Broken Play (7 page)

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Authors: Samantha Kane

Chapter 9

Beau pulled deep on his self-control and kissed Marian. Sweet and gentle, the way she needed it to be. She was upset. She didn't need him mauling her. But, man, it was hard. He was hard. Lust was suddenly, viciously, twisting his insides into a knot. She was soft in his arms, her breasts pressed against his chest, her arms around his neck. She smelled feminine, her perfume making him crazier with each breath. He couldn't do it. He couldn't kiss her like he wasn't drowning in her. Panic made him reach up and grab her wrist to pull her arm from his shoulders so he could push her away.

Her hand slid into his hair, and he could feel her close her fist slowly, the pressure on his scalp increasing until she was pulling it hard enough to bring him back from the brink of insanity. He broke the kiss and sucked in a breath, common sense telling him it was best to stop this before it got out of control. Marian bit his lower lip—hard—and he was falling again. He didn't hold back this time, but dove into the kiss, yanking her up against him as he spun and pressed her against the wall beside the door.

Marian gave as good as she got, wrapping her leg around his and humping his thigh while she moaned into his mouth. Jesus Christ, she was hot as hell, and he'd never been a saint in his life. He tore his mouth from hers and buried his face in her neck. “This went from zero to sixty pretty fast,” he said a little breathlessly.

“Mm-hmm,” she agreed, panting in his ear. She was gripping his upper arms so tight he could feel her nails in his skin. But she wasn't letting go or unwrapping that long, muscular leg from his.

“It's crazy,” he tried again. “You're emotional right now and I need to step back.”

“Don't,” she pleaded. “Please.” He pulled back and met her stare. Her eyes were a little glassy. She had that look, the one a woman got when she was primed and ready for just about any damn thing you wanted. Beau ground his teeth together in frustration. “I need you,” she said. She shook her head. “I don't know why. You just suddenly seemed like the only sane thing in my world when you walked through the door. And when you opened your arms I wanted to be held against you more than anything.”

“Are you getting back at Cass?” he asked, the question torn from him. He felt like an idiot as soon as he said it.

“What? No. Don't be…it's not like that.” She pressed her palm to his cheek. “I see you, Beau. I see
” She paused and licked her lips, and she looked nervous and scared. “I thought you saw me, too.”

“I do,” he admitted. “But Cass?”

She shook her head. “Everything is upside down, isn't it? I'm not going to lie and say I don't feel something for him. You know I do. And so do you.”

“No secret,” he said unapologetically.

“Will he be angry?” she asked, and Beau could tell she didn't like the idea.

“No, he'll be jealous,” Beau said with a smile. “He'll wish he'd been here, too.”

“Instead of you?” Marian asked.

Beau shook his head. “No. With me. Us.” He sighed. “We should stop.” He knew it. For both Marian and Cass, he should end this right now. He was a weak bastard, because he couldn't get his hands to follow directions and let her go.

“Don't,” she begged. She took one of his hands and pressed it against her breast. Her head tipped back and her eyes closed as he let his hand close around the plump, warm flesh. The slick silk of her shirt caught on his calluses, and he could feel her bra through it. He cursed the light padding. He wanted to feel her. Just her. As if she could read his thoughts, she pushed his hand down while pressing it against her at the same time. She led him to her rib cage and then her stomach. Then a slow, torturous glide to her hip and down her thigh. She wanted him to lift her skirt and wasn't being coy about it. She'd dressed in a professional outfit today for the phone call. Beau got the feeling it was armor of a sort, but it hadn't protected her from whatever she was afraid of. Using her hand to guide his, she began to scrunch up the material of the skirt. “Make me come, Beau,” she whispered. “I need that with you. I need to feel…like I'm okay.”

“You're okay,” Beau whispered, kissing her. He took over bunching the skirt up until he could slide his hand under it to her bare thigh. She shivered in his arms. “Yes?” he asked. He'd stop if she asked, even if it killed him.

“Beau,” she whispered, kissing his neck, right on that damn tattoo he hated, and made him shiver for a change. “Yes.”

Just then the door beside them opened and Beau stared into Cass's furious face.


