Broken (Soldiers of Darkness MC Book 1) (10 page)

She turns around, and there’s a slight smile on her face and I realize I still don’t know how old she is. But I got well over a decade on her, that I’m sure of.

‘Yes. You are.’

This girl’s balls just keep on getting bigger.

I walk over to her, stopping just in front of her, close enough to reach out and touch her cheek; run my fingers over her slightly open mouth. I’ve yet to feel those lips wrap around my cock, but they will. She’s gonna suck me dry, the way I did her. ‘You’re gonna audition for me, darlin’. Just like every other girl who walks through those doors.’ Her eyes are clear and bright as they fix on mine. Nothing fazes this kid, and that excites the crap out of me.

‘Audition?’ She raises an eyebrow, and the corner of her mouth twists up into a disbelieving smirk.

‘You’re gonna show me what you can do.’

I already have a pretty good idea of what she can do. And of course I’m just gonna give her the job, but I guess I’m after a bit of foreplay first, because I know for sure that whatever she’s about to show me, it’s gonna end with me fucking her.

‘The guys who come in here, they need entertaining. I gotta be sure you can do that.’ She knows what I’m doing, but she wants this shit just as much as I do or she wouldn’t be here.

She trails her fingers down over my chest, her eyes still staring me out. ‘I can do anything you want me to.’

‘You should be careful what you say, darlin’, ‘cause I got one sick and twisted mind.’

I feel her breath start to quicken, and I know we gotta get this thing going before my cock goes ahead and starts the party without me. I look over at Odi, who’s getting up close and personal with Cora, a real pretty blonde who’s been here at
for years now. She’s one of our best girls, a real experienced twisted bitch who specializes in hot-as-shit girl-on-girl action, which is always a favorite with the crowd. I wonder if Izzi’d go for that, and the image of Cora with her face buried in Izzi’s pussy fills my head. Man, that is gonna happen! ‘Odi! We got a private room free?’

Odi raises his head from between Cora’s tits and grins. That’s one man who sure knows how to make the most of the perks being my VP provides. ‘One at the end’s free, boss.’

I turn my attention back to Izzi. Her eyes are fixed on the stage where a naked brunette is practically fucking the pole. I can’t make out whether she’s shocked, disgusted or eager to have a go herself. Every part of me hopes to Christ it’s the latter. ‘Come on.’ She looks at me, but her expression’s vacant. ‘Time to show me what you got, baby girl.’

She follows me to the private room, and once we’re inside I lock the door behind me. I don’t want disturbing. This could take some time.

‘You take it from here, darlin’.’

I make myself comfortable on the couch that faces a metal pole and a wall of mirrors. The lighting’s dim, the atmosphere dark because of the deep red walls and black floor but this ain’t no cheerleading try-out. All kinds of shit goes on in these rooms, and I’m here for some of my own.

I reach behind me and flick on some music, the first few chords of Delta Deep’s
‘Down in the Delta’
vibrating off those deep red walls. And it’s like someone’s just flicked a switch on her, too, because the second the music starts she becomes that walking wet dream all over again. She’s stripping like a professional, uncovering every inch of that shit-hot body in a way that’s making me freakin’ crazy! I’ve seen it all before, but the way she’s moving; it’s all I can do not to set my aching cock free and jerk off right here.

I lean forward, my eyes fixed on her firm, tight ass as she throws herself up the pole and there’s no way she ain’t done this before. Those thighs of hers are gripping that cold steel like they were born to do that, and then she reaches the ground and spreads her legs wide, giving me a glimpse of freakin’ heaven. She dances like a dirty angel, and she knows what works; she’s gonna be a fucking hit out there on that stage, but this girl, she sure as hell is gonna be giving me private dances every freakin’ day she’s still here.

Her eyes lock on mine as she sashays over to me, naked except for boots with heels so high I’m surprised she can walk at all, but they make her legs look fucking unbelievable! Jesus, I ain’t sure how much longer I can do this, but the silent message she’s giving me tells me I’m about to get the finale I’m looking for.

