Brother's Keeper (13 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Finn

I put my mouth and nose up to the top of her pubic region and inhale deeply. Her scent is more intoxicating than I ever imagined it could be. It is her own private scent, and it belongs to me now. And I find that even though I’ve already allowed myself to come once, I may well struggle to slow myself with her. My excitement is already building again. As I look up, I see that she is trembling with anxiety, and I immediately feel guilty for having gotten so lost in her already.

I stand to face her and gently touch her mouth. Her lip is still swollen, and the cut is quite evident. And as my lips meet hers for the first time, I gently use my thumb to pull her lower lip down before moving in again and claiming her lips. Soon the delicious smacking sound of our lips softly tasting and taking over each other’s mouths is the only sound in the room. But after I’ve had her lips for many long moments, I press my tongue into her open mouth, careful not to be too rough. This is the first taste of her mouth I’ve gotten, and it is so incredibly sweet. She moves her tongue against mine as she leans her body into me. I feel her tight nipples brushing against my bare chest, and my erection is growing with every second. Soon, it is high between us, and her hands have found their way back down to my cock. I allow myself but a few wonderful moments of her touch before stopping her.

I grab the towel and place it folded on the side of the bathtub, providing her a soft seat for her sore bottom. I then instruct her to sit down. She does so willingly. I again kneel in my spot on the bathroom rug and place my hands on her knees, slowly pulling them apart. She tenses and locks her knees into place.

“Don’t be afraid. I want you to let me taste your pussy.”

Her eyes are huge, her mouth frozen in a startled “O”. But she manages to find her voice. “I can’t. I’m too nervous.”

“I know you are, but you don’t have to be scared with me. I won’t hurt you, you know that. But I want you to give me what I want. And I want this.”

She bites her lower lip, hesitantly gives in, and relaxes her legs. As I part her legs slowly, I can see how wet she is. She tries to resist me when I part her legs further than she’s prepared, and I press her knees firmly apart with a soft but insistent hand as she adjusts to being this open to me. I can now see her every inch, and she is soaking wet and swelling with desire. I place my hand on her abdomen and run it down her stomach to the most intimate spot on her body. There, I spread her lips open with my fingers and study her. She is beautiful—her slick pink skin trembling at my intrusion. She is uneasy, but overcome by her desire. She watches me intensely as her body continues to tremble. I touch her swollen clit, and she immediately jerks and cries out in response. She watches as I lick my middle finger and then run the finger from her clit down to her opening before pressing into her. She moans softly and lets her head fall back. I gently move my finger in and out of her wet, slick opening. She is tight, and the pressure is pushing her. She starts to pant and watch my hand. Just as in my fantasy, she is turned on by watching me fuck her with my finger, and her body starts to move and push toward me.

I lower my head to taste her, and her bottom comes off the towel completely at the first touch of my tongue. She is in ecstasy and so am I. She tastes incredible, so very Rowan, and I will never forget her taste. I stop fingering her and focus on her clit. I suck and gently pull with my mouth, stopping occasionally to fuck her with my tongue. Then I lick her from hole to clit. She is watching, just as I wanted her to, and I don’t take my eyes off her. My cock is hard, and I can’t help but stroke myself. I stop eating her and go back to fingering her. I slide two long fingers inside her, and the invasion is almost too much for her. But she is wet, and she keeps pushing herself forward to me. She is intently alternating her view from my fingers thrusting inside her to my hand stroking my cock, mesmerized by the view of both. She is breathing quickly and can’t take her eyes from me.

She's breathless when she whispers, “Make yourself come. Please, I want to watch you come.” That will definitely not be a problem.

I start eating her pussy again with my fingers still plunging in and out. She is starting to lose it, and I have a hard time keeping her bottom on the side of the bathtub as she is pushing herself forward. Within moments, she is coming hard. She isn’t loud but cries out in her release. And as she reaches and passes over her climax, my mouth leaves her hot wet center as she slides off the side of the tub in front of me nearly collapsing. I have to change my angle but keep thrusting my fingers into her, and then slowing my strokes, as she kneels, knees and legs spread wide for me. I’m still stroking my cock with my other hand, and she watches as I come, releasing myself all over her stomach. She lowers her bottom to the ground as I slow my fingers inside her and slow the strokes of my cock. I finally slide my slick wet fingers from her body, and we stay there spent. She reaches out and gently rubs my subsiding cock as I exhale deeply.

