Bridge Too Far (83 page)

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Authors: Cornelius Ryan

Tags: #General, #General Fiction, #military history, #Battle of, #Arnhem, #Second World War, #Net, #War, #Europe, #1944, #World history: Second World War, #Western, #History - Military, #Western Continental Europe, #Netherlands, #1939-1945, #War & defence operations, #Military, #General & world history, #History, #World War II, #Western Europe - General, #Military - World War II, #History: World, #Military History - World War II, #Europe - History

S/sgt.  Walton, 530 Atlantic Wall, 30, 31, 36 Atwell, Sgt.  Douglas,

420 Axel (village), 28

Baarskamp farm, 505-6 Back, L/cpl.  Harold, 276-77, 324 Bad Saarnow,

Germany, 232, 233 Ballantyne, FirstO A. 422fn.  Baltussen, Cora, 17,

336-37, 422-423, 504-6, 537, 581, 595 Baltussen, Josephus, 505

Baltussen family, 639 Barlow, Col.  Hilary, 182, 409-10,

Barnett, Lieut.  J. Patrick, 436 Barry, Lieut.  Peter, 269 Baylis,

S/sgt.  George S., 181,

BBC, 25, 27, 341, 392, 401, 438 Beaudin, Capt.  Briand, 236 Bedell,

Major Edwin A., 176 Bedford, FirstSgt.  Ronald, 370 Beek, Dirk van,

383-84 Beek, Dr.  Marius van der, 204 Beekbergen, 116, 146, 201

Belgium, 16, 19, 23, 33, 60, 69, 71, 80, 163, 211 Bemmel, 489 Bennett,

Pvt.  Frederick, 263 Bennett, Pvt.  Henry, 343 Bentley, Sgt.  Thomas,

582 Berlin, projected drive on, 63, 73-78, 85-89, 113 Bernhard, Prince

of the Netherlands, 20, 27, 61-63, 202, 508-10, 597, 638

meeting with Montgomery, 63, 79-82 Best (village), 134, 252, 360-61, 368, 424-26 Bestebreurtje, Capt.  Arie D., 188, 288, 335, 429, 474fn.

Beveland peninsula, 51, 115; see also South Beveland Biddle, Anthony,

63 Bijltjesdag (“Hatchet Day”),

Bittrich, Dr.  Gerhard, 148fn.  Bittrich, Lt.  Gen.  Wilhelm, 147-151,

200, 219, 284, 377,

retreat from Belgium, 46-47, 115-16, 156fn.

reaction to Market landing, 201, 229-30, 232-33, 253-56, 280

disagreement with Model, 254, 290-91, 379-80, 453

battle at Arnhem, 256, 271, 280, 282-83, 290-91, 377-81, 389, 411fn.,

414, 440, 453, 515-16, 555

battle at Nijmegen, 283, 291, 378-81, 453-54, 473-74, 516, 519, 544-46

Blaskowitz, Gen.  Johannes, 39, 43 Blitzkrieg, 32, 33 Blokland, Major

Jonkheer Jan Beelaerts van, 167-68 Blue, Cpl.  James R., 288 Blumenson,

Martin, 50fn.  Blumentritt, Maj.  Gen.  Gunther, 32, 45fn., 53-55, 59

Blunt, Lieut.  John, 450 Blyton, Pvt.  Henry, 582 Bode, Nicholaas

Tjalling de, 144fn., 161, 395, 396 Boeree, Lt.  Col.  Theodor A.,

388fn.  Bolden, Bombardier E. C., 550, 561 Boldock, Pvt.  Walter,

263-64, 403,

Bommer, Cpl.  Jack, 176, 194,


Borrelli, 2nd Lieut.  Anthony N.,

Both, Dominee, 206 Boyce, Pvt.  Robert, 215 Brace, Cpl.  Terry “Taffy,” 406-7, 526-27, 592-93 Bradley, Gen.  Omar N., 63-68, 71, 72, 75, 83, 84, 112 Bradwell Bay, 190, 195 Brandt, Sgt.  John Rudolph, 174 Breda, 27 Breebaart, Dr.  Leo C., 144 Breman, Johanna, 207 Brereton, Lt.  Gen.

Lewis H., 82, 112, 355, 539, 540, 542

planning for Market, 121-30, 134, 180

tiff with Browning, 126-27

and Polish advance, 417, 502 Brett, Capt.  Peter, 541fn.  British Army


Groups 21/ Army Group, 61, 64, 68, 72, 73, 80, 85, 113, 114, 130, 131,

158, 163; see also Montgomery, Bernard L.

