Broken Promises (The Brianna Lane Series) (21 page)

“Stop by my room on the way out and grab the Taser on my bed,” he instructed. “And get one of the others to come with you as well. Be careful, Bri.”

Hanging up, I left my room, hurrying down the hallway to find Lacey. Last time I’d checked in, James and her were heading toward the kitchen for something to eat. A brief scan of the dining area showed no signs of them—my time ticking away.

My next stop was Liam’s bedroom, the defense device exactly where he said it would be. I’d never used one before but there was always a first time for everything. Standing in his entryway, I knew I needed to make a decision—I couldn’t go alone.

“Hey, girl.” Lacey’s greeting was a relief.

“Liam wants me to meet him by Greer Mall so I need you to come with me.” I tugged on her hand in the direction of the exit, eager to be on our way. “He thinks he’s seen another Fae.”

“Then let’s get going.”

We passed by random people coming in from the streets, some smiling and offering a short greeting, a few yawning and looking like they were in dire need of sleep. Jogging down the stairs to the street, we kept to the back ways—always mindful of our surroundings.

“Wait up, my phone is ringing,” Lacey called, stopping to answer it. I took a moment to rest, my heart beating from the quick pace we were keeping. She nodded and then sighed, ending the call before heading over to me.

“That was Noah. He needs me back at the building but I told him I was with you.”

I looked around and shook my head. “No, go back. The mall is only around the corner so I won’t be alone for too long. Liam’s waiting so we’re all good. Trust me . . . I’ll be fine.”

Indecision warred across her features. “I don’t know.”

“I also have a Taser. Plus, I’ll be really careful. Go . . . it’ll be okay.” I shooed her with my hand and smiled.

She nodded and saying goodbye, turned around and headed back to headquarters.

I continued jogging and noticed two strangers across the street coming out from a store. They’re attention was focused on each other, but just in case, I ducked into the alleyway opening until they left.

With my back up against the wall, I took a deep breath and waited.

“Well, isn’t this perfect. I was just thinking about you and here you are.” I hadn’t seen Quinn until he stepped out from the shadows.

He gave my body an appreciative perusal. His arms were folded across his chest as he leaned on the wall, a cocky grin on his face. “I’m glad I didn’t have to retrieve you.”

“What do you want?” I asked, not wanting to fool around with small talk.


“I don’t think it’s a good idea right now, Quinn. We’ve gone through this.”

“Well, I’ve changed my mind.” He pushed himself away from the bricked surface and stalked toward me. “Did you like the show today?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” I stammered, watching his approach. He looked so strong—so incredibly sexy. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, reminding myself to pay attention. Lowering my guard was the last thing I needed.

“Don’t tell me that wasn’t you screaming my name in the Botanical Gardens, Bri.” Finally in front of me, his finger stroked my cheek. I wasn’t quick enough to control my reaction—my body tensing before it shivered.

“You were going to kill that man. What would you have me do?” I whispered.

“Why do you care?”

“Because I love you. I won’t give up on you, even if you have.” My voice was stronger and I forced myself to look into his icy blue eyes.

“Oh, I haven’t given up.” Quinn chuckled. I let out a relieved sigh—the tension between us lessening as he took a step back. “Come. I’m tired of being apart.” He grabbed my arm, and I struggled to keep my balance.

“Stop! I can’t go with you.” I dragged my feet, attempting to stop his momentum, but he was too strong. “Quinn, listen . . . wait!” I tried prying his fingers off my arm. It made no difference.

I didn’t want to go with him. Well, I did, but not like this—with him so altered. His behavior was erratic and as much as I loved him, he also had the power to hurt me. He gave me an extra hard tug, and I crashed into him. Pain flared in my hip, reminding me I had something at my disposal.

“Stop!” I yelled, breaking free of him and pulling the Taser from my pocket. “Now back up.” I kept the device aimed at his chest, never taking my focus off him. Worry flooded his eyes briefly, but it was rapidly followed with cocky assurance. I was beginning to loathe that look.

“Come now, are you really that brave?” He feinted to the left as though he was getting ready to rush at me. I stood my ground, even though my insides were slowly being reduced to jelly.

