Breaking the Nexus (Mythrian Realm) (17 page)

Worry thickened her voice, traveled down the amazing bond between them. Inconceivable though it was, he wouldn’t give it up for anything. He wasn’t afraid to admit he was possessive; having her inextricably linked to him on a level so deep was astounding. Days ago he hadn’t known she existed. Now, he couldn’t imagine being without her.

“We’ve done all we can. I’m ready when you are,” she said, eyes steady, all but the slightest tinge of fear masked. Had he not been so in tune with her, he’d have missed even that tiny amount. Her courage awed him.

“Ready as I’ll ever be. Stay in one piece, will you?”

“I will if you will.”


Steeling himself with a deep breath, silver blade hidden up his coat sleeve in a makeshift sheath, Connor reached for the knob, turned it and eased the door open.

And walked straight into hell.


Sunlight reflected off the hood of a car as it hurtled through the air, tumbling end over end, headed straight toward them. Shock at seeing the massive weight being thrown as effortlessly as if it were made of paper rooted Sha’s feet to the ground.

“Duck!” The warning shout came from their left. A teenager in a black coat and jeans, blood running sluggishly down his leg beneath a makeshift bandage. The same kid from earlier. Alec.

Connor didn’t hesitate, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her down, twisting to take the brunt of the impact as they hit the ground. The vehicle was mere feet away when it veered to the side, slamming into the side of the apartment building. Shards of brick, mortar, glass, and metal rained down upon them, most falling around them as Sha regained her senses and threw out a protective barrier.

“Idiot, you don’t need to shield me,” she protested, pushing against his shoulders. “Was that you? Did you deflect the car?” Searching for the teenager, she saw he was ushering civilians out of the vicinity. Brave, if foolish, kid.

“Dunno, maybe. I didn’t think, just reacted.” Amazement, followed by concern, crossed his face. “You alright? You’re bleeding,” he said, bringing his fingers to a wound on the side of her head and wiping away a trickle of blood.

“I’m fine, I’ve got a hard head, remember?” It stunned her to realize he’d moved a car with nothing more than his will. She knew plenty of Metallum Sorceri incapable of exerting their will over such a heavy object. Maybe the bond was already working both ways and her powers were supplementing his.

How touching. What did you think of my welcome present?

It could use a little originality. Where are you, you son of a bitch?

Is that any way to speak to a god among men?

Sha scoffed.
Your arrogance is increasing by the second. Don’t worry, I understand if you’re afraid to take on someone more than willing to kick your ass.

We’ll see about that, little girl. I’ve bested you every step of the way. In what realm did you honestly think you could battle me and win?

“Can you get a lock on where he is?” Connor asked, scanning the chaos.

All around them people ran, screaming in terror and pain, weaving in and out of overturned cars and ruined buildings reduced to smoldering piles of rubble. Smoke filled the area, choking her and stinging her eyes, the pungent stench of blood and sulfur permeating the air. This was truly hell on earth.

The ground began to shake, throwing Connor and Sha off balance and sending them tumbling back down before they could gain their footing. Fissures opened in the sky, ripping through the fabric of space itself. Distorted runes circled the holes, pulsating a sickly greenish red.

“Mother Night, Connor the Nexus.
He’s shredding it.
We have to stop him. If the Nexus falls, there will be nothing to stop some of the most vicious, sadistic creatures ever to have lived from crossing over to this realm.

You’re too late. Your only recourse is to submit to me, to Ferren, and beg for mercy. He’ll be free soon.

Gods she was tired of listening to his babbling. She glanced at her detective, wondering if he knew what she planned to say next. At his nod, she smiled. Good to have his approval, not that she’d needed it.

I think you’re all bark and no bite. You hide behind your threats and insults like the coward you are. You can’t even act for yourself, can you? Everything you do is to awaken Ferren from his prison.
the pathetic one if you ask me.

A bellow of fury reverberated from an alley half a block away.

I will not tolerate your insolence anymore mixed blood whore.
Why the hell did he keep calling her that? She was of two classes, but she was pure Sorceri.

Worry about that later, temptress. Draw him out so I can flank him. Stay safe.