Armies Second Army, 11, 79, 131, 162, 200; in Belgium campaign, 33, 51;

in Montgomery planning, 64, 70, 84, 88, 130, 162, 169, 284;

communication with Urquhart, 244, 412, 442, 443, 457, 516, 556, 581;

relief for 1/ Airborne, 540, 547, 566, 594

Corps I Airborne Corps, 125, 389, 391, 539, 540, 566; reports on German

buildup, 114, 131, 133, 159; landing of headquarters, 235, 238, 241,

242; communication, 179, 190, 243, 244, 341; Polish air drop, 442, 499

XXX Corps, 61, 211, 244, 285, 355, 359, 411, 413, 508; in Garden

planning, 59, 123, 130, 132, 163, 164, 166, 170; relief of Airborne at

Arnhem, 325, 350, 398, 408, 442, 495, 498, 516, 564, 580; casualties,

599 Royal Army Service, 421 Royal Engineers, 497 Royal Signal, 243-44

Divisions 1/ Airborne, 138, 172, 177, 180, 335, 386, 407, 408, 507,

637, see also Urquhart, Robert E.; in Market-Garden planning, 84, 88,

117, 122: Market assignment, 123, 128, 144, 157, 177, 228; takeoff and

landing, 190, 191, 228, 280; command succession, 192, 393-95;

communications, 233-34, 335, 341, 408, 416, 506, 538; fighting in

Arnhem area, 266-72, 331, 396-398, 402-7, 409, 440-45, 495-501, 507,

510-16, 521-33, 544-45, 546-64 passim; battle for bridge, 272-75,

276-80, 331, 335, 341-54 passim, 393, 398-401, 414, 433-40, 446-50,

480-86, see also Frost, John D.; withdrawal from Oosterbeek, 568-95;

casualties, 448-450, 483, 591, 599 6th Airborne, 158 11th Armored, 59,

60fn., 61 43rd Wessex, 166, 478, 491, 516-19, 521, 539, 543, 546, 564,

566, 593 50th Northumberland, 166 52nd Lowland, 128

Guards Armored, 165, 356, 410, 413, 508, 518; capture of Antwerp, 59;

in Market-Garden planning, 166, 167, 169; at Nijmegen bridge, 428, 456,

471; relief of Airborne at Arnhem, 477-79, 488, 496-98

Brigades 1/ Airlanding, 224, 225, 338, 368, 370, 376, 515, 578; see

also Hicks, Philip 1/ Parachute, 257, 260, 325, 344, 440, 485; see also

Lathbury, Gerald 4th Parachute, 338, 368-69, 374-75, 390; see also

Hackett, John 8th Armored, 166

Regiments 1/ Airlanding Light, 497 4th Dorset, 564, 566, 570, 571, 577, 581, 591 5th Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, 519, 535 Coldstream Guards, 453 Dragoon Guards, 520, 535 Glider Pilot, 138, 181, 191, 222, 242, 497, 513, 514, 528, 577; see also Chatterton, George S. Grenadier Guards, 410, 411, 428, 468, 469; see also Goulburn, Edward H. Household Cavalry, 356, 357, 411, 517, 519, 520, 535 Irish Guards, 164-68, 245-251, 355-57, 458, 467, 487-91, 519, 591-92; see also Vandeleur, J.o.e. King’s Own Scottish Borderers (Kosb’s), 390, 391, 441, 499, 512, 563, 583 South Staffordshires, 390, 402, 405, 407, 409, 441, 497, 499 British Military Cemetery, Arnhem, 422fn.  British War Office, 84 Brockley, Pvt.  Harold, 198 Broekkamp, Elias, 48, 207 Brook, L/cpl.  Henry, 225 Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan, 65 Browning, Lt.  Gen.

Frederick, 9, 83, 84, 89

planning Market-Garden, 112, 121, 125-29, 132, 134, 136-42,

dispute with Brereton, 126-27

Market attack, 190-91, 241-44, 287, 365fn.

communication problem, 341, 389, 412, 416-17, 442

battle at Arnhem, 412, 417, 421, 442, 478-79, 495, 500, 507, 516-17,

538-40, 564


battle at Nijmegen, 412-13, 431-33, 442, 453, 457, 462,


withdrawal at Arnhem, 568, 570, 572-73, 590-91 Browning, Lady (daphne du Maurier), 243fn., 640 Brussels, 16, 20, 59, 63, 83, 155, 508, 509 Bryant, Pvt.  Reginald, 373-74 Buchanan, Lieut.  Bucky, 438, 450 Buffalo Boy, Herbert, 429 Burgers Zoological Gardens, 332 Burriss, Capt.  T. Moffatt, 459, 462, 465, 467, 468, 475 Byam, Guy, 541fn.

Cain, Major Robert, 529-30, 560-561, 579, 589-90 Callaghan, Sgt.  Major

Harry, 262,

Calloway, Sgt.  “Cab,” 531 Canadian Army, 64 Carmichael, Lieut.

