Brock: A Bad Boy Romance (108 page)

Chapter 5


Kayla stared at the appendage that had become something of an obsession for her from the moment that they met the other day. She wanted to take it out, but the bulge inside his briefs scared her and made her think that this may not be a good idea. She forced herself to touch it and feel the heat through those briefs. She swallowed hard, licking their lips with an intense impatience that grabbed her by the throat and wouldn’t let go.

“You really don’t have to do this. We could just talk and get to know each other a little better.” Francis was talking himself out of having sex with her. She looked, so classy and also slutty at the same time. In his position, he could easily see the mouthful that was waiting for him. With her straps down, the only thing that was invisible was the hard nipples that were poking through the material. “If you think that we are rushing things, then we can certainly slow things down.” He had never cared about a woman’s feelings before and for him to think about her, as anything other than a sexual object was not something that he was used to.

Running his hands through her hair, he saw her look up at him and that fire in her eyes was giving him every indication that things were not going to come to a standstill.

“I don’t think that I could walk away. I feel like you have this spell over me. I’ve been walking around in a trance thinking about ways to get you naked and here you are.” Kayla was still touching him and watching, as it moved with a pulse of its own through his briefs. “I want you.” “I’d never said that to any man in my life. I don’t want to make him think that I only want his body. That is a part of it, but the rest is the way that he looks at me with that compassion that I see in his eyes. Maybe I’m fooling myself into thinking that there can be anything more here than just a hookup. I hope that I’m not making a mistake.”

Normally, Francis would grab her head and make her take him down to the root. This one time, he was allowing Kayla to set the pace and do things on her own timetable. It was hard to think with all the blood rushing from his big head all the way down to his little one. His senses were alive and the smell of her and the feel of her hand on him was giving him ideas of how tonight was going to go.

“I don’t even have words to convey the way that I’m feeling.” He felt her hand sliding into the folds of his underwear and then grasping onto the hot flesh of his elongated piece of meat. He watched with avid interest, as she pulled him out, so that his large presence was now right there in front of her. “I don’t know what you intend to do… Damn it.” Her tongue cut off his voice and made him jerk in response. He was trying to be a good boy, but that bad boy really wanted to come out and play. “Don’t do that, unless you really mean to go all the way.” He was hoping that this was not some kind of tease.

“I want more.” To show him that she was serious, she opened her mouth and let him enter into the tight hot confines. Her tongue danced over his flesh, sliding along the shaft, until she felt him at the edge of her throat. There was a momentary panic, but that didn’t make her walk away from something that was better than she could imagine. Breathing through her nose, she gave in to the need to see all of him disappear from view. “I don’t want to fucking gag and ruin the moment. I might be a little inexperiencd, but I think that I can do this.” She pushed forward, feeling the spongy and pliable head force feeding into her throat.

Francis was beside himself and he stumbled and held onto the back of the door. If it wasn’t there, he would’ve probably fallen on his ass. “I wasn’t expecting this…oh my god… I wasn’t expecting this at all.” He saw her tongue extend to lick the underside of his balls that were already full to overflowing with the cream that was going to be hers.

He was usually better with his stamina, but having her on her knees sucking his cock was almost too good to be true. He tried to hold out, doing mathematics in his head and thinking about flying an airplane into the sky. It helped to defuse the situation, but that fuse was already lit.

“Please…don’t cum in my mouth. I want to taste it, but I don’t want this to end prematurely. He has no idea what he has done to me. I’m ready to strip down to nothing and spread my legs in invitation to fuck the living daylights out of me.” Kayla could feel the shaft swelling and that vein along the back was more pronounced than it was before.

In a last ditch effort to save face, Francis dragged his cock out of her mouth. It took a Herculean effort and he regretted doing it, but he needed to reciprocate in kind. “I need to cool off.” He lifted her easily onto her feet, turning her and then bending her at the waist with her hands firmly planted on the mattress. His cock was nestled in between her cheeks. He lifted that dress slowly to reveal the silky insides of her thighs and the hard packed globes of her country fed ass. Her wet painted pink lips were ready for him and he went down onto his knees and drew closer, until he gave her his tongue.

Slamming her hand down onto the mattress, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of his tongue slowly inserting itself. “I don’t think that you know what you’re doing. If you did, you would stop. I’m this close and I mean really this close.” “The anticipation is too much and my body is finding his tongue to be enticing. I can feel that orgasm and I know that it’s not going to be very long, before I slam up against his face.”