When he opened the door without knocking, Cass was ready to yell at Beau for taking so long, and to yell at Marian for not trusting them. He didn't have the patience to let Beau handle it. Beau was too nice. Marian didn't need nice. She needed someone to step in and tell her in no uncertain terms that she could trust them. That whatever was going on, they wouldn't judge or leave her to fend for herself. Beau might think he was the sensitive one, but even Cass had realized there was more to Marian and Smith's relationship than friends
lovers. And if Marian needed saving again, then Cass and Beau would do the goddamn saving and Danny Smith could go fuck himself. Maybe that wasn't what he'd said earlier, but he was ready to say it now. He hated talking about shit. He really, really sucked at it. A quick temper and no patience whatsoever made for bad relationship talks. But he was willing to try for Marian and Beau, and so he'd come to talk.

What he didn't expect to see was his recent favorite fantasy happening live and in person. He'd imagined watching Beau and Marian together so many times in the last few weeks he had to blink a few times to make sure it was real and not just a new version of his recurring daydream. He quickly slipped into the office and closed the door before anyone else saw them. Then he switched off the light, as if the office were empty. He didn't want to be disturbed. Daylight seeped into the room through the blinds.

Beau immediately pulled back from Marian, but he couldn't let her go completely. She was wrapped around him like a second skin. Marian had turned her face away. Cass hoped it was because she didn't know who had unceremoniously opened her door, and not that she was hiding from him in particular.

Before Beau could move further, Cass put his hand on Beau's back and pressed him forward again, until he was chest to chest with Marian, one arm braced on the wall opposite Cass, supporting his weight. Beau didn't protest. He let Cass move him. Let Cass take charge. He liked it when Cass took charge.

Cass rested his shoulder along the wall beside Marian. He leaned down and nuzzled the soft hair behind her ear. She had it pulled up again, like it had been the first time he'd seen her. Very professional. It exposed her sensitive skin there, made her more vulnerable than she realized. Cass took advantage of it. When she shivered at the touch of his lips he smiled against her fragrant, soft skin. “I'm going to tell you a secret, Marian,” he whispered, letting his lips move against her. “And after I tell you, you're going to tell me whether you want me to stay or to leave. All right?”

Marian turned her head and faced Beau's chest, her eyes closed. She nodded, a little jerky, as if she were nervous. She hadn't let up on her hold of Beau.

“I like to watch. I've been dying to watch you and Beau,” he told her in a whisper, like it was a dirty secret. “Are you going to let me watch?” His heart was beating fast, his palms sweaty. His voice was steady, though. No one would be able to tell he was trembling inside, waiting on her answer, praying it would be the answer he wanted.

Chapter 10

Marian shouldn't have been so shocked. She'd seen the sex tape. She already knew that Cass had unusual desires. Desires that matched hers. Although she'd never fantasized about this, about being the object of a voyeur. But her rapid pulse and the instinctive tightening of her legs, pulling Beau's thigh into her so she could rub her throbbing clit against it, told her she liked the idea. She liked it very much. Especially because it was Cass watching her. Her and Beau. She'd pretended to herself and to them for weeks that it wasn't what she wanted. But, God, it was.

If she said yes, if she let Cass stay, if she continued this encounter with Beau in any way, then she was crossing a bridge and there'd be no going back. She might end it after this, not allow it to happen again. But she couldn't undo it. It would always be there between them. But she'd have the memory, wouldn't she? She knew people had sex with coworkers all the time. After a while, they moved on, the awkwardness disappeared, and it was back to business. That's what could happen here if she let it. Before she could think it through anymore, she nodded.

“Say it, Marian,” Cass whispered in that wicked-as-sin voice of his, his beard tickling her ear. “You have to say it. You have to own it, Marian.”

“Yes,” she said quickly, her mouth trying to outrun her common sense. “Yes, stay.”

Beau had been tense in her arms, holding her tightly but passively, as if waiting for her to decide. At her answer he relaxed against her, his hard body pressing into her curves, his thigh between her legs, his hand on her bare thigh once again. He leaned in and kissed her temple before he let his lips trail across her cheek and down her neck. She tipped her head back to give him more room and she felt Cass's finger tracing her collarbone, bare above the neckline of her shirt. His finger was callused, rough against her skin. The dual sensations of Cass's finger and Beau's mouth made her shiver and goosebumps rose on her arms.