She leans forward, her hands on my knees as she prises my legs apart, and then she unzips me and grasps my cock between her fingers as she sinks to her haunches.
She’s only taken the tip in her mouth but this is fucking killing me! Her tongue flicks over and over it, her hands cupping my balls, and then she lets go, and I almost cry out in frustration. I want to come; I want to come so freakin’ bad but I ain’t wasting this. Whether it’s in her mouth or her pussy I’m coming inside her.

I let out the longest groan as she runs her tongue the whole length of my shaft before taking me fully in her mouth, and I’m in deep, man! But she only keeps me there for a few seconds, and that’s a killer. It’s a fucking killer. She knows how to play me, and if she can do this to me, when I know I’m gonna get to fuck her hard any minute now, Christ knows what she’s gonna do to those guys out there when she’s opening her legs and showing them paradise because they ain’t getting shit from her. She’s gonna fuck with so many heads…

She puts her hands back on my knees and leans right over, and her tits are hovering so close to my mouth but I resist the urge to suck on a nipple because that could cause my cock to time out, and I still ain’t inside her.

She backs off slightly, moving her hips in time to the music, her eyes never leaving mine as she dances and she knows what she’s doing to me. She’s a cock-teasing bitch who’s gonna earn me so much fucking money…

‘Come here.’ I can’t watch her no more, I need to fuck her, now. I’ve seen what she can do, and she’s a freakin’ natural. But I need to fuck her, now.

And like a good girl she does as she’s told, moving those hips one more time, her fingers buried in her hair as she lowers herself down onto me, and I’m finally inside her, the relief so fucking painful I ain’t ever felt anything like it before.

I grab onto her hips as she moves up and down, my cock sliding in and out of her so quick and so fast it’s making me light-headed. And then she leans right back, her tits pushed out as far as they can go, and I can see it all – her clit’s swollen and hard, and I let go of her hips and pull her labia wider apart so I can get an even better view. I’m so fucking deep in her now, because I’ve pulled her down so far I’m in there completely, right up to my overloaded balls, and I’m touching her right where she needs to be touched because I can feel her reacting. Her muscles clench, so tight she’s almost squeezing the life out of me; the music’s coming to a head, and so are we. She screams out loud, I mean, real from-the-pit-of-her-stomach screams, and that makes me come like I ain’t ever come before as she jerks and thrusts on top of me. I can feel her spilling out over my balls, her juices soaking my lap and I don’t ever want to leave this room. Just lock the door and leave us to fuck ‘til we can’t take no more.

She got the job.

And I still got a problem I gotta sort out.

She should go home.

But I can’t let her do that.

Not yet.

And I know I’m in the kinda trouble I ain’t ever been in before…

Chapter Ten





I close my eyes and let the cool water rain down over my naked body. I’m washing him off my skin even though I don’t want to. But the guilt I feel every time he touches me is something I still can’t control. While he’s fucking me, like I’m some no-good whore, because that’s all I am to him; while he’s fucking me I get off on that in a way that both excites and disgusts me. But there’s an irrational part of me that still feels like I’m betraying Aiden. He’s been dead little over a year. I’m supposed to be here to avenge his and my father’s murders. Getting involved with a dangerous biker wasn’t supposed to happen, and I curse Sam for sending me to him.

Switching off the shower I close my eyes again and rest my forehead against the glass screen, breathing in deep. I really don’t know what I’m getting into here, but at the same time I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m not the girl I used to be. I’ll never be her again, she’s gone. But the person I’ve become, she’s taking some getting used to. Yet, when I’m with Mack, it’s like she’s always been there. Around him I feel invincible. So I need him. For a hundred different reasons I need Mack Slayer. Or maybe I’m just kidding myself, making up excuses because I don’t want to face up to what’s really happening.

I step out of the shower and look at my reflection in the mirror, running a finger down over the rose vine tattoo that stretches from the side of my right breast down to my thigh. Another mark on my skin that’s helping to permanently brand me as somebody else, somebody new, because, without Aiden I don’t want to be that girl I’d used to be, not anymore. Not without him. He’d been my life, and the night he died my life ended, too. I needed to start a new one, and I have. I will. Once those bastards are dead.