He’d been banking on my response, a sign of weakness to give him an advantage and the fact I was still standing obviously shocked him. He quietly searched my face for an explanation.

“You weren’t always so light on your feet. Once upon a time, a certain look from me, and you’d fall all over. I can’t say I like this new change.” His scrutiny roamed up and down as if discerning what other differences he could find.

“I’m tired of you not listening. You can’t just come whenever you feel like it and manhandle me.” I tightened my grip on the device, hoping I wouldn’t reveal the slight tremor coursing through me.

He moved, starting with the slow pacing circle of a predator, a small smirk covering his face. Something I’d said must’ve amused him and if I wasn’t careful, the precious ground I’d claimed would be lost.

“If I remember right, you like it when I manhandle you. It turns you on.” His smile softened slightly, his stare heated. “I have to admit you have me intrigued. Don’t doubt for a minute I won’t get my way, but watching you stand there all assertive . . . I don’t think I can wait until I’ve had another chance to enjoy you.” He flicked his hand out, using his fingers to twirl a strand of my hair.

Damn, I silently cursed, struggling to keep my focus. I’d underestimated myself. I’d thought I was immune to his methods of distraction, but like a lovesick fool, I started slipping under his spell again. I needed to banish the stirring emotions and find some extra steel for my weakening spine.

“Stop it. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you can’t bully me. Let me tell you one more time . . . I’m not going with you.” I paused, wanting him to see I was serious. “Don’t test me. You won’t like how this ends if you grab me again.” I added an extra shot of anger to my threat. I’d never been so strict with him in the past—this new Quinn infuriated me.

“And just how is this going to end? You going to zap me? As much as I’m just dying to know . . .” Pausing mid-sentence, his comment was laced with a thread of sarcasm. “I hope tonight ends up with you underneath me writhing in pleasure, eyes pleading me to push you over the edge. I want you screaming my name.”

“Don’t be crass,” I retorted. His words weren’t the only thing that angered me, however, as a heated flush covered my skin. My body was betraying me.

His eyes smoldered as he dropped the intimidation and he seemed to show a glimpse of the old Quinn. His face looked almost tender, his lips softening from the calculated smirk to a gentler smile and my insides pooled hot within my stomach.

Quinn was hard to resist—the chemistry between us crumbling my resolve. I licked my lips in anticipation as he continued seducing me.

“Do you remember that, Bri? Passion filled nights where we couldn’t get enough of each other . . . where you couldn’t tell where your body ended and mine began? Of fevered kisses, caresses, and the consuming need we had to satisfy our cravings? Do you remember that?” His voice lowered to a sultry tone. “Because I do.”

Breathing was hard—my body shaking as I imagined every scene Quinn had successfully invoked. There were nights where I’d wished we could remain like that forever, believing the love we felt for each other could sustain us.

Sharp movement snatched me from my memories as the Taser was yanked from my grasp. I startled from the sound of it clattering across the alley floor—my heart racing for different reasons. Just as suddenly, Quinn pushed me against the wall, placing my hand on top of his jeans.

“See how well I remember?” he whispered gruffly. “See how much I ache for you? Nothing else matters but you and me in this moment. Let’s forget about everything that’s happened. Let’s remember how good it was between us, how good it can . . .” His last words were lost as he nuzzled into my hair.

I relaxed in his embrace, filled with burning need and confusion. I wanted to trust him—needed to believe him. He lifted his head, waiting for my answer, and I got the chance to study his eyes. I ignored the blatant blue color showing the charm’s control. I was more interested in the emotion behind his confession.

I looked deeply and was startled to see he was truly convinced. Somewhere during the conversation, he had stopped being Quinn the Hunter and had become Quinn the Lover. I wanted to believe him.

“Let me show you, Bri. Please.”

It was the please that broke me. I reached out, opening my mouth as his tongue swept in to taste me. Bright hot light exploded in my mind as the aggression and terror of the last couple of days fell by the wayside. It was replaced with a burning desire so fierce, it threatened to engulf me. It filled me with frantic need, and I strained for more.