Virgil, 199, 460, 461, 467 Cassidy, Lt.  Col.  Patrick, 216 Casualties,

Market-Garden, note on,

Cator, Major Harry, 590 Chandler, Trooper William F., 531 Channel

ports, 55, 67, 71, 74,

Chappuis, Lt.  Col.  Steve, 427 Charteris, Brig.  John, 163fn.  Chase,

Lt.  Col.  Charles, 215 Chatterton, Col.  George S., 140fn., 191,

242-43, 432-33 Chennell, Cpl.  William, 411, 413,

Cherbourg, 70 Chill, Lt.  Gen.  Kurt, 50 Christiansen, Gen.  Friedrich,

152, 153,

Christie, Gunner Robert, 503, 579,


Churchill, Winston S., 65fn., 509 Cipolla, Pfc.  John, 211-13 Clarke, Pvt.  Nobby, 528-29 Clegg, Capt.  Benjamin, 512 Cleminson, Capt.  James, 347, 377 Clous, Ida, 261 Clous, Dr.  Phillip, 525 Coad, Lt.

Col.  Aubrey, 569 Cockrill, Signalman James, 578, 580-81, 587 Cole, Lt.

Col.  Robert G., 173,

Combined Allied Intelligence Committee, 68 Combined Chiefs of Staff,

76, 77 Congressional Medal of Honor, 361 Connelly, Capt.  John, 242

Cook, Major Julian A., 456-61, 462fn., 463, 465, 466, 468, 476, 477

Copas, T/sgt.  Marshall, 174 Copley, Signalman Stanley G., 181,

Coppens, Wilhelmina, 18 Corrie, Capt.  Michael, 528 Cottesmore,

England, 181 Cowan, Sgt.  Bertie, 250 Coyle, Lieut.  James J., 190,

236, 430-31 Crawley, Major Douglas, 273, 274, 450, 484 Crete, 38

Cronkite, Walter, 216fn.  Crook, L/bombardier J. W., 225

Daalen, Toon van, 29, 161, 334 Dauncey, Lieut.  Michael, 224 Davis, S/sgt.  George, 224 Deane-Drummond, Major Anthony, 179, 180, 233-34, 258, 404-5 Deelen airfield, 139, 152, 539 Demetras, Lieut.  A. D., 477 Dempsey, Lt.  Gen.  Miles C., 59, 61, 83-84, 114, 131, 133, 162, 412, 478, 540, 566, 568 Derksen, Antoon, 348-49, 407 Dessloch, Col.  Gen.

Otto, 152 Deuss, Albert, 161 Diest, 80 Dijk, Sister Christine van, 25

Dijker, Rev.  Reinhold, 23 Dobie, Lt.  Col.  D., 257, 263-65, 344, 389,

398, 402-4, 441 Doetinchem, 116, 201, 219, 232, 253, 256, 282, 283, 544

Doggart, L/cpl.  James, 247,

Dohun, S/sgt.  Charles, 174, 426-427 Dolle Dinsdag (“Mad Tuesday”),


Dommel river, 251, 357, 358 Doorman, Maj.  Gen.  “Pete,” 508

Doornenburg, 455, 464 Dordrecht, 38 Dover, Major Victor, 269, 273 Down

Ampney, 417 Downing, Pvt.  Robert, 579 Dreyeroord Hotel, Oosterbeek,

512 Driebergen, 154-55 Driel, Holland, 336, 337

German retreat through, 15-17

Polish airlanding at, 442, 445, 499, 502-6, 508, 515, 517, 537,


British relief drive to, 517-21, 535, 538, 542-46, 564-570

evacuation of Arnhem force, 570, 576, 581, 590, 595

Driel-Heveadorp ferry, 336-37, 371, 387-88, 442, 446, 451-52, 499

disappearance of, 500-02, 506, 516 DUKW’S, 520, 521, 536, 537, 570, 577

Dullforce, Pvt.  Alfred, 588-89 Du Maurier, Daphne, 243fn., 640

Dunning, Sgt.  John, 253 Dunkerly, Col.  Vincent, 399 Dutch Army, 288,


Princess Irene Brigade, 79, 166, 167, 509fn.

Ede, 24, 28 Edwards, Pvt.  Robert C., 338, 390, 404, 499-500 Edwards,

Pvt.  Roy N., 191, 264 Eerde, 22 Egan, Rev.  Bernard M., 397, 436-439,

450 Eijkelhoff, Jan, 29, 384, 522 Eindhoven, 18-19, 134, 155, 156, 251,

280, 290, 355, 501

German retreat through, 21, 48

Allied bombing of, 202, 222

captured by 101/ Airborne, 359

air battle near, 366, 457

Market and Garden link-up in,

in Market-Garden planning, 165, 166, 190, 252 Eisenhower, Gen.  Dwight

D., 11, 21, 33, 52, 54, 65, 75, 131, 281, 412, 539-40

Montgomery’s proposals, 61, 63-89 passim, 113, 571

problems of supply, maintenance, 67-72, 75, 78-79

OK’S Market-Garden, 88, 113, 158, 571 El Alamein, 31 Elden, 141, 416,

445 Elst, 350, 353, 473, 487, 489-91, 508, 515, 516, 518-20, 543-45

Emery, Sapper Ronald T., 227,

Enschede, 403 Epse, 146 Escaut Canal, 169, 171, 518 Essame, Brig.

