Read Branded for Murder Online

Authors: Dick C. Waters

Branded for Murder (13 page)

Chapter 34


I left Mike a note about the new process I set up, mentioning I would see him on Monday. I felt guilty not working Thanksgiving Day, but he said it was okay. I know I’m only helping them out, but I feel responsible for the part I’m playing.

I could feel my heart beat faster as I entered my apartment, thinking whether Lisa would be with me later. I went into the bedroom, taking out my clothes for later. I stretched out on the bed, putting my head on the pillow. When I closed my eyes, images of Lisa and me flooded my brain. I recalled every single step along the way. I wished there were parts I could change, but now it was too late. I guess the fact that I wasn’t experienced, made her more comfortable.

I looked over at the alarm clock. It was already after 5 pm. I must have fallen asleep. I stripped off my clothes, ran into the bathroom and started the shower. I quickly shaved to take away the five o’clock shadow, and climbed in the shower. The water felt extra special as it hit my body. I remember our shower together. It was the first time I ever showered with someone else. Immediately, the images caused a reaction, bringing a smile to my face.
Easy boy there’s going to be plenty of time for that. Then I thought, what if she has had second thoughts about what happened, and wants to cool it with me?

That thought deflated things considerably. It didn’t seem like she wanted to cool things when I talked to her on the phone. I kind of got the impression she was looking forward to seeing me. The more I thought about that the more it put a smile back on my face.

I had to hurry to get to her dorm on time, but decided to do a quick change of the sheets just in case.
Just in case what Scott?
I still thought it was the best thing to do. I enjoyed her scent on my pillow, but thought she would appreciate fresh sheets. This is all so new and confusing. Maybe I should just roll with it, letting things take their course. It was too late, the bed was made and the apartment looked presentable. I put my coat on, took my keys and was on my way.




I drove over the speed limit, but at a safe level. I was going to make it to Lisa’s on time, providing I got a parking space close to her dorm. My breathing quickened, just thinking of being with her. I wonder if things will be like this, thirty years from now, after we’ve been married for many years.
Marriage, wow, that’s a new word. Is that what you feel like doing? Is this the one you’ve been waiting for all these years? Does she feel the same way?
I knew the answers to some of those questions, but not all.

I looked at my hands shaking on the wheel. I was concerned at the possibility that she doesn’t feel the same as I do.
Lisa, I know you’re what I have been waiting for. My mind and my body tell me so. Ever since I saw you in the library weeks ago, I have done everything in my power to be near you. Now that it has happened, it has to last forever. I will do everything in my power to make it last.




I got lucky, finding a parking space near the dorm. When I entered the dormitory, there was a different guard on duty. He asked my name and who I was visiting. The guard took the information down, and asked one of the coeds to get Lisa. She looked me over, smiled and waved to me as I sat down on one of the couches. She took her time walking up the stairs, smiling again at the top.

A minute or so later she came down the stairs in the same manner, walking over to me. “Hi Scott, my name is Julie. It’s nice to meet you.” She offered her hand, so I stood to shake it. It was small, soft and very warm to the touch. “Lisa will be right down.”

“It’s nice to meet you too Julie.” I smiled at her while I shook her hand, spotting Lisa coming down the stairs. Julie didn’t immediately let go of my hand. I had to thank her again for getting Lisa. She slowly let go of my hand, smiling at me, then she smiled at Lisa and walked off to the other side of the room.

Lisa came over, but she wasn’t smiling. She looked over at Julie and then at me. “I see you met Julie,” she said, in a disapproving voice.

“Hi Lisa, she seemed nice enough to me.”

“I would expect so,” she answered quickly. “Can we go?”

“Sure. Let’s go.” I took her hand, but she didn’t really hold my hand as we passed by the guard.

“Have a nice night you two,” he said, smiling at us as we passed.

“Thanks. I hope so,” I replied. Holding the door open for Lisa, I wondered if my fear of her wanting to cool our relationship was coming to be. We didn’t speak as we walked to my car. I opened the door for her and she slid inside.