Connor’s voice in her mind coaxed a smile in spite of their dire predicament.
I think I can manage that. You stay safe too, Detective.

She hesitated, watching as he slipped into the shadows. By the flame, what was she waiting for? The odds were stacked against them, in all likelihood they were about to meet their maker at the hands of a sadistic psychopath. Was now
the time to be shy?

Connor, wait.

He sounded distracted, his thoughts already turned to strategizing the best way to outmaneuver their opponent.

I—I love you.
Cheeks burned with embarrassment. Gods, she should’ve kept her mouth shut. Or thoughts to herself, Whatever.

Before she could try to retract her words, somehow backtrack, he filled every corner of her mind.
Don’t even think about taking back those words. You’re mine, Sha. We’re surviving this, saving the world, and figuring out what comes next. But know this, you’re mine. I love you, too. See you on the other side.

Joy burst within her. Mother Night, when had she become so sappy?

I like sappy. Stay alive, temptress.

You too.

A brief caress brushed down her face. How had he figured out how to do that?”

Am I boring you? Perhaps this will gain your attention.

Rough hands shoved her aside as another car hurtled in her direction. Perplexed, she stared up at the face of Alec. “Thanks. For both times.”

He grunted. “Don’t mention it. Know how to kill that shithead?”

“We’re working on it. You should take cover, stay out of the line of fire.”

Alec’s chin jutted, stubbornness etched in the lines of his body. “I’m staying. I can help.”

Kid had guts, she’d give him that. Guts weren’t enough, though, and she didn’t want his death on her conscience. “Look, I appreciate your help, but you have no idea what we’re dealing with.”

“A wendigo bent on breaking down the Nexus. Pretty sure I’ve got it figured out.”

Sha felt her jaw hit the floor. “You’re human. How in the name of the Seven Hells do you know about that?”

He arched a brow at her, crossing his arms in a cocky posture. “You sure I’m just a human?”

“If not, what the hell are you?”

“We can sit down for tea and tell our life stories after we’re done saving the city and not dying.”

Argue later, focus now. We’ll figure out what the hell he is afterward.

Connor was right; they didn’t have time for this. “I’m not responsible for you, you got that? I tried to warn you, if you get yourself killed it’s your own damn fault.”

“Fair enough. What do you want me to do?”

“Get civilians out of the area. I can’t worry about Evil Bastard targeting one of them when we try to take him out. There’ll be a window where he can assume a new form if he can cannibalize his victim fast enough.”

“Evil Bastard?”

“My pet name for the wendigo. If you want to help, that’s what you can do. Otherwise, stay out of my way.”

“You got it.” With a mock salute, Alec turned on his heel and raced to a group of huddled, weeping women. His speed was incredible, legs carrying him across the distance faster than they should have.

I’m getting into position. See if you can lure him out of wherever he’s hiding.

Hey, Evil Bastard! Come out, come out, wherever you are.

You dare taunt me, insolent whore?

Pretty much. All you’ve done is babble incessantly. Why not come out and fight me? Or are you too scared?

Fury rippled through her mind.
Your blood will run like a river through these streets. When I’m done with you, I’ll go after your lover and bestow upon him the honor of giving me his skin.

Heavy footsteps echoed from an alley to her right and she jerked her head toward the sound, indicating the area to Connor. A few seconds later, they got their first glimpse at the wendigo.

He was an ugly bastard, no longer remotely resembling a humanoid figure. His arms had elongated, growing razor sharp talons designed for rending the flesh from his victims. Where Corvelli’s skin had been a few shades darker than her own, Nightmare’s complexion was a dull gray, bones protruding grotesquely. Corded muscle ran the length of his body, speaking to the immense strength packed on his frame.

“You puny Sorceri. You’re no match for me.”

Gathering her power into a concentrated ball of flame, she met the black voids that served as eyes, her gaze unflinching. “Prove it,” she demanded a moment before releasing the flames, directing them at the wendigo. Predictably, he dodged. Straight into the fire.