Quinn’s hands roamed over my body as he responded to my eagerness. I sighed with approval when his hands hitched underneath my bottom and pulled me above his hips. Instinctively, my legs wrapped themselves around his waist, anchoring me to him, and I whimpered into his mouth at the sensations bombarding me. Shots of pleasure coursed through my body—stoking my growing hunger.

I can’t do this . . . I need to stop . . . I can’t stop . . . I don’t want to stop.

My desires warred heavily with my conscience, and with each heated touch my resistance crumbled.

“Show me. Hurry!” My response came out in a breathy plea.

The intensity of our passion increased as our bodies began at a frenzied pace—my fingers desperately pulling at his pants button. Quinn’s hands reached behind me, and with a frustrated growl, took the bottom of my top and tore it. The cold cement against my heated skin felt like heaven.

My lips never left his as my heart pounded heavily. I knew I was being reckless. Somewhere in my head, a voice screamed that I should stop. But I was beyond reaching—I’d given into my hormones and the pull of Quinn.

Time stood still, all noise fading down to a mere whisper as the only sounds I could hear were our unsteady breathing. It was always like this with us. Passion had never been a problem, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I was home.

I didn’t notice it at first. My entire focus was on Quinn and the pleasure he was creating with his mouth and hands, but eventually I couldn’t ignore the sound of my name being shouted. The world came crashing down as I leaned my head against his heaving chest, struggling to regain my composure. I recognized the voice, knew the state I was in, and embarrassment washed over me in waves.

I slowly opened my eyes, tilting my head to the side so I could see his face. Liam stood there with the light of the street behind him, and judging by the look on his face, he was disappointed. I’d promised him on the way home from the grove I’d be careful around Quinn, and never lower my guard. Seeing how easily he could kill had frightened me, and Lacey had agreed—it could have been me.

There wasn’t anything I could say to make Liam understand. No one understood the connection I had with Quinn or the depth of our relationship. No matter what I told myself, I knew now I wouldn’t be able to fight it.

I used my hands against Quinn’s chest, pushing him back as I unwrapped my legs from around his waist. I stood shakily on the ground, trying not to look at Liam. Quinn growled deep within his throat, annoyed at being interrupted. He moved to resume our kissing, but the moment had passed.



Chapter Twenty Two


“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing, Bri? Please tell me you weren’t actually letting him touch you like that after everything you saw today.” Liam struggled to control his disbelief and sounded as though he was being strangled. “I thought we agreed. Your safety comes first!”

I distanced myself from Quinn, realizing by the sudden chill against my skin my back was exposed. I lifted my hand, ready to plead my case, but was cut off before I could open my mouth.

“What’s it to you? Upset you don’t stand a chance of riding her hard against the wall like I was? I can’t imagine how difficult it is, lusting after her and knowing you won’t ever have her. Want me to tell you how sweet she tastes? How she sounds as her back arches and screams your name each time she’s touched?” Horror crashed over me and threatened to drown me in its depth. The Quinn I’d seen minutes ago was gone—the new cold and vicious one back in control.

“Quinn!” I shouted, turning in disgust. I glared at him, but it was as though I wasn’t even there. Liam stepped forward, raising his voice over mine, his fists clenched tightly by his side.

“Don’t talk about her like that.” Fury colored Liam’s eyes as his cheeks turned red with anger. “I gave you the benefit of the doubt for her sake, but first impressions ring true . . . you’re nothing but a douchebag. I don’t know why she thinks you’re worth saving.”

“Do you think I give a damn what you think?” Quinn sneered in response. “This doesn’t concern you. I suggest you leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere without her. I suggest you leave . . . before someone gets hurt.”

“Before someone gets hurt?” Quinn chuckled, placing himself into an arrogant stance. He came across as conceited and unconcerned by what was happening, but I’d finally learned to never underestimate him. He had the ability to talk with a mouth of an angel while ripping your heart out like the devil himself. “And I suppose you’ll be the one doing the hurting?”

Quinn turned his focus to me, sarcasm still heavy in his voice. “Well done, I see in the midst of all this you’ve managed to find yourself an avenging angel. Look how quick he is to jump to your defense. How ready he is to guard your honor. Does he understand you have none? That just moments ago you were rubbing yourself against me like a common whore?”

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