“What were you doing?” Cass asked quietly. “When I opened the door?”

“She wanted me to make her come,” Beau answered, his voice thick as honey, filled with desire, because of her—she knew that—but also because of Cass's presence. It seemed to Marian he was hyperaware of Cass beside them. She knew she was.

“Does she?” Cass asked. He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek and she turned to look at him for the first time since he'd entered her office. His blue-eyed stare was intense, focused on her in a way she wasn't used to. She'd had men stare, but not like this. Not as if they could read her mind, as if they were memorizing every look, every sigh, every shiver. “Does she still want to?”

“Yes,” Beau said, amusement in his voice. He pressed his thigh up into her and she moaned as it hit her clit just right. He had the most amazing thigh, wide and hard with muscle. Perfect for riding. “Yes, she most definitely does.”

“Good,” Cass crooned into her ear. “I want to watch you come, Marian. It isn't fair that I missed the first part, the part that has you so wet and ready to come on Beau's hard thigh.”

“Oh, God,” Marian whispered, the singsong cadence of Cass's voice and his dirty talk slicing right through her in a pleasurable arc.

“How were you going to make her come?” he asked Beau.

“She was trying to make me slide my hand under her skirt,” Beau said, as if he were accusing her. It thrilled her, being cast in the role of seducer.

“Naughty girl,” Cass said, as if it were an endearment. “I bet you want Beau's hand on your pretty, wet pussy, don't you?” There was a long expectant pause and Marian realized Cass wanted an answer. That she wouldn't get anything if she didn't give it.

“Mm-hmm,” she murmured. “Yes, please.”

“Please,” Cass said, his voice amused. “You ask so nicely, Marian. As if you weren't asking for something so dirty. You want Beau to put his finger inside you. I know you do. You want him to fuck you with his finger.”

While he was talking Beau was moving his hand, pushing it under the waistband of her panties. The anticipation was killing her. She squirmed and Beau started to pull his hand away. “No,” she begged.

“No?” Cass said. But she could tell he was teasing. He knew what was going on. She didn't know how he knew, but he did.

“Yes, yes,” she panted. “Yes, that's what I want.”

She still had her arm wrapped around Beau's shoulders and she could feel him laugh quietly. “Don't you want it too?” she breathlessly teased Beau, silently cheering her own bravado. “Don't you want to finger fuck me?”

She couldn't believe how excited she was at having both Beau and Cass there. This was how she'd nearly gotten raped, letting her so-called boyfriend let his friend join them. One friend turned into four and she wasn't Marian anymore, but a blow-up doll they thought they could use however they wanted. But the fear she expected hadn't materialized. Maybe because in her head and her heart she knew Cass and Beau weren't like that at all. Every touch, taste, and whispered command so far had been meant for her pleasure.

“Damn, Marian,” Beau muttered. He slid his fingers into the small thatch of hair on her mons and tugged a bit, just a little sting. She moaned and squirmed. “Yeah, that's what I want,” Beau said. He let one finger slide farther down, tapping her clit, and she let out a strangled cry, suddenly aware of where they were—in her office, so close to the door, the hallway. Someone walking by might hear her. Her pussy quivered at the thought.

“Give it to her, Beau,” Cass growled. “Nice and slow. I want to hear her and feel her squirm some more when she takes it. Fuck it into her now.”

Marian couldn't even form words anymore. Cass was in absolute control. She unwrapped her leg from around Beau's and spread her feet on the floor, giving him room to follow orders. “That's right, gorgeous,” Beau said. He kissed her cheek, and then licked a path to her mouth. Just as he slid his tongue inside, he pushed his finger into her, and Marian was glad his kiss muffled her cry of pleasure.

His finger was huge, of course. He was a big man everywhere, she knew that. But logic had nothing to do with the way his finger felt as it penetrated her. It parted her with a rough push and she could feel his calluses against the soft, tender flesh inside her. She gasped into his mouth, went up on her toes, torn between getting away from the intense feeling or pressing down on his finger, pushing it deeper and harder into her. The latter impulse won, and she dropped back down on the soles of her feet and moaned as his finger went impossibly deep. God, if his finger felt like this, his cock would be amazing.