Shrieks of tormented agony mixed with rage made her ears ring. “You forgot who you were dealing with didn’t you? I’m not just an Infernum, I’m Aquarum. First rule of the water class, learn to make illusions.

Nightmare leapt, powerful legs propelling him to her faster than she could evade. A swipe of his claws barely caught her arm, drawing a hiss of pain.

I’m fine, don’t worry. He just grazed me.
She hastened to assure Connor.

I saw. I trust your judgment, temptress.
Warmth filled her at his words. He was worried but he trusted her abilities. It made her want to kiss him all over again.
You can kiss me all you want later.
His amusement curled around her.

“Nice shot. But I still drew first blood,” she taunted, watching him with hawk eyes. This time, she caught the tell that said he was going to strike and she sidestepped the attack. The maneuver closed the distance between Evil Bastard and Connor. A little further and he could make his move.

Energy jolted through her body. Alarmed, she looked to the sky. By the flame, the fissures were growing. The surge, while welcome at that moment, signaled magic was leaking from the Nexus. It was growing dangerously unstable now.

No time to worry. She inhaled a few times and on the last, she filled her lungs deep and forced every ounce of power she had into a single lance of fire, aimed straight at Nightmare’s chest. He tried to evade, but his feet were rooted to the ground, held there by her secondary binding spell.

“Gotcha, you son of a bitch.” Triumph at defeating him made her heart race.

The flames connected, driving him backwards onto the silver blade in Connor’s hand. It pierced the wendigo’s ice heart, the intense heat of her fire incinerating it instantly.

You’re…still…too…late. The…ritual’s…already…complete. Ferren…is…coming…

Light began pouring out of his body, bursting out from his skin. Oh hell, that couldn’t be good.

Her warning sent him racing away from the wendigo just before the body exploded, the force from the blast lifting Sha and tossing her into the nearest building like a rag doll. Her head slammed against the pavement and left her reeling.

“Sha! Can you hear me?” Connor had somehow ended up right above her, eyes a bit wild. Behind him, Alec stood, clothes bloodied, a makeshift club in his hand.

“Y—yes. Gods, my head.” Pounding, nauseating pain. She watched, bemused as Alec whipped around, bashing a diminutive demon aside that had been coming toward them.

“I know it hurts, but no time to wait. Look.”

Gingerly, she turned her head in the direction he pointed.
By the flame
. The fissures were now the size of Gateways, blue bolts of energy shot across the tears. Through the swirling, black clouds she caught glimpses of Sentinels in Mythria fighting in vain against demons, struggling to keep them from reaching the breaks.

The entire fabric of the Nexus undulated, writhing under the strain of the ever expanding gashes.


“Guys, get ready. I think we may be too late. It looks like it’s about to…” Sha’s voice held a sharp edge of panic that reverberated through his body when she fell silent. Connor whipped around in time to see her drop to her knees then slump over.

“Sha!” Before he could even take a step in her direction, the Nexus rippled then bowed inward for a brief moment. The next instant a wave of pure energy rushed outward and amidst a flash of blinding, bright light, Connor caught a glimpse of arms reaching through one of the slits, pulling Sha across. A sound of pure, primal rage ripped from his throat and only Alec’s hand clamping down on his arm stopped him from charging the portal.

“On the other side of that is Mythria and a battle a hell of a lot worse than what is going on here. Are you sure you want to go in there?”

Connor cast a startled look at Alec, then shook him off. “There is nothing stopping me from going after her,” he bit out.

Alec studied him, then nodded in satisfaction. “In that case, you first.”

“Excuse me?” Connor asked, wondering what he’d missed.

“I’m coming across, too.” Alec shoved Connor toward one of the openings. With every passing second the Nexus looked more and more unstable. “You can go first though. What can I say? I have a strong sense of self-preservation. Hurry before it collapses.”

“Alec, you’re going to have a lot of explanations if we make it through that in one piece.” Connor deliberately stated it as a command, not a question. He took a deep breath and issued his partner a silent apology for leaving him to deal with the aftermath of the devastation they were leaving behind. Without giving himself time to question the sanity of what he was doing, Connor leapt into the portal and hoped like hell Sha was on the other side.

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