passion from Broderick tonight.
Quivering with anticipation of the waves of pleasure to come, she locked her ankles behind his back and let the storm come.
Basking in the radiance he had ignited inside of her, she tilted her hips so he could penetrate her even deeper.

Squeezing her legs, she brought him even closer as he rocked into her with everything he had, the sensation nearly took her breath away, “Oh God yes, harder Broderick, harder
!” S
he gasped as sh
e clung to his rock hard body, everything this man did mad her mad with desire, she could never get enough of him.
Above her Broderick thrust
his hips as he showered attention on her breasts, her skin was alight with sensual delight as he left no part of her untouched.

He was tender and rough, demanding and yet so giving.
She was sure it was wrong for sex with her husband to feel so damn good, over these past months she craved him. Since he took her virginity, they had found themselves tangled in each other’s arms multiple times a day. It was never enough; the desire had never waned for either of them.

Broderick could shoot her a look
from across the courtyard
that would make her knees weak.
A small caress here and there, his strong
hand upon the small of her back, or a stolen kiss throughout the day made it damn near impossible to stay on track.

Watching him above her made her proud to call him her husband, he was flawless. His body was a
his face was that of a God, his long dark hair
that always fell
enticingly in his face.
His haunting green eyes seemed to look directly into her soul; this man was her destiny, her world.

Even after sleeping the man for weeks, she still hadn’t gotten used to his size
he stretched her to her lim
its every time they made love. Having him inside her
made her
feel complete.
Hot passion flowed between the two of them, bending to his will she threw her head back as her body exploded in glor
ious climax, screaming his name,
her world went still as hot white ecstasy coursed through her veins.




Broderick watched his wife come undone underneath him, grinning in delight he pumped harder as
her tight core milked his cock. “God, I love
Warrior Queen
.” H
is every word followed with a deep thrust.

” she whispered as she threw her head side to side as he claimed her once again.

.” H
e growled as he drove home, filling her with his hot seed. He dove deeper and deeper until he collap
sed beside her.
Pulling her into his arms, both breathing deeply, they savored the connection of ecstasy clinging to each other.

The candles in the study slowly had begun burning out; the fire gave a low glow from the other side of the room. Pulling the covers over them, Broderick kissed her forehead as he wrapped his arms around her slim frame. “I love you Elisabeth
MacMillan, with everything that I am
.” H
e whispered against her temple.

Feeling her squeeze his chest he knew she was emotional, wrapping his arms around her he pulled her closer and covered their bodies with warm blankets.
He had learned so much about her since he came to live with them. The emotional side she showed him, she did not let just anyone see that. He knew she trusted him, she trusted him to see both sides of her, the woman and the warrior. He loved them both.

Sleep claimed both quickly enough, Broderick held her until he was sure she had fallen asleep. Closing his eyes he sent up a prayer to God, and their fallen parents- to protect Elisabeth, keep her safe and healthy while he was away.
Now that she was his wife, he didn’t want to ever be without her. She was a vital part of his heart, his world, and soon enough she would be the mother of his children. Keeping her here while he rode south to Inverness would keep her safe, but it would be torture on both of them.
God willing
his trip would be successful and short.



Elisabeth woke the next morning to feel Broderick kissing her wounded shoulder with scalding
his large hand has slipped
her arm, kneading her tender breast. The sunrise still hours away, desire lanced through her as his touch set her on fire once again.

She could feel his hard cock pressing against her backside, the feeling made her feel even hotter as he rolled his hips once again so she could feel his desire.

Smiling to herself, she pressed her ass into his hard erection, enticing him take her once again, “Fuck me Broderick, one last time my love, I need you in me
.” S
he begged, unashamed of her need for him.
She would be without this man for many weeks to come; she needed him now more than ever.

She felt Broderick roll them around the bed, placing her directly above him. With no candles or glowing fire, she couldn’t see his
only feel his hands and giant cock between her legs. In one gentle motion, Broderick brought her down upon his velvet cock; gasping as he buried himself to the hilt she leaned her head back and moaned in building pleasure as he guided her hips.

