Breathless (Meadowlarks) (3 page)

Read Breathless (Meadowlarks) Online

Authors: Ashley Christine

“I want to. I
’m not that bad at school stuff. I did go to college remember...

I cringe at his comment, but manage
d another smile. “Okay, but call me if he needs any more help.”

He turn
ed on his heel and left the kitchen. I sighed and looked at the sink full of dishes and the crock-pot full of stew. It's been simmering since after lunch, but now I had no appetite at all.

wasn’t sure if I could handle this roller coaster.

Will it always be like this? I wonder
ed if t was because we were living in Jeremiah's house, or that he was driving Jeremiah's truck. But neither of those two things I could change right now. So I tried to let it go...for now.

, neither Alex nor Isaac called me for help, and when Scarlett woke from her nap we all sat down to eat dinner. They wolfed down the stew like it was the last meal they would ever eat, and I managed to get a spoonful or two into me.

Scarlett mashe
d a concoction of potatoes, peas, and carrots on the tray of her highchair and shoveled a handful of the mess into her mouth.

“Mmm, can d
addy have some?” Alex leaned in and Scarlett shoved her hand right into his mouth. “Thank you!” He muttered with a mouthful of slop.

“Gross!” Isaac gagged
from across the table, and we all laughed.

After dinner I quickly check
ed through Isaac's homework. Not without feeling guilty that I didn’t trust Alex's knowledge of “
school stuff
”, as he called it.

I was
impressed when I saw he had done it all, and correctly it seemed too. I put both of the kids to bed and peeked into the living room where Alex was watching TV.

’m going to have a bath, and maybe read a little.”

didn’t look away from the television. “Kay.”

I roll
ed my eyes and headed to the bathroom, grabbing my e-reader and robe out of the bedroom along the way. I filled the old claw-foot tub with as much water as it would hold and poured lavender oil into the depths.

When I climb
ed in and slipped beneath the water I almost melted, it was heavenly. Carefully holding my e-reader in my hand I turned it on and selected a book to read. Something flirty, lovey-dovey, and a whole lot of dirty.

could feel my eyes getting heavy, so I reached over and put the device on the counter by the sink. I shoved my hands under the warm water and rested them on my stomach.

Complete and utter relaxation, baby.

I sleepily opened my eyes when I felt Alex's hand reach down into the water as he touched the inside of my thigh. I cleared my throat. “Hey, babe.”


“What time is it?”

“After ten,” Alex whisper
ed softly, and leaned over the porcelain edge to kiss me.

Sparks and deeply penetrating pulses ripple
d down my body and my stomach flipped. His hand traveled up my leg and reached the apex of my thighs, cupping me tenderly.

I look
ed up at him, praying my eyes were intense enough to show him how badly I wanted him,
him. I bit my lip and closed my eyes when his hand started to move under the water.

Suddenly his fingers
were gone and I fluttered my eyes open. He reached down to the drain and lifted the plug out.

What? Why?

“What are you doing?” I asked, pouting.

“Making room.” He smirk

He drain
ed enough water to satisfy him, leaving the waterline just above my breasts and his eyes flared when he noticed the nakedness of the top of them.

Then Alex
did one of my favourite things—he stripped. He pulled off his t-shirt, letting me drink in every delicious inch of his chest, arms, shoulders, neck...and
oh my
, that stomach and those hips.

He slowly unzip
ped his jeans and pushed them down to the floor, as he stepped out of them he tossed them away with his foot. He was already hard, and I let my eyes greedily relish in the sight of him. Lusting for his body, his mouth and his hands to touch me. Anywhere, and everywhere.

When he climb
ed into the bathtub, the water rose and almost splashed over the sides, I reached across and grabbed his shoulders to pull myself onto him.

Alex lift
ed me and then reached down to position himself below me. “I want you,” he breathed.

“You have me,” I answer
ed, and I lowered myself down on him, devouring him, drowning his length with my body.

“You're so beautiful.” He bit my shoulder and suck
ed gently on my throat. “You taste so good.”

I start
ed to climax around him, falling to pieces, shattering and melting in the still-hot lavender water. My body gripped him so tightly and he came, pulling me into a kiss, punishing my lips for giving him such a sweetly brutal orgasm. He moaned and breathed heavily into my mouth, repeating my name quietly.



was thankful when the weekend came and Alex made his way home on Friday in a wonderful mood. He told me about his day; how Blaine was actually teaching him how to rope cattle, and how “awesome it would be to go to the rodeo and do it.”

I blink
ed at him. Unsure if this was the same Alex Cole I fell in love with. It couldn’t be the one from Maine, surely.

“So, Blaine said he thinks we might have a shot! I have to register and get like, good and stuff though first. The cowboy thing is some pretty serious business, ya know.” He grin
ned and crossed his arms over his chest, proudly.

“So I've heard.” I smile
d and let my mind wander. Thinking of Alex in a cowboy hat, jeans and boots.

Oh, baby... this might just be good.

“Alex, I was thinking that I would like to take the kids to Maine. To visit my parents.”

He frown
ed. “When?”

“Well, I was thinking this weekend.” I look
ed at him, my eyes sending quiet requests for agreement. “I miss them.”

was all it took.

One point, Riley.

“Want me to come?”

“Well, it's kind of last-minute. Blaine probably has plans for you two this weekend.”