I let my fingertips linger over my breasts as I continue to stare at my reflection, and I shiver as I remember Mack’s touch.
been in control there in that room.
Not him. The women are always in control, men like Mack just don’t see that, or they refuse to acknowledge it. It was me who made his cock hard, me who made him come like a horny teenager. That was all on me. And I’m going to continue to do that, for as long as I can, because the more I control him with all the dirty, twisted sex he wants the weaker he becomes. He’ll take his eye off the ball eventually, because I know what he’s doing. He knows I’m not really going back home, he isn’t stupid. I was naïve to think, even for a second, that he might believe my lies. He’s given me a job at
so he can watch me, keep an eye on me; make sure I don’t do anything rash. He knows I’m still after Viper’s crew. But he’ll take his eye off the ball. Eventually. I’ll make sure of that. And when he does, I need to make sure I’m ready to strike.

My new plan is already in place.

And Mack doesn’t know the half of it…





I look at my brothers as we sit around the table. I called church tonight for an update. And what I’m hearing gives me every reason to smile. I can trust these guys with my life, I know that. We’re moving up now, this partnership with Viper’s crew is making us the kinda money we ain’t seen in a long time, and that’s easing problems we could ill afford to have. We’ve paid off debts, got people off our backs that make Viper’s crew look like pussycats. We can truly sleep well at night. Or I could, if I didn’t still have that uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach – because of Izzi, and what she might or might not be planning to do.

Izzi. I still don’t know her last name, and I still don’t care. Izzi. The girl with the perfect tits and warm pussy. I went back for seconds for the first time in my life and, man, she was worth it.

I check my watch. She’s due at
in half an hour. It’s her first night on stage tonight, and I’m gonna be there to watch her. She may think she’s dancing for every guy in that room, but she’ll be dancing just for me because the second she steps off that stage I’ll be there, to claim my President’s benefits.

‘You OK, boss?’

Duke’s voice shakes me from those thoughts of Izzi’s tits and tight pussy. ‘I’m just fine, Duke.’ I place the gavel I’ve only just realized I’ve been clinging onto down on the table and stand up, pushing my chair back. ‘You coming to
tonight? Got a new girl starting and I’d like as much feedback as I can get as to how y’all think she does.’

Duke’s face breaks into a grin. ‘You got that English girl taking it all off, huh?’ His expression suddenly changes, and I assume it’s because he’s just remembered the reaction he got from me the last time he said something mildly disrespectful about Izzi. ‘I mean…’

I laugh out loud and slap his shoulder. ‘Relax, Duke. I ain’t gonna throw you up against no wall again. Yeah, I got her taking it all off. She’s gonna strip right down until she’s as naked as the day she was fucking born, although, believe me, she got this pair of boots she keeps on that’ll make your dick react just by looking at them.’

‘Jesus, boss… Hey…’ His mouth twists up into a smirk. ‘You fucked her yet?’

I grin widely and slap his shoulder again. ‘None of your fucking business, kiddo.’

‘They’re all gonna be on her like flies round shit, y’know that, don’t you? I mean, she’s new and all, and she’s fucking red hot! And she’s English, man, that’s a fucking turn-on all by itself. All new girls, they’re fair game to all us brothers, remember? Club perks.’

I narrow my eyes, just slightly. I don’t want any of them to know what that girl really does to me; how I crave her more than any drug. How fucking her is an addiction I can’t shake. Admitting that is a weakness, and I ain’t weak. ‘You’re all welcome to try, Duke. They’re the rules. But there ain’t no rule that says any of those girls has to reciprocate. You get lucky, OK. That’s a bonus. You get rejected, you move on to the next one.’

Duke grins again, and I feel a small flicker of – Jesus, I can’t explain what it is ‘cause I ain’t ever felt it before, but I ain’t sure I like it. It’s kicking around my stomach and rising up into my chest and I need a drink. A shot of whiskey. Something.

‘I’m gonna ride over there now.’

‘OK, boss. Anything you need me to do before I head over?’

I shake my head, and leave without looking back.

I gotta get a grip here.

I gotta get my head straight.

This shit ain’t me, and I gotta job to do.

I ain’t got time for distractions, no matter how beautiful they are.





The other girls here at
are really nice. I don’t know what I was expecting – I guess I thought I’d be stepping into a room full of bitches, but they’re just like me, all looking for a way out; something different. Maybe I’m the only one planning to kill someone, but that’s the only difference.