She knew her time with him this morning was limited, once again soaking up every touch, every kiss, every caress- she memorized it. For she knew there would be long winter nights to come without him.
He made love to her tenderly, slowly; his words were filled with love.
Together they climaxed as one, intimate and drenched in passion
. T
he world around them stopped as
they came in each other’s arms.
Dizzy and exhausted, Elisabeth collapsed into Broderick’s steady arms, trying to catch her breath.

“I need to get dressed and pack Elisabeth, I am to leave in the next hour. Come with me back to our room my love, see
me off?” H
e requested lightly as he stroked her naked back.

ng deeply in sadness, she whispered
“Of course Broderick

Together they gathered their belongings from the study and slowly walked in the dark cas
tle back to their tower bedroom holding hands.
The castle was eerily silent as they crossed the vast keep; a few torches illuminated their path.
No one was yet
the crackling hearths were the only sound.

An hour later, ex
iting their room together, Elisabeth clung to Broderick’s hand for strength.
had helped him pack
and sharpe
d his blade while he changed. She was doing everything possible to keep her mind busy. The reality of him leaving was too depressing.

would be hard for her. So much was left in the balance with him leaving.  They had yet to find the person
for poisoning her, let alone figure out how Kincaid had such vital information of what happened within these walls. The responsibility of planning their attack fell upon her and Kendrix, along with trying to keep safe while Broderick was away. If Kincaid had a spy, it would only be a matter of time before he was informed that Laird MacMillan we
nt to Inverness to meet with
She had a very ominous feeling that something would happen while her husband was away. She wanted to stomp her foot and demand he take her with him, but she refused to act like a brat and argue with him before his departure. She would heed his decision, and stay behind with Kendrix.

She knew the King
of England
wouldn’t harm Bro
derick, he was correct in that
needed him. Broderick held the vast majority of land in the
his army was large and formidable. B
roderick’s allies were many,
the King
of England
would n
ot want to lose, or go against.

She also
owed her a rather large favor
, a favor
she had earned years ago. She was sworn to keep the secret, last night she wanted nothing more than to tell Broderick. Instead,
she had written a letter to
, gently reminding him of her outstanding favor she had yet to use. The King
of England owed her, and Richard
, a
secret, known only by the Drummond family.
She did not feel right keeping that information from her loving
however she
made an oath to their liege, King Richard. She could not break that vow without dire consequences.
She knew, that if B
roderick’s meeting with King Richard
took a turn
for the worse, he could hand
him the letter and Richard
would be honor bound to
agree to her choice of a husband

Keeping her relationship to the King
of England
secret all thes
e years was for her safety, if King Richard
died, he
wanted a
heir hidden away to ascend the throne. Duncan and Elisabeth were those heirs, with Duncan
Elisabeth was the sole heir to the King’s crown should he

She was far more than just
he Warrior
n of Scotland
she was the hidden heir to the throne of England.
She was King Richard’s cou
sin, his only family, a secret that could get her killed if the wrong person knew.
A secre
t her husband didn’t even know, and with her parents and brother dead, only
the Ki
ng of England and she knew the truth.
She was confident that her cousin favored Broderick, she also knew King Richard cared for her in his own way. Although he had moments of insanity, she prayed that he remembered who they were and what they meant to him. Surely he would be pleased with her choice?

Walking out into the bailey the morning sun had just crested the
horizon of the Highlands. Taking her final chance to speak to him alone, she squeezed his hand and stopped at the bottom of the castle stairs and looked up into his
calm face.
Clearing her throat, she pulled the letter from her fur and handed it to him, praying he would understand.

“What is this Elisabeth?” Broderick
asked, a questioning look upon his face as he gently
took the letter from her hands

“If your meeting with the King
becomes unfavorable, please deliver this letter into his hands
only, tis meant for his eyes only

Cocking his head, he stared at her. She could see him trying to process the different reasons why her letter to the King of Eng
land would change their future, and why he couldn’t read it.

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