He scratched his head as he thought about it. “Yeah, he does. Are you sure you'll be okay with both the kids?”

“I'll be fine. Isaac
will be there to help me.” I smiled and reached for his hand, taking it and holding it against my cheek.

While Alex
was showering, I opened the laptop and checked the travel sites for the best flight deals. I could get all three of us to Maine and back this weekend for under fifteen hundred dollars. Unfortunately there will be two stops, as usual, but I was sure we would manage. I booked the tickets and smiled with excitement. I cannot wait to see my mom and dad.

drove me and the kids to the airport, and told me to give both of her parents a hug when I saw them. Which I most definitely would do, since Scarlett was their grandchild too.

took my hand as we walked into our gate. We found our seats and got ready to head back to the East Coast.

“Grammie! Papa!” Isaac shout
ed across the busy terminal at my parents who were standing there waiting, and actually holding a sign with all three of our names written on it.

That's my dad for you, he is funny like that.

“Excuse me, young man! Just who do you think you are?” My mother exclaimed when Isaac threw his arms around her. “You're not my grandson.
Isaac is at least a foot shorter than you are.”

“Grammie!” Isaac stomped
his foot. “It's me!”

She laugh
ed and hugged him tightly. “I've missed you so much!”

My dad
took Scarlett from my arms and held her up in the air, flying her like a chubby little air plane. “Look at the little tumbleweed that's blown in, Gram!”

Mom cover
ed her mouth and started to cry at the sight of Scarlett. “Clive! Give me my baby!”

I look
ed around, because I was positive they were making a scene, but thankfully it was so busy in there that no one took notice to my very loud family.

“Riley, my baby girl. We're so happy you're here.” My dad hug
ged me and kissed my cheek. “It's been too long.”

“I know, daddy.”

It felt odd being back in my old house. Nothing had changed. They still had it decorated with a nautical theme, which as so unusual for Maine, right? Ha.

Blues and creams and whites everywhere; my bedroom
was still the same too, as was Isaac's. My mother converted her “craft room” into a bedroom for Scarlett. It looked like a fairy-tale forest, and when I stood in the doorway I had to fumble around to find my jaw that had fallen on to the plush carpet.

A giant tree
was painted on the wall. Its roots curled around the edge of the trim, and down to the carpet. The trunk broke off into thick branches which spread across the vast space, and flourished up to the ceiling with big green leaves. Little fairies were delicately painted, by my dad's hand, I was sure, in the tree and flying all around it. Little balls of yellow light detailed on their wings, and upon closer inspection he had also painted them little houses hidden amongst the leaves.

“Dad, this is just...
wow.” I marveled at his masterpiece and he stood there, looking around and smiling, as he was very proud of his work.

“Papa, are you gonna paint my room
next?” Isaac jumped at my dad's side, holding his arm in his hands.

“Sure, buddy. What are you in to now? Dinosaurs still?”

Isaac thought about it for a minute. “No, not any more. Now I like dirt bikes and four-wheelers!”

I can thank Blaine and Alex for that one.

Mom and I made lobster for dinner, with rolls and potatoes and steamed broccoli, my mouth was watering when we all sat down at the table. I haven't had a meal like this in far too long.

told my parents all about school in Wyoming, and when they asked if there were any pretty girls around, he blushed and glares at me.

“What?” I ask
ed, with a mouthful of melting and buttery lobster.

“Mom thinks I like this one girl who lives down the road. But I don't!” He whine
d and stuck out his lip. “She's just my friend.”

“Ohhh.” I smile
d. “You mean Reece? Yeah, she's a cutie.”

He blushe
d again and stabbed his lobster with his fork. “Mom!”

“All right, all right!” I put my hands up defensively and smile
d at Scarlett. “Isaac's funny, isn't he?”

She giggle
d and stuffed mashed potato in her mouth.

Yep, that kid eats with as much class as her father
did. The thought of Alex made me sad and for a moment I missed him deeply, I wished he were here with us.

My phone beep
ed and I pulled it out of my pocket. It's a text from Leah. I didn't even tell her I was coming. I looked at my mother. She smiled and shrugged.

When were u planning on telling us u were here?!?!?!

I smile
d and respond.

Club. Tonight?

I look
ed over to my mom again, who was still smiling at me. My dad was eating, unaware I was even texting. Mom cleared her throat and whispered. “Go.”

This woman knows me too well.

Me: Pick me up at 11.

I finish
ed my dinner, and spent some time with Scarlett in front of my dad's baby grand piano. She pounded on the pearly white keys, loudly playing an adorable number for everyone.

Isaac clap
ped his hands and cheered for her, which got her even more excited and she wiggled her little body all over my knees with anticipation of more praise.

fell asleep on my dad's chest, while he was sprawled on the tufted leather chaise. Her nose nuzzled into his shirt, and his arms were protectively holding her in place.

“I could lay here all night, Ann.” He smile
d warmly at my mom, who had tears in her eyes while watching the two of them. “She's just like you were Ry. A little angel.”

“Oh, dad. You're going to spoil her, I just know it.”

“How couldn't we?” My mom laughed softly. “Isaac, baby? You want some ice cream?”

Speaking of spoiling!

“Mom! It's almost ten o'clock. He needs to go to bed.”

“Oh Riley, a little won't hurt him.”

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