Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker (18 page)








Chapter Twenty Nine


There isn’t a dry eye in the room as my mother places my veil on my head. It is a beautiful veil with crystals all over the netting that covers my face. I take a deep shuddered breathe trying to push back my tears.

Cassidy walks over to cover my mother’s shaking hands and helps her fasten the clips in place. A tear slides down my cheek as I look at my mom in the mirror. She is glowing with happiness. If it weren’t for her frail looking body, today you would not know that she is sick.

“You look so lovely,” Cassidy chokes out. “That son of mine, better count his blessings. He is a lucky one.”

I smile and reach to squeeze her hand. “I’m the lucky one. He makes me so happy,” I say through trembling lips.

“You just don’t go taking your time making us grandmothers,” Cassidy says as she looks over to my mom.

I watch as my mother’s eyes fill with more tears. I see the pain in her eyes, but she quickly covers it. She nods, “I agree. Having you was one of the greatest things I have done in my life. I can’t wait for you to know that joy.”

I laugh. “You two need to talk to Wyatt. The firm has been busy. I don’t know if it is the time to think about babies,” I chortle.

“Nonsense, he’s a Black. Not only do they keep their peckers busy, but they also love to make babies,” Cassidy says with a wide, proud grin.

Everyone bursts into laughter. Heather shakes her head and steps closer. “Now I know why Joe said to keep an eye on you,” Heather teases and winks at Cassidy.

“Joe thinks a wee babe like you can keep me in check,” Cassidy snorts. “My husband obviously still has much to learn. Remember this Nellie, they are never too old to still give some training. ”

We all laugh and I shake my head at Wyatt’s mom. Leave it to her to be able to change the atmosphere in a room. I am grateful to her. Any more tears and they will have to do my makeup all over again.

A knock comes through the door of the guest bedroom in Mom and Steve’s house. Bean opens the door and Steve walks in. He takes one look at me and his eyes mist over. I fight not to start crying again.

I stand up and turn to face him. Steve moves forward giving Mom a kiss on the forehead, before pulling me into a hug. His embrace is so warm and protective. It soothes the pain of my real dad not bothering with responding to my invite to one of the most important days in my life. It was short notice, but I at least expected a reply.

Steve was so happy when I asked him to walk me down the aisle. I break the hug and wave my mom over so that we can have a family group hug. Once we are in the hug, Steve starts to sway us all.

“I love you both so much. I wish I would have found you sooner. My life has been so complete since I became a part of your little family. Giving you away today means so much,” Steve says emotionally.

“I love you both,” I sniffle. “Steve, I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want to do the honor.”

“Thank you, baby girl,” Steve clears his throat and breaks the hug. “Let’s get you down to Wyatt before he comes up here for you.”

Steve winks at me and gives Mom a gentle kiss on the lips. As he helps Mom from the room, my heart bursts with love for him. He has stood by her side for all these years and loved her no matter what. I know in my heart that I have found that type of love too.



I can’t believe I pulled this off. I have to give a lot of credit to Steve. He helped me out so much. Between accompanying me to buy Nellie’s ring, letting me have the wedding in the backyard of his home, and ordering the chairs, tables, and heated tent for the wedding.

My mom pretty much took over the rest, allowing Steve to finalize things she wasn’t able to over the phone. I look behind me at my brothers and nod. There was no way I wasn’t going to have all my brothers stand with me.

We are all looking our God given best in the charcoal grey Tuxedos, crisp white shirts, and brilliant black silk ties. Like I have said before the Black men are a great looking bunch. Even Toby looks happy to be here.

He has been glued to his phone, but he is here and he is smiling. That is more than I expected. I blow out a breath, I feel like I have been waiting forever for Nellie to walk down that aisle.

“Calm down,” Noah chuckles at me, “I think she should run personally, but I know it is too late for that. She is in love with your crazy ass.”

“Yeah, whatever,” I grumble, but still grin at my little brother. “We’ll see how long it takes you to tie Bean down for good.”

Noah snorts. “Bean already knows this shit is for life. I’m not taking anything less. When we get our shit right, we can talk weddings.”

