BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (56 page)

“So you’re of the mind that every women dressed provocatively in a bar is asking for it?”

“It’s not the same. Those women aren’t letting different men use them.”

“Listen to what you just said, Jami. ‘Letting’. It was your choice to be with those men. Just as it is your choice to be with Luke and I.” He brushed his hand over her hair. “Two men who respect you, who understand your needs and don’t think any less of you for them.”

“I don’t know . . . .” She leaned against him, sighing as more tears spilled. “I don’t know what I need anymore.”

“You said you needed me, mi cielo.” He hugged her tight, then bent down to kiss her. “I’m here.”

“But what about the other stuff? Like the party and—”

“The party is over, and the only thing I regret from that is not joining you in bed that night.” His finger covered her lips before she could object. “As for ‘the other stuff’ our relationship is more than ropes and whips and games. I would love you without any of it.”

“Why? I’m a wreck, Sebastian. I have no plans anymore—I obviously can’t be an Ice Girl.” Moving away from him, she held up her broken arm. The cast wasn’t all that heavy, but all the things she couldn’t do because of it made it feel huge. She couldn’t even wash with anything other than a cloth because of the stupid thing. And she was so dirty . . . “You deserve someone decent. Clean—”

Sebastian’s jaw ticked. He drew her closer to the elevator and pressed the button to call it. “There are many reasons why I love you, gatita, and I will list them all, from your kindness, to your playfulness, while I do something very important.”

She blinked up at him as he guided her into the elevator. “What?”

“Find a way to make you feel clean, even if only physically for now. And perhaps if I tell you often enough that. You.” He framed his hand under her jaw and she closed her eyes as he leaned in. He kissed her eyelids. “Are.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Not.” His lips brushed softly over hers as he whispered. “Dirty.” His lips slanted over hers and she moaned as he ravished her mouth, stealing her breath. He smiled against her lips when the elevator stopped. “You’ll eventually believe me.”

“But . . . .” Tonguing her swollen bottom lip, she moved with him onto the floor of her hospital room, loving the idea of him helping her, but not sure how he could. A long, hot shower, with his hands all over her, soaping her up, might do the trick. Her cheeks heated as her father came out of the room down the hall. “My dad’s here. And I can’t shower yet.”

“Your father really should go spend time with Silver.” Sebastian’s hot breath on the back of her neck made all the tiny hairs rise. “And I do believe a sponge bath would be safe.”


Chapter Twenty Six

Dean held the passenger side door open for Jami, struggling not to help her more than necessary as she eased into the seat. She sighed when he did up her seatbelt, but didn’t complain. Her friend, Akira, climbed into the backseat, then leaned between the seats to continue the argument they’d had going since Jami was released.

“You are not taking the futon. Not until you’re out of that cast.”

Jami groaned. “Akira, I’m not kicking you out of your own bed.”

“It’s not up for discussion.” Akira smirked. “You said you’d do
to make up for scaring me so much.”

“I can’t believe you’re going to use that against me for our sleeping arrangements!”

“Sweetie, I’m just getting started. Just wait until you
try to clean or cook. You might as well get used to it.” Akira sat back, clicked her seatbelt in place, then grinned at Dean through the rearview mirror. “Don’t worry, sir. I’ll take good care of your daughter.”

Chuckling, Dean inclined his head. “I believe you will.”

At first, Dean hadn’t been crazy about the idea. He wanted Jami home with him, where he could watch over her every minute of every day. Every cut and bruise on her face, every haunted look in her eyes, every wince, had his heart so battered it felt like someone had bludgeoned his chest with a steel pipe. But Jami turned him down with the same stubborn determination she showed when Ramos had made the same offer. Ramos would have been Dean’s second choice. At least he had the strength and motivation to keep her safe, but Jami had pointed out that she didn’t need protection anymore. And she refused to let what had happened change her life so drastically.

But she couldn’t return to her apartment. Not even to pack. Ramos and Carter were there now with a truck, moving most of her things into storage. They would meet her at Akira’s with clothes and whatever she couldn’t live without. The list she’d given them had been short. Dean had a feeling she would have replaced it all, but she had his pride, and refused to use his money. Her savings were dwindling, but she already had a plan in motion. And had done the one thing he’d never thought she’d do.