Hubert, 163fn., 164, 519 Euling, Capt.  Karl Heinz, 430-31, 455, 464,

468, 469, 473 Eusebius Buiten Singel, Arnhem, 323, 328, 333, 352, 433,

446 Eusebiusplein, 333

Faulkner, Pvt.  Maurice, 405 Ferguson, Capt.  Arthur, 199 Finkbeiner, Sgt.  Theodore, 459, 465 First Allied Airborne Army, see Allied First Airborne Army Fisher-Rowe, Major E., 359 Fitch, Lt.  Col.  J.a.c., 257, 263, 265, 272, 343, 344, 389, 398, 402-4, 441 FitzGerald, Major Desmond R. S., 459, 488 Fitzgerald, Capt.  Eamon, 249-50 Fitzpatrick, Sgt.

Francis, 371-72 Formoy, Cpl.  Leonard, 530-31 France, 16, 23, 43, 69,

80 Frankfurt, 64, 72 Franklin, Benjamin, 122 Freyberg, Col.  Leodegard,

210, 219 Frost, Lt.  Col.  John D., 182-83, 450, 640

airlanding at Arnhem, 227-28

march to bridge, 257-60, 265-273

battle at bridge, 273-77, 289, 292, 323-485 passim

deserted and defeated, 443, 479, 484, 485, 498

problem of casualties, 448-50, 483 Fuller, Sgt.  Clark, 463

Gale, Lt.  Gen.  Sir Humphrey,

Gale, Gen.  Richard, 126, 158 Gallipoli, 576 Garzia, Pvt.  John, 174

Gavin, Brig.  Gen.  James M., 136, 411, 478, 541, 599, 640

preparation for Market, 123, 130, 135, 136, 142-43, 172

airlanding and attack, 234-35, 238, 241, 244, 285-87, 366

bridge battles, 361, 363, 364, 366, 412-13, 428, 453, 457, 572

Waal river crossing, 431-33, 451, 453, 457, 478 Geldermalsen, 23

Gensemer, Lieut.  Harold, 362 George VI, King, 65fn.  Gerbrandy, Pieter

S., 21, 27, 62 German Army units

Army groups Army Group B, 31, 37, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46, 52, 115-17, 281,

282, 378,

Army Group G, 39, 40, 43, 52

Armies First Parachute Army, 38, 50, 147, 250, 254, 378, 452 Seventh

Army, 40, 147 Fifteenth Army, 40, 44-45, 229, 250, 252, 254, 280, 378,

452; Rundstedt’s rescue of, 58-59, 114-15, 163, 452; opposing 101/

Airborne at Best, 360, 424

Army Corps II Parachute Corps, 453 II SS Panzer Corps, 147, 201, 229,

232, 254; relocated at Arnhem, 46, 115, 156fn., 396, 546; see also

Bittrich, Wilhelm Afrika Korps, 31

Divisions 9th SS Panzer (hohenstaufen), 149, 150, 200, 201, see also

Harzer, Walter; relocation near Arnhem, 46-47, 115-16, 131-33, 145,

147, 157, 162; resistance to 1/ Airborne, 229-30, 250, 256, 259fn.,

270, 280, 291; battle at bridge, 344, 380, 389, 486, 545, 556 10th SS

Panzer Frundsberg, 149, 150, 572fn., see also Harmel, Heinz; relocation

at Arnhem, 46-47, 115-16, 131-32, 145, 147, 157, 162; resistance to

Market-Garden, 229-230, 250, 256, 259fn., 280, 290-92, 378-81, 389,

454-55, 515, 545; Rhine crossing, 378-81; battle of Arnhem bridge,

454-55 59th Infantry, 115, 252 85th Infantry, 50 176th, 39 719th

Coastal, 38-39, 49, 51

Miscellaneous Units Knaust Kampfgruppe, 454, 455, 515, 516 SS Panzer

Grenadier Training and Reserve Battalion, 143, 256, 266, 274, 324, 430,

431, 469 9th Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion, 349 21/ Panzer Grenadier

Regiment, 326 Gerritsen, Rev.  Johan, 205 Giebing, William, 385-86

Ginkel Heath, Holland, 369, 374 Giskes, Lt.  Col.  Hermann, 154-56,

445fn.  Gloucestershire, 187 Glover, Lieut.  Pat, 176, 368-69, 374, 558

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