‘Mack Slayer approached you yet, honey?’

I turn my head to see a pretty, blonde woman with spectacular tits and impossibly bright eyes join me in front of the mirror. I can only assume she’s wearing contacts.


She throws me a friendly smile before she turns back to face the mirror, and I watch as she sweeps a mascara wand over her long lashes. ‘Has he fucked you yet? And I’m guessing he has.’ She returns the mascara wand to its tube and steps back from the mirror, fluffing out her blonde curls. ‘Ain’t no girl made it this far without having had
pleasure.’ She throws me another smile. ‘And it really
a pleasure, I gotta say. Wouldn’t you agree?’

I feel slightly uncomfortable. It’s not the knowing that Mack’s fucked every girl in this room, that isn’t it. I don’t care about that, I knew his reputation, knew the way he worked before I even met him. It’s the knowing that he’ll continue to do that. It makes me feel slightly sick, and I try to brush it aside.

‘I’m Cora, by the way.’

Her voice drags me back into the room, and I quickly return her smile. ‘Izzi. I’m Izzi.’

‘Oh… you’re our little English girl… How old are you, honey, if you don’t mind me asking?’


‘You look younger. Mack’ll like that. Doesn’t like ‘em
young; likes to stay on the right side of legal...’ She leans over the counter and reaches for her hairbrush, and I can’t help but admire her ass. I know I’m going to be asked to do some girl-on-girl stuff at some point, and that doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I’m curious, I’ll try anything once. I’m giving cold-blooded murder a go, aren’t I? I just hope, if I am asked to do that kind of thing, that I get to play with Cora. ‘So
got his dick working overtime.’ She fixes me with a look, and I can see in her eyes that she’s up for anything. ‘Looking like that, looking so young, but being all legal.’


She moves a little closer to me and she reaches out to brush her fingers lightly over my breasts, and that’s when I suddenly realize I haven’t yet covered them up, but what the hell. It’s Mack I really want touching them, but Cora will do. For now. ‘You and I, honey… we’re gonna play together, OK?’

I smile, because I’m up for that. In fact, part of me can’t wait for that game to begin, but I’m going solo tonight, apparently. ‘I look forward to it.’

She leans in even closer and drops her hand but I catch it. We aren’t playing yet, and she needs to wait her turn.
in control here, not her.

‘Yeah… we’re gonna get along just fine.’ Cora smiles and pulls her hand away from mine. ‘Good luck out there tonight, darlin’.’

I don’t need luck. I can ride that pole like I been doing it all my life. A few years ago me and some girlfriends took pole dancing classes for a laugh, as a way of keeping fit, but I took to it like a natural, so I was told. Aiden used to get the benefit of those sessions, although we never went as far as getting a pole fitted in the bedroom. But we were never short of ways to improvise. So this – this isn’t a fluke. It’s not like I just walked in here and was magically able to throw myself up a steel pole. I know what I’m doing.

‘Everything OK, Izzi?’

I swing around the second I hear his voice. ‘You checking up on me?’

He strides across the room like he owns the place, and then I remember he does. And every girl in here has their eyes fixed on him as he walks towards me. He has the kind of enigmatic, dirty charm that attracts women. Certain women. Women like the one I’ve recently become. He is so far away from everything that Aiden was, but that’s why he has that attraction. I don’t want someone like Aiden, that would be way too painful. I need different. But do I really need Mack Slayer? I want him, but that isn’t the same thing. Every girl in this room wants him. I’m not sure any of us need him.

‘I always check up on my new girls. Ain’t that right, Cora?’

He winks at her, and she gives him a slow, sexy smile that makes my stomach twist up into a tight knot.

‘You going to be watching?’ I ask, even though I already know the answer to that.

‘Oh, I’m gonna be watching, darlin’.’

He leans in a little closer to me, his hand surreptitiously resting on my hip, his breath warm on my neck as his mouth closes in on my ear.

‘I’m gonna be watching real close, baby. And when you’re done, you come straight to my office, you got that? Because whatever you do out there tonight, it’s gonna get me so hard you ain’t gonna believe it.’

He quickly pulls away, digging his hands into his pockets as he turns to leave, but not before he’s flashed that smile of his at each and every one of us girls.

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