She’d applied for a job at the Delgado Forum. After emailing her resume, she’d made it perfectly clear, before either he or Silver could offer a well paying position in one of their offices, that she’d be working her way from the bottom up. And trying out again for the Ice Girls next season.

“Without anyone pulling strings for me this time,” Jami had said, hugging Silver. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I think I can do this on my own.”

Dean’s lips curved as he drove them to Akira’s place.

That’s my girl.

Ramos and Carter were waiting for them outside the apartment when they arrived. Dean could see the effort it took for Ramos not to go to her when she waved everyone away and got out of the car by herself.

Carter hefted up a large box to his shoulder from the trunk of Ramos’ car. “You sure you don’t want to stay with us for a bit, boo?”

Jami sighed. “I’m sure.”

“Akira’s place is tiny.”

“It’s about the same size as my old place.”

“Seb’s got a bigger bed.” Carter wiggled his eyebrows, then jumped when Akira strode up to him and punched him in the shoulder. “Hey! What was that for?”

“In front of her father?” Akira folded her arms over her chest. “Behave yourself.”

“Or what?” Carter’s eyes went wide as Ramos stepped up behind him and spoke quietly in his ear. “Damn, you guys are no fun. Richter knows his daughter—”

“Niño, be silent.” Ramos glanced over as a car pulled up behind his. His eyes narrowed.


Dean didn’t know much Spanish, but he knew that one. And couldn’t agree more. He stepped in front of Jami as Ford emerged. “You’ve got some nerve showing your face here, Ford.”

“What I’d like to know is how you found the place.” Carter cracked his knuckles. Stepped forward. Then groaned as Ramos blocked him with an arm. “Come on. Just one? He wants it so fucking bad.”

Ford raked his fingers through his hair. “Akira’s address was on file. I figured Jami would come here.”

“What gave you the idea that
should?” Ramos asked.

“I just wanted to bring Jami something.” Ford opened the back door of his car and pulled out a cage covered with a black blanket. “I owe her something good after everything I’ve done.”

Jami screeched, sobbed, and ran towards Ford. “Peanut?”

“Yeah, I found him at Lee’s place. Along with—“ Ford winced at Ramos’ sharp look. “Never mind. I’m just happy I was able to bring him back to you.”

“Thank you.” Jami knelt and set the birdcage on the sidewalk. She flipped the blanket off, whispering, crying as the bird chirped at her. “Oh god, Ford.” Her voice cracked. “Thank you so much.”

Akira crouched down beside Jami, sticking her finger between the bars even as she peered up at Ford. She opened her mouth a few times, shook her head, then put her arm over Jami’s shoulders. “I appreciate you bringing Peanut.” She took a deep breath and dropped her gaze. “But please . . . don’t come here again.”

Ford took a step back, shoulders squared. He nodded slowly. “Got it. Want me to erase your number too?”

Keeping her eyes down, Akira cleared her throat and said softly, “would you?”

“Consider it done.” Ford glanced over at Dean. “I’d like to arrange a meeting after the next game. I have a few ideas I’d like to run by you.”

“Do you?” Dean arched a brow. “Such as?”

“We’re not selling to the

Dean laughed. “I don’t see how that changes anything. You
a Kingsley.”

“Not anymore.”

With that, Ford returned to his car. Sped away without looking back. Dean wished he’d seen the last of him, but unfortunately, besides being a partial owner in the team, he was family. Silver may have no interest in her brother now, but that could change. Oriana had been working hard on bringing her siblings together. She seemed desperate to see something good in Ford.

But maybe not after this. Dean could only hope.

Doesn’t matter, either way.
Dean smiled as he watched Ramos pull Jami to her feet while Carter picked up the cage. He may have had reservations about the relationship, but not anymore.
Ford’s in her past. And it looks like he’s going to stay there.

* * * *

Jami sat at Akira’s kitchen table, feeding Peanut apple pieces. She pet his soft blue feathers, cooing softly, happy tears
her eyes as she looked him over.

He’s okay.
She bit her bottom lip as he bumped his head against her hand. She’d been afraid that he’d be skittish after his ordeal. What if Lee had shaken his cage? Or yelled at him? But he sang softly, vying for attention like he always did. Like nothing had happened.