I quickly started the car, looking over to her. “Lisa, are you okay?”

Her hands were clenched and she was slow to speak. “Scott, I’m sorry. You didn’t do anything. I guess I was a little surprised at Julie’s…well, her holding your hand.”

I was surprised and relieved she was jealous. I guess I read what she was upset about, having nothing to do with the other night. “I guess I didn’t think anything of it. She was just introducing herself and telling me you were coming.”

“I’m sorry Scott. I guess I missed you so, and then when I saw you holding someone else’s hand, I lost it.” She slid over in her seat towards me, leaned across the console and kissed me. When she put her cold hands on my neck, I jumped. “What’s the matter Scott, are you out of practice? Let’s try that again.” This time she was across the console, on my lap facing me. We locked lips. She took my breath away. “Like I said Scott, that’s the way to greet a lady.”

I wanted to take her right to my place, right then. “Are you hungry?” I asked.

“That could be a trick question. Let me assume you’re talking about dinner. I would enjoy a nice
dinner.” She put her arms around my neck, adding, “So what nationality are you?”

I knew what she meant. I could devour her also. I knew we needed to eat dinner for our strength later, and replied, “I’m part Swedish.”

She looked into my eyes not saying anything for a minute. “I’m so hungry, I could devour all of you…but what part is Swedish?”

I might be stupid, but I knew we could head to my apartment right then, but decided not to. We kissed for some time. I finally said, “We need to get going.”

She started biting at my ear and whispered, “I know you have your motor going…mine’s going too.” She jumped away and announced, “You need to get the defroster going mister. The windows are all fogged up.”

I put the defroster on and smiled at her this time. “I thought it was already on.”




We ate at a small Italian restaurant in the Back Bay section of Boston. The red and white tablecloths reminded me of the pub, but the wine in coke bottles was a nice touch. Speaking of touches, the ride to my apartment was filled with anticipation. I was really enjoying my time with Lisa, but was concerned about her fear of being watched.

She shared something else with me. “Scott, I think someone has been in my dorm room. I have a set of black underwear missing from my drawer. I noticed the drawer had been disturbed. I asked Judy if she was in my drawer and she asked why. She told me I must be wrong, that I must have left it that way. I went through my clothes basket, telling her the underwear set was indeed missing.”

Now, I was even more concerned about things. First the guard, then the feeling she was being watched, then sensing someone was in her room and then the missing underwear. All of this could be explained, but right now I couldn’t help explain them. “Lisa, there’s probably an explanation.”

“Scott, everything seems so confusing since we were together the other night. I’m not thinking straight, and maybe you’re right about there being an explanation.” Her face lit up from the reflection of my headlights on my apartment building as we headed down the driveway. I noticed the worried look on her face, but it seemed to melt away as we got closer to the building. She added, “Thank God we are finally here.”




As we silently went up the stairs, I was thinking about whether I had too much garlic bread. I knew I could brush my teeth as soon as we were inside. The stairs made their usual announcement of my arrival, but this time there was a duet.

I opened the door to my apartment. Lisa took about two steps in, kicked off her shoes, turned and planted a wonderful kiss on my lips. She had her arms around my neck and I could feel the warmth of her body right through our winter jackets. I picked her up, carrying her right into the bedroom, placing her on the bed. I took off my jacket and then her pea coat. “Lisa, are we rushing things too fast?”

“I’ll let you know if you get too far ahead of me. Right now you’re about a lap behind. She pulled my head down, biting and lapping my ear. “Scott seriously, my body reacts to you long before you even touch me. I want us to enjoy a night of love making. I could care less right now about getting any sleep.” Her fingers were already busy with my buttons.




As the light of the rising sun was coming in the bedroom window, I was still amazed by the sight of her. She was sleeping facing the window with her back to me, but the covers were someplace other than on the bed. Her back was as beautiful as the rest of her. I could see the curve of her spine against her skin. Her waist looked even smaller accented by the curve of her hips. I was amazed about last night, how comfortable we were with each other and how many times we made love. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest now just thinking about it.