When I’ve recovered my senses enough, I finally find the washcloth and slowly start wiping the rivulets of my cum from her belly. Her eyes, now wide and unsure, watch me. Her body is suddenly tense in her insecurity as I continue cleaning her. And as my eyes meet hers, the magnitude of what we’ve just done somehow seems to become very real and sucks the breath out of both our lungs. It is a sensation close to panic that passes over me, and I suddenly see her and what I’ve done to her so clearly. She is my little sister’s young helpless friend, and I’m her best friend’s older brother. Her vulnerability comes flooding back to me, and the forbidden intimacy of what we’ve shared is palpable between us. I’m not attracted to her less because of this realization but more. She
have been forbidden, but I can’t bear not to have her.

I finish wiping myself from her body as she continues to watch me, neither of us saying a word. And finally when I’m done, I ask if she’s okay. She responds that she’s fine and strangely asks me the same thing. Having gotten a grasp on my emotional footing once more, I look at her with a quizzical smile. “Never better.” As much as I stretched her tight virgin entry, and she pushed herself so forcefully into me, I have to know. “Are you sore?”

She hesitates and then slowly nods but doesn’t say a word. She is still watching me, and I’m in heaven being with her here on the bathroom floor, but as she starts to wriggle, the look of discomfort becomes apparent, and I realize that it’s not just her pussy that’s sore. She still has a bruised and sore rear to sit on, and at the moment she’s sitting on the cold, hard, tile floor.


I could stay on this bathroom floor forever, but my butt is truly throbbing now, and I’m not sure how much longer I can stay put. Fortunately, Logan moves to get up and reaches a hand down to help me. We return to the bedroom. I sit on the bed, looking slowly up his incredibly strong and beautiful body to find his eyes. They are a shadowy enigma looking back down at me. He makes no move to dress and crawls in next to me. I lean into him, kissing him, and he pushes his tongue into my mouth gently and deeply.

He finally speaks; it is almost a whisper. His concern and worry show in the sweetness of his voice. “Are you sure you’re okay? I feel like I was too rough with you.”

I was sore from his fingers, but loved the way my body ached. When he slid his finger into me the first time, it was incredible, like no other touch I’d felt before. It felt tight and amazing. But when he finally slid two fingers in, I thought I was going to come unglued. It hurt and ached, and I felt stretched beyond my limit, but at the same time I wanted more. As he kept pushing, my wetness allowed his movement to slide more easily, and my desire to let him invade my body kept building and building. Watching his fingers enter me was more than I could handle, and I started to explode. Every nerve in my body was suddenly redirected to that one place, and I really did explode. That feeling was like being on the verge of insanity. Too much, and I’d lose my mind; not enough, and I’d lose my mind; but just right, and I was in heaven.

But now, after his demanding and desperate touch has subsided, I can see the concern in his eyes, and I wish he could feel the way I do inside. If he could understand how good this ache feels, he wouldn’t worry. He strokes my back and glides his hand over my sore bottom. I turn on my stomach and let his hand stroke my backside. He’s incredibly gentle, and after a moment, he’s leaning up and over me, trailing small kisses all along my back. He eventually makes his way down to my throbbing rear, and he doesn’t hesitate a moment before continuing his trail down over each cheek of my buttocks. It is gentle and relaxing, and as I drift to sleep, he continues to let his mouth tenderly claim and caress every bruise and pain on my body. And the last thought I remember as I give into sleep is,
God, I hope there’s a next time.

Chapter 11

I get up early, having lain awake for what seems like hours. I don’t want to leave Rowan’s warm body for even a moment, but in my restlessness I’ve made a decision, and I can’t possibly know if Rowan will argue with me or agree to my new “arrangement.” She’s sleeping soundly when I creep to the kitchen. I start coffee before I sit down at the table and try to distract myself until she wakes. I’m hoping caffeine will work its clarifying magic on me.