Across the kitchen, he father stood with Luke and Sebastian, gesturing with his beer as he argued with them on the best strategy to win the next game. Then he shocked her, setting down his beer and shifting the topic to her.

Theater in Halifax is putting on
next week,” he said. “You should bring Jami.”

“That is an excellent idea.” Sebastian tipped his bottle to his lips, then paused. “There is a restaurant she rather enjoys. I plan to bring her again soon. Perhaps you and Bower would like to join us with Silver before the show?” He inclined his head to Akira. “You are welcome to come.”

Akira grinned. “Sure. That way I can make sure you don’t keep her out too late.”

Frowning, Jami held her hand out so Peanut could hop onto Akira’s palm, then went to stand beside Luke who was staring at Sebastian like he’d just sprouted another head. She snatched Luke’s beer bottle and took a long swig before handing it back. “Umm . . . no offense, dad, but we are so not going on a double date. That’s just weird.”

“Why?” Her father chuckled as he finished his beer. “Don’t you think I should get to know the men who are with my daughter a little better?”

“Sure. We’ll get together for the holidays or something,” Jami said. “But we need some time alone.”

“We will have that, mi cielo.” Sebastian placed his beer on the counter. “Perhaps we can have coffee before then. Or lunch.”

“Lunch?” Jami shook her head. “Okay, how about we talk about this after my dad leaves. I think you’re getting at something, but I’m not sure what.”

“My cue.” Her father kissed her forehead, then headed for the door. “I’ll see you boys at the rink tomorrow. And Ramos?” He grinned as Sebastian met his steady gaze. “You have my blessing.”

“Thank you, sir.” Sebastian shook her father’s hand. Once her father was gone, he pulled out another beer. He offered it to her, his lips quirking as she continued to frown at him. “You were saying?”

“After the game tomorrow . . . can I spend the night?”


“Can you tell me why?”

“Certainly. You need time to heal.” He uncapped the bottle. “And we need time to get to know one another better.”

“You’re punishing me.” She grabbed the bottle from him, gulped down a few mouthfuls, then scowled. “Is it because I’m not staying with you?”

That’s so not fair.
She gave Luke a dirty look.
Lucky bastard

“Not at all. If you were, you, like Luke, would have your own room.” He met Luke’s startled look with a calm smile. “And you would be sleeping in your own bed. Every night.”

“Huh?” Luke choked on his beer. Akira slapped his back, amusement lighting her eyes. He ignored her. “I’m with Jami. What are you getting at?”

Akira giggled as she carried Peanut back to his cage. “I’m going to set Peanut up in the bedroom.”

Sebastian moved to the table. Pulled out a chair. Waited until both Luke and Jami joined him before he spoke. “Things have progressed much too quickly between us. We have been given the opportunity to start over. And we shall.”

“So . . . .” Jami took a deep breath. “Nothing?”

“Nothing.” Sebastian put his hand over hers. His lips hardened as she jerked away from him. “I will not make love to you until you feel comfortable speaking to me. About anything. It may take some time, but I am willing to wait.”

“That’s a bit drastic, don’t you think?” Luke chewed his bottom lip, his gaze slipping down to her cast, resting on her lap. “Okay, I can
see why, but—”

“No buts. I will not risk something like this happening again.” Sebastian’s chair scraped across the tiles as he stood. “I expect the two of you to show some restraint as well, but I cannot dictate what you do. I simply hope you understand why I am doing this.”

“What happened to me shouldn’t change anything!” Jami turned to Luke, expecting him to support her. But he looked away. “I didn’t tell you because I was afraid for you! Not because I can’t talk to you!”

“Mi cielo, you kept things from me long before you thought I may be in danger. With what we do . . . .” Sebastian shook his head. “That is not acceptable. Luke, you said things would change.”

“I know, but—” Luke sat back in his chair.

“Now they have.”

Sebastian bent down to kiss her. She stiffened, almost turned away, then stopped herself. She refused to be sulky and childish about this. If Sebastian needed her to prove that she could talk to him, that they had more than hot, passionate, mind-blowing sex between them . . .

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