Breaking Into the Business (9 page)

swimming without your trunks. I’ve already seen you naked.”

would be a little weird.”

if I swam naked, too?”

jaw dropped so far I could see the back of his mouth. He also dropped his pool
net onto the concrete.

you being serious?” he asked. I noticed that his hands were reaching for the
string that held his bathing suit up.

don’t say things I don’t mean,” I said as I took a step towards him.

finally relented and I knew that I had him. He took two steps towards me, and
the next thing I knew, we were kissing.

was madness all over again. The animalistic fury that Greg and I had shared was
now duplicated in my backyard. The two of us shared a hunger for one another’s
company, one another’s pleasure, that we were moments away from tearing each
other part.

slid my shirt over my head. Since I wasn’t wearing a bra, my breasts were
exposed. Normal me would have shrieked and ran away, but the new me didn’t
care. His strong hands gripped by breasts as his tongue continued to probe my
mouth. I could feel him pulling away slightly, and I knew that he wanted to go

I held him in place for a moment. I still had to get rid of his bathing suit.
My hands touched the string that held it in place, and I could already feel the
tip of him protruding out of the top of the suit. So much for warming up, I

tugged the string and then shoved his suit to the ground. I took a step back
and surveyed him. Even though I had just seen him naked recently, it was a new
experience in my new frame of mind. A bronzed god stood before me, erect and
waiting for my command. Less than twenty four hours ago, I had been a helpless
victim in the game of love, and standing there with Derrick, I became someone
in charge of my own love life.

of going to him again, I removed my shorts and then dove into the pool. I made
sure to flash him a grin before doing so. As my head came back up out of the
water, I heard the splash of him joining me.

let my head fall back some so that I could let the water rash over my neck. It
was liberating to be without the confines of clothing swimming in a pool with
an attractive man who, as evidenced by his physical reaction, was as attracted
to me as I was to him.

felt his hands first. They slid around my waist from behind, and I could feel
his hardness push against my butt, sliding up as he moved closer.

I lifted my head back up, he turned me around, smoothly but forcefully. The
moment our eyes locked, he went in for another kiss. I could smell the chlorine
all around me as our hands began to explore each other’s bodies. The water was
cool on my skin, which was helpful to keep my body temperature down, because
his hands were doing all they could to increase it.

hand played with my breasts. His technique was rougher than Greg’s had been,
but he was more aggressive and energetic. His other hand found its way down
between my thighs. The skill of his fingers nearly matched that of Greg’s
tongue. I moaned into his mouth, kneading his tongue in time with the bucking
of my hips.

I became accustomed to the riveting feelings that he was giving by his finger
work, I began to explore his body. My left hand went instantly for his member,
while the other hand found its way to his rear. I pulled him closer as the
other hand did its work.

that, we fumbled through the pool, lost in our own twister of ecstasy and lovemaking.
Our mouths never left each other, until he stopped kissing me long enough to
suggest we get out of the pool.

took him by the hand and led him up the steps and onto the patio. When we
reached the chaise lounge chair, I let go of his hand and sensually placed my
body down on the cushions.

grinned at me and opened his mouth to say something. “I can’t believe we’re
doing this,” he said.

neither,” I said.

totally had the hots for you since the day I met you,” he said.

I asked.

yes,” he said. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

nice of you to say,” I smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

smile turned coy. “Does seeing me naked by your pool turn you on?”

I asked. For a brief flash, the old me was prepared to resurface and ask this
kid who was years younger than I was why he was asking such a stupid question. However,
I managed to suppress that old part of myself, and played along.

repeated the question. “Of course it does,” I said.

were you thinking about?” he asked.

it would be like to be with you,” I said. I immediately regretted the words. I
could admit that I wasn’t really good at the dirty talk, but once I got into
it, I found out just how arousing it was.

you want to know what I was thinking about?” he asked.


it would be like to make love to you,” he said.

stop wondering and get over here,” I said.

leaned one knee down on the end of the chaise and then the other. He crawled
his way up and soon he was on top of me. His youthful vigor became apparent
very quickly. Without even having to guide it, he gyrated his hip once and he
had found the spot.

he was firmly in place, and I reassured him that I was okay, he began. His zest
was that of an athlete in the final period of the big game. I tried to stifle
the noises coming from my mouth, because I knew there was a good chance that
one of the neighbors could hear me.








Chapter Eight


making love on the patio, Derrick and I took a shower together. He was charming
in an immature way. Instead of the shower being a sensual thing, he was playful
and as energetic has he had been during sex. Luckily, I had a large walk-in
shower so that we had plenty of room, but he used that room to have a soap
fight with me.

before we decided to get out, we ended up doing it one more time. When that was
finished, we both dressed and he went outside to get his things ready to leave.

was nice,” he said.

nice,” I replied.

meant what I said earlier,” he said. “You really are hot.”

you,” I smiled. “And you are, too.”

made small talk while he loaded up his bucket of chemicals and other pool
cleaning items. He gave me a lingering kiss on the mouth and then he left.