“Tell me,” Cass demanded. “Tell me how it feels to have Beau inside you.”

“So good,” she said and then moaned as he pulled it out a little and thrust it back in. “It's so big and rough, it feels so good. I'm not…I don't have words.” She gave a little hiccup as he thrust again. She pumped her hips, fucking herself on his hand.

“That's right,” Cass said, and he sounded so happy, so pleased with her that she couldn't help feeling a bit smug. She was so good at this, so good at giving Cass what he wanted. Suddenly that seemed the most important thing in the world. So she fucked down onto Beau's hand again and ground her pussy against it, the palm of his hand rubbing on her clit. It felt so good her whole body jerked.

Cass was breathing heavily into her ear. “Fuck him like that, sugar,” he eagerly told her. “He loves that. Use him to get off.”

“Fuck, yeah,” Beau murmured. He had his head tucked into her neck, looking down where his hand was pressed between her legs. Clumsily she reached down and pulled her tight pencil skirt up so it was folded along her body, giving him a clear view of her pussy. “Damn,” he said. He sounded almost awestruck.

“Tell me what her pussy feels like, Beau,” Cass ordered him.

“It's so damn hot and tight, Cass,” Beau told him. “Perfect. So soft inside. I'm hurting her. Aren't I, baby? Too big and rough for this pretty little pussy.” Despite his words he thrust up hard into her and she cried out in sheer bliss at the rough treatment.

“Yes,” she said, hardly able to breathe through the pleasure. “Hurts so good. Don't stop.”

“Baby likes it rough,” Cass growled. “That's good. That's real good. You hear how wet she is? Can't wait to taste that.”

“Can't wait,” Beau echoed. He shifted slightly off to the side and pressed his crotch against her hip, his hard cock obvious through his jeans. He rubbed it against her and groaned. “I'm so fucking hard. You make me so fucking hard.”

“I know. I know,” Cass whispered, pressing his cock against her other hip. He was just as hard as Beau, just as big and hot and aroused, and hers. Right this minute, hers.

“Good,” she said. She wanted more words then, but they wouldn't come to her. Just “Harder. Fuck me harder.”

“Do it,” Cass told him sharply.

Beau pulled his finger out and when he thrust it back in hard, it was bigger. She gasped, and on his next thrust she realized he'd added another finger. She began to tremble.

“She's close,” Beau told Cass, his voice shaky.

“Stay deep and move inside her,” Cass told him. “I want to see her go off like a rocket.”

Marian knew she ought to protest being talked over rather than to, but she frankly didn't care at that point. She wanted to go off like a rocket. She hadn't had an orgasm with a man in over six years. Then Beau pressed hard and deep inside her and began to rub a spot there, her G-spot. She knew it, had found it a time or two herself, and so she knew what was coming. She braced herself, but her orgasm still took her by storm. There was no holding back. She let out a keening cry and her mouth was pressed against Cass's shoulder, she wasn't sure by whom. Didn't care. She bit down and rode the wave of the orgasm, not fighting it, chasing it. When Beau started to slow the movement of his fingers, she tore her mouth away and pleaded, “No, no. Don't stop. Right there. More.” And he obliged her, until she was shuddering with each pass of his fingers.

Cass was kissing her neck and crooning to her. “You're so hot, sugar, so sexy when you come like that. Take it. Take it and come some more for me. So fucking sexy,” he murmured. They weren't love words, but they were the words she wanted to hear. There was pleasure and satisfaction and acceptance in those words. He was telling her he understood her desire, he shared it, and he'd satisfy it. No man had ever given her what she wanted like these two just had.

Beau seemed to know when she'd had enough and he slowly pulled his fingers out of her. She moaned and let her head loll back against the wall. Beau didn't say a word. As she watched he sucked his fingers into his mouth and groaned. He sucked them off, and when he was done he leaned in and kissed her. She could taste herself on his mouth, and liked it, liked his desire to share it with her.

After he broke the kiss, Marian looked between the two men, who were smiling at her. She'd done it. She'd been with two men and the world hadn't ended. It felt as if a new world had opened to her. But there was one more thing she had to do, one more hurdle before she could say she was truly ready to move on from her past.

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