I kissed her shoulder lightly, surprised that she quickly rolled over. I looked into her eyes and all I could see was happiness. We stared at each other, saying nothing. Our eyes told it all. I knew long before last night I had found the love of my life. I just wished I could make her the happiest person in the world forever. I thought of my cousin Jackie and what she missed. She would miss this special sensation of loving someone. My eyes started to water, but I didn’t look away.

Lisa saw what was happening and quietly asked, “What’s wrong Scott? It’s not about last night, or us, is it?”

Tears were running down my cheeks and she kissed them away. “Scott I love you. There was something about you when I first saw you in the library. I knew I would be with you some day and hopefully forever.” She had no sooner spoken the words when her own emotions spilled forth in her eyes. I sensed she might be concerned I didn’t feel the same way. She asked, “Please tell me what’s wrong.”

I hugged her, feeling the familiar warmth of her body. “I need to share something with you.” However, my body was talking faster than I was.

She pushed against my shoulders, wiggled a little and said smiling, “You’ve already shared that with me.”

She was incredible, but I needed to get serious. “We’ll get back to that later. Right now I need to share something with you and it’s not that. I need to be serious for a minute.” I rolled away from her, sitting up against the headboard. I found the sheet to make sure we had a serious talk. She pulled the other end to cover herself, but she looked like I was about to tell her we were finished.

“Lisa, this isn’t about us. I want to be with you forever, but there’s something else I have to share with you.” My thoughts went to Jackie again and the tears started to well up.

“You’ve got my attention. Scott you’re scaring me, what’s wrong?”

I took a deep breath, rolling over to face her. “It’s about a specific strangler case and something I need to share.” She didn’t say a word, but I could tell her mind was spinning like crazy. “One of the strangling cases involved my family.” I tried to tell it unemotionally, but I couldn’t hold the tears back. I thought of Jackie, never feeling the love I was. “My cousin, Jackie, was one of his victims.” I wanted to say more, but the words wouldn’t come.

“Scott, I’m so sorry. That must be awful.” She was kissing away my tears again and although I couldn’t entirely forget about Jackie, she was doing a good job of making me feel much better.




We were smiling over coffee that morning. I felt like hell, not having slept all night. However, it had been a nice feeling cuddling, but all that had done was to light the fire again. We had finally called a truce as I poured the coffee, but her kisses on my neck almost kissed it goodbye.

“Lisa, we need to finish breakfast and get going, or we won’t make Thanksgiving dinner.”

She smiled at me again. I knew it was trouble coming. “So you would rather eat than have me, is that what you’re saying Mr. Tucker?”

I considered my options before answering. “It would be easy to stay here with you for several days. Just say the word.” I let that sit with her for a moment. “How about we eat a quick breakfast, and then jump in the shower together?” She gave a playful smile, starting to unbutton my white shirt she was wearing. She got to the third button. I jumped up to put the bread in the toaster. I was about to butter the toast when I felt her pressing her body against my back.

We ate the cold toast in the car on our way to her dorm. Neither of us complained about the lack of a real breakfast, as the shower was higher on the priority list. It was hard to think we were going separate routes in a few minutes.


“What Scott?”

I wanted to tell her earlier, but I hadn’t been able to say the words. “Thank you for coming into my life.” I looked over at her, and she looked so angelic with her white beret and her blonde hair hanging over her shoulder.

She smiled and came over closer. “Scott it must have been fate. There were so many things that needed to happen to put us near each other. I can’t tell you how happy you make me feel.” I could see the tears running down her cheeks this time.

I put my arm around her, pulling her to my chest, “Lisa…I love you.”

She answered quickly, “I know you do…I love you too. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” No sooner had she said the words when I noticed her worried expression. She couldn’t hold her sobs back, hugging me with all of her strength.

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