He gives me a cocky grin and I just shake my head. Music starts around us and Noah’s grin turns into slack-jawed awe. I turn to see what he is looking at hoping it is my girl on her way to me.

What I find is Bean and Heather making their way down the aisle. I have to say they both look amazing. The strapless black knee length dresses compliment both of them.

“Fuck me,” I hear Braxton breathe. All of my brothers chuckle and Ryan pats him on the back. We are all lined up by age, so I have to step up and look down the line to see the look on my second youngest brother’s face.

I swear he looks like he is going to pass out or drool on himself. I chuckle shaking my head and look back toward the aisle. The music changes just as I do and Nellie and Steve appear.

I am sure at that moment I am wearing the same look I just witnessed on Braxton’s face. Nellie is dressed in a simple, but elegant gown that flows over her perfect curves. It is sleeveless, with lace over what looks like silk. Between the thick deep waves in her hair and the sleek style of the dress, she looks like a nineteen-thirties movie star. The long flowing veil that is catching the light and sparkling gives her an ethereal look.

I struggle to breathe; taking in a lung full of air and forcing it back out. I was honest when I proposed to Nellie. I remember the first time I saw her. I thought that day that she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. Her smile had taken my breath away. Right now, I am looking at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and once again she has stolen my breath with that smile.

My heart squeezes in my chest when Steve lifts her veil and places a kiss on her cheek. I hold my hand out for hers and the moment her soft hand meets mine, I feel complete. A warmth I attribute to our love washes over me. It’s the same warmth I feel whenever she is in my arms.

“You look absolutely amazing. There are no words,” I say loud enough for only Nellie to hear.

Her lips tremble as she whispers. “Thank you.”

I know those two words are for more than the compliment I have given her. I look over her shoulder to see her mother with her own tears running down her cheeks. I say a silent prayer of thanks that she is here. She has been spending more time sleeping than not.

The ceremony is quick. It was something we both agreed on because of her mom. I had my own selfish reason as well. I can’t wait for her to be Mrs. Black. When the officiant says I can kiss my bride, I lift her by her waist pulling her against my body and kiss her so deeply I know I have stolen her breath just as she did me.

Everyone cheers and my brothers pat me on the back in congratulations. I don’t break the kiss throughout it all. Nellie giggles against my lips and only then do I release her mouth. I look deep into her light brown eyes and get lost in the happiness I see there. I commit the moment to memory.

“I love you so much,” I say just for her ears.

“I love you too,” she says breathlessly.

“Alright you two, I’m starving,” Felix grumbles playfully.

I look around at our family and life has never seemed better. Nora catches my eye and blows a kiss at me. I wink at her and mouth,
“Thank you.”














Chapter Thirty


Watching Wyatt dance with my mom is one of the sweetest moments of the day. Whatever he is saying for her ears only, puts such a smile on her face. I feel the tears prick my eyes, Wyatt Black is my husband and he is amazing.

“He’s a great boy, isn’t he,” Joe Black says proudly as he catches me watching Wyatt and Mom. I turn to look up at him as he twirls me around the dance floor.

“He’s amazing,” I say through my emotions.

“He’s crazy about you, and I mean crazy. He threatened us all. Said if we didn’t make it here he’d kick all our asses,” Joe’s laugh booms across the dance floor as he throws his head back. His eyes crinkle around the sides as they sparkle, reminding me of Wyatt.

I shake my head and laugh as well. “Sounds just like him,” I giggle.

Joe smiles down at me. “You know there was no need for the threat. I can speak for my whole family when I say we love you too. We are here for whatever you need,” I watch his eyes soften with his words and get too choked up to reply.

Joe chuckles. “That means next time he has to go out of town we will still be looking to see you every Sunday. Cass almost killed Missy in your absence,” a deep laugh rumbles in his chest.

“Oh no,” I giggle. “Speaking of which, she didn’t want to come along?”

It had surprised me a little that Missy didn’t come along with Johnathan. Just a little. I look around and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. It is just a small reception with my Mom and Steve, Wyatt’s mom and dad, his brothers, Bean and her parents, Uncle Chase and Aunt Jennifer, Heather and her parents, Uncle Rob and Aunt Faith.