I feel guilty about what happened with her father last night, and so jealously protective of her. I can’t help but wonder if she blames me as much as I blame myself. It was ridiculous of me to think I could protect her from her father. Was I really so arrogant or just stupid to think it was ever a possibility? I want to keep her near me, and my obsession with her has made it impossible for me to even try to separate myself from her right now, especially when the end of our time together is so near. So the decision is quite simple. But the logistics of it are another problem entirely, and getting her to agree to it, yet another.

She absolutely won’t go back to that house. What’s so complicated about that? Managing to keep our little arrangement a secret, for one. The aftermath of my moving cross-country for another. She won’t be moving to Ann Arbor until the end of the summer. My apartment will be rented out to someone else as soon as I’ve moved out and that leaves a stretch of three months where she won’t have a place to live. I know all too well how quickly things can disintegrate with her father, and that is more than enough time for him to hurt her if she doesn’t have a safe place to be. I can’t ask her to stay with Sara during the entire summer break because she would without a doubt refuse, not to mention the questions this would incite from my family. And while I’d like nothing else than to drag her along to Colorado with me for the summer, that certainly would go over like the Hindenburg on more than one front.

The only plan I can seem to come up with that doesn’t blatantly announce our little secret to my entire family is putting her up in her own apartment in Allendale for a time or sending her to Ann Arbor early and paying for an apartment there. Sara won’t appreciate Rowan moving to Ann Arbor three months early, leaving her alone in Allendale for the summer before she follows at the beginning of the school year. But a summer apartment in Allendale will no doubt raise at least some questions with Sara and my family. And, of course, Rowan will worry about the money—not that I have any intention of making her pay for anything, and that alone will be grounds for an argument.

She’ll feel like a burden to me, and it will go against that strong independent streak that is so engrained in her after so many years of fending for herself. Why she could imagine for even a second that she is an inconvenience to me is beyond my understanding. Maybe I’d feel the same way in her position, but she must know by now I’d have her no place but by me, protected jealously by me, and cared for ceaselessly by me. Then again, I would be moving away from her in only a couple short months, and the feeling of abandoning her might just rip me apart by then. The thought of leaving her is a painful stab in my gut I’ve had to get very used to dealing with lately. I wonder if it will be as difficult for her as it is for me. Difficult, perhaps, but
difficult, I can’t imagine. But then, I could never imagine being so attached to someone in all my life either.

A few short months ago, I would never have believed I could become so obsessed with someone as I have her. What happened last night was the most amazing and erotic catastrophe I’ve ever created. Obviously, keeping my hands off of her was a battle I pitifully lost. But by having her more or less move in here permanently for the next few months, I would have to worry about keeping my dick out of her, too.

That was the second of the decisions I’d made lying wide awake in bed this morning next to Rowan. I wouldn’t rob her of her virginity just to leave her mere weeks later. I may have given up on keeping my hands off her, but I certainly wouldn’t take that from her as well. The idea of giving into one final desire and ultimately using her just leaves a horrible bitter taste in my mouth. She deserves far more from the man who takes her virginity, and as much as I wish it could be me, I know it can’t. But the idea of it being anyone other than me nearly stops my heart in my chest. I simply can’t give into the temptation. However, now that I’ve opened Pandora’s box, I did intend to give her every ounce of pleasure she could handle between now and then… just sans sex. Perhaps it will make leaving her even more painful and torturous, but I have a very strong feeling it will be agony either way.

I finally return to my bedroom, tired of waiting for her to wake and missing the feel of her warmth. She rouses when she hears me enter the room, and she smiles sleepily and quite shyly up at me. I sit on the side of the bed and lean down to kiss her still swollen lip. The crack down the middle of her bottom lip looks painful but better than it did the night before, and I’m glad at least she won’t be faced with the probing questions of her friends at school today, not to mention Sara.

When I finally break from her mouth, she looks imploringly at me, and I know a question is to come. She seems nervous and unsure about what she wants to say but finally manages to choke out the question that’s been tormenting her for the better part of the last minute. “Will you make love to me?”

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