Francis could feel her lips squeezing down. He loved that she was that responsive. This was the great escape from his mundane life. If he didn’t slow down when he did, then he probably would have made her choke on more than just his words. He couldn’t seem to shake the vision of her all day and having her here right now was like some kind of mirage. He was terrified that he would wake up from what would be considered a wet dream. If this was a dream, then he was going to make the most of it. Driving deep inside of her, he heard her outcry of pleasure and loved that, so much that he wanted to hear it again. Spanking her ass made her almost jump out of her heels. He turned and moved, so that his head was in between her legs. He held her thighs apart and licked the wetness that he found there, following it up, until he was giving her something else to think about.

“I’m…I’m… YESSSS.” Her climax was nothing like the one time that she had been with a man in the Biblical sense. This was more intense and her body began to shake and shiver to the feeling that was running down below in her lower extremities. She gripped the sheets tightly, grinding against his face and loving that he was not even attempting to release her from his embrace.

Her juices tasted divine and while she was in the throes of her own passion that was when Francis got up and presented her with the rock hard stiffness of his own cock. His knob was already drooling something fierce. He used that in combination with her own juices to slide into her like warm butter.

“Jesus…you just did that.” She had made it sound like a question, when it was more a fact. “My god, you didn’t even give me a chance to get ready for to. I fucking love it and I fucking love you.” Kayla didn’t mean to say those three little words, but their union had made it necessary for her to say something. “I want you to fuck me.” Kayla did not have to wait long, as his manly presence began to come back out and then slide back in. Before long, they were moving together and it was a wonder that she was even able to stay standing for the whole ordeal.

“Your pussy just swallowed me whole and there was nothing that I could do about it. Once I got the head in, the rest was pulled by something that grabbed it.” Her hole had given him a suction that he could not pull away from. Her pulsating insides were rippling along his length and keeping him in a constant state of readiness.

“Touch my clit…please…god damn it…touch my clit.” Her legs were trembling and the orgasm that he’d just given her with his mouth was going to pale in comparison to the one that his love staff was stirring to the surface. She started to move back against him when he followed her directions to the letter and touched her tiny little bud. It was hard and unyielding and the feel of his fingers squeezing onto it was more than enough to make her feel like her life was flying by her at breakneck speed.

He might’ve been a bad boy, but she had found a way to use that quality to seduce him or maybe it was the other way around.

“Fuck… You just squeezed down on me. I know that you can feel me deep inside of you and you want me to cum. You are going to get your wish and my body is a live wire ready to go off.” He took a firm hold of her hips, drove into her with long lengthy strokes. He pulled out and then turned her and made sure that she was flat on her back. He climbed back into the saddle, holding himself precariously and trying his best to breathe through the feeling of his impending 0rgasm.

Kayla waited and knew that he was making sure that they were going to have a simultaneous moment together. “I want him to blow his load inside of me. I want us both to be screaming in pleasure and to show each other just how we feel about each other. I’m not going to do anything and he’s basically a hair trigger ready to go off.”

Once he had himself down to a manageable level, he sank back into the depths of her. She moaned and threw her head back in obvious enjoyment. He slowly fucked her. He was giving her every inch and making her feel it down to her toes.

That moment was tapping him on the shoulder. Francis tried to ignore it, but it was strong enough that he had to start moving a little quicker. His pace moved into a higher gear and her ass was now literally jumping off the bed every time that he slammed back against her and then back out. Her legs were around his waist. He could feel her high heels digging into his posterior.

“Here I go… AGAINNNN.” Kayla held on to his shoulders looking him in the eye and watching, as his own orgasm was about to join hers. They found that they were lost in each other and then suddenly his seed bubbled and boiled to the top. He jettisoned five times between her legs, leaving them both almost in a catatonic state. The feel of his cream inside of her was hot. When he pulled away there was a sticky substance now clinging to her lips.

It wasn’t lost on either one of them the way that they were looking at each other. This was not just a one night stand. Then things changed during this ill advised escapade. They had succumbed to their animal instincts. It was not easy for either one of them to admit that they lost themselves in each other. Their bodies had taken them for a ride and left them shaken. They certainly didn’t realize that this would be something long-term. They knew that they wanted to see each other again, but commitment that was another matter altogether. It was time for Francis to man up and do what he said that he would never do.

“I’ve never been that way with any woman and I don’t want you to think that that’s a line, because it’s not. I fell for you from the moment that we met. We should find out, if there was more here than just some off chance romance. After I am done, I’m usually one to tell the girl to leave, but I’m not going to do that this time. Kayla, I want you to stay the night with me. You can curl up against me.” The closeness of the moment had made him realize that he had been missing out on one of the biggest adventures of his life. Love was not something to shy away from. It was meant to run screaming towards it and he was going to do that with Kayla.