Wyatt had asked me if I wanted a bigger wedding, he promised we could have one as soon as I wanted, but this was all I wanted. The people that mattered most were right here in this backyard.

Joe winks at me, a smile playing on his lips. “I don’t believe she received an invitation.”

I laugh and shake my head again. A large warm hand wraps around my waist and I know it is Wyatt. I turn to find him looking down at me with the biggest smile on his face.

“Dad, do you mind if I cut in,” Wyatt says without pulling his eyes from mine.

“I didn’t think you would stay away this long,” his father teases. Joe places a kiss to my cheek before releasing me into Wyatt’s arms.

I look around for my mom and find Steve slowly leading her into the house. The smile fades from my face and I try to pull away to follow and check on her. Wyatt tightens his hold and pulls me into him.

“Let her husband take care of her while your husband takes care of you,” he whispers in my ear. I melt at his words as it sinks in that he is really my husband now.

I bite my lip looking back in the direction Steve and Mom have gone. I am torn. I want to check on my mom, but this is my wedding. I should relax and enjoy it and not worry so much. Mom has looked so happy today.

As if reading my thoughts, Wyatt presses the side of his face to mine as he sways me to the new song that is playing. “She said for you to enjoy your day, Baby. She just needs to lie down for a bit. She made me promise not to cut the cake without her. She’ll be back,” he whispers and I feel my mind and body relax.

“Okay,” I whisper back and he kisses the side of my face.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look,” he asks pulling back just enough to look me deeply in the eyes. His hands slide up my sides that are bare. My gown only has three thin straps of silk and lace running down the center of my back.

A shiver runs down my spine and I look away from his intense gaze. Wyatt chuckles and dips his head to kiss my neck. “I love that you are still shy around me, even after I have fucked you over and over, and now you are my wife,” he breathes against my neck.

“Wyatt,” I chide him and look around to see if anyone is close enough to hear him.

He growls into my neck. “You’re mine. I can talk to my wife about how much I love her shy smiles and how fucking hot she is when she comes on my cock. I can tell my wife that every time I see her blush I want to fuck her until she let’s go and shows me that little wild woman that lives inside her,” his voice rumbles through me and I swear my pussy clinches right then, sobbing all over my thong.

“Wy, if you don’t stop we may not make it to the cake,” I moan quietly.

He chuckles and lifts his face from my neck to kiss my temple and then my lips. “I love you, Nellie Black,” he says with a huge smile. Suddenly his face turns more serious. “Are you happy, Baby?”

“Yes,” I reply as I play with the short hairs at the nape of his neck. “Thank you so much. For dealing with my ex, for being here for my mom and me, for this amazing wedding, and for just being you,” I say as I get lost looking in his eyes.

“Thank me after we have been married a year or at least, wait until after I make good on my promise to turn you out,” he wiggles his brows and licks his lips, sending a hot spark of heat rushing between my legs.

“That promise wouldn’t have anything to do with all the toys I found hidden in your closet, would it,” I smirk at him.

His cheeks turn pink and he rests his forehead on mine. “You found that stuff huh,” he says softly.

I bite my lip and nod my head trying not to laugh at him. Right now he is so cute, he looks like a little boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar. His eyes search my face for my reaction to the toys and things I found in the closet.

I lift up on my toes to whisper in his ear. “It’s okay, I know my husband is a bit of a freak,” I tease.

That wolfish smile returns to his face. “You have no freaking idea what you signed up for,” he growls at me. “By the way, you found that stuff in
closet, Baby.”

My smile falters a little, “Wyatt, I still can’t leave my mom,” he kisses me to cut me off.

“Where I am you are. This is where you need to be so this is where I am,” he says against my lips.

Just like that, I know I have fallen in love with him all over again. That has been happening a lot over this month. Are we crazy for getting married after only five and a half months of being together? Yup, but I would be crazy with this man any day any time.

He’s shown me more love in the last five and a half months than I ever saw in a two-year relationship. Right now I know I would do it all again.
Only I would probably jump his bones a whole lot sooner, now that I know the pleasure he is capable of bringing.
The thought brings a smile to my face.

Yeah, my husband couldn’t be any more amazing. I sigh and bury my head in his chest. I inhale his strength, not knowing how much I’ll really need it.








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