I walked back into the house, I began to doubt myself again. The old Lana
ripped her way back into my psyche and the self-doubt of who I really was
dwarfed the elation that I had felt being with Derrick.

the span of less than a day, I had had sex with two different men. I was
becoming nothing more than a whore. Oh wait, I corrected myself, I was actually
just being a slut. At least a whore got paid for what they were doing. I
actually laughed out loud at the irony.

Betsy and Pearl were here, they would give me a high five. Embarrassed as my
instinct was trying to make me feel, I knew that I shouldn’t be. What kept me
from having fun with Greg or Derrick? Just my own mind. I was single and they
were single, so what was the problem?

knew then what I had to do. How hypocritical was I to make Greg feel bad about
what he did, when I wasn’t any better. Despite the misgivings I felt initially
about his profession, the night I had with him had awoken something in me,
something that felt the most like healing than anything else I had felt since
Frank had left.

wasn’t completely sure why I had convinced myself to meet Greg again, but I
knew that it was the right thing to do. One minute, I was thinking about it,
and the next thing I knew, I had his card out and was calling his phone. He
answered after three rings, and when I introduced myself, he started laughing.

wanted to hang up the phone right there.

how have you been?” he asked.

course, I couldn’t tell him the truth. What would I say? “Oh yeah, after I
slept with you and then made you feel bad for being a gigolo, I came out and
slept with my pool boy.” That would go over real well.

good,” was what I chose to say instead.

want to apologize again for the misunderstanding,” he said. “But I really did
have a great time with you. You are an amazing woman, Lana.”

had a good time with you, too,” I said. “I really owe you an apology as well. I
shouldn’t have treated you the way that I did.”

no problem,” he said. “I know it must have been a shock to you.”

was,” I confessed. “Do you want to meet for lunch today?”

he said. “When and where?”

about noon at that sandwich bistro next to the bar we met at?” I asked.

it,” he said. “I’ll see you there, okay?”

I said and hung up.


Right on
schedule, I pulled my car into the parking lot of our meeting place. When I
entered the bistro, he was standing there waiting for me before he ordered.

was just as gorgeous as I remembered. Even without the dim light of the bar, I
felt myself swoon a little at seeing him. The combination of his sparkling blue
eyes and that grin of his nearly sent me over the edge.

I walked up to him, he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. Blushing a
little, I tried to maintain my composure.

ordered and then took our seat near the back. I made sure that nobody else was
sitting near us so that I might have a little privacy. The conversation I had
envisioned was not one that I wanted strangers to be privy to.

you for seeing me again,” I said to him.

wouldn’t I?”

of the way I treated you.”

didn’t treat me in a way that was unexpected,” he said. “I told you not to
worry about it.”

reached into my purse and found the white envelope from the bank. Placing it on
the table, I slid it across to him.

this?” he asked.


scowled and slid it back across the table. “I told you not to worry about it.”

know,” I nodded. “But I don’t care. I want to make sure you get paid.”

what? Having a great time with you?”

not play this game,” I said. “You were just doing your job, which by the way,
you were excellent at. You can’t deny that you went into last night thinking
anything else. Why else would you have brought up the charge?”

didn’t know you weren’t aware.”

doesn’t mean that you weren’t on the clock in your mind when you slept with
me,” I continued. “You shouldn’t have to work for free just because I was too
stupid to ask or pick up on the clues.”

really can’t accept your money,” he said, sliding the envelope even closer to

stop trying to be so chivalrous,” I said. “Being with you has helped me out on
a very deep personal level, and I was able to realize some aspects of my
personality that need some work. Had I not slept with you, I don’t know how
long it would have taken me to realize these things. I owe you so much more
than what is in that envelope.”

I was glad to help.”

I shook my head. “You don’t understand. To complete this revelation and
personal battle, I feel like I need to pay you. It may not make sense to you,
and it certainly doesn’t make sense to me, but please accept this money so that
I can put closure on what you and I shared.”

you don’t think there’s a chance we can go out again?” he asked.

couldn’t be sure, but he actually looked a little hurt when I said the word ‘closure.’
It was strange to see his pretty blue eyes look so pained.

would paying you make that impossible?” I asked.

I don’t want to think about our night together as business,” he said.


I think you’re special,” he said. “From the moment you left my apartment, I
couldn’t get you out of my head. When you called, my heart did flips in my

thought about you, too,” I said. The hypocrisy was not lost on me. True, I did
think about him.  However, what kind of person did that make me that I thought
about him and then had sex with my pool boy, just hours after leaving his

the way,” he said, his frown changing into a smile. “How did you know my

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