They awoke in the morning to find that each of them had stayed exactly where they were completely naked and ready for more. It was a Saturday and they were able to stay in that room and show each other the kind of affection that left them unable to speak.

It wasn’t long after that that she found out that she was pregnant. She was a little scared to tell him. She didn’t want to ruin his life with this kind of news. She watched him pace back and forth and then he turned and scooped her up into his arms with the elation of a father to be. They decided that they would keep the baby and that they would continue their studies. Her mother in her infinite wisdom had decided to move in and take care of the child after its birth. It was not an ideal situation, but it was one that they were going to have to get on board with. It was the only way that her parents were going to allow her to continue to see Francis. It wasn’t like Francis couldn’t afford help. He had money to burn and his inheritance was right there in reach in the next few years.

It was a moment that they could never take back and one that they didn’t want to. They found happiness and his bad boy ways had turned into a real man that was willing to commit to the woman that he loved with a ring on her finger to prove it. This was a start of their new life together and they had every reason to believe that their happiness would not be short lived.



Untamed Highlander


Chapter 1


              “Aiden, you do know who that is right?”  Bain McDowell said to him.

Aiden looked over at the girl who had just left his father’s blacksmith shop with her father.  Her long brown hair hung down between her shoulders.  “Of course I know who it is.  We’ve been friends for years.”  Aiden looked back at his friend.

              “You can’t be friends with the princess.  Well not the way you are looking at her right now anyway.”  Bain stated.

              “I’m not looking at her in anyway.”  Aiden protested.

              “I’ve seen that look before, hell felt that look before when I’ve seen some girls.  You are 16 years old; I know what that is like!”  Bain said.

              “What you only 18 right now how can you know all about life by now?”  Aiden asked.

              “Listen I want to tell you I know you think you have something with her.”  Bain started to say.

Aiden cut him off.  “Look we’ve been friends since we were both little.  Anyway, I wasn’t looking at her in that way as you said it.” 

              “Look don’t get upset at me.  I don’t see how you didn’t figure it out before.  You know the princess isn’t going to marry you.  You’re just a blacksmith’s son after all.  She would need someone who was at least a prince.  You, well, you don’t count in their world.”  Bain said.

He had already known that all, but hearing it out loud was hard anyway.  Aiden had known Kyla Fleming for years now.  Since they had been around 4 years old, the two children had played together.  The one thing he had been holding onto for all these years was the fact they still hung out.  Even though he knew she was important, she would still come to him and hang out.

              “Hey come on buddy, I’m sorry if you thought you had a chance.  Better to find out now though, instead of saying something to her and finding out!”  Bain cupped his shoulder.  He was as close to a big brother that Aiden had in life.

              “Yeah I know, thanks Bain.  Really I don’t know what I was thinking anyway.”  Aiden said, still staring off towards where she had gone.  With the admission out he felt lonely and cold.  He thought his life had no more meaning.  What could he do now?  He had always hoped that maybe she would break the mold.  That she would come to him and claim that she loved him and wanted to marry him.

Or perhaps one night he could have taken her some flowers, and she would have confessed how she felt at that time.  He didn’t care, but in the end the story had always ended the same way.  He would win the girls hand and marry her, princess or not!

              “So you know what I’ve finally decided?”  Aiden looked over at Bain and said.

              “That I’m the best at combat?”  Bain teased.

              “Aye, I’m still as good as you.  But that isn’t it; I’ve decided to join the King’s army.  My father and mother have raised me well, but it is time I give back to the country and clan.”  Aiden announced.

              “Well that’s great!  Tell you what I’ll ride to town with you and sign up as well.  I’ve just been waiting for you to decide anyway!”  Bain stated.

Aiden nodded his head and went back to what he was doing.  It was the only decision he could make, he didn’t want to stay in the village.  If he had to watch Kyla walk around all the time, well sooner or later he would tell her how he felt.  Aiden felt his skin turn red at the rebuff he knew he would experience from her. 

No this was better than staying here.  At least he would not have to watch as the prince’s came to town to woo her.  Maybe he would go and tell her that he was leaving this weekend?  Aiden shook his head, you idiot, he thought.

She had quite the lure on him.  The funny thing is she didn’t even know how he felt.  He had always tried to play it the right way with her.  Aiden had never let on that he even knew she was a girl when she was around.  She had enjoyed being just like one of the boys, so he had treated her that way.  But now that she was older, he had noticed her curves on more than one occasion. 

              “You know what this is a good decision, I know it is.”  Aiden said to Bain.  He looked up and saw that Bain had already left.  “Oh well, I still think it is a good idea.  No matter what I need to leave here soon.” 

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